
Lessons Quotes

There are 1828 quotes

"The biggest lessons and the best things in my life have actually come out of the most challenging, worst things that have happened."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Scars show your willingness to get to the other side; they show your failures, your willingness to start from scratch."
"She taught me how to love, how to be gentle, how to be thoughtful."
"I want to give y'all some lessons on how to stay focused and accomplish things."
"At the end of the day, it's not about the accolades or accomplishments, but about the journey and the lessons learned along the way."
"Regrets can be lessons in disguise, prompting us to make amends and grow."
"The real treasure is not gold or gems, but the stories and lessons we glean from history."
"Sometimes the real treasure is not gold or gems but the stories and lessons we glean from history."
"I've been blessed in so many other ways; I take those life lessons and learn from them."
"Success is not just about reaching your destination but about the journey and the lessons learned along the way."
"I am suspicious of anyone who tries to say there is one [lesson]. That does not sound like an accurate reflection of reality."
"The best way to understand how such abuse can be avoided is to not be blind to the lessons of history."
"Whenever life throws obstacles in your way and things don't go as planned, accept them and say thank you. I'm ready for the lessons this alternative path will teach me."
"Telling these stories can be frustrating because we tell them again and again and again, hoping that eventually, the lesson will sink in."
"It showed at least at that point that President Putin had not taken the lessons of the experience in Ukraine, which is that the idea that he would erase its identity, its independence, and subjugate Ukrainians to the will of Russia had failed and would fail."
"In many cases, he's a storyteller. He can distill lessons from stories... and derive lessons that you can apply to your life."
"You're given these lessons in your life so that you can triumph over them and use the traits that you've acquired from those lessons over time to carve out who you are."
"A lot of times, what you find is you find your greatest gifts there. You find your greatest strengths there. You find your greatest growth there. You find your biggest lessons in life."
"There is a lesson and a blessing in every negative situation."
"The purpose of memory is to extract out from the past lessons to structure the future."
"Behind every tragedy, there is a lesson to be learned, and whether that be in the form of heightening security or improving mental health facilities, we should never stop in our desire to make our cities a safer place for everyone."
"This experience with Jackie might have been your karma, might have been the lesson that you needed to learn. Grow from this."
"The violent military coups, the destabilization programs, the imposition of murderous dictatorships and disinformation campaigns all with an eye not only toward understanding the recent history of the United States but also for understanding the kind of political order and the kind of society we now currently have as well as to draw lessons from that recent history to understand our options for the future."
"Thank the past for your lessons and leave it where it belongs."
"Hitting doesn't teach lessons; it teaches fear. Fear is not something we want to instill in our children."
"The moral that can be learned from this donghua is never to underestimate someone, even though his physical appearance and family background are very contrary to the perception we believe."
"We just have to learn to accept that there might be a lesson in things we hate about us."
"This game is teaching some good life lessons: study or you're going to the bad place."
"What's inside that counts, and Flora Lucid is not doing anything to help. The inner beauty enchantment will be prolonged to teach him a lesson."
"Well, I hope Gobby learned his lesson. No matter what, never get a squirrel mad."
"I had started a fight on purpose to destroy their relationship in hopes of teaching Koby the value of resolving conflicts."
"Learning the history of electric vehicles is a sobering lesson in how we repeat history."
"At least I learned what not to do, and that is always a valuable lesson."
"History has taught us to expect the unexpected, no matter how unlikely it may seem."
"Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
"What lessons can we learn from this state story of what happens when politics trumps public health?"
"Rejection is always accompanied by a really important lesson."
"Eventually the lesson that's going to be learned through all this is how you are the creator of your reality."
"We can look at them as cautionary tales in order to make a difference in how we go about living our lives."
"History doesn't teach lessons, but it teaches that things change on a dime."
"Make friends not enemies, that's a big lesson."
"Some of these stories... they're meant to be warnings."
"Turning something difficult into something even better is by drawing some lessons."
"We really need to learn the mistakes of history or I'm afraid we are destined to repeat them, which is quite a frightening prospect."
"I regret buying the bath towel, but also I learned an incredible lesson which I'm sure I'll apply to many future purchases and decisions."
"There are so many lessons to be learned after hearing the story of APB in its failure a whole book could be written on the subject."
"I think the lesson here is, don't go off track in the first place."
"Those that don't remember history are condemned to repeat it."
"Lots of value. It's a good lesson for everybody to learn."
"There are lessons to be learned from Einstein."
"You're looking for any growth and lessons, not about wins and losses."
"It's an interesting tale of its rise and fall but it also is just as nearly perfect case study in how not to run a major global financial institution."
"Fools who don't respect the past are doomed to repeat it."
"Only an opponent who is a fool of pure evil and pride would reject this lesson."
"Conservatism at its best is about studying the lessons of history and applying them today."
"If all this stuff is true, then let it serve as a lesson to people."
"I do believe it is crucial to never forget the past, the good and the bad, so we can prevent things like this from happening again in the future."
"Surely selling him would mean we've learned off wrongdoings in the past."
"There's no such thing as permanent failure, there's only lessons."
"I think that also taught me a very important lesson early on which is it's not just about, you know, a boy gives and wants other people to know and wants to feel a sense of superiority over someone."
"Be grateful for every step, be grateful for every lesson."
"It's time to face the emotional baggage within and find out what it's really been trying to teach you."
"Maybe they're waiting for you to learn a lesson, maybe you're waiting for them to learn a lesson, maybe something's blocking you from them or the other way around, or maybe they're just on their way."
"In fairy tales, you find happy endings, lessons, morals, comfort and triumph, and magic."
"You save yourself first. Don't make my mistake."
"A valuable lesson concerning what a guild is truly meant to be."
"Biggest lesson is that someone is always profiting from injustice."
"Trust only in the Force, a lesson Cal carries with him."
"Recognizing that there are huge lessons in just admitting that you were wrong about things."
"Those who do not understand the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them."
"Remember to incorporate the lessons from your past for a brighter future."
"We must understand our past lest we risk again the damnation that befell those who came before."
"Lessons must be learned... the disaster that never should have happened must never happen again."
"Despite its story being long forgotten, the lessons learned from earnsubscribers.com live on."
"And as the social network grows older, wiser, and stronger, more of those life lessons and warning signs will only continue to manifest themselves, but at least now we know, that it all starts somewhere."
"The same way that they had to learn through a lot of hard tough lessons is what you guys are going to be using to help influence and impact other people in 2024."
"How many times do I got to teach you this lesson, old man?"
"History does not repeat, the coalition destroys Napoleon's army."
"Eventually, everyone's gonna find out, that's one thing you learn early on about lies when you're a kid..."
"The entire lesson of the film is not to judge a book by its cover."
"Even in ugly, there's a lesson to be learned."
"Wizard business lesson number one from Scar."
"Forgive and learn from this situation, new love coming in."
"History offers valuable lessons that shape our understanding of the present and guide our future decisions."
"In conclusion, history can be something that teaches us many ways to avoid making the same mistakes."
"Remember your lessons to break the cycle of repetition."
"The correct lesson from surprises is that the world is surprising."
"We always have a choice, my friend. Harry taught me that."
"It's a story that provides a lesson for the viability of arms control."
"The lessons from the pandemic: humility, gratitude, and never forgetting our fragility."
"Let's remember the lessons learned, even as the pandemic fades into memory."
"Motherhood is a spiritual path it is a spiritual journey like there's so many spiritual lessons within you."
"You are getting your reflection, you are getting a lesson."
"Staying grounded... was the biggest thing I learned."
"As the Buddhists say, 'Nothing ever goes away until it teaches you what you need to learn.'"
"We're not better and we and you could say well we've learnt our lessons I'd love to see the evidence that we've learned our lessons because we seem to be doing some eerily similar things again aren't we going back now to neo-segregation."
"If this year has been any indication of how humanity actually is, no one has learned their actual lesson."
"This was all an intentional moment of lesson."
"Wisdom is about lessons learned and having an understanding of reality."
"All those unwritten lessons will be dripped in there about camaraderie and looking to your left and right and fighting for the people around you more than yourself."
"All she wanted to do was teach him a lesson."
"I think all the lessons that you can possibly learn as an entrepreneur, someone could tell you a hundred times over, but until you do it yourself, you're never going to learn the lesson."
"History does indeed have a tendency to repeat itself."
"Nobody likes that taste for sure... there's always a lot of lessons that can be learned from losing."
"Historical precedent staring you right in the face."
"This story is a literal nightmare. It's scary, it's in some ways actually quite inspiring, and there are a ton of lessons that we can take away from it."
"We know this because they seem poised to repeat them."
"History is that unfortunately unless you learn from it, you're doomed to repeat it."
"Remember, animals are here to teach us the lessons."
"Let's not make the same mistake that we made with social media by letting it get entangled and not being able to regulate it afterwards."
"If you forget what we did before or where we were before, you'll repeat it." - Pearl Harbor survivor's son
"Stories are about their endings, lessons learned, goals achieved, and sacrifices made."
"Rome's rise and fall is a sobering reminder of the fragility of even humanity's greatest societies."
"If 2020 has taught us anything, it is to expect that anything can happen."
"Cash is king. So if you weren't obsessed about saving money and having a lot of liquid cash, the pandemic definitely taught all of us cash is king."
"The pandemic may be far from over but there are still plenty of lessons for us to learn."
"As the U.S. approaches another election season, it would be most prudent to timely draw upon the lessons learned from recent history and to apply them responsibly and effectively."
"Everything happens for a reason and they turn into lessons just like X's they're not bad it's not bad you just got to turn it into a lesson for the next one."
"Life is changing culture, what is the lesson to another interesting?"
"This is where it all started, never forget the lessons."
"Disqualifies himself by his conduct and his comments."
"Europe wants to get gas from Africa... Europe must be taught a lesson."
"If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it."
"One of the fundamental things that stories warn us against is being too preoccupied with winning approval from other people."
"Encountering someone to teach you a spiritual lesson. Integrity and alignment with values are crucial."
"Because I've put myself on this platform and I've made myself on this scale, it is my responsibility to make my mistakes someone else's lessons."
"Just because we're in our north node does not mean that we still don't have lessons to learn."
"At least there is a chance for a comeback, whereas number one Crucible is dead in the water."
"Attack on Titan teaches a crucial lesson about war."
"Bribe everyone. It's a lesson we've learned here."
"Honestly, if you this is a prime example of not judging a book by its cover."
"There was always a good moral at the end of his show."
"It's here that he miraculously comes back to life somehow escapes and starts working through the local boarding school to teach the students a lesson or two about his big horrible night."
"You don't always have to take every karmic lesson; this situation is faded, you guys are meant to meet."
"Remember everybody a big lesson 2022 trust nobody."
"Lessons and blessings, that's what it's all about."
"The harsh lessons of 2020 and moving into a new age of healing."
"I think people could learn a lesson or two about working together in diplomacy."
"This is one of those emphatic [__] failures. If we don't make an example out of this situation, then it's just gonna happen again."
"You've learned the lessons and you're back in balance, the cycle is coming to an end."
"the themes of playing with your teammates consistently taking high ground when there's an opening to do so without you know leaving your team in the lurch those are all lessons that anybody can use i think and employ in their tracer gameplay."
"The economist does offer some lessons when it comes to constructing an ideology."
"There's a big lesson here about identity politics."
"Elon Musk has spent decades building something big himself, the world's richest man."
"That failure is simply a lesson, that victory is only a brief moment in time, and that resilience will ensure that these rowers still have many chapters to go in their sporting journey and their school here."
"What's the biggest lesson you think other hospitals in America need to take from what happened at UVM? It can happen to you."
"If you don't learn your lessons in the third dimension, you ascend into the fourth."
"Han Solo taught me from a storytelling standpoint."
"Trading has caused me a lot of pain in my life and actually it has taught that I am not as smart as I think I'm not as strong as I think and I'm not as mentally stable as I think."
"We will survive through this it's just human nature we will and we will be stronger through this whole process - there's always lessons to be learned as always a silver lining"
"The failure of modern western governments to learn or even remember that lesson has been very obvious."
"Sometimes the greatest victories come with the hardest lessons."
"Underestimating an opponent has been the last mistake of far too many individuals throughout history."
"By the time the third age rolls around and Sauron rises again, the Valar had learned their lesson."
"What do we take from this adventure? Spontaneous adventures."
"My 20s would be so full of experience life lessons Rich stories and diverse friendships if it weren't for everything that unfolded in my 20s so far."
"Humility, no matter if you're a goat or a bench player, you experience L's, cuts, and failures of some kind."
"He's a competitor, that's what competitors do."
"A lot of meta life lessons within a story kind of like mildly psychedelic."
"There is purpose in every step on your journey; seek the purpose, seek the lesson in every challenge."
"It's wrapped up well. It's kind of a beautiful little lesson of like, you know, letting people have different unconventional talents and supporting that and celebrating that."
"Their friendship transcends instincts and teaches us valuable lessons about companionship."
"It's actually not the first time the country has faced a crucial moment like this."
"It's a valuable lesson and hopefully a lesson everyone who designed spacecraft for the first humans going to Mars has listened to closely."
"The UK Auto industry can only be found in history books as a long and cautionary tale of how not to run a car company."
"Those thoughts that make us the most uncomfortable often teach us the best lessons."
"Let's just say the way they've conducted business in the past, I think they do some things really well that a lot of movie theater chains can learn a lot of lessons from."
"Life is a journey from which new strength can be found and lessons can be learned."
"Sometimes, especially in grade school, it can be good to have somewhat harsh lessons like this. I feel like it can really stick with kids to realize, 'Hey, acting like a jerk has consequences.'"
"You were right, there's a good lesson there, guys. Never doubt yourselves, always just trust yourself and do your best!"
"There is much to be learned from the trees, the lesson of the trees can be learned through their perseverance, flexibility, and community."
"You learned a lesson from it and you will grow from it, and that is all that matters."
"Sometimes we learn our greatest lessons from our greatest failures."
"This was meant to happen. It's supposed to teach you some hard lessons."
"People from your past and situations are lessons for growth."
"Respect the box! It always comes back to the box."
"I love this feature, I think it's a really interesting mechanic to add to Egyptians for this time period."
"Experiencing so many friggin lessons around power... stepping into our power or owning our power."
"It makes us stronger, and that's something they will come to learn in due course."
"Tradition is about passing on the lessons previous generations learned the hard way."
"Every lesson brings blessings. Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned."
"Embodied in failure is not just the stuff of lessons but the stuff of legends."
"As is often the case in such circumstances, painful lessons have been learned and reforms have been undertaken because of this scandal."
"What the [ __ ] happened to Michael Richards?"
"There will be a lot of regrets in the near future... But it's just like learning lessons from the universe."
"I embrace losses at this point in my life, I genuinely see them as lessons."
"People do things like this to each other to try and take them down you know and it's insane what this has taught me."
"Always seek the lesson within the experience."
"Those little life lessons, the things that you've learned in your life that you're passing on."
"Lessons from Ukraine: being stronger does not always guarantee a military victory."
"The lessons of the past are forever lost to the present. Even those learned in the wake of tragedy are easily forgotten."
"I tell stories from Survivor Man, lessons learned during those expeditions and adventures."
"These energies are meant to be teachers; they're not meant to be tormentors."
"The most important lesson I've learned about money is that money can just give you a lot of opportunities, a lot of options."
"You learned a hard lesson, and now you're happy."
"Thank you for the valuable lessons you're giving online."
"Surrendering to the lessons that you've learned and making space for new energy to come in."
"His tale is thus both instructive and cautionary filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership, and values."
"Nature is very humbling; she's always teaching us things."
"You can leave your failed projects in the past, but always take the lessons with you."