
Work Quotes

There are 12324 quotes

"Being able to stay present in the work is probably the most important part of it." - Rick Rubin on the significance of presence in the creative process.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Never forget that your work matters, even if it only matters to you."
"My work is a manifestation of my greatest good."
"Personal development is the most important work of your life because it teaches you how to become more effective with the work that you are doing."
"Money should come to you as a byproduct of doing your greatest passion, not from just going to a nine-to-five job and trying to pay the bills."
"Work should really be the best, most hopeful, happiest times of our life."
"Your work is not about your work. Rather, your work is nothing more than the greatest vehicle for your personal evolution."
"All work is empty save when there is love, and when you work with love, you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God."
"I'm trying to build a world in which 90% of people go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work that they do."
"We play and call it work. Mindy working means Warhammer 40k battle report. Hello gamers, Josh and Luka here for Mini Wargaming."
"What work would you do for free for 10 years?"
"By some miracle, you've completed a full week on the job."
"Is there something about working that gives us a sense of satisfaction, of purpose in life, no matter how small, and that ultimately makes us happier and healthier?"
"A lot of people take a good bit of meaning and pride from the work that they do. It makes them feel like they have a place in the world, like they contribute, like they're useful. It's statusful."
"Isms do not create things, workers do. Isms only decide who gets paid."
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"We all have an obligation to make money, and whenever you attach obligation to anything you love, there's always going to be an element of it feeling like a chore."
"There's a lot of abundance in general in relationship and in work."
"Life requires work. Life is work. It is impossible to live without work."
"I know people say that I have not worked a day in my life because everything I’ve done, I’ve done because I wanted to do it."
"Is the goal of civilization ultimately the end game of civilization that you don't need to go to work, you just have a comfortable life?"
"Dirty Jobs simply required me to assume the role not of a host or an expert, but as an avatar, as an apprentice."
"If you do what you love for a living, then you will never have to work a day in your life."
"You sound like you shouldn't have come to work today."
"Nobody cares. You have a job where you're extremely gifted and privileged. Nobody cares. You choose your hours, shut the [__] up about your problems."
"No one trains you, and you make mistakes, and you realize how political people are."
"You have to work eight hours, you should be able to pay your rent, all your expenses, and still you should have some money left."
"Everything's evolving; the way we work, the way we learn, even the way we experience together."
"Work and consistency, that's how you get name recognition."
"What feels like play to you, that feels like work to other people."
"A much more realistic goal is to say that you should always try to inject some of your passion into any work that you do."
"We're going to continue to make sure that once we are through this difficult time, people in industries and places across the country are going to be able to pick themselves up and get back to work."
"Good work should go appreciated, that's for sure."
"Make your work and your passion the same thing."
"Meaningful work and meaningful relationships are fabulous for most people."
"Your work is about to become very hot in demand."
"Work provides a sense of accomplishment, belonging, and self-worth."
"With an exemplary enthusiasm he brought to everything he did, except work, he whirled in the middle of the group."
"Do something you love, and you'll never work another day in your life."
"I get where this horse is coming from. It's having a bad day and it still has to work."
"Good work, good morning, it is about 7:30, and I'm just getting ready to leave for Canton, Ohio."
"If you put heart and integrity in your work, the audience can feel that."
"I don't think it's just the paycheck. I think it's also their pride."
"When you find yourself in love with something you're good at, you never really work again."
"The work that I'm doing right now fills me up, it fuels me, it excites me."
"I feel like I'll be working for the rest of my life, absolutely, for the rest of my life."
"The second strategy is to work with your heart."
"Love and work are the only two things in life."
"Vacations with kids is not vacations, it's work outside the house."
"The story of the Industrial Revolution is, from the point of view of family life, the story of work leaving the home."
"There's a magic to detachment. There were days I would go into work completely detached from the outcome, focusing instead on the intention. That's when magic would really begin to happen."
"Humans are at their best when we do work that's worth doing."
"The world of work is changing so much so that people are going to become more free. There's going to be more freelancers out there."
"The most important thing in life is meaningful work and meaningful relationships."
"We have never had more expectations of love and work than we do today."
"Work has become an identity economy. It's not just what am I going to do, it's who am I going to be."
"When you work, I rest. When you rest, I work."
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands."
"The flow state is incredibly beneficial for creative work."
"The American dream, the middle class, is a working family working 40 hours a week and being able to comfortably afford the average home in America."
"Work isn't just about how you put bread on the table; work is a fundamental anchor of human identity and service."
"It's the first time Chief complimented me. I don't know why, but I could cry."
"Finally, we congratulate the doorman of the month, Henry."
"Passive income is definitely the ticket to financial freedom, but it does take a lot of work upfront to try and snowball these passive income streams up to a point where they're relatively self-sustaining."
"The state of work is changing; things are going digital."
"The daily grind usually refers to your workday, it's really more a lesson about our daily routines."
"There's a dignity to work, but the reason it's a cliche is because cliches have so much truth in them."
"Automation could liberate people from the drudgery of work."
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going."
"Socialism doesn't mean uniformity; it means everyone has a stake and a say in their work."
"Behind the scenes, they go through the same prosaic work that everybody else does and live the same kinds of lives in some ways."
"Many people feel reduced to being a cog which is objectifying and dehumanizing."
"Feeling like you're owed the product of other people's work on your terms or else you'll take it is the epitome of the word entitlement."
"People are just trying to work, man. People are just trying to get by."
"When somebody welcomes a new child into their family and goes on leave to take care of that child, that's not a vacation; it's work."
"Either humble yourself, or the job will humble you."
"They say if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"You're never fixed; you just got to do the work that you got to do. There's no 'fixed' is not a thing."
"We have such a hyper-productive technological system that we really don't need everyone in the world working 40 hours a week."
"97% of night shift workers do not adapt to the demands of working at night."
"Work is like, I have to grow the food, I have to hunt, I have to build the house, I have to start the fire. Writing articles about celebrity gossip is not work."
"We have been conditioned not to have leisure time. Even when we do what we like, it has been transformed into the equivalent of work."
"People don't need work; what they need is purpose."
"Congratulations on completing your work week. We apologize if your situation wasn't presented to you in a completely honest fashion when you first started."
"Work has increasingly replaced religion; workers today are looking to the workplace to slake their thirst for belonging, identity, purpose, and transcendence."
"The dignity of work is just such a huge deal."
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. Absolute [expletive], that one."
"It has been a pleasure to work alongside you, to be a collaborator, to be a coworker, to be a force on this platform."
"It's not gonna be easy work to fix this system, but it is necessary work."
"You made it through a whole week; excellent work."
"If you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
"Work is often viewed cynically as a curse or as an indication of exploitation and victimhood; under optimal conditions, however, work is a blessing."
"Work is not merely for money; the point of work is to find fulfillment."
"Our relationship with the workplace is what defines our class."
"It's the belief that work not only is necessary to economic production but also the centerpiece of one's identity and life's purpose."
"It doesn't matter what job you have, it doesn't matter if you have the ultimate dream job in the world, you do it long enough and we're all human, it starts to become monotonous at times, it becomes burdensome and discouraging at times."
"You're finally getting recognized for the work you do at your job."
"The prerequisite for real rest is real work."
"The most valuable and highest paid work that you do is thinking."
"Everybody who has worked on this case has gone home and cried."
"When you love what you do, then you never work a day in your life."
"Being able to choose when and how I work is a blessing."
"When you can't find your flow, bring your flow to work."
"There are a lot of people, particularly people who are working low-wage jobs, who do not have the luxury of staying home."
"The idea that getting paid and doing something out of passion is somehow mutually exclusive is complete nonsense."
"I firmly believe that libertarianism is excusable up until you work your first job. The moment you get a paycheck after working for eight hours a day, five days a week, two weeks in a row, and you look at that paycheck... the idea that the thing limiting you from doing what you want is rules, as opposed to the absence of resources which allow you to achieve what you want, is ridiculous."
"The uselessness of work actually adds to its value in some perverse way."
"I don't think that work is the silver bullet, but I do believe in the data shows us that when a person is doing something productive and in this case it's earning a paycheck... it's going to do wonders for the healing process."
"If you're unemployed, it isn't because there's no work. There is, and always will be, work to be done. What we don't always have is jobs."
"It's work. It's hard. So I would imagine, uh, it'd be easier to work through issues with somebody that you truly care about."
"I was so happy to work again after a year of not working."
"99.99% of the world are working in their 30s."
"There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. It is at the bottom of life we must begin."
"Going back to work is not an easy thing, but you bring a lot of joy to a lot of people."
"Find something that you love, and you'll never work another day in your life. That's all Pinterest horseshit."
"What if you put 40 hours into one book and it pays off for the rest of the year? You made ten thousand dollars and you don't have to work anymore for the rest of the year."
"If you have passion for whatever it is, then it's like you never work a day in your life."
"We're going to reward work, not just wealth."
"Confidence and developing it through work and experience makes you happy."
"We've created this idea of a childhood where kids romp around and play and do no real work."
"but no genuinely freaking love the life freaking love the business I genuinely look forward to work on Monday mornings"
"What really matters is whether or not the work is meaningful."
"Real equality means traditional men's work and traditional women's work are equally valued."
"I'm a workaholic... usually thinking about work 24/7."
"People are going to be forced to work again next year, I can assure you that."
"Somebody got to clean up the horseshit, somebody got to do the part that all the rest of us don't want to do because it's the hard part."
"The harder you work for money the poorer you gonna get that's the tragedy."
"Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
"You're going to end up having to work for alconax."
"When the family gets stranded in Japan, Homer and the rest of the Simpsons have to work at a fish gutting factory."
"As long as you feel like you're getting rewarded for the work you do, it's sustainable."
"I started my journey as a simple man earning his simple wages through simple means."
"Taking responsibility and doing the necessary work."
"I just want to be friends. It gets lonely mopping these floors on my own." - Selena
"Put on your business socks, people. It's business time."
"It felt like a personal call out for anyone who's ever worked a dead-end job."
"Do what you love; you'll never work a day in your life."
"All passes away, only your work for souls remains."
"No one should be working and be poor in this country."
"If you worked 200 hours on a project only for some random to spoil all of your work, would you be stoked, probably not."
"We have the greatest country in the world. We're going back to work."
"I'm doing work on uh... doing some media bits and pieces."
"Work expands to fill the time that we allocate to it."
"Being able to have that in on work is very refreshing, uplifting for me."
"Creating meaningful connections with people through your work is one of the most gratifying feelings you can have ever."
"If you want a job well done, do it yourself."
"We have a lot of work to do, a new world to make, towns, cities, and sites to rebuild."
"Leo season has a way of adding so much luck to your work life, but it's in a new way. You don't have to advertise anymore what you bring to the table."
"There are a lot of things you do usually right before you go to work or go to school if you leave the house."
"Work is not something you do, it is something that you've discovered you're supposed to become."
"Imagine you go into work tomorrow and you have to fight two silverback gorillas."
"Doing that thing well is a profound source of joy and meaning."
"You get to work outside the home, totally liberating, right?"
"The workload and the effects that it has on you are usually nowhere near as severe as a common like real job."
"Work is meaning for all of us. And it's relevance and it's our place in society--is dictated to us by what we contribute and what we're paid to do."
"It's a lot more work than people give credit for."
"It's just very interesting to me how much work there is behind something."
"Do what you love and like you'll never work a day in your life."
"You can whisper your heart song through your work."
"We've got Michael Barker listening in his Arctic driving for Royal Mail."
"I was just afforded the opportunity to have like spaces to do good work."
"We're the only country where people can work their entire lives and have their savings wiped out by a single illness."
"We are capable of living in a world without wage work, where play is emphasized above toil."
"Relationships take a lot of work... it's not all rainbows and butterflies when you get married."
"Don't ever forget the value of just asking for some work, just trying."
"We just want to live our lives and go to work."
"Focus on your work and your finances right now."
"You could be dominating, especially in work or business."
"Some things to remember too. Most jobs don't take as long as you think it will."
"You have to enjoy working undercover no matter what you're doing."
"When you work on a production line or you have a lot of orders to fill, you have to be fast."
"Work isn't fun but it's vital, it's necessary."
"That means your boss has literally never seen you before."
"No one would ever shame someone that's working."
"Truckers, you're safe. Those of you who have to work, totally get it, you do you. No one's going to eat your lunch if you're not going to be part of the boycott." - Trucker Jake
"There's just a mountain of work... the quest is the biggest thing we've ever done."
"If you find what you love, you never get tired."
"Even if I knew for a fact that everything was just gonna be magically better tomorrow, there still is so much work to do in decentralizing industry in this country."
"Ultimately, we're financially compensated for what we do."
"We all get proper compensation for the time we put in."
"Work can be one of the sources of our greatest joys."
"Modern work leads to alienation and a feeling of disconnection."
"However you can get work, however you're earning your living is respectable."
"A lucky few who get to play at work and make it pay."
"There's a new soul mate coming into my life, and it has to do with work. Exciting!"
"As humans, we can always find misery in any situation, no matter how good. You know, if you're a cashier or a sales guy or a banker or whatever, you can always find something that makes you depressed about your job."
"Never not working, pretty important topic we're talking about there."
"Dress for the job and bring the right tools."
"No more work for you, sir. You are not invited."
"You're going to go into a very tunnel vision mode with work very soon."
"The future of work literally is changing if not overnight in a matter of months, it's completely revolutionized."
"But whatever everybody gets it done we don't get done with the store though at 3am I'm gone and I'm not staying longer than 3am because I got school in three hours so I gotta go."
"People have literally no choice but to work at a business. You get to choose your master but you don't get to choose a different system."
"We find out who we are through the works we produce."
"Seriously, I couldn't have asked for a better first day."
"A lot of people are still out here working putting their lives at risk."
"And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"If you're willing to do the work, marriage is incredibly beautiful."
"Money doesn't stay in one place, but it's by and large based on work in a free society."