
Desire Quotes

There are 29210 quotes

"Dopamine is not just the molecule of reward. It is the molecule of desire. It's about motivation and it's about wanting, not just having."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human species has been driven by the desire to seek things beyond the confines of our skin."
"You're talking like a human. Rats. All we do is take dad. I'm tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to add something to this world."
"All motivation begins with the desire or hunger and ambition for more."
"Everything that you could desire has already been created and is essentially waiting for our command to bring it forth to our present experience."
"Dopamine isn’t the pleasure molecule, it’s the molecule that controls wanting - the seeking of pleasure."
"Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want."
"Motivation. You have to want it. It has to be something you are on fire for."
"Philosophy is what gave us the desire to pursue science."
"Human nature says we want it more when something is uncertain, when something is slightly unavailable."
"The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life; and that desire is praiseworthy."
"The moment you begin to act in a Certain Way, which is confidently and in a certain direction, the universe begins to move with you, bringing to you the things you desire."
"This session is titled 'Creating an Extraordinary Quality of Life.' And don't we all want that, an extraordinary quality of life?"
"Find a way to know in yourself what it is that you want and focus on that."
"Desire is suffering, but I like the pain anyway because with desire comes growth."
"When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety. But if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without any pain."
"When I merge my desire with faith, I can take action from a place of peace rather than control."
"People underestimate the power of genuine desire."
"Positivity is the key to attracting what you desire."
"The less you desire, the stronger you become."
"Decide what it is that you want, why you want it, and be able to create desire for it."
"Get inspired. You have to really truly want what you want, or else you're not going to get it."
"When all the desires of the mind are given up, then your enlightenment is steady."
"The wanting leads to more wanting, and then we feel never satisfied."
"The more we desire awakening and act on that desire through will and intent the more we shall receive awakening."
"This is something I want with all my heart and my soul."
"I deserve the best and will have anything that I desire."
"Envy comes from wanting something you don't have... whereas jealousy comes from a fear of losing something you already have."
"Turn desires into reality by activating the power of manifestation."
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
"I want him to get a Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen type hat because he was number one."
"They wish they had the balls to ask people for your number."
"This person wants movement. They want to transform this connection."
"Their mind is constantly searching for you in places, constantly trying to manifest you back into their life."
"The source of suffering is clinging, craving, desire, expectations, or attachments to things."
"To be aware that there is a desire arising and just be there as the observing presence."
"Consciousness does not want anything, does not need anything. It is purnam."
"I just want to be surprised. I don't want to be able to predict what's coming next."
"Our deepest desire isn't to get that thing to feel good; it's to feel good so that we can allow whatever we need and whatever is at the highest good to come into our life."
"When you focus on the emotion you're desiring to feel, you allow the universe to conspire and conjure up the best possible outcome."
"Ambition is not just about earning money... I would define ambition as the ability and desire to do the things you want to have done."
"A desire in the heart for anything is God's sure promise sent beforehand to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply."
"Decide what you want, build your beliefs, and trust."
"Persist until you get the result that you desire."
"What you really want is to be looked at; you want to be seen."
"If your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve."
"Craving for things is not just about craving for those things per se, it's also a desire to relieve the pain of not having those things."
"What our relationship is with the things that we really want but will never love us back."
"I always wanted to have a child ever since I was little."
"They want this new beginning with you. They're using the law of attraction here."
"Freedom, no negotiation, my sister, no relation. We all just want to have freedom."
"The thing I crave more than anything, after being homeless for so long, is just that closeness of just human contact."
"They are able to offer you that healthy love... They want to have something real and authentic."
"You're in the flow of things, aligning yourself with your true heart's desire."
"We owe all there is to desire. I desire it, Senku."
"Everyone can have anything they desire in this world. You can have it all, you can have it on your terms, right now."
"I wish I could be a part of this so bad. I want to be there, but it doesn't suck because I get to celebrate it just like everybody else."
"Trust that what you are seeking is seeking you too."
"Use your mind, Divine timing, and the frequency of your heart to manifest whatever it is you desire."
"Sometimes we're afraid to ask for what we want."
"Manifestation is essentially the outward expression of desire to bring something into your life."
"The key to attainment is desire, confidence, and will."
"Strong desire, confident expectation, courage in action—these things bring to you your own."
"Desire will be fulfilled, wealth will be gained, there is a rise in status."
"The crown, once again, whoever wears the crown will have their greatest wish fulfilled."
"Basics of manifestation: manifesting anything depends upon knowing what you want."
"You deserve anything that you desire to experience."
"Sometimes you need life to save you from what you want, to give you what you need."
"One of the fundamental ideas in Buddhism is that you're supposed to detach yourself from desire."
"Your desire will be fulfilled; there will be income resources from different avenues."
"The Universe wants me to have great abundance."
"Anything your heart desires, the circus can provide. Well, almost anything."
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."
"They want this intimacy; they want it as much as you do. They want the relationship, the alchemy, the oneness, the union."
"You are a magnet for the things that you want."
"Desire is not the problem, it's negative desire that's the problem."
"God is the originator of desire... so it can't be that the desire is the problem, it's just disordered desire."
"Allah knows when it is best for you to get what you want. He knows if it is good at all to be given what you want."
"Your desire and your destiny are inescapably linked together."
"In order to live a happy healthy fulfilling life, you're gonna have to fall in love with desire, instead of, remain afraid of desire."
"Desire is not just a wish or a hope; it must be a burning desire such that it is a consuming obsession backed by definiteness and persistence."
"I've never wanted anything in my life more than I want that title."
"You need to have that firsthand experience of wanting and then being disappointed to have that lesson really sink in."
"You don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it."
"These pages have been written with purpose and hope that their suggestions may furnish you a key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires and to explain that fear should be entirely banished from your effort to obtain possession of the things you desire."
"That's why everything in me wants there to be a judgment day."
"Your invisible power lies in the key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires."
"Fear should be entirely banished from your effort to obtain possession of the things you desire."
"In Jannah, you have marketplaces and these marketplaces have designer faces; you just look at them, you just desire that your face looks like that, and your face changes."
"As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God."
"Marry someone you want, not someone that you feel like you need."
"I need to marry someone that I want to marry, where I feel like I cannot be without that person."
"Righteousness is right thinking, always in the direction of your fulfilled desire."
"No power in the world can stop you from reaching your fulfilled desire if you are consistent with these inner conversations."
"I am fed up. I just want to go out there and enjoy and feel the pulse of life."
"Exclusivity creates value. How much do you think you'd give a [__] about a Lamborghini if everybody had one?"
"Whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it, and you will."
"Everyone of us has a thirst in our hearts for the presence of God."
"Fear should be entirely banished from your consciousness in order for you to obtain possession of the things you want."
"Be yourself and enjoy Life in your own Divine way. Do not fear to be your true self for, everything you want, wants you."
"Reflect and meditate on what it is that you truly desire, and it will come to you."
"The biggest scam of life is that the more we want something, the more our mind gets in the way of us getting it."
"People want to see and experience something they haven't seen before."
"Love is really what you make of it, what you really desire in life."
"People want love, but what's the sponsoring thought behind that? They want joy that love brings them."
"People want abundance, but they don't really want abundance; they want freedom."
"People want to be healed, no, they want to be whole; they want to feel wholeness."
"Discipline with desire is easy. If you want something bad enough, the discipline's not too difficult."
"Hot girls don't want to fuck everybody, but they want to know that everybody wants to fuck them."
"You make yourself a magnet for the thing you desire. This is a psychological law."
"Every time you say 'I want' in life, what you're really saying is 'I'm not happy now, but I will be happy when I get what I want.'"
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
"You help them see clearly, you help them see what they truly want."
"This person sees you as a wish fulfillment; you see them as a wish fulfillment."
"Everyone's lonely, everyone just wants to be friends."
"Follow your heart, follow your desires, and try to always make a decision based on love and light."
"Not getting what you want will make you very unhappy, but there's one thing that will make you even unhappier than not getting what you want: getting what you want."
"Maybe I just want Valkyrie to be gay, okay? Maybe I want to see Tessa Thompson run into the sunset with the woman of her dreams."
"I like to feel desired. I like to have sex with people who honor my body and whose body I honor."
"I want nothing more than to be with you because I love you."
"If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful."
"This is one hell of a rabbit hole, one whose beginning is driven by men who simply want a chance at a fulfilling relationship."
"True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you sent beforehand to indicate that it's yours already."
"Everything is energy. The money you want, the car you want, the house you want... it already exists."
"If I could have any superpower, I would want to be able to read minds."
"The universe is expanding in direct and equal proportion to the desires that you produce."
"An enlightened person doesn't really want to go sell enlightenment."
"Covetousness is an internal longing for what we don't have."
"Visualization is seeing and feeling yourself in your own mind already being, doing, and having the good which you desire."
"You're craving something more real; you're craving someone to love you, someone to be there for you."
"A desire is a contract we make with ourselves to be unhappy until we get what we want."
"In simple terms, a woman who doesn't need a man but wants a man."
"Seth expresses the desire to destroy all Nemesis."
"Your desire is within reach; have faith as everything is working in your favor."
"Difference that truly makes a difference is the kind of diversity I want."
"And yet, has there ever been anything so coveted that is so vaguely defined?"
"My heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved."
"When something is limited, we want it more. That limited can be limited in time, limited in number. It's particularly valuable if it's just limited."
"What you are seeking is seeking you at this moment."
"It's essentially somebody saying a 'no' to you in a situation where you need them to say a 'yes' to you."
"Little by little, you will turn into the whole sweet, amorous universe in heat on a wild spring night."
"Desire and attraction are absolutely non-negotiable in relationships."
"Hey man, do you wanna be my best friend? I'd love nothing more in the world than to be your best friend."
"Love, romance, it's something that we all desire. It's something that's kind of born in us and programmed in us."
"The universal mind knows no big or little, rich or poor, great or insignificant. It gives of itself according to need, and it creates according to desire."
"The most shocking thing in this world is that everyone is walking around starving for more and real intimacy, and yet we're all ashamed of that natural desire."
"What is it that you want from God? I want the best. Whatever God has, I want that."
"Focus on what it is that you want, not what it is that you don't want."
"Inner peace, inner peace. I wish I had inner peace."
"He desires all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."
"All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled."
"I wish to acquire that beautiful, benign, gentle, satisfying thing: Fame. I want it; oh, I want it."
"God created us with the desire for connection."
"All of us have things in life that we want, we try to satisfy those wants, that's all morality is."
"Life will become effortless, everything you desire will appear before you the instant you request it, but then there's no purpose."
"So wherever your desire is, that's where your mind will be. If you desire something intensely, your mind will always be there."
"The universe is fighting so hard to give you what you want."
"We all just simply want to be known and loved."
"Everybody wants to feel that emotion, you know, of love, and it's just natural."
"I would have loved to have had a little red wine and broke a piece of bread with Jesus."
"Desire and interest are the causes that result in success; worry is not desire."
"To succeed in anything, you must want it very much; desire must be in evidence in order to attract."
"The greater the desire, the greater the force set into motion."
"Fear paralyzes desire; it scares the life out of it."
"Scarcity is the most important law in economics, in that no one can have all that they want."
"To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want."
"The average American wants to grill. The average American doesn't want the chaos."
"Our most basic desire is to leave something behind."
"It was that good that I want to see him pilot it one more time."
"I wish we were both somebody else so we wouldn't be somebody else's."
"Desire always leads to suffering. This is the message that is inherent in every great religion."
"I think so, I mean, I've been struck by how deep the hunger is for genuine conversation."
"When will we ever get a Sonic Dreams remake? That's all I want in life."
"My heart, an open wound. Don't try to understand. Make me a bird, let me fly."
"In the absence of resistance, you become a magnet for what you desire."
"I want to be able to be a family now. I honestly do. I want my son to have both parents in his life."
"They truly want or wanted a true connection with you."
"Simplicity is really what a lot of us desire."
"The act of desiring on your part is a response, which brings about a response from the supreme intelligence within you."
"The very fact that you desire something is the proof of the existence of that which you desire."
"Vulnerability is not just about fear and grief and disappointment; it's the birthplace of everything we're hungry for."
"Eros does make it possible, in the strictest sense, to want a woman, not any woman, but this one. The lover desires the beloved rather than the pleasure she can give."
"You've got to figure out what you truly want, and you have to figure out why you want it. And those things have to be really clear."
"It's not in the universe's best interest for you to want something and not get it."
"That which you are seeking is also seeking you."
"Most people want to be able to live their lives in safety."
"You act like mortals in all that you fear, and immortals in all that you desire."
"Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed."
"What you think about, what you talk about, what you strongly think about and intensely desire, you'll bring about."
"People as human beings, we just want to feel good."
"The wanting of things is stronger in our brains than the having of them, so we continually want to buy more."
"Your person is wanting to move to calmer waters."
"People want what they don't have, and social media acts as the conduit."
"Anything that can occur without us and offers stability in some form is probably desirable."
"Imagine that there's a version of you that wants something and then there's a version of you that has something."
"All life is suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, and to remove suffering, you have to remove the desire."
"You do not want to live forever. You do not want immortality."
"New beginnings in finances... it triggers you to launch a rocket of desire as Abraham Hicks says, to manifest new material security, new resources."
"Mr. Sandman, give me a dream, please give me a dream."
"When we can see this, the desire to control naturally begins to wane."