
Human Ability Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"What's really special about the brain, and in particular the human brain, is its ability to place events in the context of past events, the present, and future events."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A man can always change things. That's what makes him different from the barnyard critters."
"The greatest ability that human beings have above animals is that a dog can't be anything but a dog; a tree can't be anything but a tree. Human being, you've got unlimited potential."
"Language comes so naturally to us that we’re apt to forget what a strange and miraculous gift it is."
"As humans, we do have the ability to differentiate, but I feel that that's often forgotten by the media."
"Nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them."
"Humans can kind of do whatever they put their minds to."
"Human beings are capable of much more and great things."
"Nothing is impossible and that man is capable of improving his circumstances beyond what we're told is fact."
"Whatever their purpose, they're an unbelievable example of human ingenuity."
"Building things, making things, creating things - that's what humans excel at."
"Turns out humans are really, really good at pattern recognition."
"Good writing can only be done by human brains."
"Human imagination is one of the two things in the universe that appear to be infinite."
"In the end, we will prevail because I have great faith in human ability to see through nonsense."
"Humans as a concept we're very good at solving problems if there's a problem and we really want to solve it we will find a way to get it done."
"The power of fantasy, a power we all possess."
"Why something so skilled compared to us with their senses and what they can do physically... it just doesn't make sense."
"Even blind people do have a heightened sense of hearing. Some people, I found out recently, can see more colors than other people, which must be interesting."
"The average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds to just under 2 minutes."
"Communication is a magic superpower that we all have access to, but one that seems oddly elusive for many people."
"Chomsky argued that this could not possibly explain how virtually all human beings... master the faculty of language."
"Arguably, asking questions is one of the most important human abilities we have."
"Get ready to meet the most extraordinary humans you've ever seen."
"This innate human ability to adapt and innovate made them valuable potential allies rather than mere subordinates to be conquered."
"Human beings have the ability to warm themselves whenever they want just by flexing."
"...the real power of this is in understanding the distribution of human ability..."
"The human ability to creatively solve communicative problems is not going to go away."
"There are things that computers can't do at all."
"Humans are extremely good at finding patterns, we can find patterns in anything, we can find patterns in random data."
"Humans have this unique ability to both intuit information from their surroundings, from the living world, and then to use their intention and their incredible abilities of communication to pass that information on, to share it with others."
"Willpower is really such an incredible power that we have."
"One of the greatest things that we have at our disposal is our ability to communicate with each other."
"People are able to see the entire spectrum of colors."
"It's going to amplify abilities, not replace them."
"This is our aha moment, our amplification of human ability."
"We are living in an age in which machines and artificial intelligence will replace many aspects of jobs, and to succeed, everyone needs to be outfitted to do what only humans can do: be creative."
"The secret of human dexterity is not vision, otherwise humans could do nothing in the dark."
"Humans are very good at that sort of resourcefulness."
"All healthy humans can learn any natural human language, and no other animal can learn a human language to anything like the standard that a human can."
"For Cantonese, man can conquer nature."
"We humans are exceptional pattern matching machines and we're really good at spotting anomalies."
"Humans still do much that computers cannot. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can learn everything online."
"Humans can use the fling projectile skill better than any other build."
"Humans are very good at a kind of one-shot learning."
"Survival, something that every human being has the ability to do on their own."
"It's amazing what humans can do and that they can adapt."
"Complexity is what humans do best... when it comes to complexity, we can solve problems."
"There are things that are non-algorithmic; it turns out that this non-algorithmic aspect translates to human abilities."
"For there isn't a camera on this Earth that can come close to the human eye, nor a computer that can compete alongside the human mind."
"Humans are very fast at identifying and processing visual data."
"It's something we humans are really, really good at."
"As a person, you've got the tremendous strength that we've already seen of pattern recognition."
"We aren't quite as fast as computers, but we make up for it by recognizing patterns."
"This ability to dip into the sensory worlds of other creatures is our super sense; it is a gift and one that we must cherish."
"We might not be the fastest, but we are the best marathon runners on the planet."
"Humans can distinguish between over a trillion different smells."
"The fact that a computer can do a million things a second doesn't mean it's as powerful as a person that has a better approach."
"We see patterns and we solve problems better than anything else in our own way."
"People are the best long-distance walkers and runners of any animal today."
"There are certain things that humans are still very good at, and some of these crowdsourcing things tell us that those certain things that humans are still very good at is maybe much larger than we think."
"Above all other animals, humans have this terrific capacity for speech which has been developed over millions of years."
"Sweating is one of our secret superpowers."
"Humans are crazy good at pattern recognition."
"This is a natural human ability which is within the grasp of every intelligent person."
"We as humans are able to think about what we're thinking about."
"After all, we humans are not mice or rats; we have technology, not to mention societal rules. Brilliant minds continually rise to meet challenges."
"We're fairly skilled at pattern recognition."
"We humans are particularly good at imagination, at simulating scenarios in the world."
"The human race has one superpower that no other animal has, and we have a frontal cortex that allows us to predict the future."
"We have this rare ability as human beings to be able to prescribe meaning to this ultimately meaningless situation."
"It's amazing that humans can do this work rather effortlessly."
"No human can do something like how you do it."
"Imagination is one of the highest prerogatives of the human."
"The ability to generalize correctly from a single training example when faced with new things to learn, humans can usually exploit an enormous amount of training data and experiences that stem from other related learning tasks."
"I'm a human that just made a human; that's like a superpower."
"We have intelligence, that's our superpower."
"Can you be two or three times as focused as a normal human being? And the answer is yes."
"The ability to think about infinite different types of futures and then use those futures to shape who we are and what we do in the present is a superhuman ability."
"Sound localization is accurate and humans have excellent performance."
"Man thus endowed seems to have an extra sense, the sixth sense of mathematics."
"No human can move like that through the complete darkness without special equipment."
"Humans are really good at visualizing patterns when you can see a lot of information at once."
"A robot is not necessarily better than a human at doing procedures; the robot enhances the human's abilities to do the procedures."
"Humans have a special ability that is granted to us by the structure of our brain that we have a greater semantic understanding of aspects of the world."
"The power of what hands can do is just unbelievable."
"It's amazing what we can actually adapt to."
"Humans used their brains to compensate for their disadvantages and create skills."
"Humans are still better at chess than computers."