
Ignorance Quotes

There are 2566 quotes

"What that's a blessing, not knowing how upset people are at you. Yeah, it's a blessing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our ignorance about sleep is really quite profound."
"In the pursuit of knowledge, the realization of our own ignorance is the first step."
"The problem is ignorance...and the solution to ignorance is knowledge."
"In the eyes of the Machine God, there is no greater sin than that of ignorance."
"The more you know, the more you think you don't know, and the people who know least think they know everything."
"The biggest debt all of us pay is ignorance."
"In an age of information, ignorance is a choice."
"You don't know what you don't know. That's the ultimate epistemic lesson here."
"The Buddha's teaching on no self becomes crucial because it is only by cultivating the insight into the true nature of self, which is no self, that one will be able to undo this fundamental ignorance."
"The essential nature of mind is pure and it's mere clear light and the pollutants that obscure mind really arise from these conceptualization and afflictions all of which are grounded rooted in this fundamental ignorance."
"It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance."
"Ignorance is the enemy in all walks of life. Ignorance is where hatred springs from. Understanding and tolerance are bred from information and knowledge."
"Ignorance is the enemy, and ignorance is what breeds hatred. People who disagree with you are often more valuable than those that agree."
"Knowledge is power, but a lack of knowledge is a lack of power."
"Ignorance doesn't make you immune; it just leaves you vulnerable."
"There's only one problem in the whole world, and that's ignorance."
"There's a difference between being ignorant and not knowing when to shut the [__] up."
"The default position when you're born is ignorant, which means no understanding. You start off with life with zero understanding and then you build it up."
"There's a lot of white suburban... there's a lot of white people who don't realize this stuff has been happening for a really long time."
"True wisdom lies in recognizing our own ignorance."
"A lot of racism, for example, is born of ignorance... a lot of like homophobia is like born of ignorance."
"I'm astounded at how ignorant I was when my dad was alive and how much that I have learned now."
"The height of stupidity is having a strong opinion on something you know nothing about."
"The transcendent is what we bump up against when we realize our ignorance."
"Knowing how to deal with what you don't know is more important than anything you know."
"The first blow comes from ignorance and foolishness, and the second from some serious cruelty and malice within the system."
"The best cure for ignorance is a question, but the best question is that which is asked to the right people."
"This combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."
"Not all ignorant people make racist jokes, but all racists will make racist jokes."
"Ignorance is the worst virus that can happen around the world."
"We want to close the chasm of ignorance because we know that there are issues that we can't deal with yet because of the difference between quantum mechanics and relativity."
"When you don't know something, don't make up an unproven explanation so that you don't have to admit that you don't know. Just admit ignorance and then research it from there; that's the basis of intellectual honesty."
"Ignorance is bliss. If you don't know any better, you don't know what you're missing."
"The only obligation of a scientist is to use his intellectual capacity to push back the boundaries of ignorance."
"Don't assume malevolence where you can assume ignorance."
"Ignorance isn't always coming from malice; sometimes it's just coming from ignorance."
"Ignorance could be weaponized as much as any form of knowledge."
"Ignorance is simply not knowing. The opposite of ignorance of course is knowledge."
"Ignorance isn't just the blank waiting to be filled in; ignorance gives knowledge its structure."
"Ignorance isn't just a natural thing that happens; it's created and reinforced by society."
"It's like the worst of all possible worlds; they don't know what's going on and they have no idea that there's another way."
"The study of ignorance is a relatively new and cutting-edge field in philosophy, known as agnotology."
"Racism is ignorance. It is pure unadulterated ignorance."
"Men who don't know or understand dangerous men are hilarious."
"You expect me to know about this? You think I know about any of this?"
"If someone is genuinely ignorant of what they do, we don't accept their harmful behaviour and we restrain it if possible. But we don't call it evil."
"That's like an ignorant way where it's like, 'Hey, can you explain this to me?' And that's a lot of the problem because young kids don't get it, neither on either side."
"The biggest discovery of the scientific revolution was the discovery of ignorance."
"The pretense of knowledge is our most dangerous vice because it prevents us from getting any better."
"True ignorance is the unwillingness to learn."
"Beware of false knowledge; it is much more dangerous than ignorance."
"We're being led by people who have no idea what they're talking about."
"We stand between ignorance and annihilation. To prevent the latter, we enforce the former."
"This time right now is the age of information, and in an age of information, ignorance is actually a choice."
"I had almost forgotten he existed, and boy, did I enjoy the bliss that ignorance afforded me."
"A Tale of Two Realities: the age of information and the age of ignorance."
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."
"The larger grows the area of knowledge, the bigger that area grows... so too grows our perimeter of ignorance."
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."
"There's nothing more dangerous than mankind being on the verge of destruction yet ignorantly celebrating its triumph."
"Some of you all are swimming in an ocean of information and drowning in ignorance."
"The only way to overcome ignorance is through knowledge."
"To know is science; to believe one knows absent data is ignorance."
"When you are dead, you do not know you're dead. All the pain is felt by others. The same thing happens when you're stupid."
"I always get worried about not even realizing how dumb I am."
"As Jefferson said, 'Any society that believes that it can be both free and ignorant, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.'"
"I am saying something far more serious than that we are being deprived of authentic information. I am saying we are losing our sense of what it means to be well informed. Ignorance is always correctable. But what shall we do if we take ignorance to be knowledge?"
"All of those people who were arguing from a position of complete ignorance have been proved completely wrong."
"There's only so far where ignorance is actually an excuse, especially when it comes to historical fact like objective truth and reality."
"The world would be a much better place if people that didn't know what they were talking about tried to not talk about the things they don't know about."
"Our knowledge is a drop and our ignorance is an ocean."
"The stupider a person is, the more likely they are to believe they know everything."
"Ignorance is bliss. A world of possibility and pain. Who knew the universe was such a drab and dreary place, devoid of all meaning and purpose?"
"Ignorance is never an excuse. If you don't know, then just don't say anything."
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."
"Trading truth for pleasure, knowledge for ignorance, a comatose youth addicted to angst and orgasm."
"It's absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution that person is either ignorant, stupid, or insane."
"You're not a victim of your ignorance, Logan. You are suffering the consequences of your ignorance."
"We're all ignorant in certain ways; if you're forty years old, you're 60 years old, you're 80 years old, maybe you're just a little ignorant about video games and how cool they really are."
"We live in a world where ignorance is kind of popular."
"Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance."
"If you don't think that you have evidence about what happens when people have sex, you are literally too stupid to be allowed to have sex."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it."
"We weren't even close to existing yet, so can you blame anyone for not having all of the answers?"
"Prejudice is willful ignorance, dictated only by emotion."
"Because they're everywhere. But the reason as to why people have been blindly becoming victims of the enemy is because of ignorance, because of lack of knowledge."
"They only have ever seen red. They hear that blue is bad, they don't know anything about blue."
"Fighting anti-semitism can't be about walking on eggshells or maintaining strategic ignorance."
"It made everything so much safer for those of us who ignored it."
"This is fascinating I mean this is not something I even I didn't even know to not know about it it's it's wild."
"Being entitled to your opinion is not a defense for stupidity."
"It's amazing how many people don't actually know how it all began."
"Racism is ignorance based on being miseducated."
"Censorship makes you stupid, it turns you into a child."
"Truth does not have to be validated by ignorance." - Dick Gregory
"Ignorance of the law is not an excuse." - Derek
"Humanity unfortunately is very good at share block-headed ignorance."
"Some people genuinely are ignorant, okay? Ignorance when it exists is not necessarily a sign of somebody's stupidity."
"Ignorance and stuff is like as long it as long as you remain educated and as long as you're kind of exposing yourself to different viewpoints and different perspectives and opinions on the world like that's what truly matters."
"I accept that I don't know and I go to the right people, build a powerful team, and we'll get to know and start doing it."
"Don't assume malevolence where ignorance suffices."
"Ignorance does not make you immune; it simply leaves you vulnerable."
"Knowledge is power and ignorance is anything but bliss."
"Ignorance is a dangerous thing in this end time."
"Ignorance is killing people, poverty is killing people."
"The only way that the enemy can keep control of the people of God in this earth is to keep them ignorant or keep them carnal."
"Condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance."
"Nature is telling us something new, and it's being ignored because it doesn't quite fit what experts know."
"Dismissing something prior to investigation is the height of ignorance."
"When some mindless mouth-breather lobs a racial slur against me... I know it's the result of ignorance and insecurity."
"He is not aware that he is currently carrying one of the USA’s most vile creatures."
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
"If you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is either ignorant, stupid, or insane."
"Ignorance is not just what you don't know, it is what you won't know."
"For those unaware of any higher sphere, it is a deadly poison."
"The worst creatures of all are those who don't think."
"It's frustrating, but there are some people who are dumb and deaf and they don't think."
"You are your worst enemy because of your ignorance."
"I believe we possess huge stores of ignorance that we don't acknowledge."
"People are mad and angry about things that they're not educated about."
"There's no excuse for ignorance in this day and age besides destructive laziness."
"Even some people in your staff don't know what hummus is."
"Ignorance is no excuse for supporting tyranny."
"Ignorance is no longer bliss. Now that you know this and if you try and stay ignorant and you do nothing about elevating yourself to Consciousness to a higher place guess what happens next."
"Most people live lives not down that rabbit hole, and they're probably happier for it."
"The view has got to be a source of constant stupidity."
"I love the fact that he's at least thinking about the ramifications of an ignorant population being manipulated."
"There is one thing that will always stay the same and it is the thing that this video does not fully comprehend: people are [__] stupid."
"Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance can be quite dangerous."
"Anything goes so ignore ignorance is a good thing."
"The evidence is there, the scientific evidence is there, and yet it's being ignored."
"The Christian ignorant of the history of his sacred texts is a Christian who will be shocked at the mere presentation of historical facts."
"It's amazing how it all comes together; it's also extremely ignorant."
"The greatest outcome of knowledge is ignorance."
"The people who don't believe in the problem of climate change are really fooling themselves."
"That basic ignorance still today is something that worries me."
"You are flat-out stupid if you literally hate a person because of the color of their skin."
"I much rather be that ignorant kid that always asks questions and then, you know okay."
"The power of witchcraft is embedded in your ignorance."
"The power of witchcraft is because of your ignorance."
"For centuries the histories of the classical world and middle east empires have been discussed but little effort has been given to the history of arabia. This ignorance is true not just of the west but also of the arabs themselves."
"Anybody who doesn't believe in evolution is probably ignorant. That's not an insult, just a simple statement of fact."
"Even if you don't know what the rake is, it's better that you don't encounter one."
"Nobody knows anything. We're all terrible and we're all dumb."
"Ignorance is not bliss, it is very dangerous."
"If you're saying, 'Self-admittedly not super educated in this matter,' and then also engaging in a narrative, 'Well, all of it's bad,' yes, that's a position that you're coming from: admittedly ignorance at that point."
"You can't blame the ignorance oh they just didn't know well guess what them not knowing now becomes your fault as well."
"Ignorance is not a virtue; it's not cool to not know what you're talking about."
"I hope I don't sound ridiculous. I don't know who this man is."
"Ignorance is bliss if attention to the unwanted causes you to practice a vibration that gets you more of what you do not want."
"It's like he didn't really know that much... like every time a politician's asked about it they're kind of like playing it off."
"Well, it doesn't so much reward knowledge as it does punish ignorance."
"Everything is already in place for you... but when you don't know the spiritual rules and laws, this is why you become dorant in your ignorance."
"Church Militant... more ignorant group of [ __ ] I don't think I've ever encountered."
"He doesn't need to know the nuances of this, he doesn't need to know why the people of this region have been facing a genocide since 2014."
"Citing this ignorance alone, the host of this video says that God must be the answer."
"Using ignorance to justify belief in various supernatural things is foolish."
"We were ignorant and we've suffered in that matter of fact. We paid great price for that."
"Tim Poole's suggestions reveal that he is completely clueless when it comes to politics. His ideas betray an appalling ignorance on political maneuvering and public sentiment."
"A lack of knowledge represents a lack of power."
"The lasting consequences of a nuclear strike are ignored."
"To remain ignorant to history is to remain a child."
"A dumb population is an easily controlled population."
"Respect the law and know the rules because ignorance of the law is not an excuse."
"The time is now. We have so much information right at our fingertips and I just feel like we're more stupid than ever. So we gotta write this ship, man."
"If you can't find that stuff in life, then you, my friend, don't know crap about life."
"There's nothing wrong with people being ignorant of economics. The problem is people having strong opinions about economics when they don't have a clue."
"How can you not know this?" - "How can you not know this"
"We're fighting two wars: the virus and stupidity. Unfortunately, there's a segment of the population that thinks, 'I'm gonna do what I want to do.'"
"Ignorance is not an excuse for what you're doing."
"It's the absolute stupidest people who are the most convinced of their own genius."
"If you don't know your true nature, you don't know the essence of who you are, and that ignorance, not knowing the essence of who you are, causes suffering."
"I ignore all the [__] that lets that happen."
"The hold of Islam over the Muslim populations was mainly a matter of ignorance."
"They didn't know better. There was also nobody else to speak against those lies."
"Essentially we have a lot of ignorant people out there and we have a lot of people in leadership who are coaxing them to continue and to have that ignorance flourish."
"I've never heard of Swamp fever mind you unfortunately very little is known about the disease..."
"Wisdom is knowing the full extent of one's own ignorance."
"Yes, there are horrible, ignorant people in the United States and they vote."
"There are likely a number of things going on in our world that even the greatest minds would consider ridiculous, absurd, and impossible."
"You sweet summer child. You babe swaddled in the cashmere blanket of ignorance."
"Ignorance is the beginning of enlightenment."
"Without you yeah I never heard that in the midwest I didn't play from playing the Spokane."
"The show actively tries to interrogate the power of celebrity culture but Wyatt Reese and Shatner and the rest all remain willfully ignorant of their implicit sense of superiority over those they see as ordinary unimportant people."
"Prejudice is the child of ignorance." - William Hazlitt
"Ignorance denies, projects, resists, distracts, creates excuses and rationalizations, attacks, lashes out, and tries to bite the hand that feeds it."
"If people are putting their fingers in their ears and saying nope I don't believe it, I don't want to hear it - well then enjoy living in the exact knowledge that you have right now for the rest of time..."
"The problem with dumb people is they don't know they're dumb."
"Ignorance can absolutely be used as a defensive tactic."
"The greater is your area of knowledge, so too does your perimeter of ignorance."
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
"Ignorance is bliss and reality is way Stranger Than Fiction."
"Ignorance therefore is the essential starting place for our work, from a place that allows us to embrace a lifelong journey of learning."
"There is so much you do not know, so much you assume."
"When history is being rewritten, when books are being burned, ignorance is the result."
"The ignorance that dominates the educational system today, the lack of history, the lack of perspective, it could kill us as a civilization."
"Sin is redefined... it's not moral wrongdoing, it's dysfunction and ignorance of the true self."
"In the 21st century, ignorance is a choice not a condition."
"Ignorance does not make you immune, it just leaves you vulnerable."