
Biomarkers Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Exercise is one of the only things that will actually improve your biomarkers of health without even losing weight." - LAYNE NORTON
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Finding biomarkers on exoplanets is certainly much more difficult than just looking for gases produced by biological processes on Earth."
"If there is tissue destruction like infarction, these molecules will leak out of the cells."
"Stay on top of your health, make sure you are getting proper biomarkers assessed during pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle."
"We're all having the biomarkers of a new type of evolution."
"Average person is far from optimal, but biomarkers can help measure progress."
"If you have triple digit triglycerides in a fasted state, you're officially over fat. Full stop."
"The higher the HDL, the better off it is."
"The only biomarker that was indicative of successful longevity in every cohort was suppression of inflammation."
"Your fasting blood glucose is probably one of the best indicators of your metabolic Health than any other metabolite."
"High sensitivity C-reactive protein is probably one of the most important biomarkers that has been put on my radar about 10 years ago."
"If you fall, you want to be able to get up. Lower body strength and walking speed, grip strength, these are the things that we test that we know will be predictive as a biomarker."
"This has been reproduced. And the group could identify a new biomarker, a predictive biomarker, for treatment of their patients."
"To identify, finally, the cells that are truly of interest, not even 10 markers were needed out of the mixture of 40."
"These retinal scans are less likely to be influenced by day-to-day fluctuations compared to other biomarkers from the blood which are more dynamic and can be influenced by something such as what we eat."
"...potential biomarkers... treatment targets... predict illness onset... predict illness exacerbation."
"It's well established that the length of the shortest telomeres is the key biomarker of the onset of senescence."
"Can we focus on other biomarkers as evidence of improved health status rather than just weight alone?"
"These biomarkers are going to predict the response to treatment."
"Biomarkers appear to have a terrific impact on early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease."
"If I had two people with high LP little a and one of them also had a high oxidized phospholipids on it, I would likely worry about that person a lot more."
"MOG optic neuritis: it's important to have these biomarkers because it not only influences prognosis but ultimately influences treatment."
"Blood glucose patterns, also called glycemic responses, are really important biomarkers for health."
"...higher Gleason scores are associated with low testosterone levels."
"We will be able to find these biomarkers and biomarkers will help us reduce overtreatment."
"...which is to look at the atmospheres of extrasolar planets to look for biomarkers and potentially evidence for life elsewhere in the universe."
"It's nice to have these interesting biomarkers for potential planets to go and explore."
"It's very important as we move forward in studying the effect of these treatments and improving outcome for patients to try to identify biomarkers."
"The areas of application for scientific discovery include looking for signatures of disease and biomarkers."
"We would like to identify the biomarkers or predictors that could help us select the patients that are more or less likely to respond to immunotherapies."
"...we're looking at collections of biomarkers, collections of populations that can be used to classify individuals or samples as being from different phenotypes or different characteristics."
"These imaging biomarkers provide useful information for differential diagnostics in dementia."
"Measure your homocysteine; if your homocysteine levels are good, then you're good."
"Alzheimer's disease is now defined as a biological entity defined entirely by amyloid, tau, and neurodegenerative biomarkers, irrespective of clinical symptoms or functional decline."
"Having a biomarker that is 'positive' increase the certainty that whatever syndrome you're seeing... is indeed being caused by Alzheimer's disease."
"After refeed, you see a rebound of this marker not only back up to normal basal levels but actually to the level of youth."
"This is incredibly fascinating because what these researchers actually did is they looked at common biomarkers and they found strong associations between the levels of these biomarkers and the probability of reaching 100 years of age."
"We're going to talk about one of the hottest biomarkers when it comes to longevity and healthy aging known as glycation."
"We should really be looking at cardiometabolic health through a holistic lens, looking at all the different biomarkers."
"Because the immune response is so dynamic, It's not going to be a single biomarker in a single time point, the way we were lucky to have that happen in the genomic field."
"The difference here is there's RNA-based markers and DNA-based markers."
"We employed 30 datasets containing nearly 4,000 samples to elucidate a transcriptomic biomarker panel for diagnosis and prognosis of liver cancer."
"Biomarkers will help us improve diagnosis, rule out wrong diagnosis, and also get a good measure of disease rather than symptoms."
"The best prospects for detecting biomarkers is actually not for Earth-like planets around sun-like stars, but for Earth-like planets around a white dwarf."
"The identification of biomarkers... is going to be very, very important."
"Cortisol, catecholamines hormones, and inflammatory markers."
"As you get leaner, it coincides with other optimal biomarkers or performance levels."
"If somebody has the biologic features of the disease defined by biomarkers, you have the disease whether you're normal, forgetful, or have dementia."
"It is entirely possible that not one biomarker is going to do it; maybe we need a panel of biomarkers and put them together before using them for their predictive ability."
"The future of biomarkers is very bright."
"Naturally peptide biomarker-based screening followed by team-based care... can be useful to prevent development of left ventricular dysfunction."
"Cancer biomarkers, we used to call them tumor markers, are substances usually proteins that are produced by the body in response to cancer growth or by the cancer itself."
"What if we could construct a Ritz-Carlton hotel at 16,000 feet and evaluate whether there are any biomarkers of aging that actually improve under thin air?"
"Fasting improves blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, and blood lipids, and improves inflammatory markers."
"MSI testing may be a predictive biomarker for immune checkpoint therapy."