
Context Importance Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"We can't really say that certain emotions like sadness or happiness are healthy. It's context is important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Training to failure is not black and white. There's a whole hell of a lot of context behind it."
"Video doesn't lie, but yes, context is the key. I say this about videos: context is king because it rules the interpretation."
"What data tells you entirely depends on the context and the angle at which you look at it."
"Context matters, and a robot cannot ethically or constructively take a piece of text out of context."
"It's the context in which words are spoken that give them the power or meaning."
"Everything always depends on context. I wouldn't say changing someone's features to another ethnicity is hostile behavior, which is such a crazy sentence to say in the first place."
"World War II was hilarious...said no one ever."
"Everything thinks about content, what are they going to say; nobody's paying attention to the context of the platform."
"In order to understand a person, you have to really understand their context."
"The most important word for every single company in this room, period, is context."
"Costume design needs context, it is not the same as a collection of fashion- it is very individualized and meant to be in a specific world."
"Understanding context is critical. You put things into context all the time."
"Win rates are not false, it's the context or what that means and how you got to that win rate that matters so much."
"The meme variations of the trolley problem just show how important context is to a moral dilemma."
"Context is so important in everything, okay? Don't make conclusions."
"Stop reposting my statements elsewhere without context."
"The longer it is, the more legitimate it is, the more detailed it is, the more context you get, the easier it's going to be to say, 'oh wow that made sense'."
"Context is King and if you think you need to watch the first three seasons of the show to have it make sense you're right."
"Are we overrating Fred," assessing players in context is crucial.
"If you legitimately didn't do anything wrong then none of those other factors actually apply."
"It's all about the context, consent, and how you portray in what way they touched your life."
"Context is probably the most important thing when you're learning technology."
"Most people get preoccupied with the foreground, forget the radical importance of context."
"A good slap is okay every now and again, it's all about timing, place, reason."
"You should absolutely care. The reasons and the context matter."
"The husband meal might be another [__] yeah husband meal is pretty good when you put it into context."
"The more context you have, the more understanding you have."
"He didn't attempt to paint an accurate or fair picture, he didn't say 'this means everything.'"
"Words are completely neutral. It's the context that counts."
"Football is the ultimate team sport, and there is a lot of context that goes into teams winning and losing, especially in the postseason when the sample size is much smaller."
"Price without context tells you nothing." - Peter Reznicek
"I really hate how cinemasins just takes scenes out of context and present them in a dishonest way so that their audience doesn't question them."
"Either everybody stops saying it, or we should move to a point where all of us start to look at the context."
"It's like taking a paragraph out of the middle of a long chapter book."
"We go beyond the headline. We make sure that you know the full context of the story."
"I think the world would be a better place if it was mandatory to have context when you're speaking to someone."
"It's really really fucking good and yet it's it's it can sound absolutely stupid but context is absolutely critical."
"Once you realize that you're not looking at something in the right context with the right amount of information or investigative ability, it's going to be hard to separate yourself from that."
"It's good. I want to see it in situ. That's what really makes it for me."
"Every single joke has a context. Every single joke comes from a place."
"Context is everything. It's everything, especially in comedy."
"What determines a good decision is the circumstances surrounding that decision when it was taken."
"The things that you do to get noticed, they're not always things that make a perfect total sense or seem hunky-dory out of that context."
"If you use a word in its proper context, how can it be offensive?"
"People hear this song away from the album context they're gonna think that it's a story about a guy singing to a girl in reality it is not."
"The test provides empirical evidence for how important context is in our mental processing of what's being depicted."
"Context matters I mean let's be honest context matters and in the way you say things matters I could say the word Pig nobody's gonna be offended but if I call you a pig then it becomes offensive."
"It's all context, and it's all how you say it."
"Context is so much more important than words."
"When you put them in that larger context, it becomes not quite meaningless, but it's so meaningless."
"Mueller said, 'The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24th did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions.'"
"That's been the history of my whole career man, people clipping me out of context, making it sound like I said [__] that I never said."
"I appreciate the context and I think it helps to establish a clear record."
"Context plays a very important theme when it comes to imagery and how you actually take that context."
"A perfect example of context being maliciously stripped."
"Context, context, context. That's the key to understanding any research."
"Context is king. I mean, I could make anyone say just about anything if I took something out of context."
"Wouldn't it be far more productive to instead ask where they came from?"
"As much as I identify with PewDiePie's desire to have freedom over his message and to not be taken out of context any one of those phrases isn't quote just a funny meme as he claims at the end of his video."
"By reposting someone else's work, you remove it from its original context, a context which is controlled by the creator."
"Don't forget to check the context of the scriptures when people are quoting these things to you. Look at it in context, and don't forget to check the actual quotes from the Church Fathers."
"Most of what I say, take it out of context, it's not good."
"Make sure you understand a word's meaning in different contexts."
"Understanding context: key to deeper analysis."
"Don't necessarily take what you hear or see in the media as the truth without understanding the context behind it."
"I understand what I've done and I understand I have been making earnest judgments because I lack the necessary context."
"I thought that has to be taken out of context."
"Context is important no matter which side of an argument you are on."
"Context can change everything, can make something relevant irrelevant if you pull it out of context."
"Social media can be good because you can get bite size of direction of travel but the context is vital during a window because things are simply Ever Changing."
"Context is the fine line between a destroyed career and a celebrated career."
"Apparently the world-famous news company the BBC do not understand that context is a vital part to reporting the news."
"Having a mechanic like this without proper context makes it feel like it was implemented just because and that makes any tension feel artificial which ruins the immersion."
"Civilizations thousands of years from now will probably study May 19th in the Euro 2022 and they will need proper context."
"Exercise acutely increases igf-1 like everything there's nuance and there's context."
"Look, I think that context is important because a lot of stuff gets sensationalized in the media."
"There is profound meaning, profound implication, profound significance in this event. But you can only fathom that significance if you locate this event in a context."
"Our job in HR is to create content. Context is the kingdom, content is the king or the queen."
"Context matters; when we understand the context, everything becomes clearer."
"The context window is important because the amount of data that you can put in the context of the model plays a big role in how useful that model is for your downstream applications."
"More context, more a number of chunks is better both for the retrieval score and for the quality score."
"People interested in these products deserve information, absolutely, but they deserve and should demand that information in context."
"The surrounding of artifacts is what makes them meaningful."
"Not everything you were told is useful; sometimes advice is given based on what people heard or read, and they can ignore the context and the specifics of this particular person or situation."
"The three primary rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, and context."
"The context matters way too much for this problem."
"It's a matter of context, not the content."
"The real story of what happened was totally ignored in favor of this one particular image taken out of context."
"It's really important that you do this because without this context, it's gonna be very hard for them to be a productive contributor to the business."
"Well, just goes to show that context is King."
"If you're not actually seeing both people with both reactions and both mouths moving at the same time, chances are that's not actually the context that that sentence was said in."
"We say this all the time: you took a comment out of context and therefore it was misunderstood."