
Wrestling Quotes

There are 18336 quotes

"I think in some ways, wrestling's more honest or legitimate, because we start with the idea that it's fixed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In wrestling, theater is the goal, at some level, and everybody knows it who goes into those arenas, who watches it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The pride of a Luchador in their mask and gear... that's part of the magic."
"In the world of professional wrestling, if you're not evolving, you're standing still."
"Juice Robinson, he's really got all the makings of somebody poised to really break out here in AEW in 2023."
"You thought that was impressive, did you? That was just a taste of what Juice Robinson is all about."
"James had had enough, over 20 years of challenges and doubters throughout her career in pro wrestling."
"Wrestling gave me my dreams, dreams of stuff that I dreamed about when I was a little girl, I could be a star one day."
"Wrestling is more accurate to look at like a long-running, perpetual soap opera with drama that plays out in the ring and backstage."
"Undoubtedly, the return of Lesnar...certainly drew more eyes to the TV screens that night."
"Wrestling can be unpredictable. You don't know who you're going to meet, what kind of character they'll be, or where they've been. It's a world where anything can happen."
"Wrestling's true magic lies not in the predictability of its outcomes, but in the journey, the performance, and the momentary belief in the impossible."
"Mankind is the best underdog babyface of all time. If you're gonna argue with that, you're wrong."
"The dynamic between the two was, arguably, one of the most iconic tandems in wrestling history."
"There's a generation of wrestling when wrestling was the biggest thing in the world that a lot of us grew up on."
"The life Sting has pumped into this place... we were the final stop on what is the greatest career of all time."
"He just had something about him that just told me, 'I am going to make sure that you retire the right way.'"
"Sting has elicited emotions from crowds around the world that most wrestlers could only hope they would achieve."
"Elimination occurs when you are thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor. The last man in the ring will be declared the winner of the Royal Rumble and will advance to the main event of Wrestlemania."
"It used to be something that...people got in because they were deserving in the overall history of wrestling, and now it's become a modern popularity contest amongst people with the most shallow knowledge of the wrestling industry and its history imaginable."
"The best characters in wrestling are when it's the real you, just your personality turned up to 11."
"The final straw in the first Vince Russo era of WCW came when Russo suggested they have a battle royal to crown a new champion and nominated Tank Abbott to win the thing."
"Woods began a star turn that few realized was a star turn upon the formation of the New Day."
"You might have projected big things for Lynch, perhaps a title reign or several."
"Everything from displaying their exuberant personalities to the amazing matches and storylines, The New Day has an argument for the greatest and most consistent group in wrestling history."
"Sean says he delivers better than the post office. HBK won't let anyone down at the Royal Rumble."
"No matter what happens during a WWF card, Sean says he always gives the best performance of the night."
"Access to past matches and wrestling footage is vital for learning and improving, highlighting the need for better archival access."
"There's no one nicer that you'll ever run into in any wrestling locker room."
"The bloodline, Roman Reigns, The Rock, The Usos, Solo Sikoa, they're all related, but their roots run deep underground and far back in time, supporting a much larger, ancient, very complicated family tree."
"Everyone knows wrestling is fake, but the entertainment of wrestling is the exaggeration of the performance. The wrestlers have to sell us on every throw, every leap, and even if it's not real, every hit has to feel like a hit."
"He's the smartest person I know. I think he's the smartest person I've ever known, not only in wrestling but in any walk of life."
"WrestleMania 40 is being heralded as the biggest WrestleMania in the history of WrestleMania."
"He's beat leukemia, he's beat all of your favorites. The man can't be pinned because his shoulders don't know what the mat's supposed to feel like."
"Invincible Fight Girl, an action comedy set in wrestling world, a place where wrestling is more than just sport and spectacle; it's a way of life."
"Vince McMahon is arguably the most successful wrestling promoter there has ever been."
"There's nothing better in all sports than to walk into a wrestling match and walk out champion."
"Only when you excel at all of these things will the WWE Universe embrace you as a true superstar."
"Keep doing what you're doing, kid, and you'll be a WWE Superstar in no time."
"Everybody's got to finish their story in the wrestling business, but there's another story to be told."
"Cody Rhodes has described himself as the best wrestler in the world, not only the best wrestler in the world, Andy, but the best wrestling in the world by a large margin. Everyone else stinks."
"The match was the epic that everyone was promised."
"Less a wrestling match than one of those monster movies like Godzilla vs King Kong, this Clash of the Titans had the 75,000 watching in the arena going banana."
"Perhaps they just tell a brilliant story and made us as fans feel something more than other matches."
"Bret Hart and the 1-2-3 Kid had one of the best televised matches in WWE history."
"The streak was the story, and Michaels and Taker skillfully played with the crowd's expectations."
"The rise and eventual coronation of Stone Cold Steve Austin was a sight to behold."
"Wrestling is arguably at its best when it's at its simplest: good vs. bad, black vs. white, hero vs. villain."
"At its core, professional wrestling is about and thrives off emotion."
"Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant, the irresistible force meeting the immovable object."
"Roman Reigns needs to be a heel because when he's nasty, when he's brutal and vicious, he comes across believable."
"The worst thing you can do in wrestling is not believe in it because then everything unravels."
"For many wrestling fans, this has been one of the greatest stories of their lifetime."
"Vince McMahon is actually making more money in the midst of the pandemic."
"At the end of the day, we are characters. My job is to be the most hated character ever, and I thrive in that situation."
"Wrestling is a buffet of entertainment and sometimes we just need to have fun and bust a move."
"You'd be hard-pressed to find better dancers in modern wrestling than The New Day."
"Too Cool and Rikishi didn't find themselves as characters until they teamed together as a dancing trio."
"The guy is being booked brilliantly by WWE. It's the simple fact that nobody will get over on Raw when Reigns is there."
"One of the WWE Universe's favorites is Liv Morgan."
"Over the past half decade, the Four Horsewomen of WWE have gotten much of the credit for the rise of female wrestling."
"Alexa Bliss, a five-time champion and two-time tag champion, is without a doubt one of the most decorated women's wrestlers in WWE history."
"Not to mention her character development from being a manager in NXT to becoming the goddess of the main roster."
"She played the dual role of helping Murphy and Blake to hold on to their tag team titles, all while rising up the singles ranks of the women's division on her own merits too."
"Given how much of a fan Vince McMahon has always been of people who can cut great promos, it should come as no surprise that he quickly fell in love with the Ohio native."
"Alexa wouldn't be content to play second fiddle for long; she quickly made it her aim to take the title away."
"I think all of the mixed bag of emotions that went into this show made for a very enjoyable Royal Rumble."
"There's no better sport in the world that's going to elicit a reaction out of you than Pro Wrestling."
"Edge comes out at number 21. Absolutely unreal."
"After Brock Lesnar was eliminated in this Royal Rumble, I thought this Royal Rumble was excellent."
"Tonight was one of the worst endings to a match I have ever seen in my 33 years of watching this product."
"Gohan wants to fight in the same gi as his late father to honor him."
"It's not a knock on her; it's just not realistic. And the crowd enjoyed this one too. As far as squash matches go, it's a big props to Alexa for making it look so painful."
"Despite Triple H's best efforts to impede your progress, you have accomplished amazing things on Smackdown."
"She's finally done it! From the moment that Mickie James arrived in TNA, she has been intent on one thing and one thing only, and that's having possession of a Knockout Championship, and she just accomplished her goal."
"Imagine you're traveling through North Dakota... and there it is, Mount Rushmore, but it's Mount Rushmore of women's WWE wrestlers."
"When you wrestle from that place of seriousness... you become an animal."
"I am a wizard, I am the Ocho, I am Chris Jericho, and I always win."
"Look at this, holding them up, vertical suplex. Take your pictures, this is your moment, fans."
"That right there is why the AEW fans love Jungle Boy."
"Helmsley owes a lot to Mankind and really Triple H helped fans see another side of Mick Foley."
"Through the mutilation of his own body, Mick Foley found dignity. Fans respected Cactus Jack and what he would do inside the ring."
"This was one of the WWF's best feuds at the time and it's a rivalry that I had a whole lot of fun revisiting for this video."
"Randy Orton, the challenger, he's ready for the championship he never held."
"A man who will never be duplicated, never be replicated, a man who is the main event on both nights of the biggest WrestleMania of all time."
"The longest reigning Undisputed WWE Universal champion of all time."
"You don't do what he's done at WrestleMania without a lot of hard work and a lot of effort."
"To be the first guy to go back to back at a Royal Rumble... that one will live forever. I'm on a short list of guys who have gone back to back."
"Bray Wyatt has repeatedly shown he's able to hold an audience in the palm of his hand, whether it's through promos or in-ring psychology."
"The uniquely titled Trampoline Wrestling Federation... the two brothers taught themselves how to wrestle by mimicking what they had seen on TV."
"I might just pack on the muscle and join the WWE because I already accomplished all my [__] goals."
"Kenny Omega is the best wrestler in the world right now."
"Being a wrestler that long and knowing that being a promoter is where the big money was, I can see why he would have wanted to be in that position."
"Regardless of what you think about the wrestling business or anything else, he's [ __ ] nuts and he can't take your eyes off of him."
"Thank you for being the only voice in wrestling that's as entertaining as you are honest."
"When it comes to the actual in-ring work, let's just focus on that."
"You have ears, listen. Roman needs to turn heel. I don't understand how anyone in WWE does not see that this is the right decision."
"WWE is so good right now that waking up at 4 a.m. to watch a WWE PPV is not something that I have to debate anymore."
"The million dollar man gimmick was and still is a fine example of what can be achieved when the company goes all in and sticks the course."
"Ted DiBiase, in my opinion, was one of the World Wrestling Federation's best complete packages."
"Money Inc. were a great tag team with a ton of character."
"And WrestleMania 34 was certainly all of those things and more."
"Gunther's reign as Intercontinental Champion had only just begun."
"No matter how you slice it, the success of Allin was AEW's biggest victory in 2023."
"WWE can step forward into 2024 and beyond with goodwill that hasn't been seen in several years."
"The true test would be what happened when they were put into the ring for a match."
"The Shield would finally come together to take on and defeat the New Day."
"Triple H holds the record for most WrestleMania losses."
"WrestleMania should be a two-night showcase."
"This was one of the best matches of the night."
"I could sit and watch the Usos and the New Day wrestle all day long."
"Smackdown had the best matches of the night. There's no doubt in my mind who the B show is here in WWE."
"This was the best match up until this point on the show."
"This was a great match, absolutely great match."
"Becky is still over to the point where she was just a couple months ago."
"Oscar has some of the best intensity in all of WWE."
"The WWE Universal Champion has been drafted to SmackDown effective immediately. Get out of the ring and grab your bags, it's time to go to your new home!"
"Seth Rollins makes everyone around him better."
"Daniel Bryan's gonna move on to bigger and better things."
"This match came in the main event of WrestleMania 33."
"The tribal Chief's talking his [ __ ] like man everyone gets to swear now in the Triple H era."
"Cody rhods has finished his story and is finally a top of the mountain as the WWE Universal Champion."
"The tag team match was a movie, I mean the rock actually did stuff he barely even had to."
"AEW quickly became the genuine alternative without any tethers or caveats."
"The bastard Pack successfully defends the AEW All Atlantic Championship."
"A lot of strange things transpired in the past weeks between Sting and in particular Darby Allin and the House of Black."
"Congratulations again to Miu Yamashita, victorious over Thunder Rosa here tonight on AEW Dark."
"Ultimate Warrior's popularity and pro wrestling can never be overlooked."
"The commentary team was lost for words when the plant big spot of the match was missed."
"WrestleMania 14 gave the fans what they wanted."
"The shock return of the Hardy Boyz - an instant WrestleMania moment."
"WrestleMania 30 was WWE’s ultimate happy ending."
"In a match often cited as the end of the Attitude Era itself."
"At Final Resolution, it will be the return of Ultimate X!"
"If you have never seen this match, you are insulting yourself. Go change it now!"
"Stone Cold six reigns are peppered with some of the most iconic wrestling moments of all time."
"John Cena: The most polarizing champion on this list, but by this stage in his career, his greatness can hopefully be recognized."
"That's the fun thing about pro wrestling, not everything needs to look perfect."
"Thank you for the incredible support that you've given NWA TNA in the first year."
"Give us the superkick party, the Young Bucks and the Hardys is the biggest tag team match that you can possibly do right now."
"I'm the only man to take on Vince McMahon and win."
"This title is the crown jewel of our business."
"I came here to confront JBL about his plan to handicap Raw."
"I am everything that All Elite Wrestling represents."
"I am going to win the Owen Hart Foundation tournament because there's nobody more determined in this division."
"I can't allow CM Punk to have a world championship because you can't have something that you don't respect."
"At Double or Nothing, I will defend the AEW championship not against CM, but from it."
"It's the biggest event in wrestling history as the stars of aew descend on London."
"Women's wrestling is at a point now where we are viewed equally as the men."
"To be the AEW Women's Champion is everything to that entire division."
"All Elite Wembley, over 80,000 tickets sold. This is a moment in time and a moment in history, and we don't want anyone to miss it."
"This is bigger than any WrestleMania. This is bigger than any Tokyo Dome. This is bigger than anything."
"Samoa Joe, somebody who should have been a world champion."
"Former Iconics also released, one of the best women's tag teams."
"Isn't it absolutely bonkers? She signed a new WWE contract, and now she's gone."
"Samoa Joe coming down the ramp at AEW and cutting a scathing promo at the heel Elite like he did on SmackDown, man, that was awesome."
"There are no two ways about it, no real room for debate. Hulk Hogan is one of the most culturally significant pro wrestlers to ever lace up with boots."
"With a wrestling career which saw him selling out arenas around America and selling truckloads of merchandise, it's safe to say that Terry Belaya, the man behind the legend, has reaped the rewards of his success."
"Wrestling fans watch the wrestling program to see the wrestlers wrestle."
"Walmart exclusive TNF bash at the beach 3-pack Macho Man Randy Savage."
"That's the thing, for everyone thinking 'yeah, but they could all just go to AEW,' it's not that easy."
"A sad day for wrestling. These are talented people who are now without a job."
"Keep up the good work Wrestle Talk, and my thoughts are with the talents being released today."
"With all that power and passion and patriotism, I truly personally believe that Lacey Evans has exactly what it takes to fight all the way through the tournament and win the May Young Classic." - Commentator
"Jazzy Gabert, she's your pick, yep. I'm gonna go all the way." - Corey Graves
"There's no denying how impactful Bailey's babyface run was when she was in NXT."
"Call on Mickie James when you need to see a solid match."
"China rose from a valet position with degeneration X to become one of the most accomplished and beloved performers of her era."
"Lita seemed destined to be a star right from the get-go."
"They could be your next world tag team champions easily."
"That's a big kick out by Peter, right? Another payback, that was the receipt!"
"You know what man, Swerve Strickland is one of the most talented guys, not just in the ring but outside the ring, absolute cool customer."
"He's got the calm, the composure, and the character of a really seasoned veteran in AEW."
"Piper with the eye poke, the clotheslines, the bumps, it's everything people want to see."
"I am happy to have the opportunity to be in action tonight on AEW Dark Elevation."
"This is AEW Elevation, where we celebrate all of the young men and women trying to make their way into All Elite Wrestling."
"Wow, brand new entrance music for Orange Cassidy. Wow, that's huge!"
"Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor are coming up on one of their biggest matches of the year."
"He's serious, fine, fine. Miro is just right now the amount of anger that he's suppressing is a little bit frightening."
"You gotta love Moxley even after he choked out Bill Collier, he ruffled his hair and said, 'Good try kid, good try.'"
"He just made a Marine Corps Martial Arts Drill Instructor tap out."
"AEW is a place where we get to hurt people, and we get to make money doing it."
"God, do it. Give me the Undertaker first Roman Reigns. God, he will never get out of Orlando alive."
"Why was Ricky Steamboat versus Randy Savage Wrestlemania three so great? Because it was like an early addition of like 21 false finishes."
"Matt Hardy can still go, yes he can go and he's got all that knowledge and experience..."
"I'm gonna show absolutely everybody why I'm la mera mera in AEW..."
"While Triple H has made appearances on TVs since this match, it seems unlikely we'll see him wrestle again."
"I welcome it. I thrive in it." - Hangman Adam Page
"Having Sting and Matt Hardy involved with it was very cool."
"It's pretty surreal, there's the lock up, the shove, the pose, the pop, my goodness!"
"Tony Storm comes out holding the belt, suggesting that maybe we're gonna get Jamie versus Tony one-on-one for the title."
"That's why Penta went straight up into John Moxley's face with the zero Miedo."
"You knew you were getting something right when MJF told the Firm to stay the hell away."
"I just want a healthy successful wrestling industry."
"I think he's the best TV wrestler in the world."
"I'm not worried about being the second coming of Shawn Michaels. I'm going to be the first Adam Cole."
"I was the longest reigning NXT champion of all time and guess who did that all by themselves? Oh, that's right, me did it all by myself."
"Every wrestling storyline should aim for this sort of narrative development, these twists and turns, and the cool matches that you get either end of it."
"The crowd was alive for this my goodness did they love La night my goodness did they love heckling Roman Reigns this is where the crowd really shined."
"On paper WWE Crown Jewel 2023 was shaping up to be one of the best WWE premium live events of the entire year."