
Self-doubt Quotes

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"Self-doubt lives in all of us. And while we may wish it was gone, it is there to serve us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science requires self-doubt, the ability to change according data, the willingness to be flexible."
"Confidence is the key to your success. The only thing that's going to get in your way is you doubting yourself."
"Procrastination is primarily an emotional problem. There is some sort of fear of looking bad, fear of failure, self-doubt. The mind starts to weave all these stories about how we're not good enough to do this particular thing."
"Before every new record, I swear this is the one nobody's ever going to get. No one will possibly understand this one. No one will ever buy this one. But I've been proven wrong every time."
"We have to take the time to foster and take care of people around us to nurture our relationships because when we're going to be doing something difficult, there are days we're going to doubt ourselves."
"We're all one of the same thing, and we're all stopping ourselves the same way by buying into the lies that self-doubt tells you."
"The only thing that solves self-doubt is action. It's really that simple."
"The longer you stay somewhere that you know you don't belong, the more you begin to believe you don't belong anywhere."
"At the 75% mark in every project that I do, I reach this point where I think I have no idea what I'm doing."
"I get imposter syndrome so often that I feel like I'm going to turn into like something from Among Us."
"There is no believing at a really deep down level that one can be or that one deserves to be loved this completely."
"You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt."
"You're so perfect; I don't think I can be that perfect."
"Fear that we're not good enough or that we won't be loved and accepted are the biggest self-created mental obstacles and barriers that prevent most of us from reaching our full potential and achieving our grandest goals and dreams."
"Stop turning all the incredibly complicated interpersonal relationships and mannerisms of all the people around you... into a litany of excuses to doubt yourself and your validity as a person."
"I'm constantly second-guessing myself... when I hear people say they have no regrets, I never can believe it. I'm full of regrets."
"I make you question everything about yourself, so I'm going to continue making you question yourself by coming out here and being even more successful."
"If I put doubt in your mind, I guarantee you this: you will start to question your very own ability."
"If you start doubting yourself, there's only so much you can take of somebody and then you have to choose yourself."
"Gaslighting is sneaky; it sneaks right up on you because you don't realize it's happening but when you get to a space in your relationships where things are unhealthy and you're questioning yourself and you haven't done anything."
"You are not what other people say you are, so stop letting that dictate your self-confidence or fill you with self-doubt."
"The solution to self-doubt is to build something bigger than that doubt, which is to build our self-confidence."
"Complaining to yourself and robbing yourself of just trying something."
"Prior seemed like he struggled to understand his fame and fortune and perhaps he even suffered from impostor syndrome."
"Self-doubt is what drives you and pushes you to do more."
"Sometimes I do feel like I'm a failure, like there's no hope for me. But even so, I'm not gonna give up. Ever."
"The Buddha was attacked by self-doubt... and his response... he put his hand on the earth and he called on the earth Goddess, the whole living web of life – this is the divine feminine – to bear witness to his goodness."
"Their eyes bore into me, whether in expectation or disappointment, the weight is crushing. My shoulders are not broad enough to bear the weight of it."
"When someone is gas-lit, they end up in a state of extreme cognitive dissonance. Doubting one's own sense of sanity, leads to a severe decrease in self-esteem as well."
"If you've been heavily gaslit in your childhood, then you're gonna have a fragment or a portion of your own consciousness whose job it is to Gaslight you."
"You inspire me to always improve when I don't believe in myself."
"It feels as if I'm doing a terrible job and that I'm never going to get through it but I always do."
"We start to think that we canʼt trust ourselves, that our internal emotional guidance system is leading us astray."
"Your doubts are traitors to your dreams. Your fears strangle your hopes."
"I don't trust myself. You don't trust your decision-making...and that's what will take courage."
"Am I biting off more than I can chew? Probably."
"Sometimes your greatest accomplishments come in an environment of self-doubt."
"Trepidation and self-doubt only come into play when we're nearing the perimeter of something that matters."
"Self-doubt is normal, it's healthy, you just don't have to let it batter you into self-defeat."
"The grace of letting go at the right moment, of knowing how to let go when the time is right, without torturing yourself with self-doubt or overthinking things."
"My advice... is to not let self-doubt be grounded in your comparison to others. Instead, focus on finding the passions in your life, irrespective of others."
"The pursuit of the passion should overcome everything, and then all the other things of self-doubt, of impostor syndrome, and things like that will fade away."
"If confidence is the decision to try, self-doubt is the decision not to."
"To you: If not now, then when? And why are you nervous? What is it that's holding you back?"
"I think self-doubt is fully part of self-growth."
"The Holy Spirit asked me, 'Why don't you believe that I love you?'"
"There's just a part of you, I think, in anything you're doing, when you're struggling: 'Is this really for me? Is this my destiny? Should I be doing this?'"
"We all feel like we're doing it wrong and that we suck at this. We don't. It's hard."
"You may want to consider that you stop doubting your potential and limits and start questioning where the doubts and fears that are holding you back came from."
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
"Fundamentally, you're taught to not trust yourself at all from a very young age. Not trust your emotions, your feelings, your natural inclinations, your fears. Like all of that is considered sin."
"You don't feel powerful. I remember realizing that with what we were doing, trying to abolish segregation, we were coming up against governors of Southern States, judges, politicians, businessmen. And I remember thinking, I'm only 22 years old, what do I know, what am I doing?"
"I don't think you ever stop feeling impostor syndrome if you're growing."
"Your brain is a liar sometimes... it may stem from some sort of trauma or pain but that does not mean that you can't challenge what your mind tells you."
"Remember, imposter syndrome, the nagging thought of 'what if I'm not really trans,' afflicts almost all of us."
"Last fall, I was dealing with a lot of imposter syndrome about being a real engineer and figured I know how I'll combat that: I will engineer the crap out of this thing."
"Sometimes it feels like you can't do anything right, everyone's judging you."
"I promise you, there was no one more ill-equipped than me. So you're all good. You are fine. Trust me."
"We need to stop doubting ourselves and just start looking at the signs."
"You've been thinking this is not enough, gifting this is not enough, talent it's not enough, money it's not enough, I don't have enough, and Jesus is whispering in your ear tonight."
"That is the fight right there: how do you overcome your own self-doubt and apprehension?"
"Sometimes you feel like it's not enough, like what you're doing or what you have. The feeling of like you're not doing enough."
"It's good for people to second-guess themselves and ask a friend for their opinion."
"We all fear rejection, fear not being good enough, and fear being abandoned."
"Stop doubting yourself. Stop having fear that what you are doing is never going to amount to anything, and you're not good enough."
"There's no way I can compete with that. I give up."
"Sometimes you're losing faith in yourself, but you're not losing faith in God."
"Maybe it's all in my head, I don't know, at this point I could be making it all up."
"Everybody that you admire, everybody, struggles with self-doubt."
"I thought to myself, what if I'm just cursed? What if I'm never gonna win?"
"I wish I could tell you that I didn't have a voice inside my head that tells me I'm a pathetic hypocrite and I have no business being a preacher, even though I'm trying to live the best I can."
"Spiritual dryness can lead to self-doubt and existential questioning."
"Sometimes in life, you have to buckle down and get to work even when you doubt yourself."
"Don't let these thoughts stop you from achieving your goals."
"Everyone has these thoughts and feelings and wonders if they're in the right place."
"I get a ton of emails asking me, 'Haley I honestly just don't feel like I have the skills necessary to run an online business.'"
"Confidence isn't the absence of self-doubt, it's being willing to try even though you doubt yourself."
"The most difficult part of this whole process was not any technical thing, but really it was fighting self-doubt."
"Con't let that voice inside your head tell you not to do it."
"In a narcissistic relationship, you doubt yourself, blame yourself."
"Can I put a book out there that people actually want?"
"Living a lie, not deserving accomplishments, feeling like a fraud."
"Did you ever have confidence, like, attack of confidence because I've got this theory that the smarter a player is, the more as, especially younger, yes, they... they overthink."
"The difference is that's the actual challenging stuff, so after a while, if you don't do that thing, you start to wonder, you know, can I still do that?"
"One of the fundamental drivers of my current morality... is of constant self-doubt."
"I think a lot of the reason people shoot themselves down and like don't reach for the dreams is because they don't believe themselves."
"It's really hard when you have all those negative feelings and you're just feeling really down about yourself."
"Gaslighting makes you feel paranoid, like you're the one who's wrong."
"Every successful person has struggled with and released these self-doubts."
"Don't listen to what your brain is telling you."
"When you're codependent, there's this self-doubt issue. Why? Because you never felt securely attached to people that you thought really loved you when you were a child."
"For the first time ever in my career, it feels like I'm losing what I have built."
"I'm not used to success, where's this coming from?"
"I just wanted to please my dad. How am I going to think that I'm going to have a statue in front of the Emirates? Even when I was winning golden boots and trophies, I was still trying to please my dad."
"It'll all be worth it. Do you have doubts? Deal with the grunt right now."
"That dream is dying, suffocated by needless self-doubt."
"Am I a failure by not doing this tough thing?"
"The moment you tell yourself that you can't do something, that's the moment when you won't do it."
"Be careful about that little voice in your head that says don't bother."
"There's a big world for self-doubt, a massive world for self-doubt."
"Never doubt your beliefs and never believe your doubts."
"It's the battle about you and your self-doubt."
"I suffer from really, really intense imposter syndrome."
"It's confusing, isolating, and often results in you questioning your own reality."
"If at all people, you feel like you're not a hundred percent confident that you can execute all this perfectly, definitely consider working with a professional financial advisor."
"I really felt like I was starting to go crazy."
"The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of One's Own ethical skill."
"I'm not talented enough for cosplay at all." - Fallout
"Impostor syndrome is so real, isn't it? It's nuts."
"Imposter syndrome isn't a bug, it's actually a feature."
"Imposter syndrome is like where someone feels like they don't belong."
"Earlier on in my career, I literally struggled with 'Do I belong here? Am I supposed to be in this space?'"
"Everyone's gonna think I don't actually know how to draw, this is how you find out that I don't actually know how to try, the truth come out."
"How did I get this wrong? I can't trust myself anymore."
"Feeling like you've peaked... I don't think that's true Pisces."
"I just felt like I wasn't achieving what I wanted to achieve in the mood."
"You blunder an idea and you sit there thinking all sorts of things: Why did I come to this tournament? Why am I playing chess?"
"You might feel like you don't have any ideas... but I promise you that when you start to do this you will realize that you actually do have a pretty good sense."
"Self-doubt kills more dreams than anything else on the entire planet."
"Fear and self-doubt do more to hold you back from dreaming big dreams and accomplishing great things than any other factors."
"I've been trolled, oh wait, am I doing this right?"
"Where you lack confidence in yourself your person also lacks confidence in themselves."
"Maybe I'm not good enough for this... maybe I shouldn't be doing stand-up, I don't know."
"But most importantly, we have to cling to our hard-earned personal progress and do our best to drown out that self-defeating voice within us, telling us to throw it all away."
"Impostor syndrome's got a bad reputation and it's great... you should feel it every 18 months."
"The worst of the pressure is the self-imposed kind... that voice in your head telling you it's not good enough."
"You are on the right path and on your purpose spiritually speaking even though at times it seems like your ego does jump in and try to question this."
"Doubt usually heads us in the wrong direction."
"If you have something on your heart, if there's something that keeps showing up that you think, 'I'd really like to do that but,' what if they laugh? What if I fail?"
"There are three fears that we struggle with the most... Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of judgment."
"You get jealous when you're not sure of yourself or your partner."
"The only thing that is truly stopping you from creating the world that you want to create is the idea in your head that you are not good enough."
"Don't believe in yourselves because as right as we are we could also be wrong so if you guys keep an open mind it allows us to kind of receive guidance and take advice from people you never know somebody may have the the anecdote to your problems."
"It will work... doubt in my brain I feel you bro."
"If you tend to think 'I can't,' you probably won't."
"There's probably a lot of people watching this maybe thinking, I could do that but I don't have enough confidence."
"Don't let people, don't let your doubts keep you back."
"Even though I put on like a toughness, I felt the pressure, I felt the doubt, I felt them all saying, 'You can't do it.' But I'm from the trenches."
"The ego is the devil and so it's that person in your head that's constantly telling you that you can't do this or look at this."
"Step up with confidence, don't let imposter syndrome hold you back."
"I have a mission to fulfill, so I'm gonna forget all my doubts and focus on his vision."
"It's funny as well because I didn't want to put the video out because I didn't have enough footage."
"It's easy to trick yourself into being like, 'Oh my God, everyone doesn't like my show,' even this question is phrased in a world where like, how did you feel about all the bad reviews?"
"Remember that those voices are wrong and sometimes they're right."
"Have you ever wondered, look up and thought, what if I'm wrong? I did up until about three years ago."
"Sometimes I am my number one fan and sometimes I think that I should have all my teeth ripped out and tongue cut out and just you're done you're you're absolutely done I'm silencing myself you're done."
"Gaslighting is essentially trying to make a person question their own feelings, their own sight."
"I trust that I am NOT more dense than my neighbors but I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity."
"Anyone that talks themselves out of stuff, you just continually talk yourself out of [ __ ]."
"You'll always stay down. What's wrong with me? What did I do? What could I have done better? Maybe if I did this, maybe if I knew better, maybe if I maybe."
"I think a lot of people suffer with like the imposter syndrome to feel like they don't belong or like that they're not worthy to be there."
"Ill be everything that I wanna be. I am confident in insecurity."
"Most players bash other people's deck profiles literally because they are looking for affirmation and aren't confident about themselves."
"Don't let self-doubt creep in; trust in your abilities."
"I never thought I had any chance in basketball because I started off so late."
"REM is the embodiment of pure-hearted heroism, but beneath the surface, she's less confident than her sister."
"If you have self-doubts along the way, there's so many internal blocks that are gonna stop you from executing and seeing something through because you don't believe you can truly do it."
"One of the biggest causes of worry for the believer is arriving at the negative conclusion that something is wrong with you."
"The dream starts to become what's real and the self-doubt, you look back and you realize, actually the self-doubt was the LIE."
"Your own self-doubt is irrelevant. Just do the thing."
"There's always going to be the new somebody in music and tv and sports and art and if you basically talk yourself out of it you will not be that person i guarantee it it's a zero percent chance."
"If you let fear doubt your positioning, you've already lost."
"Bruce started to doubt his ability to keep himself safe and relied very heavily on the AI."
"If you're having any doubts about publishing the book, don't publish the book... publish the book."
"You feel like this is something that you need to do and maybe your actions towards this goal feel less than worthy at the moment."
"I like how it actually kind of made me doubt my sanity."
"All of that just asks for a road at your own confidence rather than having you clearly located in your own power."
"Cultivate meaningful work and let go of self-doubt and supposed to."
"I 100 have self-doubt, design is so subjective."
"You can't control the narrative if you're constantly refuting yourself."
"It's wild how people always doubt themselves."
"Maybe my tired energy was not an ode of confidence to you."
"Century is a nearly omnipotent being crippled by doubt."
"Sometimes you wonder if this is all in your head, but you know deep down it's not. You're trying to overcome your vices and blocks to give all you truly deserve."
"Maybe you should just resurrect your hesitation and consider the possibility that you're not the right person to make that sequel or that it shouldn't be made at all."
"There were definitely moments I wanted to quit."
"You aren't impressing nobody. In fact, you're not even impressing the devil because he understand what's your quote and you don't."
"If something doesn't make you feel confident then you're not gonna do it."
"Sure, not many of us have had to wrestle with becoming a legendary king, but we've all dealt with self-doubt."
"Overcome the inner saboteur, trust in yourself, and seize the opportunity."
"I was doubting myself. I told myself I'm being irrational. Something like a creepy dude following me couldn't happen to me. Surely."
"It's so scary, you know. You look at the artists around you and they're so talented and you think okay, where do I fit? Can I hang with these people?"
"I don't want this moment to change how you feel or make you look back and go 'that wasn't real' or 'I should feel dumb forever in both investing emotionally in the first place,' right?"
"You always tell me to face uncomfortable things head on, but I don't think that applies to me here."
"You are going to be dealing with maybe some doubt."
"Something really negative tries to take our light."
"Honestly guys, it has me freaked out, it has me worried that I don't know, maybe I'm on the wrong path."
"The first problem of any kind of even limited success is the unshakable conviction that you're getting away with something."
"People try to insult me, they don't know me. They would say, 'Haha, you're bald.' But true friends cut deep with, 'You work so much because you're worried that one day people are gonna discover the fact that you're actually not that talented.'"
"The skeptic questions themselves, often lack confidence in themselves, and you need to provide that confidence."
"Gaslighting, which is the deliberate denial of your reality, is designed to Foster self-doubt."
"I feel like sometimes I struggle with even feeling like I can keep up."
"Your mind may be your worst enemy right now."
"We're not just praying for deliverance from the giants we're facing, we're praying for deliverance from the grasshoppers in our head."
"It's okay to doubt yourself, but self-awareness is crucial."
"I think the day I stop doubting myself is the day that I probably don't love it anymore."
"The ninjas of doubt can come over that wall so fast."
"We're stuck having to second guess ourselves."
"Don't ever think that what we did absolutely made a difference."