
Entertainment Quotes

There are 120323 quotes

"I think in some ways, wrestling's more honest or legitimate, because we start with the idea that it's fixed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In wrestling, theater is the goal, at some level, and everybody knows it who goes into those arenas, who watches it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's all performance. It's all the charisma of the people involved."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's so cool when you can entertain and do good at the same time."
"I hope it helps, entertains, and educates people."
"His comedic style, characterized by physicality and an innate sense of timing, influenced generations of comedians and entertainers."
"Let's have all three: you don't need to do the voice, knowing your character's motivation and subtext so you can improvise their reaction leads to drama, and just sitting around playing, rolling dice, and killing zombies is fun."
"That was the best movie ever, are you serious right now?"
"I'm hungry to see some creative attacking football."
"This game was so crazy, man. This game was awesome."
"Relationships are far more about enlightenment than they are about entertainment."
"Television... it's just like constant source of comfort you can keep coming back to."
"The video game industry is a $200 billion plus industry. It's bigger than music. It's bigger than movies."
"February 7th, 2014, the Lego movie came out. As a 7-year-old, this movie blew my mind."
"If your job is to entertain, you best stay childlike."
"Watching other people's drama is fun, sometimes, but ultimately it's only fun if it's not really a big deal, and both parties can walk away from it at the end of the day."
"Can you handle this? I don't think they can handle this!"
"Politics is entertainment at this point. You have to win the crowd, as they say in Gladiator."
"Visual illusions have an endless capacity to mesmerize, delight, and, yes, divide us."
"Can we admit the cat is the real star of the show?"
"Grab your popcorn and your thought juice and get comfortable."
"The visualization the elite athletes use is crucial; they run their races a thousand times in their mind."
"It's just so interesting to me that people want to watch people do anything, literally anything."
"From the start of the electronic age, entertainment has been a key focus for innovation."
"Someone I have loved for so long, fellow mukbang queen and the funniest person on the internet, Miss Chelsea Lee."
"Being mean is like watching a TV show; it's for entertainment but at the same time, you're just wasting time."
"If you look at how it is, every single professional sport is a show."
"I like Paul Rudd. I like Meryl Streep. I like, I love Selena Gomez. Love Selena Marie. She's so beautiful. I love everything about her."
"Oh man, no, we started off hot man and hopefully we can keep the energy up and keep putting on good shows for these good fans."
"Can we make wisdom spread as far and as fast as entertainment?"
"The impact I want to have on the world is to transform and revolutionize the entertainment industry so that it becomes educational without anyone knowing."
"As one of America's longest-running animated series, The Simpsons has a knack for making eerily accurate predictions."
"Hasbin Hotel is a good show with great aspects like the music and the animation."
"They are entertained watching me. Maybe you should take notes."
"The show must go on, and you got to give the people what they want."
"We are truly living in a golden age of horror."
"It's awesome. I really, really do love watching this offense. I think it's this and Miami are neck and neck as far as my favorite football to watch."
"By far, I think the best part of this entire movie is just having Jack Black voice the little robot Claptrap."
"It's not crazy to think that for the first movie, he'll start off with the classic iconic Superman logo in a Kingdom Come style."
"Do you want sick highlights? Insane rivalry? Then this is the place for you."
"Football is a kaleidoscope of banter and just funny outtakes."
"Let's take a look at all the wonderful, charming blunders of Star Trek: The Next Generation."
"Whether you back it up with your fist or you back it up with your mouth, you want to tune in."
"Grab some snacks, sit back, and relax. This is my experience of surviving 100 days on Raft."
"This game, the Gunplay, the abilities, the endless possibilities, the ridiculous number of activities to do, it's still phenomenal."
"The fight is in entertainment, where people's eyeballs are actually affixed."
"If you're not yet part of the Ian Nation, destroy that subscribe button for new videos every week because once we hit 10 million subscribers, I'm hosting the world's biggest Naruto run, and you're not gonna want to miss it."
"I have no idea what episode number it is, but I know it's an episode and that you're going to like it. All four big strong men are here."
"Thank you to everyone who is here and watching, who's ever watched Fun House and enjoyed it, who's been supportive of the people here and the stuff that we've tried to do over 9.2 years."
"Get us excited. Still be funny, still be entertaining."
"Since the dawn of time, circa 2005, children everywhere have debated which Avatar bending style was superior, ironically missing the entire point of the show."
"Bearing the answers you seek, I have compiled the definitive bending tier list to finally put an end to this hundred-year war."
"But now that I've got a chance to sit down and actually binge through the whole thing, I gotta admit that these have got to be some of the best episodes that the team has ever delivered."
"But now it's time to do what we love to do at the end of every season of Rick and Morty, sit down and analyze the season's theme."
"This is how you perform a nominated song at the Oscars that dares to be fun."
"Let's watch all those Roblox videos now, and then we'll play a hilarious flight attendant simulator app game that'll make you feel so much better on the plane ride."
"I love laughing. I love goofy stuff. 98% of what I watch on TV are cartoons. I am a grown-up child who still laughs at farts."
"There's a lot of really good stuff in this show, a lot of fun little details. I very much recommend giving it a watch if you haven't."
"People love train wrecks. We love watching [stuff] that we shouldn't love watching because it's entertaining and it piques our human intrigue."
"Let's see what happens during that fight... it's really, really epic."
"Disney is reviving the beloved X-Men cartoon from the '90s with a new series that follows that one."
"This series is still known for having one of the greatest cartoon theme songs of all time."
"I love everything about it; can't tell you why, it's just comical."
"You're not going to believe it, but we got an amazing, all-time of an episode here coming up at you."
"Thank you so much for being here; I really appreciate you. Let's have some fun, y'all."
"The stream was highly entertaining and I feel it's given us a great chance to talk about the major differences between playing a game for personal enjoyment and streaming a game for the audience's entertainment."
"Good streamers find the balance between enjoying what they do and entertaining the audience as they do it."
"The game itself is set dressing; it's background ambience. It's being used to bring people together and to enhance the entertainment value of the stream."
"We want you back on television, and by 'we,' I mean me and the world."
"I freelanced in this crazy business for 20 years before Dirty Jobs became a thing."
"Dirty Jobs simply required me to assume the role not of a host or an expert, but as an avatar, as an apprentice."
"Shows like Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs, they launched an entire world of new programs."
"Humor is there to make you laugh, and obviously not every joke is a hit."
"Guardians of the Galaxy works so well due to its perfectly balanced character portrayals and well-timed humor."
"The creative leads have always understood that historical fiction can be extremely cool when well done."
"For a movie based on a creaky old ride from an amusement park, it is shockingly good."
"Something about the devil-may-care attitude of the main character and swashbuckling nature of pirates in general was very infectious."
"We're just frying ourselves, even with our phones. We're so constantly amused, we can't even tap into what's actually fun anymore."
"Those weekends where it feels like something's off, those are always the ones where you end up having the most fun, having breakthroughs on stage."
"I might be biased, but uh, I'd actually watch Peppa Pig if it were like this."
"Mr. Beast is launching an Amazon Prime TV series that is supposed to be the biggest game show in the world."
"We're working to make the kind of entertainment that you want, the kind of entertainment that you can enjoy, that speaks to you without speaking down to you."
"Independence Day shattered box-office records, burned itself into the imagination of a generation, and rewrote the language of summer action movies."
"Independence Day thrills, excites, inspires, might even make you think, but mostly just wants to make you stand up and cheer, or at least smile. Damn it, it's a movie, not a funeral."
"One of the best days of the year, here we are going to do Hot Seat, Cool Throne, we are doing #mad online, correct Hank?"
"What are you waiting for? Game Time is the best place for last-minute seats, up to 60% off your favorite events."
"Humor is subjective, of course, but using subjectivity to claim so much more about a show than necessary is a problem."
"We have assembled a star-studded cast from The Spectator... we just locked the doors to make sure they couldn't get out until the broadcast went on air."
"Congratulations, you just clicked on the best video in the entire world."
"A comedy club is where we can safely have some laughs, in the dark, very drunk. It's also a bar, but it's safer than a bar."
"Guys, I'm gonna tell you right now, today's hot tub stream is about to be legendary for many reasons."
"You guys ever watched Good Mythical Morning? Mythical Chef Josh is here in the flesh, dude."
"Cosmic queries, it's become one of my our most popular formats."
"I regret watching that one, but you know what, you won't regret watching my world record speedrun in Pokemon with guns."
"For the first hundred or so years of wrestling as a public spectacle, the predetermined nature of it was not publicly acknowledged."
"Wrestling is more accurate to look at like a long-running, perpetual soap opera with drama that plays out in the ring and backstage."
"I think that entertainment can be productive much in the same way that a fun television series can imbue moral character into the people who watch it."
"Let these gay pirates destroy your life. You, I promise, will not regret it."
"The whole point of these things is to be silly, to be the opposite of a fatality, to get laughter out of somebody rather than shock."
"This is not just entertainment; we can all be learning from this, looking at the red flags, learning what not to do."
"The only two minutes of entertainment I got out of the entire night."
"Thanks for watching this has been kind of a you know an episode with a lot of tutorialization and stuff like that but hopefully you can see why I'm having such a good time with Darkest Dungeon so far."
"He is probably the most entertaining informational YouTube page on the planet."
"The modern audience is the same as the old audience; we just like good stuff."
"When you open up Apple TV Plus and you open up a movie, you have a beautiful experience."
"Those of you who have seen one know the experience they're about to have: you're going to laugh, you're going to learn, and when you go home, I can guarantee this will be the talk you will tell other people about."
"All right, we're checking out the only game where you can run 2 million mph, punch the Earth in half, and lift the entire known universe. It's Roblox."
"It's kind of sad that such rampant negativity can be spawned from a franchise that is all about never allowing the darkness to win and holding on to hope at all costs."
"I hope you're ready for a double watch along tonight."
"You're so much fun to watch. Thank you, I appreciate that a ton."
"Pinky and the Brain, an animated television show about two mice who develop schemes to take over the world."
"Blackadder is a series of British period sitcoms that aired on BBC One from 1983 to 1989."
"The show is critically acclaimed and often ranked as one of the best British sitcoms of all time."
"Jubilee...they just get a lot of interesting characters and concepts and then they put them to life."
"What a moment for the Red Dragons here, Wrexham's real Hollywood moment came at the end of the National League season when they gained promotion."
"If you want to pay money to be entertained, Darwin Nunez is your man."
"People enjoy feeling like they are just on this couch with us talking so much more than an interview or someone trying super hard."
"Kazmir gets more bookings than Taylor Swift."
"Get your popcorn, buckle up buttercup because we are in for a not even a bumpy road, just like we're in for Everest."
"Fans decide who wins this. Well, that's why it's the People's Choice."
"My job is simple: I make fun videos to entertain you guys."
"My entire job is simple: I make fun videos to entertain you guys, and then you guys enjoy them. The end."
"This is the kind of laugh-out-loud ego trip that you've got to see to believe."
"Watching someone just live a good happy life is not entertainment; we need to see the struggles."
"Thanks a lot for watching this Thanksgiving Kill Count."
"Destiny's Child is making a comeback featuring, of course, Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, and the one whose name nobody remembers or knows."
"This has been an incredible year for Fantasy, with some amazing releases across all mediums."
"It's important to try and mix up your viewing habits."
"It's a kid's movie, man. Yes, yes, yes. Is it one of those kids' movies that sometimes has hearts, and like, as an adult, you get something else out of it?"
"That movie blew up, made a quarter billion dollars."
"I knew I was the best in the world. No doubt that if the right person sees me, I am one of the greatest entertainers on Earth. All you need to do is come into my room, and you don't have to pay to see me. You can be there just to drink booze and get laid, but by the end of the night, you'll know."
"Whatever it takes, we will do it. We're going to have an s arcade; it's going to remind us of some Chuck E. Cheese."
"His content has not only entertained but educated, making the intricate world of fighting games open and approachable to all."
"This performance was the grand finale of the night with 9 million live viewers watching around the world."
"This all-new land completely immerses you in the world of Star Wars."
"Fuka truly enjoyed the movie and on their way back home, all she talked about was the song of her favorite singer, Kyuki."
"More Americans are gonna watch cat videos today than they will the news."
"I mean, there's just... by the way, you can go on a binge of Norm MacDonald stuff because all of it is funny. You will lose hours of your day."
"Two World Class Warriors risking it all for our entertainment."
"She's always a vibe. I feel like we got good chemistry together, we make you guys laugh."
"That's the most adorable thing I've ever seen."
"Let's not waste any time, let's get right into the show."
"The Jackbox Party Pack’s design is supremely inclusive, and makes it the ultimate party game."
"It's the best when you know a karaoke song so well you don't even need to look at the screen."
"American Chopper roared onto our screens, giving an insider's view into the world of custom motorcycle building and the intricate dynamics of a family-run business."
"Unless you've been living under a rock, you should know just how acclaimed Marcel the Shell with Shoes On and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish were."
"On the bright side, that bunny's new hide-and-seek function is going to be a hit with the kids."
"It was cringe so hard that it goes all the way around back to funny."
"The new Mario Brothers movie is going to be off the chart."
"While the Oscars show was certainly something to behold, the red carpet we could have done without."
"It's fun to play, it is genuinely, inconsistently challenging and entertaining, and it has a colorful naturalism that carries the player along with it."
"Peace, love, and failed roller coasters, I'll catch you guys next time. Bye."
"You got to give [fans] something to support. So, the idea that it was streaming out of the ground after 20 minutes, I'm not surprised."
"This game went places I was not at all expecting. Really fun, and definitely on the shorter side."
"This is by far the longest playthrough so far of the series, and it was still a load of fun, just a little bit too easy at the very end."
"It was a major time period for culture and entertainment in America: literature, art, music, and cinema flourished during this time period as the Golden Age of Hollywood began."
"All right, butter up your popcorn and strap in, folks."
"You provide value, value, value... It's the three E's, right? You're putting out content that is either educational, encouraging, or entertaining."
"With over 800 Champions, full-blown PVE and PVP gameplay, beautiful graphics, and constant updates keeping things fresh, [the game] really scratches my itch for fantasy gaming."
"I think Resident Evil games are a really good example of how you surround the player with frustration... that's where the fun of the game is."
"So addicted to this series, I check for a new episode every day, and when I do see one, I get excited."
"It's a visually stunning anti-hero romp that's fun to play, even if the things you're actually doing are somewhat repetitive."
"Nobody puts on a better show. As far as production value, dude, I just like how he doesn't give a [expletive]. He's a savage."
"I love good movies. Movies that make me laugh or cry."
"Jason won the lottery by meeting David because he's a performer by nature. This was his chance to let someone else be the brains and mainly focus on being funny."
"One of the most anticipated releases of the holiday season is the Warner Brothers released prequel film, Wonka, directed by Paul King of Paddington fame and starring Dreamboat Superstar Timothy Chalamet."
"My wife makes fun of me because our most successful streams... have all been when I'm doing something that would, by a typical gameplay experience, not be considered playing the game."
"Here's to our furry panda friend creating chaos and providing a good chuckle in the process."
"What I can do is hopefully bring a smile, a laugh in this hard time."
"Good evening, everybody, and welcome once again to the midnight ride."
"It's like in Starship Troopers when they're blowing those things up into orbit."
"It's entertainment, putting smiles on people's faces."
"Welcome to Game Theory, the show that's downloaded too many viruses in the name of content."
"So much drama, so much destruction, so much of so many good things."
"I love you man, and we love all of you out there. Thanks for watching."
"Nothing beats that nostalgic feeling of firing up either Silent Assassin or Blood Money, hacking back to those days playing on a massive TV in my parents' living room on my PS2."
"I became engrossed in franchises like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Bioshock. Then, I became a massive GTA fanatic."
"Diversification is important for the same reason that you would want your entertainment to come from more than just one video game."
"Integrity is the one word that comes to mind when I think of Penn & Teller."
"Virtual assistants... they were just a fun thing to have around on the PC."
"Pop quiz hotshot, welcome back to Pop Quiz Hot Shot."
"This has become new and when you've got the biggest stars competing, fans are interested."
"Every time I jump in it just feels like I'm using the next frontier of computing and entertainment."
"Ghost Rider is one of the best roller coasters that you'll ever go on."
"It's that spooky time of year where creepy creeps materialize and Halloween is upon us."
"I'm entertained by it, and I start to root for the underdog, no matter what their name is on the back of their jersey."
"We need to rebuild the foundation and get back to playing entertaining football."
"Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts... This is my favorite theme park land of all time."
"Intense emotional rollercoaster awaits, viewer discretion advised."
"That was super fun, like probably the most immersive theater experience I've ever been in."
"It's a good addition to Universal Studios Florida, some people may say otherwise because it's not as exciting for them, but I disagree, I think it's going to be fantastic."
"It makes me truly laugh out loud every single time I see it."
"I promise these are going to be a great end to your day at Hollywood."
"The front half of the Mansion is the spooky Mansion with the stretch room and the ghost host and all the scary things within, while the second half is the fun, whimsical mansion."
"The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is definitely one of the best themed and intricate attractions that Disney's ever built."
"Hollywood Studios has some of the best rides in all of Walt Disney World."
"A lot of what makes this park great are the shows."
"A mix of the frightening and the frightfully funny, the shivering journey through an eerie haunted estate that's home to 999 happy haunts relies on audio-animatronics, special effects, and simple visual trickery to create a ghoulishly delightful experience."
"There's no doubt that after all these years, The Haunted Mansion is one of the all-time classic attractions, a ghastly entertaining encounter that everyone needs to experience at least once in their life."
"The Great Movie Ride casts guests on a spectacular journey into cinema, including visits to such classic movies as The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Alien."