
Presence Quotes

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"Being able to stay present in the work is probably the most important part of it." - Rick Rubin on the significance of presence in the creative process.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Wherever two people are together, the spirit of God Himself is present."
"Mindful eating is... you sit down, you're mostly quiet, you give gratitude for your food, and then you just eat your food. You don't do anything else."
"Presence is the ability to become fully invested in the moment energetically so that you're not distracted and your mind is elsewhere, but BAM, you are here, razor-sharp, razor-clear, fully engaged energetically in your body and your emotions in this very moment."
"I'm all for trying to maximize your agency, make as much of the time that you have on this planet as you can, and balancing that desire to be better with acceptance, love, empathy for yourself, and the ability to just be grateful and present in the moment."
"Presence is giving your full focus to someone... great presence comes when you're entirely focused on the other person."
"Be present... Presence is when you're totally focused in the here and now rather than in your mind somewhere else."
"When you're present, that's when you're able to focus on things like gratitude."
"Greatness is being at ease and steady in the moment."
"Happiness is when all of your conscious thought is just in what you're doing in that moment."
"Mindfulness means paying attention to what's in front of you, and that can be the littlest things."
"I heard God's voice say, 'I'm everywhere. You can't run no more.'"
"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."
"Meditation is about waking up. It's about being present, being conscious, being aware."
"A big part of life is simply just showing up."
"Being truly awake in the present moment and importantly not being pushed or pulled by our biases."
"Massive acceptance and radical presence are the foundation of what I do in everything now, especially in my roles as a caregiver."
"Don't let go of that. He's here with you in this moment."
"Life is always and only here and now." - Eckhart Tolle
"Wisdom doesn't come from being perfect; it comes from presence."
"Mindfulness is really another word for presence, for being in a state of awareness."
"Mindfulness is actually just an act of becoming present."
"The real meditation retreat is life on this planet, for the time that we're here to actually experience it."
"Mindfulness orients us to be present so we can be self-possessed, self-aware, well-regulated, empathic, and available, again, present in the moment."
"Meditation is not about getting somewhere else; it's about being exactly where you are and knowing it more deeply."
"Mindfulness is being present in the moment... Sometimes just being silent, you get all the answers."
"When it matters most is now. It's not later. It's not the Superbowl. It's not your Everest. It's not the pitch that you're gonna give to a VC firm. That's not the moment. The moment is now, and it's always now."
"Deep and true happiness, the true meaning of happiness, is not what we in the West think of it as. It's complete presence in the moment right now."
"Mindfulness and any other things related with presence, with attention, is, of course, extremely useful."
"What matters is only that we be true to ourselves in there an amendment we ever have, which is this moment."
"Mindfulness is a tool you can use so that someone will say of you, 'I feel like you're listening,' 'I feel like you're here with me.'"
"Consciousness and awareness... it's present, notice it continues. Other things come and go."
"If what can be regarded as spiritual qualities across any discipline include being like presence and awareness and absolute acceptance of what is, then the non-human animals have got that."
"Once you're present and you experience things as they are, it's quite peaceful, it's quite effortless."
"I know technology is the way of the future, but as a parent, the most important thing to do is to be present with your child."
"Discard your misperceptions. Stop being jerked around like a puppet. Limit yourself to the present."
"To be at one with life is to be at one with the present moment, because it's the only place where life can be found."
"You can only find yourself in the present moment."
"To become enlightened, you need to become reality itself, right now in the present moment."
"In any moment that we truly aren't resisting, that we're truly opening to the life of the moment, we have the capacity to love more fully."
"The gift of meditation, of training in presence, is that it really allows our body and mind to be in the same place at the same time."
"Being in the moment and being present absolutely being present."
"Presence, that's the most awesome, encouraging factor in life."
"If you show up over time, one of the most consistent things that happens is you form communities."
"Being next to this guy, she feels a difficult to explain sense of calm."
"Mindfulness means to be in the present moment without judgment, without changing it, just to be there with total awareness."
"You can't design a future if you're not a person. If you're not authentically here, what future will you design?"
"I hope this will make him realize I'm always going to be here, and I love you."
"You're learning how to have more fun and get lost in the moment and find more joy in life."
"You can't see my smile, but it's there. I'm here, and we're together."
"Your very presence will become a significant life; otherwise, you will become a mediocre life."
"The truth is always the loudest thing in the room."
"Learning to be without placing stories on it or placing interpretations of it."
"Taking time to be present with what we say and what we do with people we love."
"Now is the time to make your relationships count with other people, not in some other world."
"He's in the rocking boat. He's right there with you in the storm."
"You think I'm playing. Even in your dreams, I'm going to be there."
"Your ability to disconnect from the internet and live in your body is very valuable."
"Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
"Passion isn't something outside of you; passion is something you bring to the moment."
"Focus on what you have, focus on being present."
"It's an appreciative energy of like, you know what, I'm really glad that I'm here right now."
"Being seen and allowing our presence and existence to impact other people is at the core of our being."
"Because sometimes you aren’t just watching TV anymore, there are rare precious moments where you’re actually experiencing something, where you’re fully there."
"All forms of fear are caused by too much future and not enough presence."
"Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up."
"Pay attention. Almost everything else will fall into place if you do. Do what you're doing."
"Intimacy is the act of being present with another person in their undefended state."
"I assert that if you're not in the present moment you're running a program. Paying attention is being present and it's a skill, just like anything else. The more you practice it, the better you get at it."
"Don't be so distracted... It's the distraction that makes us miss the moment."
"Developing the ability to be present is extremely important."
"Just say Jesus; just the mention of His name draws His presence."
"Peace is not the absence of trouble; peace is the result of the awareness of the presence of God with you."
"The true joy in our life really comes from how present we are; that's the real measure of success."
"I can't believe how well my life is turning out, just because I decided to show up."
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
"By giving each other the most precious thing that we have, which is our time and our presence, you're helping each other shift your neurochemistry to enter a powerful state."
"Thank you for all, for being here, by the way, it's very much appreciated."
"It'll be a good time because I'm spending it with you."
"Life is about experiences; enjoy people while they're here."
"The beauty of being alive is that we want the moment to last; we want to be so present it's so good we don't want to leave it."
"There's an essence about you, a presence, a power, a command, an authority, a humble confidence."
"Any practice that can powerfully impact our ability to remain present in the activity we are engaged in, could be a phone call, could be texting for that matter, could be social media for that matter, right? We're not placing judgment on the activity here."
"The act of mentally rehearsing something when you're truly present, your brain does not know the difference between what's going on out there and what's going on in here."
"The greatest gift we can give another human being is the gift of our presence."
"Presence, not charisma, is what truly matters in a world where many are just not present."
"There's probably a million opportunities before that just to witness it rising, to take a breath."
"You have to find the balance. It should be present enough to be visible and subtle enough to not be immediately noticeable."
"The importance of quality social connections, and if you want to have quality social connections you need to be present and engage in those social connections."
"When two people are involved in a very, let's call it an intimate conversation, but the word intimate should not be misconstrued to mean something about intimacy or sexual intimacy or physical intimacy. Just a conversation in which both people feel present to the conversation and focused on that conversation and its contents only."
"They have a presence to them that turns heads."
"The best way to remedy that is to show up for yourself."
"As you think about yourself, a reminder: There's a presence in each and every one of us that waits and listens."
"If you're here with me today, whether today is the best day of your life or you just got the worst news and you're curled up in a ball crying, I'm glad you're here."
"You are an ancient soul wrapped up in this moment. You are not abandoned at any moment."
"If someone doesn't appreciate your presence, the best you can do is let them appreciate your absence."
"You are learning how to be a powerful presence."
"I choose to enjoy it, not to understand it. I choose to trust it and be present with it."
"Something will happen in our lives that will help us reset this button of experiencing joy, of feeling not only joy but feeling present and feeling connected and inspired."
"God allows storms so you can see how He uses your problems as a staircase for His presence."
"I believed I knew there was an angel in the room with me, and I wasn't afraid."
"I got the impression that there was a man in there, a couple of people, because there was like a lot of weird voices."
"There's a person in that back corner, and he's angry and he's very tall."
"In your presence is the fullness of joy; at your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore."
"Your life isn't happening sometime in the future; it's happening right now, in this room, with whoever you're with."
"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
"Everywhere you see mobile technology, you will see Snapdragon."
"This session, as with all of my yoga practices, really is an invitation to practice being present."
"When you go too fast, you miss the miracles of right here."
"No matter what you choose, if you evoke an experience of radical presence in any of those choices, you'll experience the timeless wherever you are."
"Fleeting moments go; it's always a genuine experience, a wholehearted one."
"You are the best thing in every room. You will notice I did not say the prettiest."
"Peace is the presence of something, not the absence of something."
"Practice the presence of the Lord. That is the most glorious secret I've discovered in my Christian walk with God."
"The enormous happiness increasing value of being present to what we're doing regardless of what we are doing."
"Men need to be there, and they need to be present, which is so difficult in times like today."
"His presence, his aura, was just so wonderful."
"Be totally present... your mind, in order to be fearful, what it's doing is it's jumping into the future and it's projecting images of bad stuff that's gonna happen."
"Being present to each other is the solution, not figuring out a solution."
"Drawing from source energy is about being present to the moment."
"Getting present to the moment makes you very grounded."
"We are not just blessed by your presence but illuminated by it."
"There is simply no substitute yet for being there."
"It wasn't that I needed to be there as much as I felt I wanted to be there to facilitate."
"It's very natural for me so I think that for me that absence of thought really creates a very wonderful space through which I really can feel and react."
"Confidence matters a lot. The ability to command a room when you walk into a room is kind of like an alpha move."
"Prioritize not just over the phone, but when you are there with them."
"Presence, we mean the feeling that you're actually there. You've entered the matrix."
"When you're truly paying undistracted attention, in that moment of seeing, say, a coffee cup, there really is just seeing; there's not a seer and the thing seen."
"What a blessing over the years. People on the internet were like, 'Why don't you do Rogan?' And here I am now, and I just feel so present and mindful."
"What they're saying is like where peace is, is where they are."
"Can I stop referring this moment to something else and be in this moment? Can I have presence?"
"You are all-powerful, Lord Jesus, and you are a God who will never leave us nor forsake us."
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
"Feeling the present moment rather than constantly being in your mind."
"Presence is the most important social skill that you could learn."
"You could be anywhere in the world, but you're here with your boy. I appreciate you."
"I've spent a lot of time with my kids... And there is a whole person and life going on that I had been oblivious to."
"The coolest thing any mom can do is simply be present and give her imperfect best to her family, her community, and herself."
"The best thing you can do is...just don't try to fix it. Just be there."
"You feel it too, don't you? This presence is something bigger than both of them."
"You can walk 24-7 in God's presence, the place where all things are possible."
"God dwells with the humble and contrite in heart."
"Heidi's love was strong, full of love, they lingered in the atmosphere. I still feel them now."
"The most important time is now. The most important person is the one right in front of you. The most important thing to do is to care."
"The answers lie in the moment, stay awake, be present, and stay faithful to your observations and feelings."
"Don't keep going over old history, be alert, be present."
"It takes you a long time to realize that while it is important that you provide, in fact, it's necessary that you provide, and sometimes we had to go away to provide, but your presence is important too."
"Learn how to breathe so that you can be fully present in every single part of your being."
"Are you a magician? Because every time you're near, everything else disappears and there's only enchantment left."
"Slow down, enjoy it, make the most of it, and be present."
"To be free, to be present, and to do that which you came here to do is to be as fully present in your body as a multi-dimensional being can be."
"Whatever we pay attention to is what we put most of our energy in, and if we're always worried about the past or the future, we can't be present and be our best selves right now."
"In order to love, you must be here. That is certain. Fortunately, being here is not a difficult thing to accomplish."
"I am able to help others by vibrating love through my presence, words, and actions."
"The unsettling presence of this colossal silhouette gave rise to speculation."
"Right when I saw your face, though, I... I became calm."
"Maybe the solution to our lack of attention span isn't more stimulation and distraction. Maybe the answer is being present and appreciating the little authentic moments."
"The only thing that matters is that you are awake and alive and aware right now. Let that sink in. You're awake and aware right now. You are alive in this moment with me. You're sharing it. That's all that matters."
"Sometimes hearing God is less about having a specific word and more about just a nearness of His presence."
"Love means being present with someone not just when they are at their best but also when they are struggling."
"Wanting to have a job to which you relate, in which you feel you are present and from which you feel you can learn is a very healthy, normative thing."
"Sometimes you just don't need to say anything at all. You can just be there and listen."
"A lot of times, we are convinced that our trouble is an indication of the absence of God's presence when more times than not in the scripture, you can find that trouble accompanies God's presence."
"Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." - Jesus
"It's all a sequence of very small moments. And by being true to this one moment, something great arises."
"Creating an erotic space is a space where I come together with you just to be, not to produce anything."
"Her presence is everywhere. Every day I look at her pictures, but eventually, that's it. There are no more pictures to be made, there are no more memories."
"It's not the amount of time, it's the quality of the time and the presence of your quality of time."
"It's about being very present in mind, to be very open-minded to change."
"I hope you're doing really well and I appreciate your presence here very much."
"In no situation do you perceive your own best interest, so be humble, be very present, and let go of the identity."
"I felt better walking with you even if you couldn't see me, and I know you felt better too."
"Lord knows you could have been anywhere in the world, but you're here with us. We appreciate that."
"It's hard to describe but some people just have that and he's got it, man."
"She lit up the room whenever she walked into it."
"I'm not really here. It's research. I'm Louis Theroux."
"You make people want to slow down and be more present."
"You guys are really good at being in the present moment."
"I don't want you to worry about Snapchat and Twitter and YouTube right now. I just want you to be present."
"You have this presence that can really just warm a room."
"One of those key assets in life is availability and being there."
"It's really good to be here... especially in these times, so thank you very much for having me."
"The taste of your presence is something I will never ever be able to forget."
"A common thread in all of my videos is my endless quest to love deeply and truly, to drop into the sensuality and sacredness of each unrepeatable moment."
"Romancing the moment, whatever moment that you happen to be in, is a really big reason why I've been feeling on such a spiritual high lately."
"Don't walk into a place like you wanna buy it, walk in like you own it."
"In these last moments, BoJack just wants to be present with someone he cares about. 'How is your day? My day was good.'"
"We're talking about a moment of pure surprise, joy, and happiness where you stopped thinking about expectations and you felt present and you loved being where you were for a moment."
"Your presence has purpose... no matter where you are, it doesn't matter if you're not living the career of your dreams or if you're in a place of uncertainty."
"The memory of me will fade, but darling, think of me and who I used to be, and I'll be right there with you again."
"The Holy Spirit lives with you and will be in you."
"When I'm trying to maintain a relationship when I'm traveling a lot... a lot of a relationship is just being next to a person."
"Friendship is about being there for the other person."
"The moments where I feel deeply connected to spirit and source and God are the moments where I'm fully present with myself."
"I discovered the value of having clarity and nothing in my mind. I loved that freedom, that peacefulness, that sense of no distraction of being fully present with what I'm doing."
"The most valuable thing you can do in relationships and in intersections with people is be present."
"I like to be in the moment. I like it to be honest, so I hate when it's scripted."
"Naomi Campbell walking into the room felt like a deity had arrived."
"You have to find a way to be present because, if you don't, you'll get lost."