
Discussion Quotes

There are 9984 quotes

"The belief part of it is a huge part of the conversation about everything." - Rick Rubin on the power of belief in creativity.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Statistical power is a very important concept that probably doesn't get discussed enough."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's important to talk about it because I think that when we start all talking about it, then we realize that we're all kind of in this together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I actually feel some relief just hearing this."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm grateful we're talking about it because it's a game-changer."
"At the very least, it would be worth having a conversation about, right? Like, hey, why do tens of millions of people...and then we have the studies, and they're all happier after."
"Recognize that I have brothers and sisters who love, who really love Jesus, on both sides of the debate here."
"To say that cancel culture doesn't exist would be dangerous, but also, on the other hand, to blame everything on cancel culture is very dismissive of bigger issues."
"Most people are interlocked with a preference for truth over falsehood on the matter that we're talking about."
"My special personal hell is two extremely confident men with a sub-Wikipedia level knowledge of US foreign policy discuss it for two hours."
"We need to collectively have that conversation."
"I have no problem with points being challenged. Like having a civil debate, that's awesome, I enjoy that."
"Twitter has long been the town hall of the internet where people from all walks of life congregate."
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. This is the optimum way to discuss relevant issues and not give ammunition to bad actors."
"Just give me a solid argument... My opinion can be changed, it's happened many times in the past."
"The fundamental principle of being able to freely and openly discuss our values shouldn't be up for negotiation."
"It is right to talk about motherhood as a wonderful thing, but we also need to talk about its stresses and strains."
"This discussion was a great display of intellectual honesty."
"If we simply turn off the comments anytime something is controversial, and we don't allow people to have a discussion, how are we ever going to learn anything?"
"There definitely needs to be a greater discussion and investigation on what the appropriate response is to people who transgress."
"The best thing about social media is the discussion it can create."
"What do you guys think about Gojo, personally? What do you think it could do for the metagame?"
"Having a candid and frank discussion on these matters is far better than just avoiding the discussion."
"So it's a pretty complex topic. There you have it, the key facts about it and now I'd really like to hear your opinion."
"People should have relationship checkups to discuss what's missing, what needs to return, and what needs to be adjusted."
"We'll stop talking about it when the publishers stop doing it. Reasonable? Seems fair to me."
"Imagine if, instead of having a long theoretical topic, you can actually just say, 'Let's cool things down, let's bring things back, let's calm it down,' and let's kind of have a discussion or a conversation."
"This is the world we live in. My goal from the start has been to get people talking about this, still going as planned."
"It's just a process of discussion, right? We talk about it and we figure things out together."
"I do take discussions about topics like this seriously and genuinely want to find the truth, even if that entails admitting I've made a mistake or I'm wrong."
"It's important to have a civil discussion because otherwise, you will literally not have a discussion."
"I don't think there's enough actual discussion and changing of minds going on."
"This artificial intelligence thing, this thing deserves its own video."
"You know what, the fact that I recorded for this long is probably a good sign about the world though, right? Like, the fact that I talked this much about it probably means there's a lot to say, so it's good, right?"
"Critique is inherently pro-consumer, even if you disagree with it. It's important that we have these discussions."
"If any of these journalists or ex-players want to sit down and have a proper chat about Southgate instead of spreading absolute nonsense, let's get it on."
"It strikes me as sinister, why can't they just open up and engage in a conversation that looks at all the options?"
"Any idea should be open to at least discussion."
"Maybe we should just focus on the very specific ideas that we do or don't like because it's entirely possible we'll end up agreeing about some of them."
"If you are right, then you have nothing to hide. So just go and have the conversation."
"Having to talk about things forces you to learn about them."
"Ultimately, B stars excels at discussing cultural concepts and challenging societal norms."
"Mental health is what nobody's talking about."
"It's important to have a discussion about these movies, not a final verdict on them."
"We need to discuss what is good representation, accepting the fact that being queer is as messy and complex as heterosexual relationships."
"I really can think of no event that has been more discussed and debated and argued about than the Second Vatican Council."
"We need to have a very serious conversation about what constitutes consent."
"A very important aspect of that discussion was when Dr. Lembke described the pleasure pain balance."
"So what is toxic fandom? Is it real? Is it a problem? Should we be worried about it?"
"To Pimp a Butterfly gets underrated with its replay value."
"If you're discussing something with someone and it's important, then you both put your viewpoints forward and you analyze the consequences of the dispute, and then you walk away, with any luck, wiser than you were."
"It's important to have reasonable disagreements."
"Try to have a discussion on ethics would be one of the highlights of my life."
"If you guys really hold your ideas that true to your heart, you should be able to have them challenged. You should be able to go and discuss them."
"A potential alien encounter serves as a point of departure for a discussion about what our shared values as a society are and should be."
"One of the things you're going to hear us talk about a lot here is the value of freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of discussion."
"These conversations were some of the most stimulating that we've had on the Sunday Special, specifically because there was disagreement and good-natured disagreement about the biggest issues in life."
"One of the best ways of learning I have found in my life is to discuss something with somebody who disagrees with you."
"Let's not try to speculate too much, but let's stick to the facts here."
"There's a ripe conversation to be had about the revival of civic service and civic duty in this country."
"What got me even further, the thing that really irked me, was when we started talking about mental health."
"It's time we start talking about what happened to your parents, the truthful version."
"Anything that promotes more discussion is great. I only wish that people were sometimes a bit nicer."
"Um, we are normalizing it so that when they grow up, it's just part of life. It's part of life now, yeah. And that's awesome, that's fantastic, yeah. But what's actually good about it?"
"But all of these things are good. That you...they're talking about companionship, friendship, you know, support systems, you know...someone to talk to, all these things, okay, that's great, but you can have all of that in just a normal friendship."
"I don't know if I agree with the argument, intrinsically, that men are less emotional than women."
"The concept of privilege as it relates to a person's identity is one of the most difficult subjects to discuss productively."
"Words carry meaning, they carry ideas, they carry feelings, and I really believe that we can all expand our emotional vocabulary to have healthier discussions."
"If you're unwilling to consider any view apart from your own, you're not prepared to have productive conversations."
"In a discussion, truth should be more important than people's sensitivities."
"It opened up this amazing class discussion that actually went on for months."
"I actually am just struggling with ideas and sometimes put on different hats in these conversations... I think we should have discussions in the space of ideas versus in the space of bins we put each other in."
"We all have ideas that are wrong, and the only way to find the right ones is to listen to people who will challenge what we believe."
"Bitcoin as a topic is extremely fascinating and important to discuss and really understand more on a fundamental level."
"This really is a conversation that is healthy to have as long as we have it in a healthy way."
"200 years ago, a group of students met in a small room in Christchurch determined to have discussion free from the restrictions of the university, and two centuries later, we proudly continue this tradition."
"Listen to people who disagree with you, listen to both sides of the aisle."
"Can we talk for a moment, can we just have a little conversation here?"
"I wrestled with all of the bad ideas to come to a conclusion about what I believe, that I felt much more confident in because it was a belief that I came to after a lot of careful thought and argument with people who I disagreed with."
"If I was to say to you that there is so much to talk about in this next 40 minutes or so, I wouldn't be lying."
"Truth only springs from an argument among friends."
"Sleep was the neglected step-sister in the health conversation of today."
"Free speech... might be right on the subject of Russia Ukraine, might be right on the subject of Israel Gaza, so we better let everybody talk."
"This is a conversation that I feel like needs to be had more frequently and more publicly."
"Your mind is a complicated thing... Sometimes, it's very hard to control. But talking and exercise, it's an aphrodisiac for that."
"You're trying to make sure... well anyway we can talk about free will another time."
"We need to have those frank, honest discussions about race and racism."
"Discussion is meaningless if everyone has the same opinion."
"There's a reason we have a bunch of people with us today, and the reason is today we're going to talk a lot about cultural differences."
"If you have free speech, then there's a much greater chance you're going to get to a truth."
"There's a lot of what-ifs here, but like I said, gotta talk about it, major global implications."
"It's so fascinating for me to be talking to someone like yourself who was way ahead of the game."
"We get nowhere with a strong echo chamber; all I ask is one thing: good faith."
"The only people that are nervous about cancel culture are the people that it could directly affect. The average everyday person isn't getting canceled."
"We don't have to wait a couple decades to be examined by the future generation; we can go ahead and talk amongst ourselves right now."
"It's really, really important to just discuss... how can we do better next time if this were to happen."
"This might be a good thing to talk about in therapy."
"I want to be able to discuss evil... We cannot be fearful if we want evil to go away; we have to at least have the courage to address it."
"Talking about the real issues is the only way forward."
"Disagreement is good; logical, honest disagreement furthers a discussion."
"No individual family, nation, God—these are the things that ground us. I think we should talk about them in the open."
"Everyone has bias, myself included. It doesn't make anybody inherently wrong. It's something that's worthy of exploring."
"I think it's incredibly important for us to face it, talk about it, be open to that possibility."
"We need more people who have a skeptical attitude towards topics and we certainly need more people who are willing to have a discussion with people who disagree with them."
"It's fun to discuss, to a degree, the ways in which we're different."
"The UFO is emerging as a major topic of global importance."
"It's literally never ending because there's just way too much stuff to talk about."
"Discussion should have been happening for a long time, and actions will speak louder than words."
"When you discuss solutions, sometimes you can find common ground."
"You can't fix things that way; you can talk about them and you can stir up people's emotions, but you really can't fix a problem that's this complicated by just a 30-second sound bite."
"I don't want to debate you; I just want to have a conversation."
"This discussion of going into different things, I feel like this is the fun part, right?"
"The tailed beasts began to discuss their plans for the future since they were finally free."
"This is where things could get a little political here."
"I think talking more explicitly about happiness and contentment and love and relationships is healthier."
"An interpretation of a film has a lot of plasticity, and Bird himself cannot shut down discussion of the text of the film outside of the realm of authorial intention."
"If you're not willing to have those types of conversations with others, it's very difficult to coexist."
"Ethics of eating meat...this is just as important a conversation that we need to have."
"We're going to talk about subjects that most people don't talk about. We're very honest about it."
"Mental health is such a huge, broad topic. There are so many different avenues you can go down when talking or exploring mental health."
"We found ourselves agreeing with a lot today. Common ground. It's called middle ground."
"We don't have much of a view of what we want. What kind of world are we trying to create and why? That's what we should be talking about."
"When we're talking Hunter x Hunter, the question on the chopping block is what is the best part?"
"Joe has some pretty strong positions on the economy, and I think we should be talking about that more than we have."
"The only mistake or problem with having a bunch of white guys sit around talking about racism is that we may not have the right perspective on it."
"With regards to climate change, the discussion usually centers around three basic issues: is it happening, how bad will it be, and is it our fault/what can we do to stop it?"
"The first step to make change is to be aware of a problem and then talk about it."
"I think that this is an important thing to talk about because a lot of the world is religious and what's the relationship between religion and mental health."
"What's the point in having a discussion if you agree with everything that is said?"
"The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress."
"Whether you were shocked, outraged, or actually captivated by the scheme itself, we all can agree that everybody was talking about the Tinder Swindler."
"After you stop screaming, you start talking about it."
"I wanted us to get philosophical tonight... What does freedom really mean?"
"Discussions might be more productive if we could study the facts without prejudice instead of simply judging a book by its cover."
"Let's set that part aside, so let's go away from our reptilian shape-shifting friends and let's go to the next topic."
"Solitary confinement and the negative effects it has on a person is becoming a wider topic of conversation."
"Anything you've observed is not relevant to the discussion of God."
"The way we talk about autism's impact on families matters."
"We will have a new dev discussion coming in January about griefing."
"I think what makes it exciting to finish a game is stuff like bringing friends together to discuss it."
"Conversations can be fruitful, and it doesn't always have to be about agreement."
"The economy is booming. It's crazy that nobody's talking about this."
"Grief, no matter what, no matter if it's sudden or if you expect it, is hard. And I think that that's another thing that people need to talk about because the more that we talk about it, the more understanding and the more connected we can feel."
"But it is something that we do need to talk about because there are a lot of people who are caregivers for their spouses and it is a lot to handle."
"The idea that it should be of no concern of your boyfriend's or girlfriend's how many partners you've had... that's just not true."
"Tyranny and authoritarianism come in many forms and develop differently. What we want to achieve with our two videos is not to provide absolute answers but rather to facilitate a larger and more mature conversation about authoritarianism."
"It's nice that there exists little corners of the internet where people can disagree or not even disagree as if minds are made up but just explore an idea in a collective way."
"This is a debate. We're trying to figure it out, and Julia Thomas is a flashpoint."
"I think that the mark of a good piece of art is that it invites lots of different readings. Having these discussions and disagreements and learning from the different ways people can see a work of art is great."
"Let's not do that and talk about some games."
"It's not you don't have to agree, that's part of the discussion."
"My counterargument is, you're right, they are greedy, and I think that's a bad thing."
"We often talked about the need for decentralizing social media."
"Taking something out of context isn't honest."
"Taking responsibility and celebrating it is important. We could talk about this all day, but let's celebrate the positives too."
"If you're talking about goats, there are legitimate categories that you can place all of these guys in, and that's the way to have the conversation."
"We're here to talk about what people believe and why."
"It gives us a chance to talk about these incidences because they are happening, and if we don't talk about them, they will keep happening to a greater degree."
"That kind of vigorous back and forth -- that imperfect but well-founded process, messy as it often is -- is at the heart of our democracy."
"The amount of change in the discussion around basic income has really been fascinating to witness."
"You don't need to know everything, but you need to be willing to discuss things and listen to different viewpoints."
"All I can do is discuss. We are still too immature intellectually, socially, historically, to produce final answers, but what I want to do...is to make you start thinking."
"Welcome to Doha Debates, where we explore an urgent issue from various sides, and try to find common ground. Get ready for a conversation that's well-informed, spirited, civil and respectful."
"There needs to be some way to discuss the fact that... there's still kind of personal despair which doesn't have nothing to do with the way society's organized."
"Drugs like psychedelics...allow all of the other parts of the brain to come...and start having a discussion."
"We need the truth and I think the more we talk about it the better."
"You have to be brave enough to have the conversation in the first place."
"Mental health was not talked about the same way it's now. Think now it's so much better, and we're so much more progressive in the way we think about it."
"It's opened the conversation. I think that's actually a very, very good thing."
"If you care about the economy reopening, then you really have no choice but to discuss what are the costs of the economy reopening."
"Of course, we have to have that conversation. We're talking about the greatest public policy, either failure or success, in the history of the world right now."
"I really love when people have a different opinion than me because... it's just so fascinating to me how we can all have such differing opinions. I love it; it's the best."
"It is complicated, it is divisive, it is at times uncomfortable... It's just important to put all the cards out and let people understand, comprehend where this is all coming from."
"Neither of us have all the facts yet, so maybe we should wait."
"We are morally required to engage in talking about this."
"Even for me, it can still be difficult to set aside my personal feelings on the topic."
"Clean beauty started the conversation around environmental sustainability."
"Different societies have had different ideas on this kind of thing."
"Baruch is a great example for something I've been wanting to talk about for quite a while."
"I think there's a really valid discussion to be had about representation in movies and all that stuff."
"That's something that I'm thinking about doing, but speaking of that whole critical race theory and intersectionality..."
"What's important to discuss here is the difference between the two problems."
"I think it's fair to say that it is likely that cheating occurred here and talk about your reasons why because if we can't do that then we can't have honest conversations about what's happening in poker."
"If we can reduce the amount of force that any officer uses, it was worth having this discussion."
"Every so often someone comes on and actually attempts to use reasonable, logical points."
"We talked about some pretty interesting conspiracy theories."
"His points are very good, I think they're on point, and I think this is indicative of the fact that you can have very reasonable people on both sides of this conversation."
"Preventing things from being discussed that actually could have had a good benefit on society, it's pretty terrible."
"We lock in that round, we need a round, come on guys."
"Playing devil's advocate is kind of one of my favorite things to do and I know it's potentially a bit annoying to other people but it comes from a good place."
"Democracy is about having this conversation and making sure we walk everyone through it."
"I mean, there's no question that there's been historical injustice. The question is, what are the obstacles to your success right now?"
"Gender has more than one definition... for discussion's sake."
"I'm telling you what, this means the case is over David, am I wrong on this?"
"Some people can't handle talking about themes of a movie."
"So these situations are not real, but it's kind of fun to ask these types of questions, right?"
"We should be willing to at least have the conversation, talk about it in an honest manner."
"Big head gang, peaches and cream! So glad to talk about all these topics for the first time. I love a fresh Rogue Theory."
"I actually enjoy sometimes talking with people with whom I disagree."
"Look you understand what I'm saying I understand we're saying all right look there is a point of contention that the Clone crowd should have the right to build it exactly how it needs to be built okay all right."