
Perseverance Quotes

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"The desire and the will to persevere no doubt translates to this thing that we call the will to live."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You just got to do the work, and it's freaking hard."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our desire to continue or, put differently, our willingness to continue and our desire to quit is mediated by events between our two ears."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Don't give up just because they have not worked; everyone gives up on therapy until they find the therapist that works for them."
"It's going to get easier, homeboy. I promise you."
"Currently, you've been going through a time where maybe it feels like a certain project or idea that you've had has not really been working out, or maybe there's just been a lot of opposition or resistance."
"Do not let the little kid in you die. You have to fight to keep that little child alive."
"The story is not over yet, and I'm still doing a lot of work and trying to get as much done as I can."
"I refuse to believe that if I'm a good person and that if I'm working hard, I refuse to believe that this doesn't work out."
"This is making me better, there's purpose in this, I just have to make it to the next day, and then one more day, and one more day."
"Your emotional intent is so strong and so aligned and your motivation is so strong that you don't give up."
"Trading was something for me that again, I didn't give myself an option to fail."
"The concept of always doing one more: putting yourself out there one more time, making one more phone call, making one more offer on a house, could just spark change not only in your life but could affect millions of people."
"I'm not finished yet. Masterpieces take time."
"You're going to have to push through when things get really difficult... that usually means you're on the verge of breaking through."
"What keeps me going is the continuous flow of my breath and finding gratitude everywhere I can."
"Achieving huge goals and stretching to reach your potential requires you to do those challenging, stressful things, and to stick with them even when it gets boring."
"If you're tired or you don't feel like it, that's when you need to get up and do what you need to do."
"The overlying theme of consistency is: don't quit."
"If you just don't quit and you do the bare minimum, you just show up, you will make fantastic progress."
"This video didn't go to plan at all, the odds were stacked against us from the start, but we gave it our best shot and we had fun."
"It's drilled out of us that we should give up too soon when you really can make it out. I'm proof of it."
"Trust me, it's going to suck at first, but you will start to find appreciation in everything you do."
"It's a long journey and every day count to get better."
"Fifty percent of success is just showing up."
"I really want people to find what they're passionate about and go and fight for it. Any time you hear the word no, I would just ignore it."
"The seeds that you plant now, if you keep working on them, keep watering, keep that energy going, eventually they'll blossom into something."
"The ultimate secret to dealing with lack of inspiration or motivation is just to remember that you don't have to be motivated or inspired; sometimes you just have to sit down and do it."
"The aspect of being a failure doesn't come from the success in the end; it comes from if you really quit on yourself or if you don't put in the effort you know you can put in."
"When the going's tough, the tough get going."
"There's great joy in the grind. The great joy in the suffer. It totally cleanses your body out man of any kind of hate, makes you grow up."
"Give yourself some grace, try to be patient (keyword: try), and remember my favorite proverb: Everything cool is hard at first, even ice cream."
"Keep doing the hard work, even when you don't feel like it."
"Hold your vision. Stay fixed on your vision, don't give up."
"Hustle, hustle, hustle, because your life is worth it. Your life is worth it. You are worth it."
"I've never seen anybody who genuinely tried their hardest for anything and never got it."
"Don't be afraid to push that extra mile. So the Nine of Wands is about resilience and not giving up."
"I'm reminded that my father would want me to continue to do what I've been doing, to not give up on inspiring other people."
"You're doing a really good job despite lots of challenges and confusion."
"Don't give up now because you're right around the corner from a turning point."
"Develop self-mastery, forge ahead and keep doing what you know best."
"Let's get back on track. I was always on this journey. I didn't just fall off self-improvement. That's part of the progress. Life has these ebbs and flows."
"Relapse is a part of most people's recovery...Don't give up until the miracle happens."
"Sometimes in life, you have to do what you don't want to do until you can do what you want to do."
"The only reason why I stayed was for two reasons. One, my sister was sending me money to pay my rent and she would send me gift certificates to the grocery store so I could get food to eat. And she was like my biggest cheerleader. She was like, 'Don't give up.'"
"There's no easy way out; there's no secret answer. Literally, you just have to put in the work."
"I just try and laugh at myself as many times a day as possible but then I lean back into effort as hard as I absolutely can."
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
"Do not be deterred by The Thorn amidst the Roses."
"What matters is whether you get back up and keep going."
"What matters is to keep going no matter what, keep going."
"Everyone gets knocked down. What matters is whether you get back up and keep going."
"When you believe you've exhausted all options, remember this: you haven't."
"An empire isn't built in a day; it's built every day."
"If I fall down and I just feel like I can't go on and I want to give up, just look up."
"A master is somebody who was a beginner who kept beginning."
"He is the embodiment of perseverance and hard work and believing in self."
"True strength lies not in numbers, but in unyielding resolve."
"By some miracle, you've completed a full week on the job."
"This taught me how to never give up in the face of failure."
"The wind always blows the strongest at the top of the mountain."
"This has to be the hardest storm I'll ever weather, but damn, I know I'll sail through it, if not for me, for my children."
"Life is about never giving up, and it's about keep going is the mantra and mindset that I use."
"She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."
"You overcame them because you saw things from every angle, you understood them for what they really were, because you kept moving forward, no matter how uncertain the path you were on or how unexpected it became. You found your way."
"Tenacity is the ability to keep on keeping on when you feel like giving up."
"God will strengthen you with His own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient."
"I just don't want to give up. I know there's more to life than working 9 to 5."
"Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord, and work; for I am with you."
"I don't care if it's not easy. I just want it to be better. But don't stop trying."
"There's 10 years of quiet iteration behind that big breakthrough success."
"Your haters are out there holding their breath waiting for you to fail; make sure they suffocate."
"Underdog Story too, picked at 199 of the NFL Draft, not a top five pick, not handed anything, and then what did he do? He went to work, did his job, became the greatest of all time."
"I'll always take the hardest path, and it becomes the best path."
"Keep your focus on the long term. Keep your eye on the prize."
"The greatest success is to endure hardship, struggle, and challenge while also allowing joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction."
"Ignore the criticism...if something is working for you and people don't agree with your approach, just ignore it."
"You can carry anything if you cut it up in enough pieces."
"We need to ask ourselves what would we do and love every day even if we were failing."
"The struggle is guaranteed, the success is not."
"Sometimes, it's not about overnight victory; it's about later victory that comes with hard work."
"Failure is okay. It's just a start. You can always try again."
"I think we need to use all of our tools, all of our disciplines, all of our histories to understand these things and not just dismiss them as hallucinatory or crazy."
"Once I pushed out all of that, realized in my head these people's opinions don't actually matter, that's when I started succeeding."
"I think it's a moment of brilliance separating two pretty equal teams."
"You're capable of intense, prolonged focused energy. Embrace your passions. You will triumph."
"In the game of life, sometimes the best strategy is simply to keep playing."
"I like streaming, you know. I'm not going to let this nonsense deter me."
"I appreciate the flops. You just gotta keep going."
"Did you ever think you would make it? I taste sweet victory. I know this life's for me."
"Creativity isn't all fun and games; it has a disciplined side, a side that's all about hard work and perseverance."
"If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness."
"Every time they do a really hard task and stick to it, the neurons in their brain form new connections and they can get smarter."
"No matter how hard and frequently Cruella gets knocked down for her fashion aspiration, that aspiration is so strong that she never stays down... instead, always stands right back up to keep trying."
"Just keep your head up, keep pounding, keep dreaming because the damnest thing is I've almost reached all my dreams. I got a few more that I'm really, really searching for, but I don't stop till I get it."
"Do not give up during the preparation period because everything is conspiring for your good."
"Success is success. It's being consistent and people don't realize, you just have to keep going."
"Even on days that don't feel like you're making progress, you're still making progress, even if it's something small."
"Just because other people got there first doesn't mean you're not going to get there."
"Keep pushing forward even when you're going uphill and it seems challenging. Eventually, things will get easier."
"After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies."
"Forward is forward, it doesn't matter how slow you go."
"In the game of cards, as you know, if you don't like your hand, you can fold. So I see my cards, I don't like it, so I decide to fold. I feel like a lot of people that are watching right now, they have folded their dreams before they really unfolded."
"You have to stay fucking hungry. Don't get complacent."
"As long as I don't quit, I will build my dream body."
"Perseverance is also laying the groundwork for what comes next."
"We are a species of explorers. We will meet many obstacles on our way to Mars. But as humans, we'll not give up. We will always persevere."
"As the countdown to Mars continues, the perseverance of humanity is launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the red planet."
"Perseverance is a very, very profound first step in both our understanding of our place in the universe and a stepping stone towards human exploration on Mars."
"Perseverance is paving the way for human exploration on Mars."
"Perseverance is what kicks in the moment you want to quit. Perseverance is what kicks in the moment it gets hard."
"I just want you to hang in there because yes, I believe it can happen."
"With hardship comes relief. The tougher it gets, the closer it is to relief."
"Design, test, learn from the design, adjust the design, test, repeat until success."
"It's not about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side; it's the climb."
"This book says wait. This book says the posture of perseverance... is the door to a miracle."
"Liftoff as the countdown to Mars continues, the perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of explorers to the red planet."
"Perseverance is when you keep going even when you don't think that you can."
"He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ."
"They, whom God hath accepted in his Beloved, effectually called, and sanctified by His Spirit, can neither totally nor finally fall away from the state of grace, but shall certainly persevere therein to the end and be eternally saved."
"Suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope."
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere."
"Whenever you're tempted to quit, it's always good to remember why you started."
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
"Just because we haven't nailed it yet doesn't mean the journey hasn't been worthwhile."
"So cross your river one rock at a time, but do it with a naive optimism that it's all going to work out."
"Perseverance is NASA's most ambitious Rover yet."
"All the hard work that we all put into this mission can be a success if we just work together, if we just persevere."
"Perseverance is something beautiful. It is together with exploration and hope and vision."
"It's amazing to have Perseverance join Curiosity on Mars."
"We are a species of explorers and we meet many setbacks on our quest for knowledge. But we persevere. We, not as a nation, but as humans, will always persevere into the future."
"We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope."
"Motivation is the reason why you want to do something. It's all of the things and the feelings that make you keep working hard to reach your goals or to finish something."
"Someone with perseverance keeps trying to succeed even when it's difficult. They keep going."
"If you find yourself going through hell, keep going."
"It's okay to dream big, it's okay to be a bit delusional, and it's okay to go all in on an absolute Hail Mary dream."
"Conquering a mountain...creating a very solid foundation in order for us to build a strong dream upon."
"When we build our dreams on an unsteady foundation, those dreams are going to fall apart. But when we build our dreams upon a solid foundation, we have a solid plan and a solid know-how...we're not going to fall apart by the end of it."
"Perseverance is amazing. Someone who's born talented gets an easy advantage, but someone who starts off untalented or unskilled gets more credit and admiration in the end."
"You've been a major inspiration to me and I'm sure billions of other people."
"Never back down, never give up. Simple as that."
"Just keep pushing, keep moving forward, be hopeful, trust yourself."
"Keep your head held high and follow the sun."
"The race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but it is he that endures to the end."
"Discipline is doing what you hate like you love it."
"Perseverance is what kicks in the moment you want to quit."
"A mission that deserves its name, Perseverance."
"Perseverance is how you achieve. It's how you move forward."
"Don't you stop. I'm going to sleep, but don't stop working."
"You're the closest to getting what you want when it's the hardest; people quit right before they get what they've always wanted."
"Perseverance, positivity, and practice – there are three P's for you."
"Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."
"Perseverance means the ability to continue doing something in spite of difficulties or opposition."
"You can't just quit things when they're hard or you're in that phase where it's very difficult or it's very frustrating, because that's the phase where everybody quits."
"There is no avoiding hard training if you want to grow, but if you want to grow the most, your training needs to be hard and smart."
"It's very important to just keep on doing it and not give up."
"I expected to be here. I didn't know it was going to take this long, but I knew I had a purpose."
"The war has been going on for 750 days, it's in its third year now, and these fundraisers are still passing fundraiser goals."
"Despite everything stacked against me, the Machamps, the critical hits, the fact I'm trying to be a Milkman in the 21st century, me and Milly tank have become the strongest."
"A champion is someone who gets up, even when they can't."
"In the midst of death, life persists; in the midst of untruth, truth persists; in the midst of darkness, light persists."
"I can think of many times when I should have quit and I didn’t know when to say when."
"Thank God I didn’t quit because that extra spin or two just paid off."
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - E.E. Cummings
"Be good to yourselves. You deserve it. And we just keep going. It's the best we can do for us; it's the best we can do for others."
"Right when we're about to give up is usually when we're about to turn a corner."
"Don't quit. This whatever this is, is gonna bring wisdom, its realization, its awakening."
"Don't get lost in the pain, keep going. Your story does not end here."
"Ships don't sink because of the water that gets around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them."
"There's infinite chances. Just because one doesn't work out, it's not the end of it all."
"One of the most frequent comments I get on my channel is that Churchill quote: 'Americans always do the right thing after exhausting every other option.'"
"Do not be deterred by the thorn amidst the roses. It's a reminder that, sure, there are bad things that could happen...but is it worth it? Absolutely."
"You can't be scared. Keep blending. It's going to come together."
"Self-love is not instant; it's a slow burn of a battle that you'll need to get used to over a very, very long time."
"People will call you crazy until you're successful at it."
"Keep moving forward, don't let your fears cloud everything up."
"Persevere through everything that comes up in life."
"It's a constant battle, it's never ending, you're always going to fight it for the rest of your life, but just realize that you're worth it to keep fighting."
"They were guys that were not always counted on, they were small in stature, and they just defied the odds."
"Believe again. That belief is sometimes all you have when you go into the next step."
"God does not throw you away when your faith is fading."
"Every stumble is a step forward in the dance of life."
"Haters are motivators; keep feeding us the motivation. We're hungry for it."
"You're not obliged to finish the work, but you are not permitted to cease from it."
"If you're trying to climb Mount Everest, don't look at the peak; it's too difficult. Just look at where am I supposed to put my next step."
"Let's not let the evil people and the wrongdoers and the lot of the rioters and the looters and so on stop us from the essential work of philosophy."
"This is not the first time I've tried this, nor the second, or the third. What I'm trying to do, I keep restarting."
"You're on the mountain of your dreams; it's happening, but it's about continuing to take action and not giving up."
"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."
"The Bible says, 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.'"
"Adequate has made it... what a champ. Ain't nothing but a thing, just an ocean to swim across."
"Where certain people stop, that's where you begin."
"You probably never grow out of imposter syndrome; what you have to do is learn to keep pushing despite it."
"The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail job – day in, day out."
"Do not quit, for the dawn is often darkest just before the light breaks through."
"God's promise isn't that we will never get tired, it's that we will reap a harvest if we keep pushing forward."
"Trust God, hold on to your faith, and never give up."
"Your goals are achievable for you, as long as you keep going."
"Do not give up because your goals are achievable for you, as long as you keep climbing."