
Essence Quotes

There are 3962 quotes

"It's really about an ability to pay attention." - Rick Rubin on the essence of creativity.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Consciousness cannot change, it cannot develop, it cannot be transformed."
"We are existence, consciousness, bliss in our real nature. We are immortal, beyond suffering, if only we would realize that."
"We love ourselves because we are all things. We are love itself."
"The petals of this lotus blossom would open to reveal this unique essence, that is within us."
"Consciousness is the feeling of life itself."
"Consciousness, 'chit,' means Consciousness in Sanskrit, pure consciousness."
"The fundamental thing that happened, and the greatest calamity, is not that there was no love or support. The greater calamity...is that you lost the connection to your essence."
"It's like peeling an onion. You peel it and peel it, and you think you'll come to an essence... you find nothing."
"The essence of who I am flows effortlessly into everything I create."
"What we really are, not what we think of ourselves, but what we really are, is the central teaching of Vedanta."
"At the end of the day, it's a film about family."
"What does a human do? This is what it means to be human. You use your intelligence."
"Love is the base and essence of our being, devoid of all pride and fear."
"This entire process here is very powerful and it's pretty much the essence of what we talk about in personal development."
"In your effort to possess, you will discover that the thing you most need is to consistently 'Be,' your best self."
"Generosity isn't about how much you have; it is the spirit that it comes from."
"Visually, it's really pleasing and I think it gets the essence of what The Great Gatsby is about."
"Existence precedes essence, which means that we're not born with any particular essence, good, bad, or whatever, but we're absolutely free, and it's the choices we make in our existence that build our essence."
"The best parts about being human have not left us."
"The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple." – Stan Gudder
"Nature is irreducibly mystical; demystifying it can lead us to lose touch with the essence of being."
"The very essence of sport and the reason why it captivates people so much is because of its unpredictability."
"We're going to be granted essence and that essence is going to be useful throughout the entire game."
"Thought is the highest level of abstraction, putting one's finger on the essence of a situation and then bouncing back and forth between the actual situation and the essence."
"As you get older, as your physical body fails you, you grow in essence. So as the form fades, you grow in essence."
"The essence of concepts is that they have no essence. They are the pure possibility of play."
"Waiting for the moment, knowing when it's there, is what photography is really all about."
"Our spiritual DNA is perfect. It requires no modification. Our spiritual essence is perfect."
"Love is not just an emotion; it's our very being."
"There is something in us which is not changing at all and there are many things in us that keep changing."
"At its core, architecture seeks to solve problems."
"Measurement is actually probably the essence of the whole theory. It's what we do; it's what we model; it's what we describe."
"What we essentially are is this open, empty, colorless, transparent, unlimited being."
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
"Intelligence is a completely different thing from just the chemistry part of it."
"Try to simplify a thing to the core essence."
"At the end of the day, it's the substance that matters."
"Atma is not a third-person he, she, or it. Atma is the core or essence of who you are."
"When you focus on that you get the true essence and you put that into a story and that comes together as an inspiring piece."
"What makes our core humanity is beautifully complicated."
"Life is happening here. Everything else is accessories to life."
"The spiritual realm is where everything begins or has its scene."
"You are free, sovereign, alive, and eternal."
"When we say photography is all about light - we aren’t kidding. Light is all there is whether you are carefully crafting it or snapping a selfie."
"The soul is the most sought after real estate in existence."
"Trust, like essential trust, is a form of courage."
"Know your own essence. When you know your own essence, then you know the essence of all things."
"The energy that is us, our base Essence, is not dying; it's going to continue."
"Every time we experience happiness, we are, without realizing it, touching or tasting our essential nature."
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." - Yoda
"Our immutable characteristics do not define us."
"Humanity is lacking in an essence; our existence precedes our essence."
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
"That's like the philosophy of the show in a nutshell."
"The Gospel...it all comes down to the gospel."
"Love is actually the very substance of mind and soul."
"You are ancient, you are timeless, you are powerful."
"This introduction into what the spiritual life is all about."
"God is actually love. That's the essence of who He is."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 is able to capture the essence of the journey in a way that very few video games can."
"Ego has literally blocked out your essence, that's not good, that's not cute."
"Love is all that matters and all that we take with us."
"Being in touch with your soul is being in touch with your core essence."
"It's a powerful reminder of what the game is and always will be for the fans. 100."
"The soul is real, it has to be. What you're really speaking to is my soul, okay? My body is just like a vessel, it's just a meat vessel."
"We're not human because of our bodies, but because of our spirits."
"You strip away all of the extra stuff that comes with being a celebrity and you're left only with that person."
"You deserve to come back into the great earnest, the true essence of what you are."
"I think there was a reason he was called The Shape in the original because in some ways he's more of an essence than he is a traditional character."
"You welcome me in, and now I am with you, filling your essence."
"Your ability to be a mother has nothing to do with you shoving it out of your body or putting it in someone else's body. Your mother-ness is in here, it's in here, it's everything you are."
"Sound is full of patterns from its very most basic essence."
"If the ultimate point is your humanity is what counts and nothing else."
"Transformation is the very essence and definition of salvation."
"What really matters is love... love is what matters."
"Kingdom life is not something that you do, kingdom life is who you are."
"Love is the essence of the creator's essential nature."
"Our soul is an essence of God. We're a spark of God."
"The very essence of the psychopath is antisocial."
"Perception, action, will – that's the essence of Stoic philosophy."
"It's not a thing that you do or say, it's who you are."
"Your soul is what matters, it's on the inside."
"This is the essence of what we do. There is no higher, more necessary, pure form of public service."
"The only thing that's actually real and lasting here is the spirit."
"There's a spiritual come back to the real essence of what I've said there's a spiritual body and there is a material body."
"Writing is so much more than just the wordy bit."
"The human condition expressed through art pared it down to its absolute essence."
"How do you redefine an icon? Push harder. I mean really dig deeper. Get away. Get rid of all the hype. What is it you capture? It's very essence."
"There is no unchanging, permanent self, soul, or essence in anything."
"It's our nature. It's who we really are as humanity."
"To be human is the main thing Above All Else."
"The game ultimately captured the spirit of guardians of the galaxy."
"This is just so Battlefield, this is incredible."
"The energy is so unadulterated, so powerful, so potent—it doesn't have to show it, it is itself."
"Your energy body is far more full of your essence in the metaphysical sense than is your physical body."
"Remember that you are a creature whose very essence is love. That love is nearer to you than your breathing."
"The real X's body would have been destroyed, but as the 0 series reminds us, it is not your body that matters but your soul."
"Love somehow goes right through all the barriers and speaks to the essence."
"Christ still has a body. His body is central, essential to the Christian life right now."
"That is what makes martial arts is all about."
"You're literally fused with the existential spirit of good."
"The filling is everything, it is the beating heart, the soul of the egg roll."
"The most important thing is the information itself."
"There's no point being a Muslim if you don't do Islam because you've missed the whole point."
"It's time that we begin to re-educate ourselves and embrace our unique functions but understand that our essence is the same."
"You can't silence blood because you can kill the body, but the life and in the body it's in the blood."
"Awareness is where all things are made and therefore we must be made up of awareness."
"Focus on understanding more about your essence."
"It's shown me that while i was trying to be good enough in all of these areas over here my essence was already doing the work over here all i needed to do was show more of it."
"It's about paring down to the truest essence of something."
"If you love, you are alive, and that is the only thing that matters."
"Concentrate, this is what the game is all about."
"Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a video game. I don’t mean this in like a factual sense, because duh, I mean this in an experiential sense."
"When you distill the concept of 'video game' into an essence and shoot it straight into your veins, this is what it feels like."
"Space and material, not necessarily realism, are the essence of architecture in games."
"The essence of all spirituality is who is in there, not are you in there."
"It's all about protecting the spiritual essence, the soul."
"We are energy in our Essence. Us five percentage, we say you return to the essence of where you came. That means you going back to the universe to energy to this earth."
"The essence of information is the feeling that you receive from it."
"This is a back to basics game that understands what it means to be a video game."
"Learning to be ministers of the kingdom is the real essence of the gospel."
"On Homeworld, a Gem’s 'Self,' or however you want to call it: their identity, their essence, their being, whatever makes that Gem an individual, is intrinsically tied to their Gemstone."
"It's not about becoming, it's about realizing."
"The true growth of spiritual life is not in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but in love."
"You're a spiritual being, that's who you are. You're pure unadulterated spirit."
"In other words, the essence of who I am is also the essence of who you are."
"Humans should serve... some sort of essence and that's what you're going to strive for."
"Science isn't about the subject matter; it's about the methodologies."
"Every human being and most animals I find have their own unique essence."
"The essence of business is solving problems."
"You are a beautiful spiritual being of pure consciousness."
"That's what this sport that we love is all about."
"Here I've found humanity in its purest form."
"What we're talking about here is the very essence of our democracy."
"The spiritually minded Christian understands that the essence of Christianity isn't about doing but being."
"Love wins, and that's really what at the essence of all of this, beyond all the fluffiness of it. That is the separation."
"Jesus is love. Love's not what he does, love is who he is."
"Pluton, the essence of them, the magical core, the soul, the aura, whatever you want to call it."
"The essence of it is being able to love all disciplines."
"Self-transcendence is the actual core of our religious concerns."
"We are all spiritual beings made up of energy."
"God's word is written in your essence, not a book."
"I respect Henry Kissinger, but I appreciate that he's not holding any official position in the US administration. He has his own opinion, but we strongly disagree with it."
"Markets are damn bullish, markets are very bullish dude."
"It's really just about the human element in human experience."
"Anything that's associating you with being a woman your essence and women love being women I mean the ones who they appreciate that [ __ ]."
"Confidence is everything. It's not just the aura or the body language or the actions that you give off, it's literally everything."
"Let's hope she never forgets who she really is at heart."
"It is by any metric, by any casual observation, a human in form and in substance."
"She's more than just the Aegis or some kind of weapon. She's a living being."
"She taught me that by loving me only for my Essence and who I was."
"The essence of Storytelling: finding Solutions."
"Perhaps it takes an artist at heart to make the real art."
"The spirit of every human being is their life."
"You can only see rightly with the heart and what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"Follow your heart because at the end of the day, that's exactly what's really going to be able to help us remain in this true essence."
"Spirit represents a higher plan than the physical. It is not subject to physical weakness since it is pure Essence."
"This is everything that we talk about, distilled."
"Love is the deepest essence of who we are, and our sensuality is but one bridge to our fullest embodiment."
"The spirit of the thing... there absolutely is."
"It captures the essence of what a reality show is supposed to be."
"You are a beautiful being because it contains everything within you."
"Those championships captured the true essence of what it is to be a fucking champion."
"It's not about adding on to yourself or fixing yourself, it's about letting go that which no longer serves."
"We can now etherize our own blood with the essence of Christ. This process leads to the eventual re-spiritualization of our form."
"Jesus doesn't just give healing, he is healing."
"When we leave this place, my soul is not a woman, your soul is not a man. You're going back to the essence, Pure positive energy."
"Men and women are different. Our essence is the same, our essence is divine, but our functions are different."
"The whole point of it is this kind of stuff."
"God in the highest sense is the spirit that you must emulate in order to thrive. How's that for a biological definition?"
"It's the presence that you truly find yourself."
"Finish this practice like a happy baby, coming back to our essence, coming back to who we really are."
"It wasn't the gameplay that made them love the original, there was a soul there, this charming secret spice that next level just couldn't manage to harness."
"You are the ether, the primordial life force."
"Cheese pizza is the true pizza essence in taste."
"Aura is the manifestation of one soul, it runs through every living creature and Remnant."
"Evangelization is charitable at its essence."
"This is spiritual to them, this is a part of them, their identity."
"I'm always searching and trying to get to the essence of things."
"Femininity is an energy, it's a way of being."
"Content is what matters, absolutely content."
"That's ultimately what beauty is all about."
"It's a living thing, a real living thing."
"It finds the essence of the human condition."
"We're all just human at the end of the day."
"Embrace the unexpected, for it is the essence of life's journey."
"You have to commit with every part of your essence."
"Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing."
"What is essential for a biopic to get right is the essence of its subject."
"What is Good for the soul? What is truth? What is beauty? The Good?"
"It epitomizes what the culture is all about."
"Light is vital essence, self-conscious energy that produces instantaneous perfection."
"Now, isn't this what it's all about, folks?"
"The essence of the human Spirit, the human personality is not the physical body."
"There is essence, there's truth that goes beyond what the mind itself can comprehend."
"Nobody has to learn anything new. We just have to become what we are at essence."
"Love, as she defined it, was everything about her."
"What is most important is what is within ourselves."