
Sleep Deprivation Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"Sleep deprivation has a profound impact on insulin resistance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you causally deprive someone of sleep, you instantly trigger a dramatic escalation of anxiety."
"People who sleep less than six hours have a higher mortality, they have lower mood, and they are hungrier."
"Sleep deprivation leads to poor memory, poor creativity, increased impulsiveness, and overall poor judgment."
"If I were to take you and deprive you of exercise for a day, deprive you of food for a day, deprive you of water for a day, or deprive you of sleep for a day, and then map your brain and body impairments, sleep deprivation would have the most significant impact."
"A lack of sleep is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, high risk of diabetes, high risk of stroke, high risk of dementia, and certain forms of cancer."
"If you don't lie down and close your eyes for at least a few hours a night, your brain literally explodes and then you die."
"If you take a rat and deprive it of sleep, it will get diabetes within a matter of a month or so."
"This challenge is almost going to be impossible to stay awake through."
"The expense of that was lack of sleep and for some women, the expense of that is autoimmune problems, Alzheimer's, and Dementia."
"If you want to disrupt somebody's emotional state, you deprive them of sleep and rapid eye movement sleep in particular."
"He went six months with two to four hours of sleep every night."
"Days in a row without sleeping because I was using the drugs that keep you awake."
"Absolutely lack of sleep can have serious consequences on our health and well-being."
"Microsleeps are short periods of just a few seconds where a person goes completely unconscious, and they're usually caused by sleep deprivation."
"If you don't get enough sleep, you'll end up stupid, fat, sick, and unhappy."
"Chronic sleep deprivation is where you routinely get less sleep than you need for a period of over three months. This can have lasting consequences for your health."
"For decades, we’ve known that sleep deprivation can impair metabolism."
"Chronic sleep deprivation has system-wide effects. Sleep affects every organ system and every disease state."
"Many people with epilepsy will say that one of the ways they're at increased risk of having a seizure is if they become sleep deprived."
"But the long-term effects of bad sleep are less known, and it turns out they have a huge impact on our health and even how long we live."
"If you're awake for 19 hours, your attention and ability to think is the same as if you were legally drunk."
"When you don't sleep, your body interprets it as an emergency... it raises your heart rate, it makes you crave more sugar and fast food, it makes your heart beat faster, and it shuts down a lot of the creative parts of your brain."
"The longest someone’s ever stayed awake was around 11 days, that’s the upper limit on how long she has to figure out how to defeat her foe."
"Sleep deprivation is considered a form of torture."
"Sleep deprivation is a strong predictor of different types of cancer like colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer."
"If you get less than six hours of sleep on average, then your risk of death from cardiovascular disease is up 200 percent."
"The decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a catastrophic impact on our health, our wellness, even the safety and the education of our children."
"A lack of sleep will impact just about every major physiological system in your body and almost every operation of your mind."
"Randy Gardner didn't sleep for 264 hours, that's 11 full days, just because he was curious to see how he would cope."
"Sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress, and reduced immune functioning."
"A complete lack of sleep for too long will certainly lead to your early demise."
"The current scientifically monitored record for voluntarily staying awake belongs to Randy Gardner, he set the record in 1965 at 264 hours, that's 11 days."
"Sleep deprivation is to being drunk... there's a statistical correlation."
"Maybe I've just been a bit sleep-deprived lately."
"After several days [without sleep], things really start to get weird: general paranoia can give way to increasingly vivid hallucinations."
"If you are chronically sleep deprived, you are harming your collagen. You can be snacking on those collagen gummies all day long, but if you are sleep deprived, it's not going to make a difference."
"This person will lose sleep over you, they want to secure this relationship with you."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I'm all stuffed up because I have been treating myself poorly and not sleeping enough trying to get it done."
"I suggest trying to stay up for a while I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do it I I probably will."
"The U.S Navy SEALs purposely go through sleep deprivation training to prepare them for what's to come as part of what's known as Hell Week."
"Insufficient sleep is linked to Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression, suicidality, anxiety."
"It was worth the lack of sleep... because I love making people happy."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"The brain starts eating itself if you don't get good sleep."
"Why would you ever want to believe anybody including myself over someone like Fabrizio Romano who probably sleeps about three hours a night for six months during the summers?"
"Kids may not wanna eat their veggies most of the time, but it's astounding what they can consume when no one's around."
"Negative effects of lack of sleep: 'Deficits in memory, attention, processing, and response speed.'"
"We got no sleep. This was some of the most insane Paranormal Activity I have ever heard."
"I accidentally fell asleep, but honestly, throughout nursing school, I've learned that happens."
"When the 3 hours of sleep starts to hit you during the day."
"Compliments to the show because I'm on four hours of sleep and I'm engaged."
"Sleep deprivation can affect you as much as being drunk."
"You are a warrior, a warrior that has slept less than seven hours achieving Optical performance."
"I've been the grumpiest person without sleep, and now that I know it's not the worst, you can kind of... there's ways to go around it."
"You're pretty stinky on no sleep as well though, you get pretty Mardy."
"What would happen if I couldn't sleep? It wouldn't be able to do that so it... drifted naturally towards a definition of productivity which was... more about what you accomplish over a longer period."
"Sleep deprivation: profoundly affects cognitive function, mood, physical health, and even accelerates aging in extreme cases."
"Russian Sleep Experiment: a horrifying tale of sleep deprivation, madness, and unleashed evil."
"We're all just getting no sleep but we're doing it together."
"I got a full three hours last night. Literally, I got a full three hours. I'm good to go, man. I am good to go."
"Real people don't get no sleep because them [ __ ] constantly need [ __ ]."
"Sleep deprivation is worse than alcohol. You're actually more mentally impaired with sleep deprivation than you are being drunk."
"Insufficient sleep ages fat cells, increasing the risk of diabetes and mortality."
"After just one night of insufficient sleep, young men showed a 15% drop in testosterone."
"What happens to our bodies when we don't get enough sleep? It's not just that we're tired."
"It's 1:00 in the morning and I got to get up in five hours I know thank you I don't want to do that."
"After just one short night of sleep, there's a 70 percent reduction in natural killer cell activity, which is a concerning state of immune deficiency."
"I attributed all of that to my lack of sleep."
"All-nighter requires for all nighter Essentials that starts off with caffeine ends with caffeine more caffeine and more caffeine count me out I could sleep with me that's [ __ ] up I got word not everyone does YouTube and gets money now"
"Congratulations, my friend. You are not going to sleep for a while."
"Crunch is the act of pushing yourself... It's a feeling of running on five hours of sleep... desperately chipping away at an assignment."
"Just a week of significant sleep deprivation will induce a state of profound insulin resistance."
"That's life, alrighty. I am so exhausted, I literally slept for maybe maybe maybe four hours and that's including a nap I took."
"Hey guys, are you ready for this video? I'm not. I'm functioning on four hours of sleep because I've been staying up till five."
"When subjects were even mildly sleep deprived it had a tremendous impact on their cognitive function."
"Finally I can get some sleep for 300 years I've been awake."
"Another episode of sleep deprivation and an experiment in how much can a human being take."
"I'm super exhausted, I didn't even sleep last night."
"You're just not yourself when you're sleep-deprived."
"A man who doesn't sleep and hasn't been able to since he was a child."
"I think at this point we basically are all of us that spent the night here are kind of running on three hours of sleep."
"The worst way to begin a survival ordeal is with a lack of sleep yet ironically that's almost always the way."
"Our flight got delayed really long I traveled for like 30 hours straight didn't sleep at all so we just passed out and just woke up."
"So lack of sleep basically does all the things that sleep does at bay."
"When I am sleep deprived and I am trading... I am just not the same person as when I've had a good night's sleep."
"...the global sleep loss epidemic that is underway right now... is probably one of the greatest public health challenges that we now face in the 21st century."
"Sleep deprivation makes a man do crazy things."
"I'm working on about three hours sleep right now, travel's crazy."
"I don't remember the last time I had seven hours of sleep."
"Your sleep schedule will probably not be the same for a couple months and that whole like once you're a parent you'll never have the same sleep to a degree I do agree with because it's like I'm not just sleeping like not thinking about things."
"More than 50 percent of Americans are sleep deprived."
"Most people will start to hallucinate after just three or four nights without sleep."
"A powerful risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's is not getting enough quality sleep."
"Needless to say, I didn't sleep well at all and it affected my school and job performance the next morning."
"sleep deprivation is bad for you and bad for your brain."
"Sleep is getting harder. I swear it's my body's preparing me for this baby boy."
"You're actually going to be awake for five days."
"I blame that on sleep deprivation. I'm a highly sleep-deprived, just need sleep."
"I'm a slow learner. I'm all keeping six late hours and then getting up at five o'clock in the morning to do the milk. It's just not good for you, son."
"He forced himself not to sleep, but his vision slowly disappeared."
"the most inconceivably intense trip in my life was not caused by any psychedelics but because they simply stayed up for 60 or so hours straight."
"Forget about sleep. I was in Ron sleep."
"It's almost 5 a.m. and I haven't even gotten into bed yet."
"You lose the capacity for neurogenesis when you are under slept."
"Is there any major organ system in your body or is there any operation of the mind that isn't wonderfully enhanced when we get sleep or demonstrably impaired when we don't get enough? And the answer seems to be no."
"You're not going to run 200 miles over potentially 5 days without sleep."
"I didn't sleep for three days. I took ecstasy. I was at the Dial headquarters."
"Americans don't sleep. We work 24/7."
"Since he's been born I have not slept for more than four hours in a row."
"The newborn stage, as beautiful as it is, it's the hardest bit because of the sleep deprivation. Like that is the torturous part of the newborn stage."
"I always have that dream, and I always drown. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks."
"...lying awake at night not sleeping is not pleasant."
"Sleep deprivation even half an hour less than what you're supposed to be getting mimics ADHD."
"The symptoms of sleep deprivation are similar to the symptoms of ADHD."
"Anxiety and mood are among the earliest signs of sleep deprivation."
"Lack of sleep, it's almost like a broken water pipe in your home, in the sense that it will leak down into every nook and cranny of your physiology."
"Morning, been up since 4, um do you look pretty, aren't you good um being up since 4 am, what was wrong with you?"
"We are so overwhelmed and no one has slept."
"The colors the inks oh man and I had so much fun reading as I stayed up to like three or four in the morning reading the stupid omnibus instead of Queen asleep which I should have been."
"Sleep, come back to me, you're all that I need, my eyes are starting to bleed 'cause I really, really, really, really, really need sleep."
"Many of these feats were performed in a span of 72 hours with no sleep or rest."
"I'm currently running on two hours of sleep, thoughts, and an oreo and I'm ready to fight god or become him."
"It's so tired and I'm so sleep-deprived. Been on that bus for like, yeah, it feels like all day but it's only been like literally an hour."
"Hey everybody Welcome to the Stream have you ever stayed up for more than 24 hours."
"I've had two and a half hours of sleep and I am exhausted because, first, hold on, I need to address something before we even jump into the topic fully."
"No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had plenty of sleep."
"I have not slept outside like camping wise and oh."
"Sleep deprivation and lack of appropriate nutrition greatly impact the body."
"I don't think I'll sleep for the next five years."
"Sleep deprivation alone, ignoring even content alone, can cause depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, inattention, poor coping skills, and academic failure."
"So excited I went to sleep at like 2 A.M."
"...this all nighter should be spicy."
"I had been awake this whole time and I was starting to get the Sleep monsters where I wanted to sleep but I knew I had to stay awake."
"I might be lucky if I get an hour of sleep at night."
"I've been up since 3:00 a.m. with the baby. Being a modern-day gentleman, you know how it goes."
"I didn't really sleep before this night shift. That probably was not the best idea but I tend to not learn from my mistakes so I will probably do that again in the future."
"I've been getting a really good like six to seven hours of sleep and if you guys have ever dealt with sleep deprivation or if you've had a baby you know how exciting that is to be able to get a full night of sleep."
"Being awake for over 20 hours produces the same effect on the body as being drunk."
"I didn't see any more deer. I haven't had more than four hours of sleep for the last three nights."
"The reality is and this is usually how we treat insomnia or one of the ways we actually deprive you of your sleep opportunity."
"Sleep deprivation can increase susceptibility to false memories."
"The main thing you need as a parent is sleep."
"Didn't really get much sleep nor did I expect today's video to end like this, but it happened."
"Anybody who doesn't sleep for five days... they are going to start experiencing what that thing is called psychosis."
"It's been a busy couple of days it's been really hard for me to sleep"
"I swear, I tell people, there's a reason that sleep deprivation is used as a torture method."
"I'm probably gonna be up for seven days now. You really sound like an old person."
"Literally running on like zero sleep."
"I woke up at 8, I woke up at 9. Good morning. I've never done this, guys. 24 hours awake challenge. This might be my first alter ever, even home."
"Sleep became a distant memory, meals forgotten, social commitments ignored."
"Severely sleep-deprived people make bad decisions."
"Once you have a kid, you never sleep again."
"I hadn't slept since the night before and the exhaustion was getting to me."
"That presence continued, and it was making us feel on edge, tired. I was hardly sleeping."
"The idea that 'I'll sleep when I'm dead' will actually lead you to have an early death."
"I'm struggling with no sleep, but you'll have that."
"Sleep deprivation just didn't matter."
"Sleep deprivation is unhealthy on occasion it's okay but prolonged sleep deprivation is not good for you it gives you diseases."
"You don't sleep for two months and you live off caffeine and it makes you... it alters the reality of your brain, right, and one day you wake up and it's, you've... to an ugly way of saying it, you snapped."
"The first three months are absolute - I mean, you don't sleep. You don't sleep. It's great, you know, it's really great."
"There's a linear relationship between less and less sleep and increasing risk for serious injury during a sports event."
"The problem is that most people don't realize that they're sleep-deprived when they're sleep-deprived."
"A lack of sleep cost most nations about two percent of their GDP."
"Sleep deprivation has been considered a form of torture and means of interrogation for centuries."
"When people were partially sleep deprived, they would consume more calories per day."
"I'm tired a bit between tests, classes, and all these late shifts. I feel like I might never sleep again."
"Acute sleep deprivation and looking tired are related to decreased attractiveness and health."
"Parenting is not easy, and parenting when you're sleep-deprived is even harder."
"I'm excited for the de-puffing eye gel because, you know, we'll be lacking sleep on these streets."
"I might just be sleep deprived, but their combination of five star and the comment made me laugh."
"Truth or Dare? Truth. When was the last time you slept? Uh, dare. Go to sleep."
"Historically speaking, most of the bad crap that's gone down on this planet happened because of fatigue and poor sleep."
"The record for the longest period without sleep is 80 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes during a rocking-chair marathon."
"I haven't slept in three days, but I feel so, so excited."
"Social media and lack of sleep were reported as possible contributing factors."
"Technical motor coordination and tactical-based outcomes are most likely to be impaired by a lack of sleep."
"Sleep deprivation has a greater detriment to your performance over one week."
"Less sleep, you have the same reaction time as a drunk person."
"18 hours without sleep and your impaired judgment equals 0.08, legally drunk."
"The most pervasive form of impaired judgment is sleep deprivation."
"I think ours is a culture where we wear our ability to get by on very little sleep as a kind of badge of honor that speaks to work ethic or toughness or whatever, but it really is just a total profound failure of priorities and self-respect."
"One hour of lost sleep... we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks."
"Sleep deprivation is dangerous, it is super dangerous."
"In 1964, a 17-year-old stayed awake for 264 hours and 12 minutes. That's the world's record."
"That's an experience you can't get often, and when it happens, you may be sleep deprived, but it's the memorable kind of sleep deprivation."
"If you get less than six hours of sleep at night on average, you're six times more likely to develop Alzheimer's."
"When we're sleep deprived, we're so much less good at dealing with life circumstances. We're more emotionally labile."
"I feel like I get more done with less sleep."
"How do parents operate and function when they have repetitive nights of broken sleep? I find it so disruptive, so hats off to any parents that manage to function on very little to no sleep."
"It's five days of continuous training, and I got zero sleep both times I went through it."
"Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders are a mechanism through which disparities emerge and persist."
"Just getting the chance to sleep again was... oh well, good while it lasted."
"I barely slept," he said mid-yawn, "was up all night, you see. I wondered where the sun had gone, but then it dawned on me."
"What will kill you more quickly, sleep deprivation or food deprivation? Sleep deprivation."
"Heart disease, stroke, heart attack, cancer risks all go up from having poor sleep."
"Sleep deprivation is now known as a carcinogen."
"It's going to be hard to really make progress too if you're just sleep deprived in general."
"Human beings are the only species that deliberately deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent good reason."
"Every major disease that seems to be killing us in the developed world has significant links to a lack of sleep."