
Observation Quotes

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"The world is giving us clues all the time. If we're paying attention, that's another part of it." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Careful observation of the world, careful mathematical analysis of the world has shown us that science has this amazing capacity to give us deep insight into the nature of the world."
"You've got to stand back and observe your own thinking, feeling, and choosing."
"The physician that attended to him said: the balance between his intellectual faculties and animal propensities seems to have been destroyed."
"Behavioral Economics is about observing the world and identifying where standard economic assumptions may not hold."
"Reality exists as a probability, and it's the act of observation that causes a probability to collapse into a reality."
"I love watching everything unfold and like the character development."
"Spirituality requires a scientific mind, one that is open to direct observation and empirical evidence."
"We live in interesting times...it's amazing how rapidly the world is changing right now."
"You're only seeing a small point of what's happening, maybe that's why we need a wider perspective."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."
"I've watched people and how they fall off or come back my whole life."
"They are entertained watching me. Maybe you should take notes."
"If you have binoculars, they'll reveal the little four Galilean moons around Jupiter that are nice and bright."
"Evolution begins with an observation of facts in reality."
"Everything has a purpose around us. Just look at yourself. I challenge people often when I talk to them, look around you, find something that doesn't have a purpose."
"Things only exist when you look at them, you create them when you see them."
"Our expectation for reality TV stars to be real while also under observation is especially unrealistic."
"Thinking is wonderful, but it can also just observe something else and it can also be used against us."
"The Black Knight continues to orbit silently above us, observed but untouched, a cryptic sentinel of the cosmos."
"Force multiplier firearms and things aside, the ability for the individual soldier to notice something and take advantage of it in the moment."
"Allah sees all that you do; He is with you wherever you are."
"Look at him, when you least expect it, when you least expected."
"Knowledge of the world is derived by observation, experimentation, and rational analysis."
"You have to become a consummate observer. You have to sort of tamp down your ego and your need for attention and learn how to observe people."
"From the surface of Mars, it appears to rise in the west, move across the sky in 4 hours and 15 minutes or less, and set in the east twice each Martian day."
"At the bus stop, every bus stop in the world is the opening scene in an independent short film."
"We are seeing some pretty incredible things happen before our very eyes right now."
"It's almost creepy how quietly he's speaking."
"Many of you are looking at the scriptures, but you're not paying attention to what the scriptures have been saying."
"People will start to show you who they are very quickly, and pay attention to it."
"Watching the chaos for a moment, this is strangely pleasant."
"I'm not going to endorse anybody, but I'm going to tell you exactly what I'm seeing... democracy really on the brink."
"It's definitely Rebecca. So, she's under something, but she's also under clouds."
"I started not to listen to what people said but started to watch how people acted."
"The attentive eye...was the antidote to totalitarian proclivity."
"Everyone seems fine, everyone seems really good, actually."
"Oh shit, bird murder! Girl, I watched that! I thought you were gonna straight up die."
"It's about your personal growth and your test watching people like I said even if it's just one."
"For me, whenever I see someone using the Claymore, it's always a moment of, 'Now that is not something you see every day.'"
"It's a beautiful thing to watch in many respects."
"The fields, billions of acres of crops cover the land in waves of undulating leaves, the tamed wilderness was organized into rows, blocks, and circles, continuing on for hours and hours and days and days."
"You are quite the enigma, sir. You are a fascinating specimen."
"I think in my wrapping up thoughts of this, I think from the beginning I can agree that we live in a broken society."
"The twilight line, the ordering Duncan to the line, and the knitters, there's so much more to the courtroom culture."
"There's always one fighter on these cards that catches my eye, and I think, 'I got to watch this guy fight again.'"
"The world is full of wonder, hiding in plain sight, if you dare to see it."
"Observation is one of the keys to life. The essence of learning is observation."
"There's nothing we can look at, listen to, or touch that can't teach us something important."
"When I became a psychologist, I began to notice favoritism of a different kind."
"So, this is what intimacy is right? I'm looking really deeply trying to understand it in full blown observation and questioning mode."
"One of the great things that artists do is remind us of what's right in front of us."
"A fully blossomed human being is a joy to see, no matter what the hell they're doing or what they're not doing."
"It's wild to watch, it's an interesting time to be alive."
"It's pretty incredible how political all of American life has become."
"The plural of anecdote is data. If lots of people notice something, then to say this is rubbish because lots of people say they've noticed it isn't the right starting point for science."
"The process of making observations, and then being able to recall those observations, is part of what makes you you."
"Drawing is like legal cheating. We have all the information that we need in our subject; all we have to do is look at it."
"Drawing is at least 50% observation. If you can learn to see the world as a collection of lines, shapes, forms, values, textures, and colors, you can draw it."
"For somebody that wants an entire lay of the land of New York City, there is no observation deck that is going to be better than One World."
"It's a world gone mad. There's no other way to describe it."
"I've never seen anything like it. I didn't go down with a preconceived notion of what that protest was going to look like. I just saw it with my own eyes."
"I've yet to see one person that looks even mildly stressed."
"I get the feeling that people are pretty chill here."
"Where are the depressed people? I haven't seen anyone without a smile since we arrived."
"If you literally dropped a pen in here, you could hear it."
"Smiling mouths full of teeth and meat, plastic, watching, and waiting patiently."
"I make my living off of finding things that are hiding in plain sight."
"As much as things change, they really just stay the same."
"The rule of three: if it happens once, ignore it; twice, mark it but discount it; three times, it's a pattern that needs addressing."
"The nation is watching, and this will set a kind of road map or precedent for future cases."
"If you don't know you're rich, then you're probably rich because you for sure know if you're poor."
"History doesn't often repeat, but it does rhyme."
"The sky is blue, not all the time, but the sky is blue. The grass is green, not all the time, but the grass is green."
"This looks great, and then they're more populated too."
"The Narcissist is much more of an observer...like a computer-generated spectator, aloof. He is watching the movie of his life."
"Inferential thinking is what's called when we're always drawing inferences from a series of observations."
"You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where a house can burn up as it burns down."
"Our land reawakened; we saw things that we had never seen before."
"Everything you observe in the world is interconnected; no event stands alone, nothing exists in isolation."
"If you turn up your volume really loud, you can hear birds chirping."
"It's funny because I have a streaming show, but the way people watch stuff is insane."
"You have to remember that you are the observing consciousness that observes everything going on."
"Practicing welding, taking breaks, and then coming back to it can make you more observant and improve your skills."
"Arthur C. Clarke... Childhood's End posits the question: What if we were being watched?"
"The need to go into the Panther Party came as I watched and observed the interaction of people, the interaction of party, and what the police was doing at the time."
"The world began to crumble when feelings started overruling facts."
"Our world is pixelated and only assumes definite form when observed."
"We come to truth based on what we observe and what we see, rather than relying on traditional authorities."
"Until something is backed up with direct observation, it is a theory rather than a fact."
"Learn through observation. This is how we all learned our native languages as kids."
"Look, rainbow! You see it, guys? It's lovely."
"It shows how the power of a theoretical idea can almost in some sense emanate a sense of truth, but ultimately that must be confirmed by observation."
"Journalism is looking down the street and reporting back to people what you saw."
"I didn't know that, yeah, he actually made more money golfing, good driver."
"What quantum mechanics seems to be saying is that there is a fundamental divide between what nature really is and what you see when you look at it."
"Seeing it occur less often is a move in the right direction."
"That's the face of Happiness if I've ever seen it."
"The professional economists were apparently unmoved by the lack of correspondence between the results of their theory and the facts of observation, a discrepancy which the ordinary man has not failed to observe."
"The word miracle comes from the word to look or to see, to wonder at."
"God saves, and you have to look to God's salvation. You need to see it."
"Learn: Take a lesson from the owls, deeply observe the night, and you'll become a little wiser in the day."
"If you like, you can watch me. I didn't lie to you."
"I feel like I'm at an aquarium, you know what I mean?"
"We've got to remember that these researchers are exceptionally trained in the science of observation."
"We are literally seeing history in the making."
"Detachment from drama and fear allows for a more observational perspective, leading to potential spiritual awakenings."
"He's such a great guy and he is supremely observant and very insightful."
"What really excited me about them was that you can see that process happening, and that there are laws to it. It's not just magical and unpredictable."
"Einstein famously said, 'Does the moon cease to exist when I don't look at it?'"
"Quantum mechanics should apply to the entire universe, but it becomes unmistakable when you look at little tiny things."
"The fundamental mystery of quantum mechanics... how we describe the thing when we're not looking at it is different than what we see when we look at it."
"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."
"You can't measure anything without disturbing it, so the human observer can't be extracted from the theory; it becomes unavoidably subjective."
"The answers lie in the moment, stay awake, be present, and stay faithful to your observations and feelings."
"I see where this is going. Like I said, it's going down that way. This is not gonna stop. It's sliding."
"It's a very disturbing perspective to me because you're seeing what's happening right now in Chicago, you're seeing what's happening right now in New York, where you have this massive uptick in violent crime because it's perceived that the police presence has been diminished greatly."
"Science is just another kind of form of art; it's observation and imagination."
"Look at the shadowing in the eyes. That's actually nuts."
"We have to use the power of mathematics and experiment and observation to peer deeper into the true nature of reality."
"What if my system is the whole universe? Then there's no observer observing it; it's just evolving all by itself."
"Of course, we live in a fine-tuned universe for us because we're here to observe it. If it was anything else, we wouldn't be here."
"Maybe we are just a great zoo for the universe."
"The moon looked amazing and I was just looking at the corona and the color, it was like a blood moon with this massive corona."
"Honestly, it looks like they've got more pepperoni than you usually get."
"Look at what your opponent is doing and try to conceptualize it as an argument."
"He waits, he waits, he looks away, and still, it's perfect."
"It's not time but it is causality which is responsible for allowing us to see what we observe as time."
"Vegeta watches in amazement. With immortality, he can exploit Saiyan power boosts."
"I hope that was a little bit more eye-opening for those who are watching."
"The world is full of clues and you can read your way through it."
"Hawks are known for their exceptional eyesight and can spot rabbits from a mile away."
"A vagrant: what a profession. Daring and savvy, always watching the horizon, always looking for an opportunity."
"Nicely done from simple, just waiting on the angle."
"The formula in the books is a recipe to make interesting and compelling observations about how systems work, how they fail, how they are challenged, how they are eroded, and how they are saved."
"Imagine being on a plane and looking out your window to see this."
"It is looking like a creek; that's a good sign."
"There's so few that come in triangle shapes."
"I'll be watching with great interest what happens over the next year."
"We used to live in the United States of America. We now live in the Divided States of America."
"History rhymes; civilizations and societies tend to follow cycles: boom, bust, feast, famine, war, peace, cultural experimentation, a retrenchment back to the old ways of doing things."
"By now, you've probably also noticed all this mumbo-jumbo about reputation."
"Virgos notice everything. They analyze it so intensely that they can literally figure a situation out."
"This is spawn Island now, very interesting, it actually looks pretty beautiful."
"It's amazing to me how you can be so smart, yet so stupid at the same time."
"It's a game about observation, not just for others but also for yourself. Trust me."
"Fool's talk, cows are silent, a wise man listens."
"It’s undoubtedly been the most mind-boggling experience watching the vivarium and all its living creatures live out their lives as they would in the wild."
"You observe from everyone. You try to find your own style within that."
"We're in an expansion event. The details are all around us now. We need to wrap it into a big picture as to what's going on."
"We are living in the age of information but we have more compromised people than we have ever seen in any time. Sad."
"After laughter is about the look on people's faces when they're done laughing. If you watch somebody long enough, there's always this lip, it comes across their face when they're done smiling, and I always find it really fascinating to wonder what it is that brought them back to reality."
"We're really bad at predicting the future and so the more that you can be a market observer rather than a market predictor, you start to just understand crazy stuff happens."
"Okay, Disney, why you got to be so real all of a sudden."
"I think he just smiled. I haven't seen him smile in three years."
"Elizabeth knew about these changes in Jeff. His personality had changed overnight, and it almost felt like he was a completely different person."
"In order to see, we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at."
"When you jump off the merry-go-round, you can actually watch what goes around in circles; when you watch what goes around in circles, pretty much you have control of your life."
"Science is a tool that we developed to help us observe and interpret the habitual behavior of the natural world."
"If you look, you go see, the man with two eyes gonna see twice as much."
"Sometimes the wildest things at the zoo aren't the animals."
"Innocuous moments and subtle movements take on a new level of meaning when your mind isn't distracted by other people."
"Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief may be preserved."
"We know now that in the early years of the 20th century, this world was being watched closely."
"Learning to observe these things and ask yourself these questions, really handy for a writer."
"It's literally just an eye, bro, look at it. It's a floating Eye of Ender, it's huge."
"The double slit experiment...the electrons would change how they interacted based on whether or not they were being observed."
"My consciousness retreated and became an audience to my perils, and I could do nothing."
"We're a civilization in steep decline... we are in a total collapse of our civilization at the moment, and it's not fun to say; it's just happening."
"Be silent, pay attention, observe with your eyes and ears."
"You get to see who responds well under pressure."
"The point of the show was watching a black guy go to like Scotland to be like, 'Man, y'all are crazy.'"
"Look at this distinguished grass, look at the way it's growing. Very distinguished."
"We continue to see evidence of stabilization in some of the areas around the country."
"I went back in and watched a lot of these movies over the last few weeks to get prepared for this and I've noticed the level of music in some scenes nowadays seem to be lower than they were back 30 years ago."
"The animals, without exception, appeared to be in excellent condition and showed no adverse prolonged side effects."
"Wow, that is so spot on. What? They even have like the same beard and everything."
"It was like a mountain made of human bodies, some were seemingly uninjured when you look at them from the outside. There's not a single scratch on them but still, they were laying there dead."
"Even as someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of this world, it was so clear to me how authentic it was."
"Earth is surrounded by small objects called Near-Earth Asteroids, and some of them are potentially hazardous."
"There are great photo opportunities everywhere you go; you just have to know how to spot them."
"You just have to know how to use them. There are amazing photo opportunities everywhere you go."
"But what to be a fly on the wall in one of those bustling nights."
"The way science works is you see something unusual that your beliefs about the universe don't explain, and then you set off trying to explain it."
"There's an attention to detail that really blows my mind here."
"The first step in solving a problem is seeing it. You can't solve what you don't see."
"I'm very good at observing things, and I will continue to be very good at observing things into the near future."
"Ignore what he says and follow what he does, and you're a happy camper."
"Look and See... it's so rife with human wisdom."
"Chemistry is incredibly interesting...you open up your kitchen, open up your refrigerator, and see things that were made chemically all around you."
"I'm not the only one who's noticed everything is getting expensive. We are in the biggest economic crisis since 2008."
"Morality is an enterprise not just of intuition but we sort of use observation and reasoning to determine if we are really acting morally."
"Three cows following a human as if they almost understand him. Could it be a new form of communication we haven't seen before?"
"It wasn't until I got more used to checking that I started to notice what it looked like when an actual fish bit on the bobber."
"When we look out into the universe, we're looking backwards in time."
"Mentalists and magicians are the world heavyweight champions of having secret ways to know what you're looking at."
"Sometimes you can learn a great deal by observing people, both enemies and friends."
"Make your choice, make your kill. I just want to observe... and admire."
"I sometimes feel like if I...when I was working, when I was taking the subway all the time, when I was going to school in the city, and like when I was hanging out with my friends...there was a kind of a part of the zeitgeist that I felt. If there was material for anything, like, I feel like that was very rich in material because you're observing things from like a very linear standpoint of...like you're part of the culture."
"Maybe we're the cosmic drive-in movie theater, we're so weird and strange that they come from all over the place and other dimensions to check us out and they have different motives and different interests."