
Drug Effects Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"This paper basically addresses how our beliefs about the drugs we take impact how they affect us at a real level, not just at a subjective level but at a biological level."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine is a performance-enhancing drug, but only when compared to the noncaffeinated state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who have taken MDMA, as you say, there will be the acute phase of being on the drug and experiencing this extreme connectedness with other people for example, and then the drug wears off, but the brain learned from that experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most interesting feature is not that these drugs produce these acute effects but that these effects are remembered and become attribution points for which people say, 'I remember that experience every day; my life has changed because of it.'"
"It would be so easy to imagine if it wasn't a drug that made people sick or crazy or anxious or desperate."
"Psilocybin mushrooms make for nicer people, I really do."
"The positive effects include euphoria, pain relief, mood lift, music enhancement, relaxation, sedation, and anxiety reduction."
"There's no connection between a level and the degree of impairment."
"It was almost like these kids had a revelation like, 'Oh, these drugs can really kill us.'"
"Drugs come in and drugs you think are going to solve all your problems and they kick the legs out from under it."
"Clenbuterol is one of the most agonizing experiences I've ever put on... You're strapping into an experience where you feel like you're about to have a heart attack for six, seven, eight hours of just misery."
"There have been people who've taken psychedelics and been traumatized for life."
"Austin says that he thinks that the drugs are evil and that they're killing him."
"I'm not pitching you BS, but all they take is three of them things and you won't make it to your next play."
"Nicotine is way worse in this way than weed."
"What the drug does, at least with MDMA, is it kind of puts those protectors to sleep, it lets them sit, move to the sides, and the feelings that you have can emerge."
"Thiazide diuretics - no change in calcium levels."
"PCP is a hallucinogenic substance that makes users feel like they are floating and can alter their perceptions of reality."
"After a very gnarly bong rip that sends our dragons into the astral realm for about 30 seconds, they land back, eyes glowing, ready to have a chat about what happened."
"Treatment with 400 micrograms of huperzine A significantly attenuated cocaine-induced increases of bad effects and willingness to pay."
"Ecstasy does what other favored dance drugs like amphetamine and like LSD don't do."
"Bad trips are the best trips... it's a real feeling, like I professed love for a woman for the first time on some good Molly, and the next day it wasn't like when you're drunk... that feeling still resonates."
"It was a spectacular improvement over amphetamine, it was a psychedelic that had very interesting effects."
"LSD heightens everything. You hear better, see better, smell better. Food tastes better, sex is incredible, like magical."
"Drugs don't make your problems go away. They just create more."
"I missed a lot of opportunities because I was too high on drugs."
"High dose or a mystical experience level dose has a number of additional effects that will not be found at lower doses."
"Anything that has a marked physiological effect is a drug."
"I hate you, Andrew said casually. You were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs."
"A drug is something that modulates your biological activity."
"Mental illness + psychedelics can spiral out of control."
"Stick to one chemical at a time, so you clearly know what effect what is having."
"I'm at the grocery store, and there's this guy in the frozen section who has tweaked off his balls on some kind of a loosen airy drug."
"This drug slows it down, or even inhibits the damage that the amphetamine is doing to you."
"You cannot equate THC blood levels to impairments."
"The pharmacological effects of drugs are completely independent from whether or not they're illegal."
"I think practicing being able to communicate understand people and empathize with others through the elevated state that MDMA offers was what cemented these permanent changes."
"Among the potential positive effects are dissociation, euphoria, anxiolysis, mood lift, sedation, analgesia, laughter, and a dream-like state."
"Its physical euphoria has been reported to enhance orgasm, according to some users."
"Cocaine sends the reward pathway into overdrive, resulting in intense excitement as well as an inflated sense of self-confidence."
"What if Subject Four is actually gone forever because of serum overdose?"
"The highs are super peak of dopamine where you get the super rush."
"Yo, this kid's weird as [__], you're gonna leave me here, I'm like really high."
"You can't beat being on roids at all, that feeling of being invincible, unstoppable, you know, I mean, it's a whole nother game."
"Many of the most transformative drugs in the nervous system perturb the uptake, degradation, or production of endogenous transmitters."
"Marijuana puts you in the moment, enhances whatever you're doing."
"What can someone expect to experience with LSD?"
"If what I had when I went on the drugs was 3 out of 10, what I had when I came off the drugs was you know 9 and 3/4 out of 10."
"Every drug we could become addicted to or get high from, we can get addicted to or get high from because we have endogenous cell receptors that are the same structure as the drug."
"He also began to lose his memory since he consumed those drugs."
"...I feel like I can understand how someone could become violently suicidal on the drug to the point where they may, you know, stab themselves several times or attempt to take their life in a horrific way..."
"It's not awfully surprising that things can be triggered again later by what we think of as a drug."
"The factors that cause people to become violent on drugs are exactly the same factors that cause people to become suicidal on drugs."
"I was tweaky, shaky, and ultra-anxious and paranoid."
"Different g-protein coupled receptors so what do we say about two drugs that do the same thing so they have the same final effect but they come about it in two different ways or through two different pathways that's synergy that is the very definition of drug synergy."
"If things feel good, then it's good, right? Well, that particular drug is going to make you feel really, really bad later."
"Pharmacodynamics is what the drug does to the body."
"Marijuana today is 25 times stronger than in the '70s, '80s, and '90s."
"Crystal meth rewires the way your mind works... it allows you to think things that you weren't okay before you could do them."
"Broken bones will mend and will function again in a normal way, but a mind warped by drugs or a body weakened or distorted by these evil things will not be easily repaired."
"Compound V... it's this drug, it gives the soups their powers."
"Thus, we can conclude that the drug has an effect on the size of tumor in mice, and the tumor size reduces as an effect of the drug."
"The drug has different effects on different people depending on what you might call the level the playing field is in their mind."
"The adverse effects with the intoxication... it's mimetic of some psychiatric psychotic symptoms or analogy and it's an adverse effect of the drug."
"If by taking a drug which I'm assuming has relatively minor side effects, you can increase your chances of losing weight meeting the criterion by 20 percentage points, that seems to me to be an important thing."