
Memory Quotes

There are 27018 quotes

"The more intense of an emotional state that you're in immediately following learning, the more likely you are to remember whatever it is that you're trying to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you elongate the unpleasant experience by a couple of minutes, but you make those last few minutes of the unpleasant experience slightly less unpleasant than the end of the experience would otherwise have been... people look back on the experience more favorably."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Memory is all a network of associations. That's how we remember things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can remember things better if you increase your alertness, AKA your level of epinephrine and cortisol after, immediately after something that you want to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If something that you experience is fun or varied, you will experience that as going by very fast... but later they will remember that experience as being very long."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"New memories are not formed immediately; rather, they're in a transient state before they become permanent."
"We don't want amnesia; we want to be able to maintain a explicit declarative memory of a bad thing that happened but we don't want the overwhelming blackhole of emotional memory that comes with the nightmares, the flashbacks, the inability to function."
"The number one business etiquette networking skill is just to remember someone's name because how are you going to show someone you're going to care for their health, their wealth, their finances, their family, if you don't care enough just to remember them?"
"I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel. That's all. I don't even think of you that often."
"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often teared with their bones."
"Your most powerful and lasting memories and habits all arise during adolescence."
"Ancient scribes enjoyed having two reading modes at their disposal: one fast, convenient, silent and personal, the other slower, noisier, and at times more memorable."
"We are generally better at recalling distinct, unusual events and also events that require active involvement."
"So why is it that some memories last our entire lives, whereas other memories, we hear and they're fleeting?"
"You need your neurons to be activated. But as we know from what I've told you so far, that repetition is what drives memory."
"Socrates says there is no learning without remembering."
"Our brain contains a map of our experience, a map of everything that happened to us from the womb until just a moment ago."
"We remember the things that matter to us the most."
"Memory is much less about being an accurate representation of the past and much more about being a flexible compass into the future."
"I want to remember what it was like to feel, and to love, and to laugh."
"When you write something down physically on paper, it actually embeds itself stronger in your memory."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."
"These are stories that are important to be remembered, to be told, and to be archived."
"These stories should be told and heard and cherished and learned from."
"They say you remember people for the way they make you feel, and I will simply never forget that kindness."
"People always remember how you make them feel."
"I will never let Rob's love die or fade out. I will carry it with me wherever I go and remind our children of it daily."
"The dead aren't really dead as long as they are not forgotten."
"One of the most mind-blowing things about CLAD is this long context and near-perfect recall."
"The details can and will disappear As Time stretches on, but what's left after everything is gone is the thing that sticks most with us."
"What a wonderful thing for the grandkids to come and do with a grandparent or an aging parent."
"The memory she has such profound short-term memory loss but those long-term memories clearly provide her so much happiness."
"To forgive is not to forget, but to remember is not to re-experience."
"Your word in Proverbs chapter 10 verse 7 says that the memory of the righteous is a blessing."
"Memory is very distributed. It's not just one particular area. It's actually really distributed."
"People won't remember what you say, they won't remember what you did, but they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"If you could walk into a room of strangers and leave saying goodbye to 20 strangers by name, who are they all going to remember? That's a standout skill."
"For most of human history, having enough food was very important...if you eat something and you get very, very sick, you better remember that forever."
"The world is always changing... but the fact that she was once their Commander will never change."
"Legos...it helped me with my thinking and memory and all that [stuff]."
"The best way to remember it is to write it down."
"The memories were the most interesting to me because they're scrambled, and I love it when stories experiment with a nonlinear order of events."
"In letting go and allowing themselves to live, they're not denying, they're not abandoning Derek; they're celebrating what he didn't have the opportunity to have."
"Derek is forever immortalized there, remembered every single day for the beautiful boy that he was."
"Nostalgia works hard to keep the past alive."
"Document your life more, otherwise you'll forget the details, and the details are what make it worth remembering."
"Mirror is an amalgam of perception, history, memory, and dreams."
"This entity was not immortal, but whenever he died, he would be reborn as a different kind of creature with intact past life memories."
"It was just so classic, like parenting in hindsight. Like, I'm and retelling this story, I'm really kind of, I like this memory."
"Store up this wisdom in our minds and hearts and let the Lord bring it back to us when we need it."
"Let these messages serve to confirm the things that you do know but have forgotten."
"The church really does represent this corporate memory that the Holy Spirit empowers."
"This cave, this music, this artwork, this biome, perhaps even this house, takes each and every one of us back to a certain chapter in our past life, a period specifically unique to only our own memory that is now simply a representation of a chapter to which we will never return."
"Now he'll have to live with the memory of what he was willing to do to survive."
"My mother was a wonderful woman, a beautiful lady. She had tremendous dignity and class."
"Once a crisis is over, we're really good at forgetting our gratitude. It's one of our great gifts."
"Most dreams are negative, full of anxiety. Our brains try and make us forget these dreams as quickly as possible, and that's a good thing."
"We've been given a neurology that can hold on to memory just long enough to keep bringing the last experience forward and for that, we keep dying faster and faster, more and more separated from nature."
"You are never remembered for what you saved; you are remembered for what you gave."
"It's the number one question a patient will ask me, like, 'Am I going to be the same? And am I going to remember, you know, my wife? Or am I going to remember, you know, these thoughts of my birthday when I was 10 years old?'"
"Even long after the expedition in the dungeon had ended, Tsubaki's words still remained in his head. They haunted his mind as he walked around Orario."
"People will forget what you say, they'll forget what you did, but they'll never forget how you made them feel."
"Your life is worth living; it's worth remembering."
"I miss what we had in the past. I often reminisce about those times."
"And now, just cuz you're closing that chapter of your life and moving on into the next, doesn't mean that it can't still hold a special place in your heart."
"That last moment with her was very, very nice."
"Our memory is built for survival and practicality, not for perfect accuracy."
"Despite popular belief, our memory is even more flawed with traumatic experiences."
"You die two times. You die when you actually die and then you die the last time someone says your name."
"Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
"She promises to make this performance a great memory."
"How sad would it be, how tragic would it be, if that was all you were remembered for? What's on the resume?"
"People don't remember what you say to them; it's really what people remember is how you make them feel."
"He who cannot remember the past is condemned to repeat it."
"There are two problems that worry us all, and certainly, I think it's true that most of us worry about the loss of memory and mobility."
"To offer healing to people is to open up their memory of home, to remind them of their perfect beauty, strength, and innocence."
"The cookie jar is a reminder that oh, I can get through this hard time right now."
"Live for today, remember yesterday, plan for tomorrow."
"2020 has been unlike any year I could ever remember."
"Giving the player a less optimized, less immediately fun experience can actually result in them remembering the game more fondly."
"For you to function in everyday life, it's actually important that your memory be limited, so you don't remember every slight, every insult, every dirty look."
"Our retrospective feeling about how long something took is related to the novelty and the number of new memories we accumulate over time."
"Live nobly so that mind can store a past well worthy of recall."
"Every memory and achievement I've earned is still me; they cannot take that away."
"Your memory and your interpretation of events is highly unreliable."
"We have more programs than I can possibly remember."
"Imagine if you will that two world leaders are fighting a proxy war, and one of those leaders remembers every historical event since AD 862 in meticulous detail, and the other leader can't remember when he was vice president 8 years ago."
"Nostalgia, that melancholic feeling you get when you look back on your past."
"What would happen to my brain if I started listening to music from 2005 and watching old home videos and smelling old smells and just sparking that feeling every day?"
"Nostalgia is delicate but potent. In Greek, nostalgia literally means 'the pain from an old wound'. It's a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone."
"You feel a literal physical warmness, a wonder, a comfort, a happiness in belonging. But the other feeling you get is a yearning to be back in that moment and an acknowledgement that it will never happen again."
"Mewtwo speaks to Ash through time and space, saying that he will remember Ash always."
"It's amazing that games can do that, right? Capture a moment in time and bring us back just through association."
"Brains [have a] fantastic capacity for learning and remembering information."
"Nostalgia is our gateway to the past, allowing us to relive our most cherished memories whilst also adding to them with new experiences from the present."
"Through these vectors, Lane will live forever. She is in our memories, carrying her with us is the least we can do."
"But so long as there are people there to engage with it, so long as Berserk is remembered and experienced, then Berserk will never truly die."
"There is a very powerful link between memory and emotion; our brains prioritize emotional memories for encoding and recall."
"Memory is the bridge from the past to the future."
"Remember that I remember you, you make me stronger."
"Once you wake up, it's hard to remember the dream."
"After 5 or 6 years of literally spending countless hours trying to memorize funny, my brain would begin to deposit useful bits in situations."
"The process of making observations, and then being able to recall those observations, is part of what makes you you."
"We woke up from the dream, but I still think we remember how it felt."
"The Taylor Swift album ones really red, living rent-free in my head, and I cannot get it out."
"He finally remembered how it felt to have a family."
"I prefer to have the core memories, whether it's a happy moment or a sad one, because those are what you actually care about and remember what's most valuable to you as a human being."
"The best drawing exercise that I've ever known is drawing a Pokémon from memory."
"There's something piled up in the human mind, something that we can't recall but haven't forgotten, or something buried even deeper, like the stones that make up a foundation."
"The people who love and remember Lauren are determined to live while keeping her memory alive because that is what Lauren would have wanted."
"My memory is fine. Take a look at what I've done since becoming President."
"Neuropsychologists have identified the 'generation effect,' which basically says that individuals demonstrate better memory for material that they've generated themselves than for material that they've just read."
"What I know to be true, and what I've seen so consistently, is when people can start owning those memories... freedom is around the corner for them."
"If you're not allowed to talk about the trauma, then the memories of it go away, but your body keeps reacting because your body knows."
"Play the tapes, find out how you got here. Everything is interwoven, don't you remember? Eject tapes at any time with G."
"Traumatic events that induce a strong emotional response... tend to be the ones we remember the best."
"Our memories are constructive; they're reconstructive. Memory works a bit more like a Wikipedia page: You can go in there and change it, but so can other people."
"The idea of knowing that you're not forgotten is extremely important."
"Because I think, on some level, 100 Years of Solitude is a book about how to remember, and maybe even forget, ethically."
"It's crazy I listen to her; she came up on my shuffle the other day, and I was like, why does this still sound fresh?"
"Honestly, at the end of everything, all we have is our memory. We can't bring belongings with us, but we can always recall our memories."
"If you had the chance to wipe out the worst thing that ever happened to you, to make it so that you had no memory of the event at all, would you do it? Or more importantly, should you?"
"What happened 10 years ago, they can still suffer. What may happen day after tomorrow, they already suffer. They are not suffering life; they think they are suffering life. They are not suffering life; they are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that human beings alone have: a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination."
"Our ancestors' narratives... are really stories that have been curated to carry visual memory."
"People remember how you made them feel rather than what you said."
"Look, you can say about many of the biblical stories is that they're incredibly memorable and that means that, in some sense, they're adapted to the memory structures of our brains."
"Socrates for example told us that sometimes to study, to learn, is just to remember."
"The real me is the one who chooses to remember the real me."
"People tend to forget and move on pretty quickly."
"We do not fall into easy somnambulance and amnesia; we stay awake, we remember."
"Me in the nursing home at age 117 with final stage Alzheimer's gaining consciousness for the first time in two decades because one of the Boy Scouts brought a teddy bear with a bow tie."
"People will forget what you say... but they'll never forget how you make them feel."
"It's time for me to go. Thank you. I'll always remember you."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from some outer experience in your life, the more altered you feel, the more the brain freezes the frame and takes a snapshot."
"The purpose of memory is to extract out from the past lessons to structure the future."
"You will keep remembering and you're remembering where you are, what your true place is, and being who you are in your true place."
"That's what it's about when you walk in the room and like, who's that? Oh, that's your great-grandfather. That picture over the fireplace, that legacy."
"Just imagine a humanoid walking up to you with humanlike swagger and shaking your hand, all while remembering a conversation you had with it, say, a year ago."
"Hatred does not last for long, but the brilliance of the present is the glory of the future, stored up forever in the memory of man."
"What the brain is doing is basically reinstating bits and pieces of past experience."
"Recurrent neural networks remember their past and their decisions are influenced by what it has learned from the past."
"The idea isn't to be liked right off the bat. The idea is to be remembered."
"My first birthday party, you're right, and you definitively can like close your eyes and you're in that moment."
"Welcome to the story of my life, at least I think it happened this way. Or maybe it was another day. Honestly, if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice."
"Sydney will never forget Lily's name, and while walking around this city, it has become evident to me that she has touched the hearts of many."
"People may sometimes take it for granted, but when you start to add it all up, people are going to remember and take note."
"For those of us now who didn't live through the Great War, what are we remembering? A terrible sacrifice, and for what?"
"The best way you can learn is by experiencing a situation. This is how stories stick with you."
"Your eyes, hair, ears, and blood, we remember it all. We remember how you ruined us, how you stole our light and condemned us to eternal darkness."
"My sister affected every single human that she came across in such a positive, radiant way."
"It's very difficult to keep the line between the past and the present. Awfully difficult."
"But in planning the way ahead, we must keep an eye on the past because if we discard our sense of history, we'll be like people with no memory who don't know who they are."
"It doesn't feel real, and then I pick up some evidence, and I'm like, 'Oh, my goodness, my memory was actually correct. That's insane.'"
"Beautiful if you remember that one picture, you have a view and a field of daisies."
"The immune system has a remarkable way of making antibodies on the spot and then remembering it over time to be able to target that specific organism."
"Erase it from your memory, move on, and forget any of this ever happened."
"Memory without the emotional charge is wisdom."
"We didn't have to act, we simply had to remember."
"Learning is making new connections in the brain, but remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections."
"Our memories of them continue to guide us when their life on earth has ended."
"That woman's a saint in my eyes, she always will be."
"We still talk about her like she's in the next room. That's how much she meant to the family."
"It is an entire meditation on what it means to remember and a beautiful letter to our past."
"No one remembers the awkward or embarrassing things that you did."
"Traumatic memories are encoded deeper than neutral memories."
"The ending of that movie is just like, it's like the first time I remember almost like weeping to the point of shoulder convulsions in a movie theater."
"People won't remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel."
"The ones that love us never really leave us."
"You're never gonna be a memory; you're always gonna be alive in our hearts."
"We are the ones who carry that. We think about it, we remember them, and it can be sometimes even for our entire lives."
"Because Doflamingo understood well that the worst fate one could suffer... was to be forgotten."
"If you try to live a life without stress or anxiety, that will be a life forgotten."
"When I think of her, which is every moment of everything I do, I ask, 'What would Heidi say or think?' It gives me comfort."
"Nostalgia is a funny thing that can make you look back fondly on things that might not have been so great but were somehow perfect in their own way."
"The most interesting feature is not that these drugs produce these acute effects but that these effects are remembered and become attribution points for which people say, 'I remember that experience every day; my life has changed because of it.'"
"My wife always said, whenever Ravi says 'recently,' it's because he doesn't remember."
"End on a high note. There's amazing research that found that people disproportionately remember things based on how they end."
"The iconic opening line of Neuromancer, 'The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel,' is an image that requires a memory of broadcast TV before it went digital."
"People don't remember who you were; people remember how you made them feel."
"Our sense of smell is fascinating and mysterious as it is, but to think that when I encounter a particular scent, and that sets off a whole wave of memories and emotions in my mind, that is underpinned, that it's triggered by quantum mechanics, I think makes it even more remarkable."
"Now Nora can create new memories of love and caring."
"People will remember how you made them feel long after they forget your words."
"You only live as long as the last person who remembers you."
"Memory is symbolized in One Piece by the falling of snow."
"Im used snow and light and some unknown power to erase the memory of the world."
"Honestly, the memories are just pouring in right now."
"The weakest ink is stronger than the best memory."
"Life ends, but the name and reputation are remembered for generations."
"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
"The last impression is a lasting impression."
"When my kids were little, I used to go into their bedrooms when they were sleeping and take photographs of them asleep in their duvets snuggled up because I knew that one day their beautiful baby faces would be ghosts of my past."
"There is much good that is happening in our world that is not reported and equally just because you're seeing more darkness, it's actually a sign that it's come up for healing."
"If he connects with you and he doesn't get a lot of emotional connection when he's around you, then sure, when you're out of sight, you're going to be out of mind. But if you have a really strong emotional connection to him, then when you're out of sight, that's when he misses you."
"Forgiveness and forgetting... with the abandonment of the main source of the concept of forgiveness, our society has lost its way."
"In the age of social media, you have neither forgiveness nor the capacity to forget."
"These new Dominator Platinum RGB memory sticks... are so much more beautiful than pictures could ever represent."
"America...so far away." "Not so far away that I'll forget you."
"Any memory, no matter how hard, you'll eventually get over it and laugh about it."
"Often, I have seen that in the teachings of Vedanta, it is the stories which people remember, the stories which people like."
"Picture yourself back in your grade school classroom."