
Cognitive Ability Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Physical movement and cognitive ability are intimately connected."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're not wired for multitasking; what we're wired for is focus, and that's really our superpower."
"It's as strong as the relationship between General cognitive ability and learning, which is the strongest association I've ever seen in social sciences."
"The idea that we could convert natural resources into human cognitive ability seems like a pretty damn good trade from the perspective of economic flourishing and environmental sustainability."
"The research indicates that split brain patients are able to engage in very complex bimanual tasks such as playing a Mozart melody on a piano with both hands."
"Racism correlates with lower IQ, lower education levels, and worse off almost every imaginable metric related to cognitive ability."
"Being able to have a third person perspective is probably about as close to a superpower as you can get."
"Imagination is what sets us apart. This ability to bring into mind things that aren't present, to hypothesize, to step outside of the present moment."
"Language is a proxy for an incredibly sophisticated level of human thought not shared by any other animal on the planet."
"His mind works like almost no one else's in the game, he processes information extremely quick allowing him to react to situations without hesitation."
"Your experience goes beyond your five senses. You have the ability to rationally think."
"My mind could follow the patterns just like it always could."
"People with hyperthymesia have an impressive, if slightly overwhelming ability."
"The human brain does have this almost unlimitedly open-ended capacity in its software."
"There's nothing like it in terms of its mental capacity."
"That's just me, because what he has currently inside of his skull, it ain't doing it."
"If I concentrate hard enough, I can force my words back into order."
"It reaffirms something that anthropologists have long thought: it's not how big a brain is, but rather how it is organized."
"You gotta have a bunch of memories at once so you can remember a bunch of things at the same time."
"Human minds are able to tune into their own past states in everyday recollection."
"They're considered to be one of the most intelligent species of bird."
"The human mind is that one thing that separates us from the rest of the creatures on earth."
"The power of the mind is something that is crazy."
"The signal of intelligence would be coming up with the good questions."
"A great memory is achievable and actually easy to learn."
"Our brains are incredibly flexible in this powerful way that many people don't understand."
"The brain is the ultimate weapon you have so make sure that you are training it."
"The signal of a Humanities degree is cognitive ability, but it's also conscientiousness."
"It's crazy because you don't realize how fast your brain can process all of these things and compute that quickly, but it works. It really does. It's incredible."
"Meditators perform 40 percent higher on something called the tripartite performance variability test."
"Mindfulness is like a power, it's like a faculty. It's called the mindfulness in power."
"Your cognitive ability has nothing to do with your blue hair."
"Humans are extremely good at finding patterns, we can find patterns in anything, we can find patterns in random data."
"Humans are very good at understanding novel conceptual combinations."
"We humans have always been more intuitive than a lot of people give us credit for."
"Our brains have enormous capacity for the simple tasks that we're doing, and yet we're able to do one-shot learning and all kinds of crazy stuff."
"Our brain is far more flexible than we give it credit for."
"It represents the tremendous capacity of the mind to actually have an ordinary language conversation with anyone."
"Given the right inputs, our brains can do some pretty amazing things."
"How smart you are is one of the biggest determinants, if not the biggest determinant, of how your future is going to turn out."
"Humans possess a remarkable ability to create mental images of unseen objects and actions through a process known as The Mind's Eye."
"We've got this incredible ability to plan for the future, to make better decisions."
"The ability to keep track of time is operative whenever one keeps hold of time-specific thoughts as time passes."
"Parrots have the intelligence level of a small child."
"Our brains are pretty good at parsing depth out to a reasonable extent."
"Being able to remember, think, and do multiple things at the same time is what you have to do while you're driving."
"I just want to assure you, I was not on any mind-altering substances or long-term medication that could affect my cognitive ability."
"Anytime I stumble into a room that has two mirrors on either side... it's always a neat reminder of how our mind just has this ability to continue to step back and observe and think about our experience."
"I call it using my brain. I do have one, you know."
"We can recognize people we have met before in approximately 100 milliseconds."
"We have the cognitive capacities to overcome [innate tendencies]... we have been endowed with to say, okay, this is a part of our nature, but I have agency."
"He has perfect memory and he can perform all of the brain functions way faster than anyone else."