
Personal Achievement Quotes

There are 8902 quotes

"It's easy nowadays to be exceptional because so many people are just distracted."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm really proud that I've lost 200 pounds in the last five years and kept it off."
"I've lost... I was 245 pounds last year about this time; this year, and now I weigh 185."
"Skill acquisition: once you have the right skills, you can apply that to accomplishing the things you want."
"It was one of the coolest things I've ever done."
"Being outstanding is not just called the polygyny thing or anything like that, it's really about being outstanding."
"I've always just had something in me to do well."
"I used to, I still have the number one Us Weekly cover that ever sold."
"Kevin, on your YouTube channel, my videos got more views than your videos on average. So, you're not really giving me clout."
"I've done a lot of things I thought were impossible. Nothing's impossible anymore."
"You're gonna need to celebrate yourself. Celebrate all your success."
"I felt my American dream come true, made me feel like very successful, very, very good."
"Put mental health first because if you don't, then you're not going to enjoy your sport, and you're not going to succeed as much as you want to."
"Sometimes you have to do something just to show that you can do it."
"You are doing so very well, and it's going to add to your long-term success."
"Sharon admits that there is none of his achievements in that house that could be compared to making a good friend."
"Trust that you can create whatever it is that you want."
"People are amazed at what you're doing, and you are turning heads."
"I'm quite pleased with 'The Blind Watchmaker.'"
"Mastery of self, control of your thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"If you speak to people who have even scored goals in the World Cup, they'll still tell you that the best moment of their life is when their child is born."
"I've never been happier in my whole entire life."
"You can do absolutely anything if you set your mind to it."
"If you put the work in... it's always going to pay off."
"It's the best year I've ever had in my life."
"I'm actually pretty happy with this improvement."
"Matthew is a very happy man. He is so happy he wrote an entire book on happiness."
"You'll progress through your own efforts; you'll be well-respected. Your knowledgeability, skill sets will be well recognized and appreciated."
"Tomorrow is two years so consistently sober, and it's amazing."
"This is my life's work. This is probably the peak of my career."
"She exits Radio City Music Hall smiling ear to ear; she is on top of the world."
"We measure success not by the position we've reached in life, but by the obstacles we've overcome while trying to succeed."
"We lead with the resume but... we're left with the eulogy. That's all we have in the end."
"I never in a million years thought when I started Dogcraft that I would get to episode 250."
"Belief is the only thing that matters because your experience, what you learn, whatever it is, anything that you achieve, it is literally only based off of how much you believe it's going to happen."
"By actually putting more into what I was eating, it afforded me a championship."
"It is far easier to achieve your material desires than to renounce them."
"Persistent effort to understand the law of visualization and make practical application of this knowledge opens to you free access to all you may wish to possess or to become."
"I feel great, the last time we went as far as cement when Henry, when I was pregnant with Henry."
"I've now ranked up to an amateur miner. Every small victory counts."
"I've never met a person who was not successful that didn't have a great amount of self-discipline within their life."
"I've never done anything that I am more proud of."
"It's probably the best work of my life and also was probably the saddest I've ever been."
"You've got to sleep. So I was looking at my sleep score for last night...I slept 6 hours and 50 minutes but I got 2 hours and 50 minutes of REM and an hour and 19 minutes of deep sleep in a hotel when I landed at midnight. Impressive."
"Wow, that had to be the most insane thing I've ever been a part of."
"I worked hard to try to win it, and not only for Daddy. I'm proud of him going to the Hall of Fame, and he would be proud of this, I'm sure."
"I am unbreakable. I believe that I can achieve anything."
"I've lost 140 pounds so far, nearly 100 of that from keto alone."
"Food always tastes better when someone else makes it for you, and I said, but I made it, and it's a better lasagna than you've made for a year."
"I'm officially exactly 30 lb down. That took me like 5 months."
"It's been 6 months since the last time that I had a drink. That is so crazy. That's so cool."
"It's about your mindset and the dedication towards what you want to do and what you want to achieve."
"You put your mind to it, and you can achieve anything you want."
"They started all talking crap about me one night...they said we just don't get it, like how did she make it; she's not even pretty."
"Take pride in yourself and all that you have become."
"Tonight was for me one of the greatest nights of my life."
"The honorifics, the pursuit of the maximum virtue that you can achieve in society, will only be hindered by spitting out more children."
"It seems to always go back to my children... That's probably one of my greatest accomplishments."
"You cheated not only the game but yourself. You didn't grow, you didn't improve, you took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained."
"Magic defense, yes. And also, I wrote my name on the board. I spelled it correctly the first time."
"Physical exercise is a powerful metaphor for your life. It just gives you proof that 'I can do it' and that 'I can get results'."
"You're gaining Freedom that a lot of people have never even tasted."
"You have everything you need to have everything you want, but you must get to work."
"Ultra-cycling is about personal achievement. It's about doing something extraordinary, but entirely voluntarily."
"A man is measured by his ability to take his thoughts out of his mind and produce his will in reality."
"It's not about winning the contest, it's about furthering the sport, Personal Achievement."
"Success is different for everyone, but it's possible for anyone."
"She's helping people achieve their dreams and was doing it herself in this powerful."
"It's so important... to get in good shape. It will be one of the most rewarding things that you have done."
"You're already successful if you're happy and if you're accomplishing what you set out to do."
"To get my name immortalized in the game was epic."
"I was very proud that I was able to get through it... it really gave me the most resilience I've ever felt personally in my whole life."
"I literally feel like I lived the American dream."
"It might not be impressive to you, but it's impressive to me."
"Not everything has to be content for other people, but you clearly have discipline to sit down and do something so long."
"You are capable of achieving your goals and dreams."
"I've learned through the last four years is that you can do hard things and you can do crazy insane things that you never thought were possible. You can achieve your wildest dreams."
"You are the person that is truly in control of yourself...if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it."
"I want to be able to look back on my life and be so proud of myself forever."
"I achieved more in this one week than I thought possible."
"This year has been probably the greatest year of my life."
"The definition of success is when the people who you want to love you do love you."
"I was just so entranced by the concept of like, 'This is mine and this is my time and I'm accomplishing something with it and it's fun'."
"I had a scholarship D1 for football and basketball."
"I still think to this day, that was the greatest shot I ever made in my life."
"The freedom I'm feeling right now today here with you is my greatest accomplishment."
"The person who conquers himself is greater than the person who conquers a mighty city."
"Making that first $100 online was a game-changing moment for me."
"I lost 120 pounds and I've kept it off for coming up to four years now...I lost weight naturally without any surgery, supplements, or weight loss drugs."
"When she gets into the zone, when she crosses that threshold of like, 'Okay, I've got some momentum here,' she's amazing."
"People value what they earn, and ultimately you will value what you have earned in yourself."
"Lockdown really converted me, and now to win the virtual world champion jersey, I'm super proud."
"I wouldn't be standing here tonight if it weren't for low-interest student loans and Pell Grants."
"I was able to star in a major success...became an ambassador for several nonprofits that I deeply care about."
"I'm officially the very best, like no one ever was."
"Job satisfaction: what would you rather, really think about it, would you rather like a 10% pay increase, or would you rather have the satisfaction of proving your boss wrong on a regular basis?"
"Our ability to be satisfied with our work is something that is well within our grasp."
"It's by sticking with hard commitments that you make with yourself and getting to the other side and realizing, 'I could do this. I didn't die.'"
"2022 was a big year for me, both personally and professionally."
"It's one of James's best finest performances."
"I feel proud that there's moments in my life that I can look back and say, wow, I really showed up for myself."
"What I'm doing right now is very significant because I'm putting the effort to do so."
"This is his week where things could go very well."
"Dutton earned a bachelor's degree from Towson State University and in 1980, he was accepted to Yale School of Drama."
"I still think that the 75 hours I spent in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is more impressive than anything you've done."
"I've been seizure-free for two years, which is awesome."
"This was a special treat of high limit, and I'm glad I made a comeback."
"Nothing that you achieve is going to fix you."
"After over a decade, I was about to finish the very first game I ever got with my 360."
"I'm fine, I'm happy. Don't use the energy that you're gonna use to comment 'Harvard is trash.' Use that energy and celebrate with me when I get into something else."
"You have finally detached yourself from Microsoft Windows as it is right now, and that my friends is a rewarding feeling."
"I'm proud of myself. Like, damn straight I am."
"I lost five pounds, which wasn't a lot, but I went down three pant sizes...I suddenly had abs."
"Being debt-free feels amazing, it's like after all the sacrificing, to finally be done."
"Mr. Chandler is a 22-year-old man with a history of developmental delays and autism. Despite these limitations, he seems to be quite successful in maximizing his academic abilities."
"Whatever you have in life, you got there because God made it happen, not you."
"It's been something that I've worked for and been dreaming about for over 10 years."
"I feel like I'm doing such a good job. Awesome."
"Now that I officially got an S rank and I officially really know how to play this game, it makes me so much happier."
"I love corners now; it's so remarkable just to be someone's shadow and ensure they can't do anything on you."
"I was the first in my family to graduate from college, waitressed my way through school, and became a job creator right here in Georgia."
"Firing your boss and paying off staggering amounts of debt is undoubtedly one of the best feelings in the world."
"Success is very personal and individualistic. It's about doing my best, being the best, and the self-satisfaction of knowing that I put the effort forth to be my best."
"I have so much respect for these people... what we do is not easy."
"Greatness is leaving it all out on the field. It's not about achieving something; it's about playing all out, sincerely pursuing it."
"I'm immensely proud of myself. I'm proud of what I was able to endure."
"Something earned is far more significant than something given."
"I don't know if you know this, but I'm 15 years sober."
"My kids are my greatest accomplishment. My football was great and all that shit, but my kids are unbelievable."
"Fasting for 20 hours and the results that you're getting are amazing."
"I'm wed to Lucid. This is the culmination of everything I've worked for."
"All of them had taken the chance on their dreams, and it was with that knowledge, the knowledge that they had tried, that they felt no regrets."
"Imagine working so hard on something, like putting your whole life, devoting your whole life to it, and people just shoot you down saying no, it's not yours, you didn't do that."
"At a relatively young age, I was able to achieve financial freedom. By age 24, I officially became a millionaire, and by age 25, a multi-millionaire."
"Margaret Thatcher was a unique and towering figure. I disagree with much of what she did, but I respect what her death means to the many, many people who admired her and I honor her personal achievements."
"All things are turning up Darby Hill Monticer."
"For the first time in forever, actually got to see the sunrise. It is 7:26 a.m., and we've got a snowstorm, but I worked out while it was happening. The craziest thing is that I feel really good right now."
"I've lived a life that's full. I traveled each and every highway; and more, much more than this, I did it my way."
"It took him 10 years to build his own mermaid lake, but he has never cruised on it because for him, he was doing it for the community."
"It's not good, but it's okay. You're living the American dream because I became a boxer. Doesn't get better than that."
"I've played Pokémon since I was little, and it felt like the coolest thing to be immortalized in the franchise."
"A four by six mind cannot fit an eight by ten dream... You have to dream big and you have to do it on your own and make it happen."
"Manifest your whole life; obviously, you have to work for it, but I've literally gotten everything I've ever wanted."
"I think career-wise, I'm not chasing breaking records anymore or being bigger."
"Work hard in silence; let your life unfold in silent perfection."
"I've lost 40.2 pounds in six months. I can't believe it. I haven't been this small in nine years."
"I have never felt better. I have lost 30 pounds and am almost back to my weight at 21."
"I got really, really pissed off with people with lots of money telling people who don't have any money they need to pay shit back."
"Lloyd thinks it's strange that he cannot help but think of the time he foiled a terrorist attack and feels that same pride today."
"To me, this trip was a success, and I had pushed myself beyond what I thought was possible."
"I can do something that gave me the greatest personal satisfaction that even money couldn't buy."
"Your wealth is in your health. The better you feel, the more you can achieve."
"You are allowed and encouraged to congratulate Julia on doing an amazing job."
"The more noble the goal, the more intense the joy."
"When I watch Ready Player One, not only do I see this amazing movie that's unlike any movie I've ever seen in my entire life, but I got to help make that movie."
"I mastered consistency, and most people will never do that. They don't have the ability to be consistent."
"I have personally sold over 3,000 fitness programs, serviced over 6,200 high-ticket B2B customers, provided supplements to over 200,000 people in the United States, and personally built, scaled, and sold three businesses."
"True Liberty is not a condition that we're born into but rather one that we achieve through discipline."
"It's hard to sift through all the noise... but I think when you do it successfully, it goes a long way."
"I crocheted this myself. I have like 10 blisters on my left hand, but I think it turned out pretty good, don't you think?"
"I streamed to 30 people... and I grinded and I made it."
"Success that truly belongs to me, success with honor and integrity."
"You're manifesting very well throughout the year."
"I didn't order takeout today. That's big for me."
"It's the first time that like I feel like I made a song where I was like this isn't even funny and it's the best thing I've ever done."
"I've been chosen as one of the crew members for the dear moon mission."
"You have earned the right to come to this life. That right has been earned through great deeds."
"When I was a kid, I was dreaming of exploring the solar system and deep space like in a science fiction movie. So now, working around an entire planetary probe in the clean room, knowing that I contributed to this legendary mission, is a dream come true."
"This is what I've been waiting for, for 29 years."
"For the first time in his life, he knows what it feels like to have people celebrate him."
"I think I can do the farming one, seeing that I have over 10,000 crops."
"I'm so glad I programmed this mod. This might have been the coolest thing I could have done."
"I'm gonna step on that stage looking the best I ever have."
"Achieving some level of status is only good if the people you admire admire you back."
"Hallelujah that I trusted that there is more out there for me. Hallelujah that I trusted that I can achieve what I desire."
"Believe in yourself. You have to believe you can do it. Once you believe you can do it, whatever that might be, really concentrate on that one aspect."
"A marathon is not just a race; it's a metaphor for life. Long, exhausting, but ultimately rewarding if you don't give up."
"Everything I do here is to inspire and to motivate. I didn't grow up with this stuff; I've earned it. You can do this too."
"I've saved hundreds of thousands indirectly and I've saved thousands directly. That's what I've done."
"There's nothing better than finding yourself sort of 20 minutes into typing you think, 'Yes, I'm doing it. I'm doing it.'"
"Don't be mad because I put in more work than you."
"I didn't sleep, I was grinding, look at this."
"I got my first icon, which is my little anime wee person chibi. It's pretty exciting."
"My insulin sensitivity improved by over 600%."
"I paid off thirty-five thousand dollars of debt on a thousand dollars a month as a single mother."
"You don't have to be winning races... if you set a personal best or you just get out there and you feel good and you cover the longest distance you've ever covered in your life, that's a real accomplishment."
"Whatever your certificate cannot give, whatever your birth certificate cannot give to you, favor can give it to you."
"I'm proud that I'm no longer super immobile. I'm not out here running five miles, but I'm mostly able to do things I wasn't able to do before."
"As a child who grew up loving and reading comic books... seeing a depiction of what looks like my face on the cover of a comic... it's more than a dream come true."
"Self-esteem is earned by yourself for yourself."
"I've been able to do things for my family, get them things that they would have never been able to get otherwise."
"It's very amazing; I never thought that I would get to this point in my life."
"It was honestly quite satisfying to see that, for some reason. I don't know why, maybe because I know I can throw a good pitch."
"I've never felt this good mentally or emotionally ever in my life."
"Foreign Awareness Day pleases me no end to see my brainchild accepted into the mainstream."
"Success is coming to your life... You are walking into some brand new success."
"I absolutely love how this project came out; it is something I still have to this day."
"That's huge for me. Like, that's actually massive."
"I am living proof that we can be anything we want to be, but it is about doing... it's about trying to be the best that you can be."
"I wanted financial abundance in my life, location independence most of all, and these three things I've achieved and much, much more."