
Boredom Quotes

There are 1243 quotes

"In deep work, I had this chapter called Embrace boredom... You should have some moments every day where you're free from distraction... and you want to."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a big believer in boredom is where all creative insight comes from."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I don't do well when I'm bored. My mind needs something to be working on."
"As you start being bored, you will discover yourself."
"Wouldn't it be really boring to live in a place where we all agreed all the time?"
"The inability to deal with boredom is one of our greatest weaknesses."
"If you're bored, you're doing it wrong. Something's wrong."
"Everyone's so bored in their [] houses, they just started to make up more [] and more stuff."
"Boredom is a terrible reason to get divorced."
"It's so weird because lately I've been eating a lot of unhealthy [ __ ] just because whatever, it's just like what else am I gonna do?"
"The writer Dr. Samuel Johnson once wrote that when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. But this game would tell you otherwise: when a man is tired of Legion, he is tired of tripe."
"Do you want to live forever? Do I want to? Probably not... Living forever sounds kind of cool until you realize that life can get pretty [ __ ] boring."
"To stave off the boredom before death." - David Bowie
"This journey has been so boring. I'm sure life was much more interesting."
"It's the end of the world, and everyone looks incredibly bored."
"Learn to embrace boredom at a young age... those periods of silence and quiet time is when you figure out and identify what those non-linear opportunities are."
"The interesting thing about traveling is even the boring places are interesting because it's interesting nothing's happening there."
"The death of boredom being a massive contributor to the lack of advancement in society because people that thought of great ideas thought of those great ideas because they had nothing else to do."
"Sammy Davis Jr. once said that he thought boredom was a great help to creativity."
"I'm a creative person, and I just get way too bored with monotonous tasks."
"This world is just so desperately fucking boring."
"I want to be out of my comfort zone. I get bored with things always; I am such an antsy person."
"Boredom is caused not because an activity is inherently boring but because it's not meaningful to the person."
"Boredom is a valuable signal that something should be changed."
"The value of boredom in that situation is the ability to recognize that this isn't meaningful and to go out and find something that isn't boring and is meaningful."
"Boredom can either be treated as a call to practice genuine unconditional presence with whatever it is, so that you are in a state of appreciation for it, or it can be acted as a call to actually take your foot off the brake pedal and go in the direction of whatever it is that you genuinely want."
"When you're bored, you end up creating stuff that's cool. It's like just such TED Talk horseshit."
"Having times of boredom is associated with a lot more creativity... when I'm forced to go inward, I'm probably going to think of some weird stuff."
"Boredom is the rest period that your brain gets... you are coming up with your own ideas."
"I can overcome boredom; I'm the boredom killer."
"Human ingenuity knows no bounds and, when combined with the limitless potential of sheer boredom, we're gifted with some of the most jaw-dropping, albeit slightly unnecessary, technological creations humanity has ever seen."
"While the old saying of necessity being the mother of invention certainly rings true, it seems that boredom is also a hot contender when it comes to motivation."
"Productivity starts with the ability to tolerate boredom. Just learn how to be bored. If you can learn how to be bored, then your productivity will go through the roof."
"Regular chess is boring. You just move some pieces around until someone runs out of time or gets checkmated."
"You're asking me to be bored instead of having fun. I don't like being bored."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're bored."
"If life got to be the point that's boring, you know, it's not a Dungeons & Dragons, you know, magic wish that's gonna go away."
"Boredom, that's truly crippling, it's soul-destroying."
"Boredom is dangerous... risk can lead to opportunity."
"Burdened with glorious boredom you know I can imagine how I mean while being in touch with the timelines and seeing every single story that is unfolding you know God of stories allows for a bit of a narrative control."
"If nothing negative ever happens to your characters, if they survive every fight unscathed, I don't see how that wouldn't eventually get boring."
"There's a backlash to the PC SJW culture mainly because they're so boring and annoying."
"If people are bored or searching for things to do, or if they're just doing mundane and dull stuff, you need to improve your pacing. That is the bottom line."
"I think boredom is actually extremely productive."
"Feeling bored is like, ah I really can't be bothered to do this." - R
"Public school is the most boring experience in life."
"Boredom is possibly the greatest pain of them all."
"The most heinous super villain of all is boredom."
"This year’s irreverent, jaded, and yes, boring Oscars, sounded like the official death knell for American cinema."
"I feel like at this point like we're in it we should just stay the course but also I'm really bored."
"If you watch the movie, you're like this is boring as [__]."
"Women get bored just the way they [are], with the emotions they have to have their emotions engaged."
"Most people love the idea of trading, but actually trading, most people don't... wouldn't find it that interesting because really good trading is a grind."
"It's the only interesting thing that's happened in like eight hours."
"Yeah, I was honestly hoping for something a bit more um, less boring."
"That's just where I stand. You must live such a boring life if you are the same person you were 20 years ago."
"Boredom is necessary; it's healthy to be alone with your thoughts."
"I just watched two seasons of Jeopardy this past month because I was so bored, two seasons!"
"Death is boring now, it's just dull, people living their lives."
"If you're bored of it, go and do what makes you not bored."
"This is like going from watching some playoff or final championship game where one team is just annihilating the other, and you're like, 'This is boring.'"
"So you're bored and how did you get back airborne?"
"Boring, hey, consistency. That's true, actually."
"Imagine the world being so boring that Mizkif has to entertain you. It's like yikes dude."
"Even mundane pleasures can lose their excitement over time."
"Mining is just the worst. Saying it’s atrocious is almost a compliment – it’s so bad, boring and terrible."
"Most of camping is actually very boring and relaxing."
"Mediocrity is worse than bad. A bad game is entertaining; a boring game is torture."
"You'd think you'd get bored of Mario Kart, but there's nothing else to do."
"Everything is just going to become so safe, so sterile, so boring."
"It feels like they had an idea, the city I think it's a cool City, the problem is there's nothing to do in the city."
"I'm so bored, man. Listen, if you're anything like me, you are bored during this NBA break."
"There's nothing more boring than just being told 'hey here's a plus one sword it's whatever.'"
"People don't have a lot to do in a small City."
"Rebellion wasn't just against conformity, it was against stupefying boredom."
"The rebellion wasn't just against conformity, it was against stupefying boredom."
"What you're doing has to be at least interesting but everything is so [ __ ] boring."
"If everything becomes a utopia, people would get bored and they would start just breaking stuff just to have fun. That's pretty interesting."
"Boredom is a wonderful motivator to go do something."
"I wouldn't want to spend life with anyone else. I'm bored when I'm not with you."
"There's nothing else going on, so it's just all right."
"That is lame, we're gonna have to do something new."
"It's super fun to open and people like watching it."
"If you're talking to somebody who's very boring, chances are you don't want to wait very long for them to get around to saying something."
"We hope there's something just a little bit more interesting rather than just dropping them and going, hey all exeggutor right now are a lowland and they're everywhere, that's boring."
"It's like watching paint dry, less exciting than golf, yeah, yeah."
"There's no reason to be bored, there's always something happening."
"Ken is like the safest bet of anything. This is the most boring character you can."
"But the reality is Trump's response is very boring exactly everything about Trump has been so much more boring than they've tried to claim."
"You make it boring, you make the gameplay boring and super stale to watch, people won't want as much."
"The people were the most boring aspects of this entire story."
"The greatest gateway to sin is not temptation, it's boredom."
"Lonely doesn't even exist for me. Bored? Yes, I get bored a lot."
"The actual fastest strategy is to just be boring for the second half of it."
"This person's bored and they're tempted to explore their options elsewhere because they're not getting anything or they're not feeling any umph."
"Isn't it sad that you guys are already bored? Screw that, whoopee bored, people are saying screw the duel."
"Unemployment: Some days are like summer vacation, but hanging out in your underwear with nothing to do is unbearably boring."
"Batman is just a bored rich man who decided to be Batman."
"Kids, if the bored monster comes, there's only one way to get him to leave us alone."
"It's funny because when we were filming that hotel archives, I remember sitting in the hotel and just being so bored at one point."
"Just doing romance in every fing movie is so fing boring."
"Fall in love with boredom. Can you speak about that in the broader context of forming a habit?"
"Life is boring, and here's the uncomfortable truth."
"I see it as you know these are the teenagers smearing dog [ __ ] on people's car handles because they're so bored."
"If everything you touched was successful, you probably wouldn't relate to people as much. You'd be bored silly."
"Boredom is a good place for someone to sit, but they shouldn't look to get out of it. They should just look to find something to do with themselves, like a purpose."
"Hey sis, I'm really bored, do you want to come over and hang out for a bit?"
"If this was boring and annoying and it probably was, please let me know as well. That's fine. We can maybe get a group discount for therapy."
"Overusing the same thing gets boring no matter how cool it was the first time that you used it."
"We're so bored 2017 we've resorted to cutting off our own dicks."
"Nothing else to report. Just a lot of boredom and weirdness trying to do everyday tasks when you're stuck in bed."
"I gotta admit, I feel as bored as Amber does right now."
"It's like as creative we get bored sometimes you drift off and do something else for a while." - Alchemist
"People will always abandon those who bore them. They will always do that."
"I always thought that I hated turn-based until Persona, and now that I've played Honkai, the thought of going back to generic combat sounds so boring to me."
"I am bored in the house and I'm in the house bored."
"It's not right for people to say, 'Well, how are you bored?' I am bored, I am bored with certain things because I'm not used to my normal structure is thrown off."
"I'm so tired of my own opinion. I'm serious. It bores me to tears. I must have the mind of Christ."
"So much so it kind of gets boring to be honest a lot of people get very bored of the iOS experience if I wanted to have fun though I think the Samsung experience is much more fun to use."
"The truth is far more boring sometimes than we care to admit."
"I'm bored and I just want to experience something new."
"When people easily bore, it indicates a lack of inner resources."
"I easily get bored, so I like challenges. It's like, 'Okay, this is an obstacle. I'm over it. How do I work this out?'"
"The opposite of happiness is not unhappiness, it is boredom."
"If you're just always small talky and you never have those deep conversations, they're gonna get bored."
"I've had pet battles more entertaining than this."
"It's the opposite of the stuckness and the drudgery and the boredom that you feel all day long."
"Trying to provide some entertainment to someone bored."
"You can't be fearful forever because people get bored and life goes on."
"Boredom is often signposting that we value learning and growth."
"She was just extremely boring and like didn't want to do anything but have sex and eat."
"It's amazing what you can make boring if you want to if you try really hard."
"Break up with your girlfriend, yeah yeah cause I'm bored."
"Affluence and boredom lead to a search for meaning."
"I find it incredibly boring for hopefully fairly obvious reasons."
"Avoid routines. Routines can normally get boring if you like every day we come home, we eat, we watch TV, we go to sleep."
"Without warfare, to some people, the games become waiting."
"If everyone had the exact same score, wouldn't that be boring?"
"The American people have already decided on this, and most of all, they've decided that all this is boring."
"There's nothing on TV, it's gonna be this Ferris Bueller show."
"For all the times Lady Helen kept me from death, it wasn't until I drove her crazy with my safe and boring existence that she truly saved my life."
"Never a dull moment in Manchester except all the dull moments."
"We don't need to hear every [ __ ] word. I'm bored. I just am. I want to hear the rage, I want to hear the intrigue."
"Maybe you haven't read in a while and now you're so bored because you may have found yourself with some extra free time that you're like, 'Well, I really want to read something.'"
"Elizabeth Warren did not speak much, but she said that was just because she was bored out of her mind."
"I would because if I ever got bored of immortality I'd just go kidnap a blacksmith and reverse the offer with his blood."
"When it's boring, that's when you want to stay in it."
"A game you can't lose is pretty boring to play."
"Life is nothing but boring if nothing happens."
"I've just caught myself walking to the fridge eight times I don't even know I just want something no more wallowing myself pity or do something what should I do."
"The more that you simplify items and remove these kinds of decisions... the faster that I will grow tired of it."
"Who wants to be normal? Being normal is boring."
"These are some of the most boring, bland, basic white paste ass dull albums ever pressed."
"Doing the same thing over and over again can be boring."
"If all work is wholesome and sweet then it will be very much boring."
"Playing the same game day after day can get insanely boring."
"Honestly I think a lot of people just get bored man and they just don't want to train in a way that's optimal."
"I literally organized my chests because I was bored."
"It is entirely possible at this point that Mihawk exists simply to be defeated, that he is so utterly bored with this world, that he is awaiting that moment of new power springing up to overcome him."
"Robert Green says most people can't handle boredom. That means they can't stay on one thing until they get good at it."
"We are getting bored and tired of the formulaic nonsense."
"Variety is the spice of life, things that are exactly the same get boring over time."
"People get bored with their spouse often because they've turned them into a simulacrum of their imagination."
"Who's the guy that you thought was so boring of a guest that you would not post them?"
"A lot of the message that we say is very consistent and maybe even boring sometimes."
"Boredom is anything but an evil to be thought of lightly; ultimately it picks on the countenance real despair."
"For someone like me who is a power user, the iPhone gets boring after a while."
"Okay, by the way, it was incredibly boring, I just sat in literally like a 20-minute like AOL chat room session."
"Life was boring at 18 years of age. I had enough. I needed more excitement in my life."
"If you live the same life for your entire life it's boring."
"Nobody is more boring than people who can't be criticized."
"We're going for a walk guys, gotta get out of the house man. It's so boring inside."
"A lot of what defense is on in threes is literally just being as boring as possible."
"There's always this question... everything is a little bit off, and you can spend all the time... but that's really boring too."
"I'm gonna play that, it's on Rails, I'm gonna be bored with it in about three hours."
"You're never bored. You're just bored of waiting for stuff to happen."
"You might do things because you're bored." - Kody Lewis
"If everyone operated like this, America would be so much better. I think it'd be kind of boring, but it would be so much better."
"Watching paint dry seem like a coke-fueled sex orgy."
"It's a boring business I'm sorry you know a 12 year old a good run that business there's no there's no excitement there's no adventure there's no creativity there's no no I just got tired."
"I'm bored out of my mind, Apex is making me lose my mind."
"I try to recognize if I'm feeling bored, is it because I've played so many of these games and talked about them so much, or is the game actually boring me?"
"Randy Orton is boring when he's in the ring with somebody who is equally as boring as he is."
"I'm bored to death with everybody on Monday Night Raw."
"So how's your summer been? Kind of boring since we can't really go anywhere."
"Irrespective of that, they also know it is possible that the students will get bored."
"Bitcoin looks like it's about to make a big move and it's and then it was getting really boring."
"The correct advice for everything is always so boring."
"Boredom is one of the most animating states of human life."
"Tell me something unique and new, not the same thing over and over again."
"How boring would reality be for all the same?"
"If you're feeling a little bit bored, you absolutely should check this out."
"Well we're in quarantine I'm doing nothing we're doing nothing we're all collectively doing nothing for four months guys."
"Hello, but it's quarantine and we're all bored."
"Arguing with strangers on the internet not like usual discussions or anything just taunting people because you're bored."
"The Super Bowl was so damn boring that it seemed exciting to me."
"But yeah, I actually I don't agree. I think when things get too easy they get boring."
"You guys are boring; come on, Lou, let them continue their playdates without us."
"Is it just an eight months sort of yawn fest?"