
Burnout Prevention Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Slow productivity, the Lost Art of accomplishment without burnout, gets into specific protocols to avoid burnout and to bring about one's highest quality work over the greatest amount of time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having a decent system is a massive cure for burnout because you just trust the system to do stuff; you don't have to have that low level of anxiety running in your actual brain."
"If you're comparing yourself to other people online and this is leading to you overworking yourself and even burning out, this is a big red flag."
"When you're doing the things that are exciting and inspiring to you, you don't have to really worry about being burnt out."
"It's really important to be sustainable as well and to not feel burned out by doing things that are grueling and maybe contradict our passions in life."
"Doing nothing is great for the soul, especially if you've been burning the candle at both ends."
"Our goal is to pace ourselves. I don't want us to get burned out."
"The antidote to compassion fatigue and burnout is self-care."
"Find time for yourself some way somehow. You need the break. I've burned out twice in the first three years, and you don't want to get to that point."
"Burnout is real, whether it's work, family, kids, or life in general. Here's your reminder to slow down and take care of yourself."
"We play games because we enjoy them, because they're fun, and burnout isn't fun."
"If you want to run good games and not get burned out, you need to have limits."
"Relax, okay? All of you, like, you're gonna burn out. Stop it. We need you to have longevity."
"If you don't fill your own cup, you are literally pouring from an empty place. And what does that lead to? Burnout, resentment, irritation, everything we hate."
"Combining other activities like skiing or cycling keeps you fresh and prevents burnout."
"The quality of videos would be much worse if I'm doing them when forcing myself and burnt out."
"It's not always about pushing yourself and pushing yourself, sometimes it's just about taking a break when you need to."
"Don't just power through to the point where you're burning out because that's not the idea of success for you. The idea is that the journey is the success for you, the experience is the success for you."
"Make sure you give yourself enough time to burn out do those things before you get on this platform and decide to make a career out of it or just for fun."
"I feel like I want to do steps to avoid that burnout coming, so having different ways to play Minecraft I think would be good."
"Hiring a video editor really helped me increase the quality of my videos and avoid burnout."
"Having energy, motivation, and avoiding burnout in what we are doing is strongly determined by how much we believe in the work that we are doing and how passionate we are about it."
"Focus on one thing first, because if you do multiple projects at once, you'll burn out."
"If you're feeling burned out, figure out how to cut down on commitments."
"This idea of self-care is so important because if we don't care for ourselves then we burn ourselves out."
"Having an intentional morning routine can help stop burnout in its tracks."
"I think it's really important to take breaks, and if you force yourself to do something you typically enjoy when it isn't fun for you, you may lose the ability to enjoy it in the future."
"When you choose a niche you're passionate about, you're less likely to burn out."
"Success is yours for the taking, but remember to focus on self-care and avoid burnout."
"Don't burn yourself out...pace yourself, have self-care."
"You can't just go at it constantly because you will burn. So, it's about balancing."
"Burnout is real, you need to have a sustainable plan long term."
"A lot of YouTubers have been taking breaks lately."
"It's not worth sacrificing your passion to become burnt out."
"My biggest, biggest, biggest thing that has been helping me avoid burnout is setting boundaries and especially setting a schedule."
"You're constantly reinventing yourself and making sure that you're creatively fulfilled and make sure you're not burning out"
"Don't let yourself get sucked into the idea that running the same thing over and over again is the fastest way because I think it's the fastest way to burn out."
"If we don't rest, then we are gonna get burnt out and we're not going to be able to get the things done that we need to get done."
"That's a really good reason right there, you know, to take time off for your own mental health."
"Trying to go from really, really good to perfect burns people out like crazy all the time."
"There's no sense in pushing yourself all or nothing because what you usually get is burnout."
"Take care of your mental and physical health, it's crucial for creativity and preventing burnout."
"I can't recommend it enough people should take more breaks from wrestling but it makes you appreciate it a lot."
"Don't forget that taking breaks prevents burnout."
"Sometimes you try too hard, but it's like you burn yourself out as well."
"Just seize every day and do not get burnt out by this."
"Just hearing from your players that they had a good time... can really be the magic behind preventing the burnout."
"If you're beginning to think that what you're doing is very important, you need to take a holiday."
"The Pomodoro Technique prevents burnout and enhances concentration."
"You can't burn out if you're doing something you love."
"Make sure what you're doing is something that you actually care about so that you don't get burnt out... and you can actually connect with your audience."
"I will not let people push me into burning out again."
"You don't want to repeat the same thing over and over every day 'cause you're gonna get serious."
"I definitely wish that I took the break before I needed it."
"If that job is burning you out, that's not the solution."
"Make yourself a stream schedule, but most importantly, don't stream every day."
"Surrender to rest and sleep to prevent burnout."
"There has to be another way to make it as a creator without reaching this point of burnout."
"Make sure you actually have some water, please, for the life of me, because you will burn out."
"If you're being yourself every day, you don't get burned out of being yourself."
"I am guaranteeing you, you will not experience burnout."
"One of my biggest successes to avoid burnout and get it all done is to map out a plan and take it one day and one step at a time."
"You've got to have an LLC just for the subconscious and you've got to have the virtual assistant just so you don't burn yourself out."
"Balance work with self-care and soul-nourishing activities to avoid burnout."
"I know that it can feel impossible to take time off especially when deadlines and assignments start to mount up but I've come to the gradual realization that we sometimes need to take that time."
"I really admire her in the way that she has structured her life in order to avoid burnout avoid overwhelm."
"Things that make things a lot more efficient can help you in terms of burnouts."
"If you are currently in survival mode, I hope that these 10 tips have helped, and they will help to kind of reign you back from burnout."
"Watch out for burnout, ensure you rest, drink water, and practice balancing activities like meditation or yoga."
"Independent creators can explore a greater variety of different content to stave off burnout."
"By learning multiple languages, if you've cleared two hours of a day or an hour a day by doing multiple languages, you're giving yourself variety. And that is you will have less of this risk of burnout, I think."
"It's better to start slow and stick with it than to do too much too fast and then burn out."
"The best way to deal with burnout is number one, take a break."
"If you're going to be a nurse, you have to put your heart into it. You do it when you stop putting your heart into it that it gets too easy because you stop caring, and then you're burnt out. And that's the end of your career."
"Hey, we need to slow our life down. I see you getting burnt out, overwhelmed, frustrated."
"Starting small is so much more sustainable and effective because you reach burnout eventually when you try to do too much change all at once."
"You have to have that playfulness about it; otherwise, you're not going to have the longevity, you're going to burn out."
"It's a constant evolving learning process for me and that's how I avoid burnout."
"Playful is so key to avoid burnout; in the spirit of not bored but restored."
"Hustle culture will just burn you out and that's why having a community is so important."
"I'm not doing any subjects right now that don't 100% interest me because that's how you get burned out."
"Increasing their pay will hopefully show that they are valued and will hopefully stop people leaving the profession or experiencing things like burnout."
"When you're working for rest instead of working from rest, that's when burnout happens."
"Creating a culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity."
"Constantly training year-round like your A-race is right around the corner is a good way to get burnt out."
"You want to be able to continue that so you don't burn out because burnout's real and burnout really hits hard."
"You will crash and burn in 2024 if you're going to try to do it all by yourself."
"It really helped me... if you are feeling burnout or just needing help and you are an influencer or creator."
"How do you avoid burnout? First of all, I really love what I do."
"That person who now is connecting their values with their actions has significantly lower levels of burnout and higher levels of well-being."
"I feel like I've been putting out a lot of content lately and I'm trying my best not to get burned out."
"Everybody needs a little bit of break, guys. You know what I mean? You can't be doing your work too much and it's burning you out."
"You're the best DCI I've come across, and I don't need you burning yourself out."
"Focus on autistic strengths and perseverations to reduce the risk of burnout."
"You have to have a toggle to turn your consciousness on and off or you will burn out."
"I think making time for exercise and making time for yourself will definitely help to prevent physician burnout."
"We won't be of any use to anyone if we burn ourselves out."
"I'm someone who... I love every moment of it and I don't want it to wear me out."
"Burnout isn't a badge to wear with pride; there's a better way."
"If we can really reduce the effort needed to write our daily progress notes, then I feel like we could make a lot of strides towards reducing physician burnout."
"Avoid burnout... sustain a lasting balance."
"I have found that to avoid burnout, it helps to have a good schedule, a good work and life balance."
"Don't rush it, slow is fast in dog training and service dog burnout is real."
"Please don't you get burned out. I love helping people, I'm not gonna get burned out."
"You need to have a life as well as trading and working, so it's not just work and trade; you need to have a life otherwise you end up getting burnt out."
"Having a clear change approval process drives better performance, better speed and stability, and reduces burnout."
"You're right, you'll burn out if you're in this constant heightened state."
"Being able to take this time to do something for me, something that I enjoy, significantly helped me avoid burnout this year."
"You're preventing burnout, but also you're allowing the kid to explore other areas to see what they truly love and are passionate about."
"It's good to be a multi-sport athlete so that you don't have that burnout."
"Having good side projects to work on has been the best thing for me not getting too burnt out."
"All of this here is to enable us to be more efficient, to keep us from burning out, to enable us to do a better job."
"Don't waste your energy; don't burn out."
"If you can learn to truly care and be vulnerable... you won't ever experience burnout."
"If you could find every day 20% of your activities are things that you love... you are far less likely to burn out."
"There needs to be joy in your daily routine, or you're going to risk facing burnout."
"Take care of yourself, because if you get burned out, it's because you're not nurturing yourself."
"I think you need to focus on self-care."
"None of us can serve those we love well if we're depleted."
"If you stay in the pattern too long of either under or over functioning, you will drive yourself into the ground."
"It reduces burnout, it's a good play for the company but it's also really good for the people who work there."
"One way to combat burnout is through education."
"I have to give myself some free time because otherwise, I get burnout just like anybody else."
"You just can't burn yourself out because if you get too burnt out and you can't do this anymore, then who's gonna be here for the kids?"
"Having a good work-life balance is very important, just to prevent burnout and stuff like that."
"Taking time throughout the year, whether it's a couple days or one day, to fully not be on social media... definitely helps with things like burnout."
"To prevent burnout, slow down and honor your need for quiet time and peaceful sleep to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul."
"I really try to take the weekends off completely from doing chores."
"It's essential for me so burnout doesn't happen."