
Health Education Quotes

There are 343 quotes

"In today's episode, we took a full journey into the brain-body relationship and discussed a lot of the mechanisms and the actionable items that you can approach if you want to explore this aspect of your biology and psychology further."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In high school, I had no idea what calories were. I think senior year, that's like, I was like, 'Oh, everything has stats on it.'"
"Imagine you take someone who doesn't know anything about health... they're very really unhealthy. Why not just say to them well, just go be different? Of course, we would never do that because it's absurd and it's cruel."
"You are teaching people how to understand reverse aging really, and how to live longer, how to live younger."
"It's really important for all of us really to get educated about basic life support and CPR."
"The vaccination protects your body so the bad ol' flu virus won't make ya sick."
"Understanding on a very simple level how sleep works is the first step to tackling sleep problems."
"Why not empower ourselves, learn about our bodies, learn about what we need to eat, how we need to move our bodies, and all of these things to support ourselves?"
"By the end of the story, I hope I will have debunked the last 30 years of nutrition information in America."
"We're not the food police; it's your choice. We're just here to teach you the consequences, and you can get whatever result you want. We're just giving you the information and the support if you want it."
"The issue is the cholesterol and animal products that you're eating to a degree independent of what they do to your blood test."
"My goal today is to give you an introduction to a whole food plant-based diet and specifically what is a whole food plant-based diet, why should I adopt this way of eating, and how can I get started."
"Even though they have an undetectable viral load, it doesn't mean that they're cured from HIV or their blood's free from it, just means that it's very low where we can't detect it."
"Natural medicines such as herbal and dietary supplements are made up of chemicals, too, just like everything else."
"The idea that you're gonna quote overwhelm the immune system with a vaccine against six diseases just doesn't make any sense."
"Food is not only the building block of the body; it's the signaling molecules that tell our genes what to do."
"We wanted to provide access to relatable health information about a wealth of things... what is diabetes, how do you avoid having your kidneys shut down."
"The importance of what we eat can never be highlighted too much."
"Catherine Massey, 72, was a well-known community figure who wrote for her local newspapers, assisted in elections, and dressed up in costume as Mr. Broccoli to teach local school children to eat right."
"I don't think that this subject is talked about enough until we're at a place where it's like we are trying to get pregnant, and I think there's so much you can do before to understand your body."
"If you're going to talk nutrition, you need to find legit sources."
"It’s up to each of us to make our own decisions as to what to eat and how to live, but we should make these choices consciously, educating ourselves about the predictable consequences of our actions."
"Too much insulin over time is the main driver of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes."
"It's a master class in not only weight loss but also truly health and longevity."
"Insulin can be thought of as the key that unlocks the gate."
"Once you understand the principles in that book, you're going to be able to give your little one the gift of a normal hemoglobin A1C for the rest of their life."
"Overall, the average life was longer, healthier, and better educated."
"Insulin: the primary regulator that makes you fat."
"Understanding how the body really works is essential for mastering health."
"People listening might be going okay yada yada okay all this great science about belly fat what it does and why it's bad and how to test for it and you know what causes it but how do i get rid of it is the big question."
"Learning how to go from your parasympathetic to your sympathetic nervous system... crucial for blood pressure balance."
"Successful self-management of diabetes is the simple difference between choosing a healthy complex carb with a low glycemic index and low glycemic load and avoiding refined sugary stuff."
"Ultra-processed foods don't get recognized by the body and brain in the same way as whole foods."
"If this is gonna be long-term health, if this is gonna be a change that you make and stick with, you have to educate yourself on what you're putting in your mouth."
"You do not have to be smart, you don't have to be rich, you don't have to be tax savvy. All you have to know is your carbohydrates."
"Listen to a little bit of science, learn three or four important things, and you may be able to achieve your weight goals, your blood work goals, fitness goals, and maybe even reverse the disease."
"Depression is a real illness, and it can be incredibly debilitating."
"Read metabolical and if you think that what's in metabolical is worthwhile gift it to your doctor it all starts with education."
"Everybody knew it already that this was a disease that could go into reverse."
"These are not elegant, they're very messy weapons."
"Masturbation is bad for you? It's actually good for you."
"Ultimately I changed my mind about vaccines because I discovered they're one of the strongest tools I have to accomplish my mission."
"There's not enough education around why fiber is so important."
"She doesn't want you to understand your body's response to stress and nutrition and sleep and exercise. She doesn't want you to be empowered."
"It doesn't really matter what your blood sugar is from minute to minute okay, what really matters for fat storage, for fat burning, for overall metabolic health, for blood pressure, for triglycerides, for all that is what is your insulin level."
"What I would like people to do is start to think about what medications they're taking and why, and if they don't know why, start to ask why."
"When you consume more calories than your body needs to function, those extra calories are stored in these units causing them to expand."
"Understanding the scientific reasons behind alcohol's effects on the body and mind is essential for making informed choices about alcohol consumption."
"In this video we talked about the treatment, the prognosis, and precautions."
"Sexuality is a healthy and normal part of everybody's life."
"The more you know about your body and how it works, the more confident you’ll feel to make your own choices moving forward."
"The dose makes the toxin, and that's what people don't understand."
"If you're prescribed a Statin based solely on total cholesterol or LDL numbers, please go read Dr. Robert Lustig's book 'Metabolical.'"
"Knowing that sugar is addictive might be helpful for people to know."
"So, the mRNA vaccine... it's really very simple."
"Teaches our body that says look when you see this invader we are now going to mobilize the army and surround it and destroy it."
"Insulin is one of the main causes of the fertilizer for cancer to potentially grow."
"I am on a mission to share the power of nutritional excellence."
"The problem is not that people didn't realize that they had to eat fewer calories or increase their calorie expenditure. The problem was why were they eating more calories than they could expend."
"The book is a very great story intermixed with some lessons on the ketogenic diet."
"Cholesterol is not really a fat, it's a waxy substance."
"Before I leave this family, I want to shed some information that allows them to accept that diabetes is a medical condition that they will live alongside."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"Poop is a 3D representation of the diameter of your butthole over time."
"Periods are so cool, everyone should have a period."
"It's been fascinating to learn so much about blood sugar, how type 2 diabetes impacts our health, and how we can prevent and even reverse it."
"The best way to not ever get diabetes is to understand where it starts."
"Sex is a normal part of life. Thank you, sex is a very normal part of life."
"The best thing we can do is try to prevent viral infections in the first place, and that’s where vaccines come in."
"Dr. Greger is behind the website NutritionFacts.org, which is a non-commercial science-based public service."
"It's critical that you have somebody who is looking to educate you and keep you informed on your state of health on a continuous basis and work with you for your personal goals and endeavors."
"Vaccines do not infect you with the disease."
"Let's jump into the good, the bad and the ugly about HPV vaccination."
"Nothing excites me more than knowing that with the knowledge I give people, they're going to be able to improve their own health without Pharmaceuticals."
"Megaloblastic anemia is a type of anemia which is characterized by distinctive cytological and functional abnormalities in the blood cells and bone marrow cells due to impaired DNA synthesis."
"All the cells in our body, including the nerve cells, the neurons, require the electrolytes in order to function properly." - Andrew Huberman
"If you deprive animals of REM sleep, you stunt the developmental growth of the brain." - Dr. Matthew Walker
"Education is so essential; you have to be educated on fitness and health to become more fit and more healthy."
"Informed self-care should be the main goal of any program or activity."
"Medical knowledge should not be the guarded secret of a select few but should be freely shared by everyone."
"We need to show Luke that blood is actually good for you. I mean it literally makes your whole body work, right?"
"Teaching somebody the accountability skills and the methodology and the knowledge they need to lose the weight and keep it off is very, very, very productive." - Alan Robertson
"Mental illnesses are health conditions, not a result of personal weakness."
"We've learned a huge amount about how to tackle the virus."
"If you have a friend who has an eating issue, it's important you educate yourself."
"Encourage everyone to keep learning about health disparities and about racism and to take a stand."
"We have this amazing opportunity now to start to teach people about personalized nutrition and food as medicine."
"Knowledge is 100% the most valuable tool in fitness."
"Everything you know about weight loss is wrong."
"For a great six-pack, understand body fat levels and body composition. It's not just about being lean."
"Learn something new about nutrition and exercise every day."
"Improving your health starts with better understanding it. It's time to see how the daily choices we make... form a more complete picture of our health."
"A vaccine works by tricking your body into developing antibodies against the coronavirus. Remember, antibodies are those soldiers that attack viruses."
"When you actually see what dementia looks like, there's nothing more motivating."
"You and I should teach them how to take care of their body."
"More education needs to become more mainstream on this kind of a topic."
"Genius Foods to me really was about Trojan horsing the best information when it comes to preventing Alzheimer's disease."
"Life is the manifestation of stories. Because to establish a parameter means at some point there's a line that we don't cross."
"The only hope for young men is to revive religious communities."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"Awareness about how inflammation works within your body is ultimately what's going to bring about a level of understanding."
"We were taught to ignore food's role in health, but science is changing that."
"There are no good or bad foods, just more or less nutritious ones."
"Vitamin K2 is important to combo with vitamin D, and we'll talk about magnesium and calcium, so this is gonna be a juicy video."
"The more you can learn about functional medicine, the more puzzle pieces you're going to be able to fit in and affect your patients' health."
"The whole basis of science: understanding how your body works."
"Depression is an illness and it can be treated."
"Learn about what you need to learn for your health and your family."
"We have to flip completely flip the way we think about this disease because... it's an insufficiency."
"There's a difference between genes and genetic expression. So 96-97 percent of the time if somebody adopts the diet you've been learning about this weekend their cholesterol is going to Ratchet right on down to that protective level."
"Remember when we said this video might just save your life? Well, listen closely."
"There is no such thing as lower abs. Your abdominal muscles are one big panel to run from top to bottom."
"Spot reduction is not possible. If a trainer tells you otherwise, you need to walk away."
"Food is medicine and how to use food as medicine in your own life."
"Most important thing you can do as a patient has become educated."
"Food that's high in cholesterol doesn't cause you high cholesterol in your blood, inflammation causes high cholesterol."
"Diabetes has everything to do with nutrition."
"What does natural mean if you want to prevent pregnancy? Birth control is a great option."
"You never know when somebody's gonna collapse...everybody and their mother should be trained in basic life support."
"I want you all to be individuals. I want to empower those that are watching to go out and research, learn your body, build a relationship with yourself."
"When you understand the science of mitochondria and metabolism, you can actually connect all of those dots."
"Get on it: magnesium is linked to heart disease, bone health, sleep, and depression."
"Most of us really need to pay attention to what it means to have a human body and to take care of it."
"It's a foundation of how to be healthy these days."
"Humanity is currently being guided to learn deep lessons about food, farming, and nourishing our bodies."
"Educate yourself about treatment, symptoms. Education and empathy could save your life or somebody else's."
"Vaccines don't cause autism, it's all a myth."
"Food plays a profound role in helping us to prevent these kinds of conditions."
"Bacteria are responsible for the spoilage of food."
"I'm never gonna tell you not to eat a certain type of food, I'm just gonna show you how to identify the better for you option."
"Help me spread the message that food is medicine."
"Charlotte Gerson was going to give this lecture for the national health Federation on cancer."
"That's what the show is about, it's about raising the health IQ and feeling empowered."
"Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system regulates blood pressure and volume to prevent tragedy."
"And it's really important that people understand that it's what's cleansing the breast milk so that's the whole thing."
"I can't say enough about how diet would really change the trajectory of any child's life and it's really important to just dig in start learning and talking to people that have done it and dealt with it before now."
"When it comes to skincare, the most powerful ingredient is knowledge."
"These early sniffles, coughs, and colds, etc., they are an essential part of the immune training of your immune system." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"In a world where this is a controversial topic, I'm committed AF to giving you nothing but the truth about periods and hormones so you can make informed decisions about your body."
"The lymphatic system serves several functions."
"They have a huge platform to educate their customers about the disease."
"Become a student of how your body works, it is truly remarkable."
"Hello, I'm Tab Hunter. Did you know that mental illness claims more victims than any other disease?"
"Eating disorders are no game. I'm so disgusted at the ignorance on this show."
"Everybody deserves to have this knowledge, everybody deserves to have a choice whether they want to keep their hair or just let the hair completely go."
"One of those I want folks to know about is DHA and EPA."
"If you don't have enough vitamin D you get rickets or osteomalacia, if you're an adult that's long gone slightly more than well it's still there but there's slight few things added to it excellent video by the way by Dr. David Rhymes."
"Understanding sugars: glucose drives insulin, but fructose clogs the liver."
"Obesity is a disease, it's not something created by lack of character."
"The vaccination does not stop you from getting covered so in a way it protects you against the disease it doesn't protect everybody against you because you are you still get the disease."
"Trust me or watch my videos at NutritionFacts.org."
"Insulin resistance is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes."
"Just education about fitness and nutrition and how it affects your body in general was one of the biggest takeaways I personally had."
"Focusing on the nutrition, not just calories."
"Never stop learning about health, nutrition, and wellness."
"Dementia is not necessarily an inevitable consequence of old age."
"Educating women that are using tampons: you have to make sure that you are changing it frequently."
"Depression is a disease, not a spiritual deficit."
"YouTube has taken when you type in neck pain you'll see about six of my videos come up top six in the world right now."
"The foundation of cardiovascular disease has been established so that by the time you graduate from high school in this country, you get a diploma, you also get the foundation for heart disease." - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
"Every Healthcare practitioner in New York City will receive free introductory training in plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine."
"Understanding the five causes of hip dips can help you find solutions."
"I'd like to thank you for joining me today on Medicine with Dr. Moran. I hope you enjoyed the Covid roundup. I'm Dr. Keith Moran. As always get healthy and stay healthy."
"Learning a little bit about health offers you a lot of benefit when it comes to improving your health."
"What causes diabetes is continually and constantly eating high sugar high carb foods."
"HIV not a death sentence. Second, regardless of risk factors, preventative drugs are available that are both highly tolerable and highly effective."
"Your body fat stores these fatty acids, and that's why it's essential to understand."
"Being healthy is important. Teach students to work out every day."
"Making fitness and health a lot less confusing and giving you the tools for you to make informed decisions towards whatever your goals might be."
"We need to start understanding for ourselves what some of these biomarkers are pre-disease are... so that we can take action and have agency in our own lives." - Casey
"I think there's tremendous value in figuring out what's in food."
"The key message that we're trying to share today is that this has nothing to do with salt." - Dr. Hampton
"What do you think is the most common source of seed oils or linoleic acid specifically in the diet? It's a surprising source which is why I want to mention it."
"Examine.com: probably the best website about supplements in the world today."
"Understanding the basics of nutrition, understanding the basics of how your body functions with nutrition."
"Mastering health means understanding how the body really works."
"It's all about gaining knowledge to get to the core, not just treating symptoms."
"Recognizing the subtle signs of stress and understanding how they affect the body can really make a difference in your health."
"My goal now is to make nitric oxide a household word."
"Welcome to the exam room live Health All-Stars series brought to you by the Physicians committee."
"Every cell in our body and our brain is actually made up of mostly fats."
"Best book I've seen on diet ever. This is a must-read. This is very good."
"This is about trying to empower you with knowledge that you can apply to your own life in a way that transforms your health."
"The fiber and the water... is important from the standpoint of how the sugar in the fruit affects us physiologically."
"Let's stop pretending like condoms are some sort of superhero when it comes to protecting people from pregnancy because they're just not."
"...don't let anyone try to make you feel stupid for asking questions about your body."
"Please like the video subscribe to the channel and please tell a friend who you think might find it useful as well because that's the that's the best way that we can spread good health information and achieve good health outcomes together."
"Whether you're looking to fine-tune your diet, make informed choices, or simply learn more about the foods that can help you on your arthritis management journey, stick around."
"If your health IQ is a couple of points higher than it was a few minutes ago, go ahead and like this video or subscribe to the YouTube channel."
"You need to talk about smoking cessation because while they cannot reverse the effects, they can prevent further damage."
"You need to tell your patients this: if they do these five things... your chances of getting every disease known to man plummets."
"Understanding triglycerides is essential for cardiovascular health. Lifestyle changes can significantly reduce your risk."
"It's really a scary thing. The best thing you can do is what you're all doing by being here, is educating yourself and your family, learning what's an aneurysm, how they form, what are my risk factors, should I treat it or not."
"I think instilling principles of healthy eating rather than specific recipes is the way to get people out of the conundrum."
"Between day five and seven of her menstrual cycle is the best time to perform a monthly self-breast exam."
"It's really important to teach your children when they're young of how to take care of their body because hygiene is a big thing."
"Teaching your children when they're young of how to take care of their body, because hygiene is a big thing."
"It's my pleasure, it's my honor, it's my calling is to give this information so that people can improve their health."
"The basic principle of how vaccines work is you want to deploy something in the body that's as close to the actual virus as possible but doesn't do nearly as much harm."