
Appreciation Quotes

There are 233947 quotes

"I must say, I love, love, love this paper, and I don't often say that about papers."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It had a great wooden floor. It was an amazing place."
"It's one of those mysteries that really makes you think and appreciate your life because what this man has gone through will blow your mind."
"I love y'all so much. Big love and respect to you."
"Remember, our kidneys are unsung heroes, silently and diligently carrying out their essential roles."
"You are going to get some sort of recognition for a job well done."
"Good food is like music you can taste. Color you can smell. There is excellence all around you; you only have to be aware to stop and savor it."
"I appreciate all the blessings in my life, even the ones that I may sometimes take for granted."
"A spirit of appreciation for all of the improvements in my life."
"Thankful for the love I have to give and for the love that I receive."
"I love every one of you guys, and I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much for supporting Chef Ricardo to make me reach 1 million subscribers on YouTube."
"I'm grateful for my friends. I'm grateful that I knew Bob. I'm grateful for all the people that are really like my core circle group of friends."
"My heart is full of gratitude for the simple joys of life."
"The most formative experiences... how much I appreciate a place like America where we have value for human life."
"I think whatever happens for the rest of Kevin's Durant's career, we're going to look back in like 10 or 15 years and be like, why did we spend all this time with all the discourse and not just appreciate literally one of the greatest basketball players to ever play in this game."
"We don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness; it's already there in the small, beautiful, day-to-day moments."
"Appreciate, be grateful, look from the outside in, and say, 'Hey, this is good, just enjoy it.'"
"How does this view not put you in a good mood?"
"I love the animation for the door; it's reminiscent of the Lego movie animations."
"You go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated."
"Every single night I look at these crowds and I'm like, 'Holy shit, I can't believe this is my life.'"
"All rich people, all millionaires would not go change their life path because you need those experiences to appreciate where you're at."
"I just want you to know that I'm so happy that you were here spending some time with me, and I am sending you so, so much love."
"When you're alone doing things you're supposed to be doing, you're not doing super stimulating fun activities, when you actually go have fun, it's 10 times more enjoyable."
"Trust me, it's going to suck at first, but you will start to find appreciation in everything you do."
"Enjoying the simple things in life allows you to appreciate the moments more fully."
"Celebrate your friends, celebrate your family, people you love. Why not?"
"People love the Mac and they use it to create all kinds of amazing things every day."
"I've been working for the last 9 months on a surprise for all of you that have subscribed to the show, and I'm very excited to deliver that for you."
"Gratitude is all about finding the beauty in those small things."
"Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your entire life will change in that moment."
"We just take this for granted, but that's like an unbelievable life experience to have a rain, a controlled little booth where it rains hot water on your head."
"The deepest joy comes from the appreciation of existence itself."
"Everything can disappear in a split second. Don't ever think that what you have is there to stay."
"Every company should be doing this: Appreciation in the workplace."
"A lot of this month and this month's energy is about recognizing what you already have in front of you, recognizing that you already do enough, and that there may be blessings that you are completely overlooking that are right in front of your face because you're too busy focusing on what's not going correctly or what's not happening in the way that you want it to or what's not done yet or what's not happening."
"Buying myself a really expensive piece of jewelry is fine, but what I really want is just to like feel like I treated myself a little bit and see something pretty, and I can accomplish that just as well with a bunch of flowers."
"It's impossible to stay happy all the time, but that's not such a bad thing. After all, you need a few tough times to better appreciate the good ones."
"I want to thank you for being who you are, thank you for all the memories."
"Hey, that was really emotional and beautiful."
"As a black man, you had the 'After Dark' show. We were watching that every episode. Thank you."
"Mindfulness means paying attention to what's in front of you, and that can be the littlest things."
"I got to tell you, man, it's a remarkable career you've had. I want to say thank you for your service."
"Shout out to the confident, intelligent, and assertive men out there with CIA; one love to the feminine, beautiful, inspirational ladies, the FBI."
"Surround yourself with good people, and remember, you deserve someone who appreciates and values you."
"Words cannot begin to express my thankful heart."
"Plan for the future, but don't forget to live in the moment and appreciate the now."
"I am truly grateful for all your beautiful energy."
"Don't take it for granted what we're witnessing... it's [__] Elite level basketball."
"Hello, I'm [name], the developer of Tunneler. Thank you so much for voting on Tunneler for an award. It's always been my dream to create an award-worthy game."
"When good things happen, you should allow yourself to marinade in them as much as possible."
"I've always believed that you be grateful for what you have when you have it."
"We need to go through these valleys to appreciate those mountaintops."
"True relationships are built on appreciation and gratitude for one another."
"Women are the single greatest thing and the best thing about life. The male-female sexual relationship and interaction is the most beautiful thing about life."
"I really hope you like this. I'm sure I will. It was kind of hard to find you something, but I think you'll like this."
"People have been really nice lately, and I'm really thankful."
"Humans are designed to be valued. I need to value you for you."
"I love each and every one of you guys. You beautiful gorgeous animals out there in these comments."
"I watch your content all the time. You're my comfort creator."
"On the whole, I do really love it. I think in some respects it's the perfect evolution of what Spider-Man PS4 and Miles Morales accomplished."
"This is literally the best version of Craven, my favorite Spider-Man villain ever, that I've ever seen."
"This makes me an even bigger fan of him as a dude. I want to say thank you, Sanderson, and to his whole team."
"It's been beautiful, to be quite honest with you."
"Thank you to the mods for keeping it safe. Thank you to everybody who is a part of our extended family, man. You guys are all loved, and you're all welcome here."
"We love you guys, and thank you so much for the support."
"I have the absolute and utmost respect for anybody who serves in the military."
"I love the dress, I think it looks really pretty on her."
"Thank you guys for being here...I love each and every one of you."
"I love each and every one of you, thank you so much."
"Everyone's just reaching out showing love and I love it."
"This card's really well designed. I love this card. This is the type of cards that make me really appreciate some of Hearthstone's design."
"Men are like wine; as they age, it just gets better."
"Every moment of our life is a privilege and a blessing."
"You are an amazing lady. You're a very special person. I'm rooting for you."
"Every day with gratitude and appreciation is a celebration. Don't wait until you accomplish a goal or some milestone; celebrate every moment."
"Never in my days have I been so blessed to find a show like this."
"I can't take for granted I'm going to see you every day, and you're going to see me. So, that's why you say I love you all the time."
"Appreciate the beauty inside and all around you."
"You don't know what you've got till it's gone."
"Expressing gratitude daily for what you do have going good."
"Be grateful for all that you are blessed with."
"The greater treasures of life are not to be found in the Emerald City but simply by appreciating our home and family."
"There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?"
"I realized that life was a privilege and that I had a whole new lease on life."
"The greatest thing God created was the woman."
"God's greatest gifts to us walk into our life on two legs."
"Honor and treasure a relationship for it is truly sacred."
"I'm honored because I literally, I love you."
"We're not guaranteed how long we're going to be here... If we did actually internalize it, our behavior would reflect it."
"Always keep in mind... you're not guaranteed tomorrow."
"You are unapologetically yourself, and that's what I appreciate in people."
"You're choosing to hang out, and that's the ultimate compliment."
"It's been an incredible 20 years. No matter when you joined us as a Monster Hunter fan, thank you so much."
"I loved it all of it, so to me that was so meaningful."
"Take advantage of this moment and really say 'I love you' to the people that you love."
"The world needs more people like you, that is for sure."
"This is some of the best food I've ever had."
"If you want the full richness of reality, it's imperative that you start to appreciate all the different perspectives that can be taken on every object and every subject."
"What if you made a commitment to actually appreciate every perspective that you encounter in life?"
"It's been an amazing journey. I think we all know that. It's been my honor and pleasure to work with you all side by side."
"When you find that happiness, grab onto it and hold on to it tight. Happiness, you can't take it for granted."
"It completely depends upon the elasticity of the lungs."
"I love you too, Tisley. Tisley, I appreciate you."
"Self-reflection is very important... There's also an aspect of you that really respects and appreciates your alone time."
"Relax, enjoy it, suck it up. Really spend time in the window to look at the incredible beauty of our planet from a perspective that not very many humans will have had."
"Stay strong and do know that we all appreciate you still making videos."
"In the case of Live A Live, this was a bold game to remake and release in this way, and I very much appreciate that."
"It's insanely beautiful, the gorgeous use of lights immediately had me smitten."
"The Quarry was a huge surprise that came out of nowhere."
"By far, I think the best part of this entire movie is just having Jack Black voice the little robot Claptrap."
"He plays the game the way it should be played."
"It's so clean. It's a great-looking gun. They need to reissue these guns ASAP."
"Sunshine on my face, nature, animals, all of these things are priceless and they're for you, every moment."
"I hope you always know that you are loved, you are appreciated, and you are the gift and the present every damn day."
"The earth, that massive, powerful, and in so many ways even scary planet, yet it's the most beautiful thing we ever saw in our lives."
"It's great. I just really love collaboration in general."
"You're entering a time where you feel more loved than ever."
"Just enjoy the beautiful view of Venus at the minute because it really is spectacular."
"It was like going to your own eulogy, watching people say all these great things about you."
"It's a pretty awesome life. I get to enjoy awesome creations of humans of which I believe ChatGPT is one of."
"It felt good to be a Nintendo fan this month."
"This was a game that was so hard to nab a cartridge of...for it to finally get anything was pretty awesome."
"Everything is a delight, and I don't take it for granted."
"You are the gift, you are the blessing, you make the world a better place by being in mine."
"It was these acts of kindness that made Minnie a beloved figure in the neighborhood."
"If your job has an appreciation week, you don't get paid enough."
"If you're gonna give something for Teacher Appreciation Week, have your student make something; it'll mean so much more."
"Everything that I'm getting right now, I work for that. I'm going to really be able to enjoy it."
"This game is absolutely gorgeous, and I love every second I spent in it so far."
"This entire experience was nothing short of fantastic."
"Happy Appreciation Day, celebration. Just really landed and I got fireworks, dude, which is the best part of all of it."
"Thank you for watching this episode of Minecraft Monday. We all appreciate Speedy and we all learned a good lesson about what it's like to appreciate Speedy back."
"What you appreciate appreciates. If you appreciate money, money will appreciate you back."
"These concepts just come together so, so perfectly."
"When one human being expresses kindness and appreciation to another human being and it's received, it raises the serotonin level in both people's brains."
"For an appreciation day, shouldn't you appreciate someone who's least appreciated?"
"I appreciate all of you for joining me on this Fan Appreciation Day."
"It's so incredibly clever. I really, really enjoy it."
"Being underestimated is something I've grown to appreciate."
"It's not that I can't go on and do something else... It's just not as beautiful as what we've been able to do together."
"I should take pen to paper and let you know just how far you've come and how proud I am."
"I was going to write a letter to tell you how proud I am of all of our life together."
"Thank you very much for watching, you've been a great audience member."
"I'm really happy that y'all are loving the Deep Dives."
"Thank you, you guys so much for the support."
"If we aren't teaching people to work for what they want, to be responsible, then why would they appreciate anything else?"
"Appreciation is to be grateful, is to say 'This is awesome, I have the best teachers in the world, I have access to everything I need.'"
"Fully appreciate where you're at and all that you do have; you made it. That's the making it."
"Men love compliments, and men receive far fewer compliments than women."
"Men need appreciation more than anything else in a relationship. Without appreciation, he will not want to be in the relationship."
"I don't think you get better than this. This is top-notch definitely up there for sure."
"Enjoy the present moment as well... Embrace the dewdrops of life before they disappear with the morning sun."
"I'm gonna give this an 11 out of 10. See, these posies, bro."
"Hello everyone, thank you all so much for coming out. It is really, really nice to see you all. I've missed you all very, very much."
"Even after all that time, I didn't really feel as though I'd ever met friends that I had really connected with as well as I have with them."
"You're a great kid. Gosh, how lucky am I to be your parent? What a joy it is to raise you."
"Ah, Nintendo, you make incredible games, some of the best games in the history of this industry."
"I know I do this at the end of like every video, but I just want you guys to know how extremely grateful and appreciative I am of all of the views, comments, and likes on all of my videos."
"I appreciate everyone's support here at Fun House. There's a lot of amazing people at Rooster Teeth that also deserve your support."
"Thank you for being such a loving and pure soul. We have many more years to celebrate, every day is Mother's Day, but today is a very special day just for mothers like you."
"Every day is Mother's Day, but today we're going to really show our utmost appreciation to all the beautiful mothers."
"I'll give Super a lot of flack for a lot of things, but at the very least when they're focusing on Goku, they're actually giving him some arcs."
"The emotion, the fact that it takes place at night...it's ah yeah, no, I gotta give it to it."
"There's something really beautiful about our military being voluntary."
"I planted a tree this morning, and I am in love with my tree. Look how beautiful he is; he's absolutely perfect."
"Understanding the whole development of this flower makes me respect its beauty more, makes me value it more."
"Ultra Instinct is one of the best transformations in the entire series."
"You live more in the present moment, appreciating the little things, because you're no longer waiting for the big thing."
"We don't know where this incredible journey is going from here, but to know that you think that I'm a meaningful part of it means the world to me."
"The Blood Loa accepts your generous offering. That is epic, dude. That's really cool."
"To each one of you who embarked on this journey with us... your curiosity, your open-mindedness, and your hunger for truth have made this exploration all the more meaningful."
"I feel really lucky to have her as a friend as well, so it's just very, very nice."
"I truly believe this could be the pinnacle of Araki's work."
"We love a supportive dad and a supportive mom."
"I appreciate you guys having this conversation."
"Women's basketball is fire, man. Shout out to women's basketball."
"Thank you, everyone, for all the support...the support everywhere has been really crazy."
"A brutal reminder to hold your loved ones close and to appreciate them because you never know when it's all going to end."
"I truly appreciate each and every single one of you and I truly would not be able to do videos like this if it was not for you watching right now."
"He delivered a lot of babies around here, many, many, with a lot of good feelings toward the care he gave those patients for many many years."
"You want to make your players happy, right? You want them to feel like they're appreciated."
"You guys are better friends than I could ever have asked for."
"Focus on the people that love your message and love who you are and love what you're about."
"I am consistently blown away by everything the team has created."
"There's no greater feeling than doing something that people appreciate and adds value to someone else's life."
"Invest in things that appreciate, like real estate."
"Trust me, some of these artworks are like freaking awesome."
"Aliens and it was very confusing but very good."
"Life is a fleeting journey, and none of us are promised tomorrow."
"Let's make each day count, knowing that our time together is a precious gift not to be taken for granted."
"There were many moments I had while playing Breath of the Wild that I had to stop in place to wonder how a game this good was possible."
"There was genuine beauty to be found in this game for me."
"Thanks for being my friend and not always calling me a seed."
"Your attention is appreciated and never taken for granted. I hope you find it challenging, useful, and engaging."
"Shout out to the security team, those guys are awesome studs."
"Thank you so much for being here; I really appreciate you. Let's have some fun, y'all."
"Thank you so much for picking up. It means a lot."
"I always watch our game with you, Mark. You're like my mate. Love you, thanks for all you do."
"Finally, someone's looking out for us in this crazy world."