
Memories Quotes

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"Memories are not just about learning. Memories are also about placing your entire life into a context."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This has been a father's day without a father."
"I want to thank you for being who you are, thank you for all the memories."
"If I went to zero dollars today, it's not about money; it's about moments, it's about memories, it's about living life to the fullest."
"No matter what happens, unless the Men in Black turn up with that little pen and flash it in front of me and clean my mind, I've had the best time of my life."
"Are you going to say to yourself, 'So glad I didn't get in the pool that day because they would have seen my cellulite,' or are you going to think, 'I'm so glad I jumped into that ocean'?"
"I wish I had five to ten more memories in my 20s with my high school and college friends of going on those trips that everybody does."
"It was such a pure experience and it was one of my favorites of all of 2022."
"I didn't realize that here I was, 21 years later, making memories with this game once again."
"Still, this all got me thinking about the memories we make while playing games."
"When you pass in this world, you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you shared with those you love."
"These are bookmarks to our life, aren't they?"
"Growing up, I was always outside, like girl, I was riding bikes with no shoes in LA."
"We all remember our first moments with our favorite games, we may not have known they would become our favorite games at the time, but in retrospect they become defining, cherishable memories."
"I don't have anger or hate, I have memories bad memories but I don't have anger."
"It was so much fun, and I really want to be able to share that memory again with her one day."
"The real treasure was the memories we made along the way."
"You can't get in one of these and not remember when things were simpler."
"The amount of times I've gone and done something I never would have myself... and then it turns out that it's these moments that we still talk about and remember fondly."
"You've got to remember what it's like to be 13 and 14 and how huge those things are."
"Nostalgia is a whole nother level. It holds a special place in a man's heart when they find a toy they used to have when they were a kid."
"This shoe was really special to me because this is the shoe that I proposed to my wife in."
"As he lays in bed, he begins to cry as his memories of Eugeo reawaken."
"Feels good to be back home, even though we don't necessarily have a fancy house, we got our pets and, uh, you know, we got our memories of being here."
"Someday when I'm not here, I hope that my grandchildren will love these things, and there'll be enough to go around to everybody."
"Hunting is not the animals that give us; it's not this trophy room of animals. It's these memories and this unbelievable relationships that we built."
"The moments of unplanned struggle often become some of our fondest memories."
"Food has memories, not the chocolate. It's the feeling you felt when you couldn't have it."
"People will talk about you forever for the rest of their lives because the only memories that were worth remembering were with you."
"This year we’re celebrating 50 years of memories, and more importantly, we’re looking forward to the endless possibilities that lie ahead."
"Success to me now is making great memories with people. That feels like a success. I've redefined what success means to me."
"Making memories with the people who matter is what matters."
"I'd much rather be telling my grandkids stories about like, 'Oh yeah, like you can see these wedding photos. Like, this crazy thing happened.'"
"Focus on the good times and positive memories."
"Such a crazy night, and I still owe you money from then."
"The on-ride photos are always some of my favorites to look at at the end of the day because you never know what your face is going to look like."
"It's not about the rides we take, but the memories we make."
"I want to experience experiences. I want to have moments that I'll never forget my entire life."
"Together they've unearthed a gem far more precious than before, beloved high school memories."
"Thank you, Sting, for all of the incredible memories, bringing us all here tonight to commemorate your incredible career."
"I love football, whether it was in my backyard with my brother, on the playground with my friends, or suiting up on Friday nights."
"I am the collection of my memories; that is who I am."
"Remembering the sacrifice my team made for me, the funny moments we had together, the loyalty since the beginning."
"I want to drive through the summer night and when we are old and grey, we'll look back at this, the summer night."
"You want to anchor yourself to that attachment, but you want to make sure that your thoughts about the person, and your feelings about the person, are not oriented toward that map, that deep catalog of memories that you had."
"Revisiting the gang's old camps years later and hearing the whispering memories... is Rockstar at their peak."
"That's the single greatest and quickest souvenir that you can have from any given moment."
"We capture photos and videos so we can look back and remember. They help us feel connected."
"Malcolm Butler, man, this is bringing back some freaking great memories, bro. Some great memories."
"It's kind of like the first girl you kiss; you never forget."
"I'm not saying that video games alone make my life fulfilling, but when I'm on my deathbed I do not think I will be regretting the time I put into this one."
"I'm so thankful that we had that time together."
"We're just here to be memories for our kids."
"It's seriously so much fun to be able to spend time with them, make memories, do fun things with them."
"Honestly, that night was one of my favorite memories with my siblings."
"I'll never forget about you guys. I'll never, ever forget. I'll be cheering for you guys from now on. Because we're all friends after all."
"The memories that we've made here will last a lifetime."
"We hugged each other at the end of the lesson; that day was the warmest and happiest pieces of memories ever in my life."
"Just live simple because the more simple your life is, the more you focus on creating memories and living in the now."
"The memories that you have, the legacy that you create, the lives that you touch—that's the stuff that really matters."
"The best part about memories is making them."
"What I do have are the fantastic memories... and holding on to that is what gets me through the tough days."
"I am not my stuff; we are more than our possessions. Our memories are within us, not within our things."
"Focus on the good times. Try and remember the times that were good."
"In fact, quite the opposite. Theme and amusement parks are special environments, where some of our strongest memories are formed."
"A place that had so many unique experiences in the hearts of many where families came to create memories and be transported to a different land."
"I hope someday when this tree is huge and you're a grown man, you'll come and sit underneath it and remember that you chose the spot for it."
"We want to remember the happy times, and we're often documenting things to remember the good moments in our life."
"In the end, it's not about the achievements we unlock, but the memories we create."
"Make sure to build some memories and enjoy yourself along the journey."
"This game provided the most amount of unforgettable experiences that would stick with us for our whole lives."
"It's better to go out for experiences...that's something that lives on in your mind forever."
"You take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you have shared with those you love."
"Let's seize the opportunity and create even more wonderful memories."
"Someday we might be 80 and think about the different things we used to say. All the memories of you will just become a ghost of a smile caught in the wind."
"Lewis tells Rey not to forget his name and that he should come back to eat hot pot whenever he wants."
"What small act of kindness were you once shown that you will never forget?"
"We sit there and we think, you know, we're right now facilitating the creation of memories that hopefully, hopefully one day he looks back fondly on."
"Melodies can evoke strong autobiographical memories, meaning that song really can take you back to when and where and what was happening when you listened to it."
"I can't turn off my life. I can't turn off my memories."
"It's like stepping back into a time capsule."
"The more important substance of life is the memories we share."
"That is some nostalgia in a pouch right there."
"So many memories; it's the stories that will last a lifetime."
"Memories for us to have and that's super exciting."
"My mother loved chocolate turtles more than anything else in the world. Whenever she ate one, it was like all the life's problems just went away."
"The day after she passed, a ladybug came to me and didn't leave me for a few hours... so I know when I see them, it is her visiting me."
"When somebody validates you or somebody says something that profoundly impacts your life, those can be very important memories."
"This beautiful moment is going to offer you a lot of memories, a lot of bliss."
"It's about jumping into life, taking a big slice of life, and eating it and doing it. You get to remember all that; he gets to live that experience, relive it, and he sees it, and he hears it, he feels that he smells it in his mind. And that is something else."
"What we should do is just share our favorite moments...that only exist because of that person."
"You are going to die with regret on the flip side. I want you to die old and ripe with these amazing memories."
"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, then all you're left with is memories of the past."
"That day we walked out, I treasure that day."
"When you pass from this world, you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories that you have shared with those you love."
"All you really have in the end are your memories."
"Those socks I was laughing at had a huge value to him because his late wife made them before her passing, and he's been wearing them for years."
"The authors of 'The Power of Moments' call these your flagship moments. So you've got the highs, the really exciting things, the happy things that happened. You've got the pits, the lows, the crappy things that happened. And then you've got the transitions, so if any big transitions happen in your year like moving to a new job or moving houses, those are the big moments that you're going to remember in your life."
"Isn't it amazing how many memories are connected to each of these books?"
"Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the entire year and some of my best memories in my life have come from Christmas and the holiday season."
"I want to remember all the fun things I did with you."
"I love you. Keeping treasured memories close to your heart, you're always on their mind."
"My life goal is to just die with memories, not dreams."
"The house obviously takes a hit, but it is more than worth it because, you know, you're making memories."
"All we got in life is the memories we create."
"The things we most remember, the things we feel the most, aren't large events... It's the small things. It's art that makes existence not just worth living, but possible in the first place."
"Grandparents give children something special: special memories to cherish and grow up with."
"At the end of the day, our lives are a collection of memories with our friends and family."
"It’s hard to find any other DIY idea that can rival this one to track and cherish your travel memories."
"Isn't life just an accumulation of memories of experiences that are spread out like a choose your ending children's book?"
"If I have a tapestry of core memories suggesting that I have worth, or that I'm beautiful, or that I'm loved, there's gonna be some strands in there that say that one time dad yelled at me or that one time kids picked on me. But if the overall coloring is this positive thing, that will be what that looks like."
"Being stuck in traffic is typical for Californians, still, he loves this New Year's Eve memory."
"It was the friends that we made along the way."
"This is the moment that we're all gonna look back and remember, and I'm just scared that we're moving on so quick and everything's gonna, you know."
"Imagine you're in high school for a minute and think back and try to picture what every morning felt like."
"Remember me by the happy memories we created."
"All my life's happiest moments just played in my head."
"Buy a home because you want to make memories there, not because you think you can make a whole bunch of money on it."
"All that is left of our life stories are the deeply personal horrors of humankind's inhumanity toward other humans."
"It's not just about what we find, but about the stories we uncover and the memories we create."
"Everything here that I have is a relic of a happier time, a happier memory."
"I always have those memories of that era, that time."
"Fill this jar with your favorite happy memories throughout the year."
"Let's make more wonderful memories together as we explore."
"Everyone is in a happy and joyful mood, it’s been a great night, one that you’ll be reminiscing about with your friends for years."
"It's moments like this, everyone has that football moment, that memory, and tonight's going to be the night."
"It's just a trip down big wallet memory lane."
"I just hope our time together was meaningful enough to him, enough to make him cherish even the darkest ones."
"Your kids will remember your demeanor towards them. It's important."
"So let the light guide your way, yeah. Hold every memory as you go."
"But gazing upon it today can instantly resuscitate memories from a time gone by."
"Remember all the fun times we had together, so don't give up. You're our hope."
"I'm speaking specifically about your wedding day--what will you remember? What will last longer, the color of your dress or the relationship with your mother-in-law?"
"The Marvel series is something that I started with my dad and I finished with my partner. It's been such a big thing for me to share with the most important men I have in my life."
"Memories don't die. Yes, memories are something that will live on eternally."
"The sweetest years of our lives back then, we were young and unafraid."
"Our family was a very, very close family. And they landed with the helicopters every weekend. He would go up and kiss my grandpa and tell him what happened that week."
"A time that helped shape my childhood, a time that saw the birth of my wonderful sister Maya, a time that made such an impression on my mother."
"A console's legacy is not just in its sales, but in the memories it creates and the experiences it preserves."
"To see his smiling face in all these photos... do you know how happy that made me?"
"The best video game memories and experiences come from the side of unfamiliar territory."
"Most people are gonna have great experiences in high school that they can look back on."
"People never forget how you make them feel... they might forget what you say... but they'll never forget how you made them feel."
"I hope that someday, God willing, we can be reunited once more and continue the great plans we had for each other. Goodbye for now, but not forever, darling, as you will live on in all of our hearts and memories."
"In photography, sometimes you just want a nice memory, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"You're building a highlight reel that no one can ever take away from you."
"You got to live life, yeah, and you got to make memories and record those memories."
"Traveling with companions in dream vacation would enhance the experience of the vacation because companions can share a sense of responsibility, there can be a deeper connection, you can cherish memories together."
"Making memories doesn't always have to be expensive; sometimes a captured moment can be priceless."
"Even if I lost all my memories, I'll still fall in love with you again!"
"Cameras capture moments in time, preserving memories, emotions, and scenes that might otherwise fade from memory."
"We lost that person that would force us to make new memories."
"Those were the good old days. These right here are the moments."
"Thank you for the memories and thank you for being there for me."
"There's a natural, essential affinity between one's body, one's memories, and one's identity."
"Memories can make it hard to let go, even when you know you should."
"It's clear that this game holds some really cherished memories for these guys: of a time early on in their careers when they stumbled upon an opportunity to make a game that would be played and loved by hundreds of thousands of people."
"Have you ever laid on your back under a pop tree, thinking about all your memories?"
"When a Canadian woman named Charlene France was out on a trip to Snow Hill Island on the Antarctic Peninsula, she had a beautiful encounter with a baby animal that will no doubt stay in her memory for a long time."
"I was a young guy too and I love the ladies I had many many Dianes and many a great time."
"Memories are what anchor us in time and to the people around us."
"They were ubiquitous at the time and I remember riding in a zillion of these."
"Have you forgotten all of the intimate moments that were shared between the two of us?"
"Absolutely fantastic, that's a picture of me and PR."
"I can tell when Maddie's reflecting in her face that she laughed a lot with her mom."
"Go through your photos for this whole year, jog your memory, actually make a list of the things that were special to you."
"They resist moving on from you, not wanting to let go of the happiness they had."
"You are giving them a piece of that memory they can never lose and they will always remember exactly what it meant and where it came from."
"When they hear your name, they think about turning back time."
"Oh, you would. Yeah, you and Brad just have it going at it. That was a good time."
"One day the story might end, but the memories we've made here together will last forever."
"What's next are the friends we made along the way."
"From here on I will choose to remember the good times because you are still worth that."
"There is no family so busy but that it can come together in the evening for a dinner date which will give its members something to look back upon with happiness all their days."
"Remember why you guys fell in love... remember the time."
"We had an entire table of pies... guests still mention 14 years later how awesome it was to eat wedding pie instead of wedding cake."
"I made so many wonderful memories here on this campus that will last a lifetime."
"They think about you a lot; it's not a day you don't cross their mind."
"Cheers to you and yours, and a cheers to the friend you lost but most importantly the good memories of the friend that you had."
"I love the Chrome ventilation system... yeah, yeah, this is actually my favorite car."
"In the end, it doesn’t matter that they’re gone, what matters is how they went… and they went spending time with you exploring the graveyards of the world, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Each song represents a very important time in my life... it's a beautiful way for me to remember and capture those memories."
"That's what you think about when it comes to baseball: a father and son moment."
"This is about a father and son moment, and that's what you think about when it comes to baseball."
"A good photo could be the reason you cry or smile or laugh about a memory."
"Thanks for all the laughs and great times over the last several years, here's to many more."
"You have no idea how much this statement means to me, you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
"I remember every memory from every one of them plays, and regardless of what the show result was, I don't... you remember the memory of being there."
"It's a stunning combination of beauty and mystery etching Unforgettable memories into stories."
"I've got the time that my two kids were born on my wrist."
"People like looking back on their favorite moments from before they were cynical."
"Maybe your life is all about the side quest, eh? For the world-saving adventure, she went on, the slice of memories we get are those small moments that really defined the time she spent with her party."
"Best memories that I have playing basketball for real."
"This is the happiest memory in the brain. I play it every time it gets sad."
"It's been a long, long crazy ride. We've been on lots of trips together. Tons of memories together."
"Welcome to my Funland tour, where every game is a memory waiting to happen."
"The songs that remind us of the good times, the songs that remind us of the best times."
"I just remember good things... he just was my idol."
"The memory zone: where I've been storing all my favorite memories so I can relive the peak experiences of my life whenever I want."
"No matter who you are or where you're from, they are spaces where you can create new stories, forge new friendships, and make memories worthy of lasting a lifetime."