
Self-direction Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"We can direct our own brain changes, highlighting the remarkable feature of our brain and nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Positive self-direction says I know who I am and I know where I want to go."
"You're finally unchaining yourself. You're taking those chains off and you're creating them into reins to grab hold of your life and to actually steer it in the direction you truly actually want to go."
"Man is the master of his own destiny, he is the captain of his own soul, and it is up to him to steer this vessel of himself toward the ultimate Harbor which we are all seeking to find."
"It's my job to give myself direction, it's not someone else's job for me to meet them and then suddenly my life is complete."
"Your life is a movie, and you are the author. Your life is a movie, and you are the director."
"You see, I don't need to follow the crowd...sometimes, no part of the time, is better to follow yourself rather than the crowd, because the crowd is going in the wrong direction."
"Your number one job is to direct your life, to be the CEO of your life, and fitting in is highly overrated."
"Find your own path. We each have incredible life force, we just need to put that life force in the right direction."
"If I want to go where I want to go, you don't have to tell me at this point in my career, in my life, I know what I can do."
"There's something to be said about being in charge of your own destiny."
"With LEAD, it's kind of like on your own terms."
"Take control of your life and direct your mental energy into something that actually matters for you."
"We encourage you to sit in the driver's seat of your own life put your hands on the steering wheel steer your own life."
"Your choices matter. You're gonna shape your own life."
"Choose your own path and what is best suited to you."
"The responsibility to infuse our life with meaning."
"Just Do Your Own Thing. March to the beat of your own drum."
"90% of what I do I have chosen as my task for myself."
"This isn't about a screaming match and a showdown, this is about you having a compassionate understanding about where one generation came from but giving yourself the freedom to move into a different direction."
"Be under your own steam... agency, purpose, even when it wasn't on our plan for him."
"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction."
"No one should be able to tell you what to do."
"Deciding to embark on your own path and go your own way."
"You are the conductor, you are the creator, you are capable, you are all right."
"Treat your performance as if it's another actor that you're directing."
"You should just do whatever you feel is right for you, like your own path, which is what I feel like I've always kind of done."
"I'm just doing me, firstly. It's definitely in the right direction for freedom and for truth."
"Make your own path. Let the Institute help you out with it."
"You can either be someone that allows the environment to dictate how you feel or what you do or you make your own [ __ ] way."
"You do what you want to do; find your passion."
"Just because I'm so busy with other stuff and, you know, we finally had to take the video on, my video we produced and yeah, you directed it yourself and then edited it. Yeah, crazy. Thank you."
"I get to create my own expectations for my life."
"Your life is your movie and you are now directing that movie consciously."
"Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, don't let your parents, your teachers, anyone. Just do what you want, bro, do what makes you happy and obviously bring value to the people you're trying to bring value to. Simple as that."
"I just don't feel like following the path of what everybody else is doing is gonna work for me."
"Don't let yourself be distracted by what other people want you to do."
"Take responsibility for your own life, your own path, and your own destiny by listening to your heart of hearts."
"Change your path onto something that's gonna make you happier."
"This month is to take the wheel and say I'm the one that's driving this is what I want to do and to do so unapologetically."
"It's like you're seeing where the wind blows you, those are the words that are popping into my head, the magician. It's like you're trying to manifest something in your life here."
"Don't worry about where you are and go and do something that you genuinely want to do."
"I think it's important to live your life, stay in your lane, and do what makes you happy."
"Your brain is capable of anything, but if you take charge, you can instruct it to look for what's right."
"Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams."
"You can still do you. That's controlling your own destiny."
"Life's too short, the last thing I want is lots of people telling me what I want."
"Fleetwood Mac baby, you can go your own way."
"I realized that I am the director of my own movie."
"A good life consists of self-directing one's attention most all of the time."
"Every morning is a fresh start, an opportunity to connect new dots and you can point that compass any direction you choose. You are shackled to nothing, bound by no one."
"I just want to be me I want to do my own thing I want to make my own path."
"I want to do meaningful work, I want to be remembered, and I want to create my own path."
"Stand your ground, refocus on what matters to you, on where your heart's calling you."
"God's stratagem...we have our own plans, our own programs, our own systems."
"Follow your own path, especially when others don't understand."
"Your life is unique to you, I can't tell you exactly what you should be doing and how."
"I dropped out of college and became the master of my own destiny."
"Protect your ideas and march to the beat of your own drum."
"Make your own choices, move your life in the direction you want."
"What if you were the director of your own life?"
"You have the power to create change, just look at your direction and think, am I engaged with the right people and am I on the most effective path? If not, do a little course correction and get into that star energy and know that you can do it."
"You have the power to always make your own direction."
"Destiny isn't the path given to us, it's the path we choose for ourselves."
"You don't need to see with those two beautiful eyes you already have. Those eyes are not gonna get you where you're going. It's that third eye, your intuition, that's gonna actually direct you and take you where you need to go."
"You can't live in the meantime and try to follow what everybody else is doing."
"If there's one piece of advice that I think is more important... it is this idea of following these natural inclinations and creating your own career path."
"It's very important that we carve out what we want."
"I hope that you do what makes you happy, and you know, do what you want."
"I think that's the reason why I made it until now because I don't have that pressure... It's just whatever you want."
"They want you to be kind of like the director of your life."
"The only way I see any path to success right now is breaking that kind of [ __ ] and doing things your own way."
"Everything I do is because I want to do it. If I want to talk on something, I understand the bigger picture as well."
"The magician... we are the ones who are in charge of our choices."
"Make the right decisions for our own future."
"I built a platform from doing what I want to do."
"Someone's moving on from the karmic, following their own pursuit of happiness."
"Values are our keel when the world is changing around us."
"Your state of being is the one thing that you always have the ability to direct."
"Do things your own way because that's the only way it's going to work out."
"Autonomy simply requires the subjective experience of volition or self-endorsement."
"I should prefer being desperate in a certain way; it gives us a direction to go for."
"You're in control. You're in the driver's seat."
"Life isn't just something that happens to us. Each of us has the opportunity to forge our own path."
"It feels like she's just making some really important choices for where she wants her life to go."
"No longer would anyone tell him where to go, what to do, or how to feel."
"They know where they want to go and they have a blessing."
"You're the goddess or god of your universe. Start directing how you want it to be."
"You are the director of your life, the conductor of the orchestra, you have so much power."
"Prepping allows you to steer your future closer to what you can envision."
"There's something about you that's transformational."
"Change is good as long as it's in the best direction for yourself."
"Failure to achieve goals may stem from going off your own will."
"Keep doing what you want to do. Don't listen to nobody else."
"Pathfinder, just due to its name, is about you forging your own. Let's find out if it did a very good job."
"Chart the course for your own happiness and pleasure."
"I'm free with a rational mind to determine a hierarchy of values which suits me fine."
"Most importantly recognize that you are a free human being and you do have the right to direct your own destiny."
"If you don't want it to, you need to sort of keep steering your existential vehicle in order for it to stay on the road to where you want to go, in order to avoid being in trouble and avoid perhaps some pain."
"Life goes on, follow your first mind and do what's best in your interest."
"Don't be afraid to be unapologetic about the direction you're going in."
"Don't let the world lead you. Take the steering wheel."
"The more fun I line up for myself and the more cool things I do and the more I just do what I want to do the more the universe sends you like totally big signs that you could never orchestrate yourself."
"Your mind will do what you tell it. Now that you know that, tell it great things all the time."
"Follow your heart, but don't follow a trend, follow your heart."
"Amplify your power to direct your own life and manifest that which is important to you."
"You feel intuitively like there's something I want to do, I want to go towards."
"I'm now self-directed, so instead of chasing after what someone else wants or needs me to be, I'm like I just be what I am."
"Approaching life with a curious mindset, what can life offer me or what can I turn my life into?"
"Remember your mermaids turn away discernment and move forward if that's something you gotta do."
"I'm going towards what I want, I know where my intuition is telling me to go."
"You just decide what it's going to be, who you're going to be, how you're going to do it, just decide."
"You are completely in your own lane, going in your own direction."
"You are powerful enough to take charge of your direction and move forward."
"The sand dollar is about strength, flexibility, choosing your own path, the freedom to make choices."
"I've just been happy that I've been able to do what I want to do."
"You are going in the right direction and you don't need anyone's permission."
"You are the director of your own life, continue to move forward."
"Each person has their own right to advance confidently in the direction of their own dreams."
"Find what you like to do and structure your life in that direction."
"Follow your heart and do what is right for you."
"You become the director of the movie of your life because you're the director. You decide who plays what part. If they don't play the part, get rid of them, get an actor."
"You will only see the way by making the way indeed."
"Live your life according to what you believe."
"It's all about you being you, you doing you, you going towards the situation in the direction that you want to go towards."
"Focus on your mission, your path, with your tribe."
"Learning number one in hypnosis: You can focus your attention anywhere you like."
"Embrace your own path, irrespective of what any other may think."
"You're moving forward with your life, doing what you want, not what other people want you to do."
"You have the ability to forge your own path."
"Adjust your routine if things start feeling a bit stale or if you feel directionless."
"Being a dot again means marching to your own drum and blazing your own trails."
"Your life is changing, you have the power to direct that energy."
"If you ever have to ask which way to go, it's only up, man."
"You've got to march to the beat of your own drum... don't let anybody else's thoughts emotions and opinions to dictate you."
"To become the man who can, the first step is to take the attitude of self-direction."
"You are the conductor of your own ship, you are the driver of that journey, you are the map maker of your life."
"You're empowered, owning your own path and taking personal responsibility."
"Life is a movie and you are the author, your life is a movie and you are the director."
"Set your own course and take charge of your journey."
"You're definitely in the space of choosing to go your own way, especially if it was a work investment or maybe you're just choosing to be single."
"I want to step towards what I want for myself."
"You're moving forward despite challenges, taking control of your journey."
"Mathias, don't let the haters get the best of you, do what you want to do."
"Let's put it that way, let's give myself the biggest open-ended possibility."
"Make sure you're living life for yourself. You have to live your life in your own way."
"Don't allow anybody's opinions of how you shouldn't shouldn't be moving to sway you because this is all a part of your destiny."
"Guarding your direction is essential. Never let yourself drift."
"Follow your own north node, not other people's."
"Leave behind unnecessary emotional situations and walk towards what you truly want."
"You are not letting others steer you in a path; you are taking action in your own way."
"Is it easier to be told what to do? Of course. Is it more worth it to understand what to do? In my opinion it is."
"Your life is working if you don't like what you have produced, your director you have the power to do that."
"You're the captain of your own ship... you really can steer this in any direction you want."
"Correct your path if you don't like where you're going."
"I'm an arrow, can you stop me? I can go where I want to be."
"I'm going to take my time and do it my way."
"I wasn't really like this until probably high school or college, but I very much been like a chart-my-own-course kind of person."
"Come up with your own plan and do something like that."
"Be a student, not a follower. Take advice but not orders. Only give yourself orders."
"I decided I would be the CEO of me."
"You can't let other people tell you what to do."
"You are no one's puppet. We follow our own true north."
"You can't allow other people to direct your life when you're trying to level up."
"Life is too short to be going in a direction and doing certain things just because other people around you want you to do that or other people around you want this what about you."
"I'm on the path to where I wanna be doing it the way that I wanna do it."
"You're the boss of your life, you are in charge."
"As long as he takes it his own Direction, his own way."
"Therapy is not a place where things just waggle all around, but it is a place where I am in charge of the therapeutic process but not other people that are involved." - Virginia Satir
"I do what I want on my channel. I don't let anybody direct what I do and don't do."
"You have to stay in charge of your own life, no matter what. Always do what you want, no matter what."
"No one is pulling you except your own desires and attachment."
"You literally could do whatever you want and it's just for you to sit down and navigate where you want to go and you will get there."
"This is a hobby or job or whatever that is entirely self-directed."
"Believe that you can carve your own path."
"Why not decide to be yourself and then go where you want to go?"
"Don't be a sheep. Follow your own interests."
"I heard a quote recently from a friend of mine: stop creating for what other people want and just create for what you want."
"I have to take hold of my life and give it a Direction."
"You're a born leader, not a follower, doing your own thing."
"You've got to steer your own ship."
"Just stay true to yourself. Figure out who you are. Don't try to be like that person or somebody you like. That's fine but to be influenced, that's fine but be who you are. Figure out who you are and once you do that, you'll go wherever you want to go. And that's real."
"Claim your independence. For this, I'm hearing 'go your own way'."
"Every human being is an actor on a stage, and at the same time, every human being is a director of a play called your life."
"I'm gonna do what's working, whatever I want to do."
"Life is like a never-ending play, and I'm determined to be the director of my own life."
"When you don't steer your own change, change will happen upon you."
"I needed Independence, a fulfilling career, and a space to chart my own course."
"Should have let me drive my own path instead of staying in your silly lanes."
"Never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past, and I'm not about to start now."
"Do this your way. Do this on your terms."
"You can't quit something; it's gonna fill that space, and if you don't direct it, it'll direct you."
"Let's just do it our way, and that's how it's gonna be."
"I've always been doing things my own way and walking my own little road less traveled."
"To create a self-directed career, build more than a product; build a personality."
"Self-directed learning... symbolizes freedom, choice, and embracing learning wherever you may find it."
"The secret sauce of self-directed learning isn't much of a secret at all: find your autonomy, mastery, and purpose, and you'll find your way."
"Self-directed learners take full responsibility for their educations, careers, and lives."
"To become a self-directed learner is to become, in the words of my friend Ethan Mitchell, a consensual learner."
"Take the helm, be in control of your own ship."