
Life Challenges Quotes

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"The biggest lessons and the best things in my life have actually come out of the most challenging, worst things that have happened."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Life's just going to continue to spiral if you're not willing to seek mental health professionals in it."
"It's not about what happens to us in life; it's how we deal with it."
"Sacred guidance and teachings from our Heavenly Father help us navigate life in these perilous times."
"It's impossible to stay happy all the time, but that's not such a bad thing. After all, you need a few tough times to better appreciate the good ones."
"Life is hard sometimes. You will struggle with depression, you will struggle with money, your friends will be imperfect support systems, but life is still worth it."
"Sometimes in life, you can't fix everything on your own."
"If you don't have no money, your life is infinitely harder. You can't eat, you can't live where you want to live, you can't do what you want to do, you have far less freedom, you got to answer to more people."
"The worst thing you can do is focus on negativity. It won't spare you from the cage of death, the pain of disease, the cruelty of time, the cold shell of human nature, or the eventual loss of everything you've ever held dear. Whatever you do, don't focus on that."
"Every single thing served a purpose. Every mistake, every challenge, every obstacle."
"Humor is how I get through life. It's how I've gotten through anything difficult in my life."
"Life is hard, and one of the things that makes life more difficult for us is that we expect it to be easy."
"Not everything in the world is going to be sunshine and rainbows."
"You can make so many more mistakes in life when you're born into a wealthier family, and when you're born poor, you're like one or two before your life is over."
"You are not a victim of circumstances; stuff is not happening to you."
"Everything conspires for your good. Even things you don't like, things that appear funny, embarrassing, disgraceful, everything conspires. It's a matter of time you will realize it."
"You don't have to be normal to find a path. It's about leaning into the hand that life has dealt you."
"Being paid a lot of money doesn't make problems go away. Being paid a lot of money makes it easier to deal with problems."
"Life is made up of storms, and it all depends on how you adjust your sails."
"The suckiest part about having been victimized is that it doesn't change the fact that you still have to live a normal life."
"Life does not just stop because you're going through a difficult season."
"Life is unfair to many, many people. And I think, well, this is a special kind of unfairness and it probably is, but you know, that's not rare. Special unfairness is not rare."
"Being comfortable has something to do with where I come from. I've had my fair share of being uncomfortable in life."
"I understand that you have a life that you think is not worth living. I would like to help you deal with these objective problems."
"Your conflicts, all the difficult things, the problematic situations in your life are not chance or haphazard. They are actually yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else."
"Embrace them because they won't last forever. All of the downs you are about to have in this journey will teach you just as much as the ups."
"The further away you get from God, the more trouble you're going to have in your life."
"Life is actually uncomfortable... to get to a life that enacts your meaning, your purpose, your core philosophies, it ain't going to be easy."
"You need a meaning to sustain you through the vicissitudes of life."
"It felt like everything I worked up to this point in my life has been swept away."
"It's just the reality of life; storms come, and you need to make sure that you're ready."
"Family is supposed to be there for you during the highs and lows of your life."
"The world and the life that we live in is the ultimate competitor; it will try to take you out. It will find your weakness, and it will just hammer you."
"Life will roll out the opportunities and the challenges for us to overcome these things that we feel are hurdles and holding us back."
"I'm always motivated. Life's tough and bad things happen. It's all about how you respond."
"Money doesn't fix everything, but needing money sucks."
"Life can be terrifying, so the only way to survive it is to be as scary as life itself. Wise words to live by."
"It's important in life, if sometimes things get tricky, you just gotta keep going."
"Spirit wants you to focus on your faith, strengthening it, because this isn't an exclusive event. This will happen many more times in your life."
"You deserve to feel joy and feel love no matter how challenging life gets."
"Don't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy."
"Let's be transparent, let's be honest, life is hard right now."
"Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face."
"This isn't the key to a problem-free life; it's an arsenal of tools that you can use to face those problems."
"I know life's going to be a roller coaster... and I know that I'll have my own back when that time comes."
"Patience is to show patience towards the obligations of Allah, to stay away from the prohibitions of Allah, and towards the decrees of Allah that may bring you pain."
"Life goes wild, but what I am doing is mattering and it's moving me towards my ultimate goals."
"You are already empowered by the Holy Spirit to live and to face any situation, any circumstance of life."
"Life is hard... life is also very hard and challenging and it's filled with loss sometimes."
"Adversity is just as destructive as too much adversity."
"The greatest fulfillment you will find is when you remember who you are while you are in form, caught up in the demands and challenges of life on Earth."
"Whatever happens, you want to stay stoic...knowing that this too shall pass, the good and the bad."
"Adversity is universal, that is, it plays no favorites."
"Every question in life does not have an easy answer, every story will not have a happy ending."
"Contentment in all circumstances of life is not the natural tendency of man."
"Depression is not waiting for you to get it together. Poverty's not waiting for the perfect moment. Poverty will just roll up on you and disrupt your entire life."
"You go through things in life, and if you don't learn the lesson, you go through it again."
"Embrace change because if you try to resist change, it makes your life so much harder."
"All right, Draco Junior, you may be down on your luck at the beginning of your life, but it'll pick up, I promise."
"If everything is a mind game... one is to kill yourself and end the game, and two is to keep playing the game but to learn to play the game artfully."
"Roll with the punches of life, regardless of how they come at you, it's about how you react to it."
"Life isn't easy, no matter your circumstances. Everyone has their own problems that they have to face."
"When life gets hard or we deal with challenge, it's really easy to look at our past where everything was simpler."
"It was a harsh year and a half; I didn't finish 2019, 2019 finished me."
"Life can certainly get away from them, but they know they can always depend on one another."
"Some difficulties, some problems, and some of the trials that we face, they're presented to us for a purpose."
"Circumstances don't make you what you are, they reveal what you are."
"We move on, you know. We've got to just get past this point in our life."
"Money isn't going to solve all of your problems; money is going to solve your money problems."
"Hold the victorious attitude toward life and you will overcome all unfavorable conditions."
"But you have to get through it, you have to endure it's a test of life and there is always something greater on the other side."
"Misery and unfulfilled promise are a lot harder than the discomfort of growth."
"Life is challenging, life is hard, but we can use the energies and experiences that life offers us either to benefit and aid our own growth or to hinder ourselves."
"Sometimes life's a [ __ ] and then you die, right? Sometimes life's a [ __ ] and then you keep living."
"The world is a harsh place, and it's very difficult for people not to be resentful and bitter, often for good reason."
"There's no trouble-free pathway through life; you can just dispense with that idea instantly."
"Some people are just born with disadvantages and some are born with advantages. You have to just kind of play the cards that you're given and you do the best with what you have."
"Responsibility is what helps you contend with life without becoming embittered and cynical."
"The universe will only ever deal you something that you can handle."
"Ultimately, you can only deal with the cards you've been dealt."
"Do the best you can do with the cards that you were given."
"Joy is never guaranteed... but you can wed yourself to pain."
"It's just that those kinds of stories... They challenge you to look at life from a strange new perspective."
"Adventure and acceptance, that's perfect. Accepting the things in your life that you cannot control and accepting what's happening right now."
"Successful people are not people without problems; they have just as many problems and largely the same kind as everyone else."
"The problem is we're so afraid of uncertainty, we think if it doesn't work out, it's going to be terrible. It's not hopeless; it's not terrible. When things go wrong, it's wonderful."
"Life is hard for two reasons: because you're living in your comfort zone and because you're trying to live outside of your comfort zone."
"Sometimes you have bumps in the road in your life, and what we do here is we help people get back on track."
"I don't pray for an easy life, I pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."
"Embrace and exploit the irritations of life."
"Sometimes life stings, but remember, the abundant universe will provide."
"What unites Howard's patients, or his target demographic, is a desire to shortcut the hard work of integrating negative experiences into their lives so they can go back to living in a way that doesn't require change."
"When I think back to that time in my life, I struggle."
"Life really makes or breaks you. You either or it will either make you or break you, and if it makes you, that's when I believe you'll be successful after that because there's nothing that can stop you."
"Happiness is the hardest thing to achieve and without it, everything is so difficult."
"One of the consequences of Joshua's birth is that you became a better person, and that your relationship with your wife deepened."
"Sometimes in life, we are not doing well, and then like something funny happens."
"You are a holy, eternal, courageous soul. You are the brave soul who left a realm of love and light and peace and joy to come here to Earth to experience some very difficult challenges."
"I really hope that someone or something happens to where he has to actually face some struggles in his life."
"Sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living."
"Anxiety, stress, grief, pain, suffering—this is a fact of life."
"Life has to go on, and no matter what's happened...tighten up your belt and get to work. Move on with life until you have no life."
"There's light at the end of the tunnel. Life is hard, life is challenging, there are ups and downs."
"Life may be tough at times and you may find it extremely hard and you may curse the life that you have, but there were all these beautiful moments in between."
"You have the protection from your ancestors to go through this very life-changing or dramatic time."
"If you haven't found meaning in your life, it's because you haven't taken on a big enough burden. It's a strange thing that that's true, but I think it is. It's the closest to truth that we have."
"God will allow certain things to happen in your life to put you in a situation where can't nobody get you out but Him."
"Get curious about what you can create while you're here, especially if you're disillusioned right now or especially if you're angry at life or at the world."
"We can't control what life throws at us, but I do believe we can control how we respond to it."
"I think, um, when I wrote it, I was writing it... Clint Eastwood inspired it... in the next few years, that I was going to have to be looking those words square in the face... as much as they [are] words to live by when you're old, they're just as much words to live by when you're battling a fatal type disease."
"The richer you get, the more problems you have."
"Love and happiness... is about how despite the challenges in our life, there's also a lot of light and beauty."
"Fear creates so much suffering and so many unnecessary problems in our life."
"You don't always get what you wish for, so when you don't, it doesn't mean it's the end of life. You just keep on keeping on."
"Life is a struggle, life is chaotic, life is difficult; go and forge forth in spite of those things."
"Life is hard enough so that if you don't find your way forward to a meaningful engagement, you will become corrupted."
"Never stop growing. Life is a constant orchestration of growth through adversity and challenge."
"Navigating the chaos of a game is a lot like navigating the chaos of life: unpredictable, challenging, but ultimately rewarding."
"Life gives us challenges and also gives us the tools to overcome those challenges."
"This life is hard; it's not meant to be done alone."
"It's not something you can just bury, unfortunately."
"Life is full of ups and downs. You have to roll with the punches."
"Life is not actually about finding happiness at all times...it's constantly overcoming challenges and becoming better."
"I've just got caught up in life... where my focus was at the time was just completely not where it needed to be."
"I'm grateful for the life I live, but that doesn't mean it's not stressful."
"Life is just a series of tests that you have to respond to in one way or the other."
"We're supposed to go through things, so they can mature."
"You make the best life that you can with the cards that you're dealt."
"Life is a test of making short-term decisions versus long-term, and it ain't easy."
"The problem of life consists in learning how to live."
"Decide to push yourself rather than waiting for life to push you."
"Friction is the most powerful force in the universe... when it's against us, we're not going to do anything, and when it's in our favor, we're not going to do bad things."
"Life is incredibly hard for everybody in different ways, and to different extents, and at different points in time."
"If something is ever too much for you in life, ask the universe for help."
"You never know where life is going to hit you from...you just got to be prepared."
"Knowing that financial success will not solve the problems that you may be facing in your life."
"Life is hard. Everything worth doing is hard. There is no easy path."
"People would say, 'oh, it gets easier' and I don't think it gets easier; I think it just becomes normal."
"The average person has real fears they have to deal with every day... about their job, their bills, their family, and everything else going on in their lives."
"Healing is constant because we live in a world that is crazy."
"Your entire life is that gap between the world and the things that trigger you and your response."
"Our thoughts, emotions, and the stories that we tell ourselves can start driving behaviors in ways that are not connected with who we want to be in the world."
"The correct path has a lot of obstacles on it because those are the tests."
"Your spirit guides, God, whatever religion you believe in, is actually putting this event that seems like a curse into your life because it's meant to be the catalyst for something better."
"Sometimes you deal with so much bad stuff in your life that you're like, 'Man, can it get any worse?' and then it does, and then all of a sudden it does a 180 and you're like, 'Wow, everything is awesome.'"
"Just know if you're going through a tough time out here in this world, just know we're going through this thing called life together."
"What does success mean? It means you have a very good ability to deal with inevitable failure, mistakes, and the life issues that emerge over time."
"Keep walking, keep moving because you're on your way. Everything that is coming against you in perception is there to move you forward."
"You can't avoid the battle of life, but you can pray."
"The greatest consolation in the face of tragic life is marriage because it produces children, which is the challenge to death."
"Life is difficult for everybody; nobody escapes this life unscarred."
"The world will eat you up and spit you out, and no matter what, everyone is born at a different difficulty setting or level in life, but the world owes you no excuses."
"The most difficult thing in life is not making decisions but knowing what decisions to make."
"To be honest, these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher."
"Everyone has faith until life hits them in the face."
"Either you kick your ass, or life will kick your ass. Life will still kick your ass, but you'll be better prepared for it."
"Trials and tribulations are always going to happen in your life."
"Can you find some happiness in your life right now, even though things aren't perfect?"
"In chess, like in life, sometimes you have to play perfectly to overcome the challenges you face."
"No matter what life throws at you, it's your responsibility to find some new hundred percent."
"You either in a problem, just left one, or headed toward one."
"Life is already hard as it is... so don't let being healthy become another stressor in your life."
"Every life interruption is a divine intervention. It's God saying, okay, I'm getting ready to strengthen you."
"If you're going through a hard time, we're going through this thing called life together."
"Our greatest challenge in this life always, with every single person on this planet, our greatest challenge is our greatest gift."
"How would your life change if you knew you could endure every trial, that nothing could stand in your way?"
"Unfortunately, sometimes many of us have bumps in the road in our lives, and we need some help getting things back on track."
"Life isn't smooth or problem-free; it's those challenges that bring out the best in us."
"Life is difficult and it's tainted by malevolence and it's cast in tragedy and you need something to offset that because it otherwise it embitters you, and if you are embittered then you become vengeful and cruel inevitably."
"Life is too hard to hide in a box; you can't manage it if you do that."
"Things are tragic and difficult, but there's always some stupid thing that you could do that could make it even worse than it has to be. So that's life."
"Life is hard. It's tainted by malevolence and betrayal that can make you bitter. You need a meaning to offset that."
"When life puts you through painful situations, it can be hard to remain positive."
"We've lost the ability to recover from our injuries in life, which is part of the reason we've become so miserly with actually making commitments."
"Great men, great nations have not been boasters and buffoons, but perceivers of the terror of life, and have dared themselves to face it."
"You can go through hell and back and still live happy."
"Now earth is a difficult place but with difficulty comes enormous learning opportunities."
"Each time you do, you become more resilient, and the more resilient you are, the more you're able to just go for in life."
"Will life on the Rim, with its many unexpected dangers, force the fearful scientist down a much darker path?"
"Our mind is a battlefield, and most of life's battles are won or lost in the mind."
"Life is never going to be easy, it's never going to be quick, it's never going to be fast. You're always going to have obstacles, you're always going to have hardships, you're always going to be frustrated in certain things. Barely, you're going to have one great day for every ten days that are hard. That's reality, and you're going to have to learn how to operate when things get hard."
"You don't have to be happy all the time, motivated all the time, or act like you have everything together. Everybody's going through stuff from time to time."
"It's not a secret that relationships with other people is the hardest part of life."
"Life is not where I thought it would be, but it's what's been handed to me, and you just got to work through it."
"We have to learn to swim strong and surf the wave."
"Different types of loss do not happen according to what or according to how we want them to happen because Allah is telling you, hang on, this is just a test."
"Every single one of us in this room, every single one of us on earth, is tested in one way or another."
"Every single trial and tribulation has made me to who I am."
"Life can just be overwhelming no matter who you are. It's just part of being human."
"Fear turns to suffering, it turns into a trance that binds our life when it oversteps its bounds."
"Life has an inalienable element of difficulty and travail and suffering."
"Life isn't perfect; there's always issues we have to overcome."
"The antidote to the catastrophe of life and the suffering of life and the tragedy of life that can drive you down and destroy you is to take on exactly that responsibility."
"Life is hard... being responsible for yourself, waking up every day going to work, taking responsibility when you do something wrong, that's the harder path."
"Being responsible for yourself, waking up every day, going to work, taking responsibility when you do something wrong — that's the harder path."
"Life isn't fair, and you just got to roll with it."
"A level of suffering is required that is built into the human condition."
"As I've gotten older, I think I found myself in more nuanced situations which have been really hard."
"There's always gonna be peaks and valleys in everything."
"I'm the luckiest man on the planet because all the bad things that happened to me have given me all the building blocks to become the most fantastic man on the face of the planet."