
Research Importance Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Statistical power is a very important concept that probably doesn't get discussed enough."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When someone tells you to 'don't do your own research,' that means let the person in authority do your thinking for you."
"The challenge and cost of disease far outweigh the investment in research, underscoring the critical need for focused efforts on finding cures."
"Research is a must when operating in the realm of crowdfunding to make sure that you can mitigate problems as much as possible."
"It's important, especially today, to be better consumers of information together, do our research, and be thoughtful and critical."
"We want to encourage you to look at the research and be mindful of the things that the research tells us about how to experience long-term relationship satisfaction."
"If you truly want to know more, consult good research by legitimate experts."
"Research the company you're applying for... it shows commitment and enthusiasm."
"There's never enough good research, there's always room for more knowledge about this phenomenon."
"You gotta start informing yourselves, you gotta start doing your research, you gotta look at their policy information."
"It's critically important to form one's own opinions based on one's own homework and digging."
"Just don't follow anyone blindly. Why are you using niacinamide? Why are you using vitamin C? Go and do some research and see if that's what you really need."
"Competition is really important especially when it comes to expensive research and development."
"You shouldn't trust anyone that's selling you anything. Always do your own research."
"It is not a law, boom! Get [ __ ] absolutely all of you clickbaiting [ __ ] out there, get [ __ ]. Do your damn research next time!"
"You won't know about unless you look at their genealogical records."
"Always respect security, try to secure locations up front, and just do a lot of research beforehand."
"Do your own research but it is only an informed Republic that is going to be able to put a stop to it."
"Most of the time I'm talking to people, it's all feelings and emotions. You've got facts, bro. I respect people who research because that's what I do."
"Content consumption or research is as important as creation. You need research of 100 to create content of one."
"Do your own due diligence and your own research before investing in crypto or the stock market because it can get pretty volatile."
"Having a specific goal, doing research, and imagination."
"A good reminder to always perform your own research and due diligence before investing."
"Researching is very important so that we don't waste our time."
"I've read the story, I've seen the interviews, I academically know what happened, I've done the research, but to hear you tell it, makes me profoundly emotional for a very good reason because you chose not to take no for an answer."
"Picking stocks without doing your own research is incredibly dangerous."
"You gotta do your own research guys. I'm one person, okay? And as many of you know, if it's calling for a correction of 10k, I make mistakes, okay? I just want to really emphasize that."
"It's almost like Tesla's disrupting an entire industry or two."
"Do your research, especially in the digital age. Know who you're dealing with."
"It makes us do the research, makes us the experts."
"Isn't it a national security threat if we are not openly studying this with our brightest minds?"
"You can't do things year after year that affect millions of people when the risks are getting smaller, when the potential harms are large, without running some robust studies. You have to be honest about uncertainty."
"The idea is to know what you own. That's what Peter Lynch says. If you're gonna pick out your own stocks... at least do a basic level of research."
"We're going to be learning more, that's for sure. Now the depth of what we learn, that's what we're fighting for right now."
"The only people who successfully buy at deep discounts are the ones that have done the research and have the conviction to say hey I actually think this is a good value now and I'm going to make my decision based on that calculation."
"Always do your own research and get out there and really understand what you are investing in."
"We should have some idea who our subjects are."
"So what could the New York Times or Saturday Night Live have done? Well, outside of some very basic research and being open and honest with their audiences."
"The standards do matter, so research beforehand."
"We have to do our due diligence, research, and not just blindly invest."
"Respect for individuals' ideas should be dished out based on the quantity and quality of time spent researching the topic."
"Putting those two together I'm thinking it's extremely important for us to study the Scrolls."
"One of the biggest things that I've learned about education is one of the people that I've interviewed did a really deep study."
"The more research you do on a company the better chance you have to get the job."
"Spending hours on research ensures you're not overpaying."
"The point of what damage people like this can do... is worth studying."
"Professionals in their field know the nuances of what you need to do and research."
"Research if you don't want to do research you should not purchase a machine because I promise you a little bit of research will guide you."
"We could be doing something very stupid. The only way to figure out if you're doing something stupid or smart is better studies."
"They're lying to us and the more you study the more you realize that they're either lazy incompetent or Liars."
"Always do your own research and make your own financial decisions."
"Highlighting the importance of doing your research."
"There's nothing wrong with doing your own research but if you do your own research on the COVID vaccine or on mask wearing you'll arrive at the dominant position because that's where the research leads. Simple as that."
"Never jump in because of FOMO always do your own research."
"Do your own research and subscribe to stay updated on investment strategies and opportunities."
"People won't directly support longevity research, but AI can solve longevity. So that's why we need AI."
"I made a mistake, I should have had more sources there."
"It's absolutely critical to discover the origin of the virus."
"Never try a new substance that you have not researched."
"We need to find reputable news sources and do our homework."
"A greater understanding of these implants would undoubtedly benefit us all."
"Don't panic, make calculated decisions, and do your research as always."
"You can get the great information that you need from the free system. It just takes time digging in, researching."
"Get still, think about what you want, go do some research, focus on your focus."
"Learn to do the research, do the pre-production on your trip because it's so important to know what's going on before going into it."
"My brother bought shares because he did his own research."
"Did you know that? And so if we're gonna use this fake money, maybe we should at least make sure everybody gets paid a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage."
"You can't trick everyone into remaining ignorant and not doing research."
"If you're studying opening it's named after an animal do some research into whether that opening is actually good."
"So it could potentially be a really, really good finding."
"People get in trouble when they do a little bit of research in this particular pie slice and then they go ahead and jump in."
"I'm gonna prove to you that I actually work for Epic. That's research and say yeah."
"Africa's vital role in human evolution research."
"Research is the most important thing for you to create a strategy."
"If you're making helpful content that helps your viewer in some way, then you're going to make a really solid foundation for your channel here on YouTube."
"I would strongly advise all of you guys watching to look into this very closely and do your research."
"Research is key: educate yourself, engage with the community, and form relationships with local watchmakers."
"I trust what we're doing because we did so much research."
"Underwater archeology holds the keys to our oldest evidence of civilization."
"Don't settle just because it's convenient. Do your research."
"You cannot stop scientists from working, and that's the whole point of being a scientist."
"A little bit of research goes a long way in the cryptocurrency space."
"Please be careful out there, do your own research and due diligence."
"Be informed, make sure you do your research."
"The reality is doing the right research and going the right path."
"So we don't know what happened, and that's a key area of future research."
"If the importance of the decision is high, requires more research to make that decision."
"To see Black characters having to use research, having to come together as family members..."
"Avoid doing anything in this hobby without the proper research."
"People often don't appreciate the significance of doing research on agriculture."
"The way to change the world is research, and then you can really have an impact."
"One thing’s clear: progress in this field could save human lives."
"Always do your research, arm yourself with knowledge."
"Every piece of research I have seen for the last two years: cost of living is the number one issue."
"That's why i will always tell you bro do your research."
"The fifth and final terrible piece of gardening advice often given to new gardeners that they should ignore is to keep researching before you plant anything."
"See, this is why we question and research things. We don't believe the first thing you tell us or the things that you be feeding the masses."
"Before you guys invest, make sure to do your own due diligence, make sure to research these companies on your own, and just use this video as a starting guide."
"Water conditions for everyone's area, you really just got to investigate it."
"The more research you do, the more people are gonna trust that relationship and come to you as an authority."
"Be consistent, do your research, don't give up, you got to stay motivated."
"The secret is not to be born beautiful without any flaws, the secret is to do a little research, little bit of practice, and you're good to go, exactly."
"Science needs to be a fair bit higher than it is right now."
"It's really really important that you do discovery upfront, you leverage their knowledge, you do the research."
"Just make sure you do the right thing, do your due diligence, do your research, understand what you're doing, and gather as much information and knowledge as you can."
"Vote with your dollars... do your research before you have to buy something."
"Let's just wait. Let's do some research." 🕵️‍♂️
"I stick to the research. When in doubt, zoom out. It always, always, always helps keep me calm and composed with any trade I'm in because I'm not investing or trading any assets that I do not understand or at least understand the potential risk."
"There's plenty more to look into and research and follow along with."
"There's a lot of force powers that haven't been shown in the movie so do your research before you complain to Ryan Johnson about stuff."
"Just make sure that you're doing your research when it comes to skincare."
"Do your research, find everything online. Google is free, use hashtags, keep searching."
"To answer a question like 'Is there a housing bubble?' there's really no substitute for on-the-ground research."
"Do your research, do your homework, and don't put yourself in danger."
"The point is that everybody should be able to invest in the products they see fit but the products that require the most research and the most time and expenditure are the ones that are gonna change the most lives."
"Do your research and listen to the likes of Derek More Plates More Dates."
"The biggest thing that we do is research so that you're not making a fake show about people who are having real problems because those people are watching too."
"As a consumer, we should gather as much information as we can to make informed decisions."
"Research, that's what made me develop that line of thinking."
"Absolutely anything you're donating to, please research it prior, absolutely."
"Do your research and gather as much information as possible before making life-altering decisions."
"Look at the fundamentals of any coin. Look at the team. Just do your homework and research what the hell you're getting into."
"Research is something that is, of course, for me at least now in the next year, is the number one thing."
"It's a true testimony of doing your research on the laws and your surrounding areas and the consequences that could arise from exploring these types of places."
"Do your own research, your own due diligence."
"Everything is bearable if you just do your research and have positive people around you."
"Do your own research and then decide for yourself."
"Do your own research. Please do your own homework."
"To fix both these problems: do your research beforehand."
"Do your research and always make the best decision for you and your business."
"Do your own research, share the research, that's how we build community."
"We're at a new time in crypto, it's time to start doing deeper research."
"Holy shit I didn't oh my god that is so cool a lot of this stuff you need to research."
"Go slow, and just research, research, research."
"Research is the key... it's a lot easier than 9 to 5 and plus you're doing it for yourself."
"The best way to do this is to share credible data from a credible source."
"Just realized what I do need: that extra research slot. Let's get that done now."
"You keep coming up against these odds, we keep coming up with these fairly easy to research and easy to figure out responses."
"The most unfunded thing in this whole area is seed research."
"I have not looked into it and I don't comment on things deeply that I haven't looked into."
"If you do great research, then you will have a huge array of ideas to work from."
"Research and accuracy are key to successful Pokestop nominations and reviews."
"How do you not fall into the trap of projection? It comes from being a nerd in that world, into the research and science of it."
"A lot of people don't look close enough at anything and they don't do their research."
"Do your own research. That's not necessarily disclaimers, just a life lesson that I've learned."
"Just do your research. Everything's not for everybody."
"Being organized and doing a lot of research... helps with planning long trips."
"Give yourself at least a couple of months for research and to get your account set up. Go slow, ask lots of questions, especially if you've never invested before."
"Be positive, be optimistic, but at the same time, do research to have backing of your optimism."
"Please do your own research, all media used is in the public domain."
"It's easy to be a critic with just an opinion, the real thing is how do you take what he said and remain objective and go do some research."
"Listen man, it's easy to be a critic with just an opinion, the real thing is how do you take what he said and remain objective and go do some research."
"I think it might be that the rational thing for people to do is just to stop it now, and do a lot more research before we let it go again. But that just isn't gonna happen."
"Do your research. You have to do your research. You have to be aware of what's coming out, when it's coming out. Similarly, you have to be aware of what's going away."
"...research matters, knowing what you're going to fight and face matters."
"It's not that scary. Just use resources, pay attention, do your research."
"You are all representative of how herpes affects billions of people around the globe and why this research is so important."
"She demonstrates very effectively why researching this area is so important."
"Research, research, research. That's the first thing they should do before acquiring any type of animal."
"Networking is extremely important, not only in getting into residency but also for getting research."
"Take it for what it's worth, do your research, look at other people's stuff."
"It's very, very important to do your research."
"Don't get emotionally attached, do your research, and make financial decisions."
"Do your due diligence; do your research."
"I would definitely say it's worthwhile to do research when it comes to ingredients."
"There's no substitute for comprehensive research and due diligence."
"Bias mitigation is an important research problem."
"Research is important, research matters, and the things that researchers do are significant."
"Meta-analysis is very important in all fields of life."
"Randomized control tests are so important and they can also be used for inferring causality."
"How important is behavioral psychology to your research or trading? Very, to recognize some of your own cognitive issues."
"If we do the research now, if we approach it honestly, if we're not ideological but simply trying to be problem solvers, I think we have time to fix it."
"Art is like an opinion; you shouldn't have a strong opinion about subjects you haven't researched better."
"The Leakey Foundation has been very important in my own research."
"This is why this paper is very important."
"Meta science is important because it addresses systemic issues with how science is funded."
"Being able to find that you can't replicate a result is every bit as important as showing that you can."
"I cannot overstate the importance of the value of a hypothesis and an experiment to verify it."
"In general, you always want to do your diligent research when looking for a good reputable hair transplant clinic."
"Remember, you can't complete project conception and initiation until you've done your research, done your stakeholder mapping, and you've done your project charter."
"Please do your research first, it'll save you a lot of trouble."
"We have to be responsible, do your research before voting."
"Industry research is a big factor and plays a big part in an equity research analyst's role."
"The important thing is to do your research just as anything in life."
"Start out small because the money is still there; you will make money if you do your research and just put in the time and effort."
"It's just so important that we just get as much additional data as we can get."
"Research, research, and proper preparation is key to success."
"For example, research conducted in the past decade shows that..."
"First things first, do your research. Don't sign up to anything you're not willing to commit to."
"We have so much information at our fingertips through our phones and our laptops nowadays, the more research that you put in the better."
"You have to know the literature; you have to know the fact from just the common narrative."
"Don't take anyone's word on anything; check it out and verify it yourself either by testing or research."
"Research and development is considered important for the progress of the EU."
"The more research you do up front, and the more prepared you are going into that situation, the better your turnout's going to be for sure."
"Before you begin writing, you must have a clear idea about what your paper is about and why your findings are important."
"The incidence of endometrial cancer is also increasing, which is of concern to all of us as clinicians and researchers."
"I usually do research for two to three hours beforehand so that whatever opinion I give to a million plus people is backed by facts as well as my own ethics and morals."
"If you want to go on a weight loss journey, please do your research."
"Evaluating a pretext task on multiple different tasks and data sets is really important to understand what is really going on."
"Do your research. It shows that you actually care."