
Commitment Quotes

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"The brain and our decisions about what we are going to stick to are tremendously powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I still want to be here when Cities Skylines 2 is the game that we all dreamed it would be, and I want to be along for the ride."
"Whatever care you need, we will make sure you get it."
"Put your full force into what you choose to do if you believe in it."
"I believe if you say you're going to do something, you just do it."
"Make a promise to yourself to work on yourself every day."
"When I do something, I do it at 100%, all in, full capacity. That's how I've done everything in my life, and I always will."
"You don't find the one person; you find a person who you line up with in this way, and then they become the one when you say 'I do.'"
"The words 'I love you' mean I'm here, you matter, we are important, I'm not going anywhere, I've got your back, and I only want you."
"We have to dispense with this idea that 'the one' exists. Someone becomes 'the one' by what we build with them. Any commitment long term requires true effort."
"When you're committed to the truth, no matter the consequences, your life can take unexpected turns."
"Daily meditation without ever skipping and making a commitment to meditate for the rest of your life without missing a single day...it's completely life-transforming."
"Are you interested in achieving these goals, or are you committed? If you're interested, you come up with stories, excuses, reasons, and circumstances why you can't or why you won't. If you're committed, those go out the window. You just do whatever it takes."
"We value fun, family, and food. But more importantly, we value our commitment to atoning for past mistakes and tying up loose ends."
"I have a commitment to this place that you'll probably never have to any place in your life, ever."
"Your marriage is not a statistic; your marriage is the actual marriage that you, the actual person, is in with another actual person."
"I think it's to care about something and do your best with it... that commitment, for me, is the meaning of life."
"Real freedom includes the ability to commit to something long-term."
"Freedom real freedom very often includes a large measure of committing yourself long term to some individual, to some group, to some project."
"The spiritual life is all about bringing yourself to the point to make that decision and then, by God, live by it."
"I'm still pro marriage. I'm still pro-marriage if somebody says, 'I would like to dedicate myself to one woman and her to me for the rest of our lives.'"
"I tucked my kid into bed every night. I'm not missing that for nothing."
"The best we can do is a loving course from compliance to commitment. That your kids need to do what you're asking them to do out of compliance, but at some point, if all I teach him is compliance and don't give him the why, then when he's there... he's moved to a commitment to our family values."
"You trade novelty for loyalty...exploration for trust...the chase for a journey together."
"We promise to do the best job we can as your parents."
"Marriage is a sacrament because, entered into in the proper spirit, it's a step up Jacob's Ladder."
"I'm fully committed to understanding and addressing her concerns."
"For a long-term relationship that is as good as marriage in the eyes of Lord Shiva, convert that into a Dharma."
"Our relationship matters; it needs upkeep, protection from all the stuff that penetrates it all the time."
"You done met my family, you done held my dog. That's a big one."
"You're going to master your wealth vehicle. You've got to master it."
"If it isn't your purpose, you're gonna give up on it."
"Do something to improve... pretty much every day for six to 12 months, I guarantee that you'll be in the top 20%."
"Relationships are a choice. You choose this person every single day."
"I feel a lot of you are gonna become very committed to some sort of creative endeavor or creative partner that helps you enhance your creativity."
"What if you made a commitment to actually appreciate every perspective that you encounter in life?"
"Love was...number three. Above love is communication and commitment."
"We want to work this out because we want to be together. We overcame all this adversity in the beginning; we overcame hesitation, we overcame other people's opinions. Let's work through this."
"This relationship could work if you have the patience and understanding for each other. If you both want this to work, you will make it work."
"Jared already committed 100 million dollars of his own money and the team has raised about 30 million dollars so far but we still have a ways to go."
"Follow through is the skill of actually doing what you say you're going to do."
"We're committed to getting inflation back to 2%."
"There is going to be a commitment here; it's going to help you heal your hearts."
"I'm staying here no matter what. I'm going to defend this entrance and that meant to give up my life, which I almost did."
"It's a very simple dynamic: when you have two sides allegedly in a political battle, one side that is relentlessly, unshakably committed to its principles, and the other side that reflexively surrenders at the outset, the outcome is foreordained."
"A period of my life... we want you to chase us to see if you're gonna be in the crazy time of my life or if you're gonna stay for the real thing."
"A serious lifelong commitment to truth at all costs even when it's painful is more serious than marriage."
"They want the conclusion to be that you're together, perhaps married."
"You are always my number one and always will be."
"Never doubt my love for you. I have always loved you, and I always will."
"You beat 90% of the people in your life by doing two things: showing up and giving it everything you've got."
"Your future spouse is going to be deeply committed and devoted to you."
"Engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, union."
"Usad vows to save anyone he can and declares that it's because he is part of the rescue team."
"No matter what happens, we agree to protect everyone together."
"She reminded him that she was his sword and said that she was willing to follow him to the very ends of the Earth."
"Being productive is definitely a commitment that takes a degree of thought and effort...but then over time, it does become automatic."
"I don't want to leave the jungle because I want to be with those people on that mission, and that whole experience becomes great."
"Marriage really is a beautiful thing, like to commit to someone is a beautiful thing."
"There's going to be an offer for a higher level of commitment, and you're going to have to decide."
"I couldn't commit myself to training properly until I was getting more sleep."
"I'm planning a seed for the future, a world in which kindness, love, respect, simple, simple things, and I know that we can never pay back the gift that was given to us, but we've decided that we're going to spend the rest of our lives trying."
"It means so much to me to live up to my word."
"Will you be my girlfriend? Yes, a million times yes."
"Let's all commit to each other to continue to be kind and support each other."
"We have assembled a star-studded cast from The Spectator... we just locked the doors to make sure they couldn't get out until the broadcast went on air."
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
"I pledge to be the most romantic guy in the Kingdom. I have no ideas."
"For once in your life, don't take a shortcut. Take the pain and help this team win."
"Love lasts for a lifetime; love is to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do you part."
"Identity achievement... you've got a good level of commitment to the things you believe, you feel confident in who you are as a person and what you stand for, but you've also put in a lot of research and broad research."
"It's either 'hell yes' or 'no'. If it's not something that you're 100% all-in for, then it's not worth pursuing."
"Entrepreneurship is when you love your game more than what the game gives you."
"For a god to split up a pair of male and female blades just like how Take did, well, that was the same thing as giving Mikoto an engagement ring."
"When I fight, it's to make sure that she knows that I love her and everything's going to be okay."
"Let me ask you this: If this show put $200 in your pocket a month and that was it, would you still do it? Yes? Really? Oh, I'd still do it for sure."
"The biggest thing you need is yourself to sit down and show up."
"You need to devote at least five years to something to even see if it's going to work."
"God has never run away from you, so you must never run away from Him."
"If you're following along with me and you're on this self-actualization path, you're on this path. This path will completely transform your life if you just stay on it."
"I didn't cancel a thing. I went to every single scheduled appointment."
"I said, 'Lord, if you will deliver me of all of this anger and all of this hurt that I feel right now... I'll serve you for the rest of my life.'"
"We actually don't care about what race you are; what we care about is your academic achievement and your personal commitment."
"If you make the decision to be committed, then you will be able to achieve whatever goals you want to achieve, no matter what."
"I pledge to all the families: we will not rest until we bring their loved ones home."
"God don't want a little bit, and He doesn't want you to share it with your boyfriend. No, all your heart."
"Once you say something and you give the people your word, you should stick to it."
"I'm not going to listen to Floyd or nobody if I gave my word to the people. I'm just going to do it."
"I promise you, mentally once you get there and once you make that promise to yourself and you keep it and you commit and you reap the benefits, it becomes so so so much more clear that you're in this for the lifestyle."
"If you're not willing to capitulate, then you need to be in it to win it."
"We will not waste this breath, this life, this year, this week, this day."
"Dedication comes after the decision to commit to the journey."
"I wasn't going to back down... I didn't care that Housewives had women that was no longer married; I didn't want that from Married to Medicine."
"Whenever we see each other after we haven't seen each other for a long time, we've committed to each other that we're going to have at least 15 minutes of what they called eyeball time."
"I never give up. I'll never give up for you, the American people, and I will never give up on keeping our commitment to America."
"We're fighting for our democracy each and every day."
"You have my heart. It's the most precious thing in my entire world."
"You can find joy and work if you decide to do it well."
"Committing every day to do one thing extra that will take you closer to your dream life, closer to that big goal you have."
"You can complain and remain the same, or you can decide, commit, and work towards becoming someone that no one thought you could be."
"When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment."
"President Biden: 'When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment.'"
"Think about the commitments that you make to the people that matter most to you, and would you break those commitments to those people? If you wouldn't break your commitment to those people, take that same energy and apply it to yourself."
"Commitment is the foundation of all great accomplishments."
"Ten of cups is about emotional satisfaction and happiness... wanting marriage, children, and that commitment."
"Commitment and consistency over time...when you do things consistently with the level of commitment to your vision, it starts to pay off."
"Just changing one word can make a big difference...it's about making a commitment explicit."
"Have that belief, have that commitment. If you're ever going through a bad moment, always speak up, don't be scared, and the most important thing, just give absolutely everything. Give 110% in every situation that you're in and have no regrets."
"The growers and the builders are the people who genuinely want to invest in a relationship, build a life with another human being, and genuinely want commitment in their life."
"For those of us in midlife... the days in front of us are actually shorter than the days behind us, so we don't have time to mess around trying to figure out if this person is truly commitment-ready."
"Love is commitment. Love is when you do things for other people even when you don't feel like it."
"Commitment means that you say you're going to do something, that means you're going to do it."
"Focus on the connection rather than the commitment."
"If you want to just play around at the perimeter, go ahead. But if you want to be a champion, this is what you need to do."
"When we commit to something, we put all of our energy into that thing."
"A robust relationship is not just being with you when it feels good."
"You can't just do the things that you want to do when you're motivated or when things are going in your favor. You have to do these things even when you're not motivated, even when you're tired, even when you're exhausted."
"In order to step into that, in order to build that path, you cannot build the path without dedication, commitment, and action."
"If you're going to try, go all the way. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs, and maybe your mind."
"We're going to work our damn hardest to transition the world to sustainable energy as quickly as possible, and your support and help is key to that success."
"I love you to death. You're on my ring. Your ring is very expensive."
"Love is not the cause of commitment but the effect."
"Maybe it is more manly to love one woman for years."
"I'm an artist... I would have loved to continue my work in my field... but I have chosen instead to meet what was at my table."
"Discipline is going to give you the power to stay committed to whatever that goal is."
"You can't have their promise without their process."
"Discipline doesn't care if you're tired. You're tired, do it anyway. Discipline says, 'Oh, you don't feel good? Well, do it anyway.'"
"Doro promised to follow her and protect her if she fell into danger."
"Self-discipline and being able to perform and being able to keep your life on schedule, and being able to keep commitments and promises and meet deadlines is essential to success."
"Training isn't something you did; it's something you do."
"Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make and we remain dedicated to upholding these values."
"Most people don't want to end bad relationships; they want to repair them."
"Be careful. If you're gonna do it, do it, but you gotta be good."
"You play like it's your last game of Clash Royale ever."
"I'm not going to do anything like that ever again and I'm going to go on the right path as a person and become a better man."
"We will continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, with whatever it takes."
"Your heart should be fully committed to Jesus Christ."
"A little bit of the iceberg shows, and a few people go, 'Oh, it's going to work,' and so they commit to joining the movement or the company."
"To be another lover, you have to be able to freely give all of yourself to someone."
"You are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; you add new meaning, new purpose, and new vision to this thing called life."
"I thank you in advance for allowing me to love you, for being open to giving love another chance. This time is for forever."
"Dear Future Wifey, I will not settle. You will not settle. We will be each other's answered prayer."
"If you want to hear the voice of God, you got to make time for Him."
"If you can find a way to show up on the bad days... that counts for a lot in the long run."
"Their love story was a testament to longevity and commitment."
"Excellence is not actually about radical change; it's about a commitment to accruing small improvements day in and day out."
"I'm completely committed to get us back to the way life was before this pandemic began, as quickly but as safely as possible."
"You're never supposed to put all your eggs in one basket, but when I do something, I give it my 110%."
"They are somebody who is quite committed... they truly value commitment and loyalty."
"They have every intention of keeping you in their life."
"At the end of every fight, you know that you are both in it forever or you know you're both in it a hundred and ten and no one's wavering on the commitment."
"We are the people's channel; we will always stand by the freedom to express yourself."
"Finish what you've started. You've started something important, now it's time to complete it."
"Your word says in Luke 9:62, 'No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.'"
"We would never put ourselves in this situation because we are loyal and we love each other."
"I felt a level of security with my girl that made me want to wipe her up."
"Even though he had some rough games, it seems difficult to envision the Tampa Bay Buccaneers not bringing him back, especially after his late season surge."
"We would not be having this going without her. Yeah, Crystal's been here since day one."
"We were created as communal beings, as familial beings, to give of ourselves, to actually sacrifice, to have some kind of commitment."
"Covenant love says, 'I'm not going anywhere.'"
"All heroes have to make sacrifices in the name of justice, but few commit themselves so entirely to the cause."
"They see this as a long-term opportunity, it's not just a fling."
"They really see this as just a long-term, like lifetime thing with you."
"In the fire, they still follow Jesus. They're saying yes, I choose Jesus."
"To me, conservationism isn't just a hobby; it's a commitment to protecting our planet's precious biodiversity."
"Your ability to commit is your ability to have willpower and belief and trust."
"Fully committing is waking up every day and choosing you."
"I think there's a lot of value in a long-term relationship."
"You never have to worry about me ditching you and upgrading to a younger version of you. That's not my scene. I want to know what it looks like to build a life together."
"Apple's commitment to health is stronger than ever."
"All of this is possible because of our deep, deep commitment for over 16 years to build the world's most helpful map for people everywhere."
"Before allowing her to leave, Alto promises to be there for Veril till he dies."
"Alto smiles and tells her not to ever doubt his love for him. He has and will always love her."
"This has actually strengthened my convictions about romantic love and marriage and monogamy."
"Make a choice and commit to it and go and dive in."
"I'll do anything for you. I love you so much."
"Effectively combating climate change will take people being willing to commit to new ideas like switching to electric cars and synthetic meats."
"That day, he swore that he would take care of that boy."
"What commitment is, commitment is staying true to what you said you were going to do long after the mood that you have said it in has left."
"Basically, if you want to make something like this, you either have to give it your all or nothing."
"Are you willing to commit to doing what it takes to go where you want to go?"
"I am ready to change my life. I am willing and committed to going all in and fully commit to doing the things that it takes to become the person I was meant to be."
"Commit your souls to him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator."
"If you're interested, you'll do what's convenient. You'll come up with stories and excuses and reasons why you can't. But if you're committed, you will do whatever it takes."
"I will read silly little books and tell you about them until the end of time, until I can't read anymore."
"If you choose to love the inside and make that commitment before the Lord, that's how it should be."
"Being in the literature club probably means I can't spend all my time doing nothing. But in the end, I guess it's been worth it so far."
"We are not staying silent and we are not standing by. The fight against racial inequality, injustice, and straight-up racism doesn't stop with financial donations and words of support."
"I love her more than any other girl I've ever been with, and I love that baby like from my heart."
"You do want to fight for this. You're waiting for that opportunity. You feel something sacred here, something meaningful."
"The Literature Club is a wonderful, magical place; you'll never want to leave."
"If you say yes to everything, you're actually not saying yes to anything."
"Marriage makes you a better person, commitment makes you a better person, being a parent makes you a better person."
"For all intents and purposes, I woke up this morning looking at the picture of my family and making my commitment today, as I do every day, that I'm going to live an honest, virtuous, and responsible life."
"You can also have the impossible become possible if you have commitment and trust between each other."
"We are very sorry for any disappointment this causes, but we are firm believers in delivering a game only when it is ready."
"There's only one truly irreversible decision, and that is having children. Once you do that, there's no going back."
"My next relationship is my last relationship."
"I want to make sure that my next relationship is my last relationship."
"The passion and commitment, it's all commendable."