
Health Impact Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"Sleep deprivation has a profound impact on insulin resistance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Digestive issues, mental focus issues, depression, anxiety, exacerbation of every major psychiatric disorder from OCD to ADHD, is closely associated with disruptions in circadian clock function."
"If we aren't able to have control or learn to navigate our emotion and the way we think, then we're going to make bad decisions which will turn into bad results for our health and our life."
"On almost any front, coffee seems to be healthy and have a really positive impact wherever it's been measured."
"If you give people a healthy diet in prisons, they will reduce violent crime in the prison by 56%."
"Toxic stress will decrease your nutrient absorption by up to 80%."
"I believe that food choices matter... food choices can directly impact our health for better or for worse."
"The most empowering discoveries over the last however many years is just how big of an impact our decisions, our actions, can have on our health span."
"Alcohol is really a saboteur to our gut-feeling connection. It will impact our gut microbiome, increase leaky gut syndrome, really raise systemic inflammation, and it's a neurotoxin."
"We eat an ultra-processed diet that makes us ravenous."
"A sedentary lifestyle not only impacts sleep quality but life quality."
"Activity in certain areas of the brain is increased by meditative practice and that this sends signals that actually go to the tumor and make something happen through a biochemical pathway that we have defined."
"Stress could be why you're having trouble losing weight; it can wreak havoc on our blood sugar."
"Chemicals in our food, cleaning products, etc., are affecting many people's ability to reason."
"Humans are meant to connect with each other, and I think this just goes to show how much loneliness can harm people."
"Vitamin D is not just like a supplement or nutrient necessarily or a vitamin, it is also a literal like steroid. It's like hormonal in its structure essentially."
"These vaccines have saved lives... you could see how these vaccines completely severed the link between COVID cases and COVID deaths."
"If you eat at the same time every day, you influence your circadian rhythm, which can significantly impact your health."
"Sleep is the one thing that will impact you the fastest. You could mess up your diet for a day, two days, maybe even a week before it really starts to hammer you. But man, you miss one night's sleep, and there is a catastrophic cascade of biological problems that will present themselves rapidly."
"Chronic stress reduces blood supply to the digestive system, decreases nutrient absorption, and increases food sensitivities."
"Allergies exist on a continuum. Some people it's unpleasant at certain times of year, yet other people like your father end up dying from allergies."
"Blueberries and raspberries, which may be different than if you're having red meat with fries and highly processed breads. It gets really complex, doesn't it?"
"When you send a friend to the hospital and you call up to find out how is he doing... and he's in a coma. This is not the flu."
"Severe vitamin D deficiency dramatically increases the risk of excess mortality."
"When we disconnected from nature, we lost our connection and now our bodies are on fire."
"In general, drinks are not what's going to make your diet, but they are the most likely to break your diets."
"That acute stress that you put on your heart, it's not... When you work out you're supposed to warm up and cool down, that kind of thing. But you know, from a dead sleep to your max heart rate in less than five minutes is just not healthy for your heart."
"I left Blizzard after my boss gaslit me so bad that my hair started falling out."
"If a medication slashed cases by 77%, we'd call it a miracle pill."
"Our food's been weaponized with fructose that we subsidize."
"When you don't sleep, your body interprets it as an emergency... it raises your heart rate, it makes you crave more sugar and fast food, it makes your heart beat faster, and it shuts down a lot of the creative parts of your brain."
"It's not just that our food lacks things we need; it's that it contains things that act on us like drugs."
"The decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a catastrophic impact on our health, our wellness, even the safety and the education of our children."
"A lack of sleep will impact just about every major physiological system in your body and almost every operation of your mind."
"The exciting part about nutrition is discovering how a small change can have such a large effect on our overall well-being."
"One of the biggest things that ages people is stress."
"You're eating empty nutrition, and you're going to feel it."
"Eating bad once a week will not hurt you, but eating good once a week will not help you. It's what you do consistently that counts."
"What you eat doesn't just affect your own health; if you're a woman who is still going to give birth in the future, what you eat is going to affect the birth of your unborn child, even if you're not pregnant right now."
"If you're not getting good sleep and if you're under stress, that's like throwing gasoline on a fire."
"What you eat has huge repercussions on your hormones, your bacteria."
"Understanding the ingredients in our food can have a significant impact on our overall wellbeing."
"Refined sugar consumption contributes to advanced glycation end products in the skin."
"So, the immune system... that's when the disease pathology can occur."
"Among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, pre-infection deficiency vitamin D was associated with increased disease severity and mortality."
"The device could help limit human suffering to a tiny fraction of what it is today."
"Food is medicine, and quality matters. It's not just calories; it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"Just 5 minutes of high-intensity interval training can make a difference."
"Buying organic is a waste of money? No. They contribute to cancer, autism, ADHD behaviors, and chronic diseases."
"If people stopped eating animals in mass, we would dramatically reduce our risk of the emergence of killer pandemic viruses."
"More exercise is better... It turns out that the exercise that has the most impact is very high intensity, very short duration exercise."
"Chronic stress, sympathetic overdrive, busy schedules, and always being on the go is literally robbing us of our vitality."
"Stop eating garbage, it's impacting you way more than you think, it's impacting your ability to sleep, it's giving you chronic fatigue, it's making you depressed."
"Food is the single biggest information input we have to our bodies every day."
"There is no question in my mind: my diet saved my life."
"This is the furthest extent that I've taken it... please like the video because my liver and my entire personality suffers when you don't."
"In most instances, being scammed out of a few bucks on a bogus diet or health product will only mildly impact your health. But what if the stakes were much higher?"
"I don't like daylight saving time. It makes me sick."
"The heavy medication that he was prescribed to counter it."
"Imagine having seizures for years, and then you get a brain implant that fixes all of this, and then you have to take it out because the company that made it is going bankrupt."
"Penicillin has saved millions and millions of lives."
"500,000 people a year year in year out dying from smoking-related diseases."
"There's no doubt what happened here and no doubt that the medication did this."
"I think even when kids eat McDonald's they're like 'my stomach hurts but I want to go back tomorrow.'"
"This thing is very difficult to contain. If it gets in your body, it does a lot of damage and it's proving to be a ridiculously sneaky foe."
"Everything is connected... your lifestyle is the single biggest thing that you can do to reduce your risk for all of these diseases."
"Vitamin D reduces the incidence, the severity, and the mortality in COVID-19."
"Diet and exercise can have a lot of impact on your risk of strokes and diabetes."
"Loneliness affects income and health, reflecting deficiencies in relationship skills."
"Stress and anxiety is like probably one of the biggest killers in America."
"It's completely frame-shifting and I think that it, I feel the same way. Like, let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver."
"A bad marriage is as damaging to your health as heavy smoking or drinking."
"11 million deaths a year attributed just to poor diet."
"President Trump's contraction of this virus puts more pressure on Congress to pass the next stimulus package."
"More people are sick in America tonight because Donald Trump is president."
"Martial is, when he's fit, the best forward we have at the club."
"All the most popular fad diets will cause fat loss in the short term... but can also deteriorate your relationships."
"The miracle of soap. Did you know that people used to not wash their hands before? The doctors wouldn't wash their hands before, and they started washing their hands and then infant mortality rate plummeted."
"Stress is like a gate... less sleep, stress, open that gate."
"The impact of nutrition and lifestyle is so much greater than medications."
"Money's never the answer... it's going to deteriorate your health, the quality of your life, and ultimately your existence."
"Not all calories are created equal. When you eat a hundred calories of broccoli versus a hundred calories of cookies, very different things are happening in your body."
"The knowledge of germs, that they exist, how they operate, changed everything."
"Something changed and it was just 2 days a week."
"Having enough protein in your diet can change things tremendously."
"Technology's not all bad, but what we're blind to is how technology destroys acadian signaling."
"So the excess of Acyl-CoA, the ethanol and the ROS species activate an enzyme called JNK1 which is the bridge between metabolism and inflammation."
"Walking about 10,000 steps a day can contribute in a massive way to your weight loss journey."
"It's not just the amount that you eat or what it is that you eat, it's how often you eat it."
"Pollution is a major cause of death, full stop."
"I hope that my work helps people sort of reverse the type two diabetes."
"The pandemic probably a bad way to describe it but the residual effects of the pandemic."
"Getting sick just kind of kills the playthrough."
"Oh yeah, what's that now there's a fat in donuts anybody know what that's called? Trans trans fat that's right some people in Chicago know what a donut is some people avoid it some people eat a lot of it."
"If you are married you've decided to create a new family with somebody and now outside of abuse and you know drugs or things that are actively deteriorating your health you should do whatever you can to maintain your marriage."
"The frustration of the narcissistic relationship is the issue, not staying up and playing Candy Crush at bedtime."
"The chemicals in your brain are 100% impacted by what you're eating."
"In many cases the symptoms could be persistent and extremely debilitating."
"Food choices can impact how many calories you eat."
"Excessive salt consumption can have significant repercussions on kidney health."
"Excessive alcohol consumption poses significant risks to Kidney Health."
"Managing stress... has a huge potential to actually make a really big difference in the leanness of your midsection."
"Added sugar is the number one single source of calories in the American diet."
"Gastric bypass surgery destroyed my marriage. I'm sharing the story in hopes that I can spare someone else from the same fate."
"It literally shaves years off the end of your life because of the type of stress that it creates in your body."
"These vaccines are saving lives, they are reducing mortality."
"The impact of vaccines is incontrovertible, it's clear as day."
"What you eat matters, how you live matters, that's gonna affect it."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with using drugs as long as they don't have negative effects on your life."
"Fluvoxamine, an inexpensive widely available... can reduce ER visits and hospitalizations in COVID-19."
"If they stay healthy, they can make the Conference Finals."
"Fear is gonna kill, fear lowers you, creates stress, vulnerability."
"Our nutritional choices can absolutely impact our overall health."
"There's just an incredible amount of opportunity, many unmet medical need diseases there that we can make an impact on."
"Every single thing you eat is a medicine or a poison."
"Isn't it kind of crazy that just changing your sleep pattern by one hour is enough to kill some people?"
"Many previously healthy individuals were left with permanent cognitive and physical defects from this procedure."
"Mustard gas is a uniquely awful chemical weapon... agonizing blisters."
"Our diet, packed with high-caloric, high-density foods, has hijacked the system."
"Sugary and processed foods have short-term and long-term effects on the brain, gut, and immune system."
"The health halo effect can lead to poor eating decisions."
"It felt like a lot of weight on your feet because you've been standing literally eight hours all day."
"Vaccines are one of the biggest successes in modern medicine."
"Don't get addicted to it, it is addictive and it will start showing on you."
"The modern food supply has a drug-like effect on the system."
"Exercise literally slashes the relative risk in half."
"Loneliness for humans is just as impactful to our physical health as smoking cigarettes."
"All of these premature deaths could be avoided if the average global temperature could be reduced by just 1.5 degrees."
"Losing sleep is damn near one of the worst things you could do for your training, for your diet, for your psychology, for your longevity."
"Antivirals are coming and they will be massively significant."
"Wow, like I'm a miracle. I mean, my body, my everything about my life, my existence is miraculous if I really stop to consider that for a moment."
"It's like eating sugar for breakfast. I will up the ante here. It's much worse than eating dessert for breakfast."
"I'm sorry you're both sick because of me. From now on, I'm gonna love you the way you love me."
"Diet does matter. In fact, it may be one of the larger effects that we can have in determining our health."
"You waiting on answers to see when you can move or when you can get in or... You can have one year where everything is fine, but that next coming year, you catch a bad cold and it's all over with."
"Nuclear would eliminate the majority of pollution-related fatality in the US."
"The patriarchy is literally killing you. Let it go."
"That support network even something as simple as just a meal with someone has a significantly huge impact on your health."
"You're not only affecting your health right, but you're affecting the health of everybody that lives directly with you and around you."
"You don't just lose fat Mass, you lose muscle mass as well."
"Gluten is this tiny little protein molecule that never did anyone any harm apart from this one percent of the population."
"I wanted High 2000x but now I've got a fever and the only."
"I think I'm crashing right now because of the massive amount of caffeine and sugar I put into my body today."
"Do I believe in diet things, light things, half-fat things? Nine times out of ten, they're probably doing any more harm than good."
"The choices that you make today will impact how you feel and how you look in the future."
"It's hard to say exactly when we cross that threshold but we are clearly well over it now and it is deranging us. It is making us sick physically, psychologically, and it's putting us in great danger."
"Yes, I said poison, because it's not an exaggeration."
"Sugar is highly addictive, as addictive as nicotine."
"Insomnia: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, linked to health conditions, medications, or substance use."
"So don't skip them thinking they won't make much of a difference because they will they will indeed"
"Negative emotions create hormones that instruct the body to produce disease."
"Certain character traits make you much more prone to be stressed and therefore more prone to illness."
"It really does make a massive difference, especially to my digestion."
"Improving lifestyles could reduce the impact of infections and viral outbreaks."
"If exercise were a drug, it would be the most valuable one ever developed."
"This isn't a hate video towards bananas because love um, and honestly I can't understand the health benefits to this diet."
"Raw unpasteurized dairy products make a big difference in digestion and skin health."
"The existence of nuclear power prevents an average of 76 thousand deaths per year by getting rid of pollution from fossil fuels."
"The benign-looking table fork...conveys foodstuffs that are going to kill us." - John, British ethologist
"It feels like the haze and the fog is gone. I think because my health was not compromising me so often in these last couple of months, it's been... I've been able to focus better emotionally and that's definitely helped too."
"Sugar, grains, and vegetable seed oils: the slow poisons of big food."
"The food that we eat is chemicals. Oh my God, it is a chemical stew that keeps us addicted to it, and that food is what leads us to essentially all of our assassins."
"If you're eating yourself up, if you're constantly aggravated, you're gonna live a shorter period of time."
"Alice Ball: Developed the first effective treatment for leprosy, changing the lives of thousands of patients worldwide."
"Chronic stress causes that visceral fat to accumulate instead."
"What would happen if I couldn't sleep? It wouldn't be able to do that so it... drifted naturally towards a definition of productivity which was... more about what you accomplish over a longer period."
"In chronic fatiguing illnesses...a toxin can cause replacement or elimination."
"Two out of three young cold sore sufferers say their self-esteem and confidence is shaken when they have a cold sore."
"Covid is no joke, it definitely took a toll on us."
"The person that you are married to can cause you to age faster."
"Don't fear carbohydrates but eliminate the processed sugars which do appear to have very clear negative effects in humans."
"By changing your lifestyle, you can have a more powerful intervention to prevent heart disease than any medication."
"Glyphosate, a common herbicide, damages endothelial linings, leading to turbulent flow dynamics."
"Going green actually is good for the economy because it's gonna make us stronger and healthier."
"Oh I can actually eat animal base and not kill my patients."
"I am the leading advocate for organ donation."
"Testosterone is awesome if you need it. It's great for sex, mood, energy, focus, motivation, and definitely body composition changes."
"Getting exercise with other people actually is shown to be more beneficial than the same amount of exercise on your own."
"These artificial estrogen chemicals lower your total testosterone, they lower your free testosterone, and then they block the binding to receptors."
"Meaning and purpose in your life... you have a seven-year life extension."
"Stress can stick in your body, like physical trauma, surgeries, and injuries."
"I think you got a little bit underrated here 87 star gamer when he's healthy he's one of the best receiving running backs."
"It's sort of a win on every single level right. It's more comfortable, it's more efficient right, it's better grip, it's less fatiguing on the body."
"It's remarkable what a difference this makes and what a role it plays."
"It comes as hiring slowed in August, likely due to the surge of the Delta variant."
"Get enough sleep to avoid negative impacts on your health and weight loss."
"Sleep deprivation: profoundly affects cognitive function, mood, physical health, and even accelerates aging in extreme cases."
"Jet lag: a temporary sleep disorder resulting from misalignment of the internal body clock with the time zone of the current location."
"Insomnia: marked by persistent difficulties in falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving restorative sleep, impacting daytime functioning."
"One of the biggest ways of expanding your productive potential is to have an educated, healthy labor force."
"It appears to spread quickly but it's typically a mild illness."
"The first U.S. death from the omicron variant... believed to have died from omicron."
"Even though Earth has gotten 1% warmer in the last century, deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5 to 15 times."
"In China, it's almost all plant-based diet...Chinese peasants eat plants and they have very different cholesterol in their blood and they have far fewer heart attacks."
"This blowout for the job gains shows how vaccines and the economic reopening are basically juicing it right now."
"They're not healthy for the games industry, they're not healthy for the players."
"Treating fever can prolong or worsen illness."
"Once filled, a flat percentage of damage is dealt to the character instantly, taking 15 to 20 off of an enemy's health bar."
"In states where restrictions were generally relaxed much earlier, they are now experiencing wild increases in case numbers and deaths."
"Given blood saves eight people every person."