
Imagination Quotes

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"I think it maintains that playfulness. Anything is possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What if you could alter your perception of time and space, experience what it feels like to be someone or something else—a tree, a lizard, or even a laugh?"
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"I am going to enjoy this period of time where my children are going to look like superheroes."
"Imagination is the ability to apprehend and perceive what could be."
"It's good to read or to watch science fiction to think about concepts radically different from our own experiences."
"Power is the ability to close your eyes, imagine a better world, open your eyes, and then make that world come true."
"When you can imagine yourself or others as the hero, as someone that's redeemed, you have a chance to change the narrative, change the ending."
"Surrender to creativity. Let your imagination soar, stay open to all creative ideas about how to pursue a dream or solve a problem."
"I'm just going to close my eyes and dream about unicorns and fairy tales."
"We are infinite beings but we are limited by our imagination."
"Maths and science is just as much creativity and imagination as it is all the facts and boring equations."
"I want a cupcake kingdom with a moat and alligators in it."
"We're really focused on making sure that everyone can realize their imagination as fast as they can."
"I was a Power Ranger when I was a kid... you can be anyone you want."
"Be like Peter Pan, believe you can fly and enjoy life."
"The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."
"Imagine yourself sitting on the surface of Mars and listening to the surroundings."
"Our mind is an exquisite time-travelling master."
"Reality is infinite consciousness, and reality is infinite imagination."
"Everything is imaginary; there is nothing but imagination. God is infinite consciousness."
"Your destiny is forged in the workshop of your imagination."
"The fact that you can generate worlds... makes you think like how easy it's to create universes."
"Imagine how different our lives would be if we had access to ancient wisdom and technology."
"Your gift will make room for you. That's exactly what it's been doing. I've been touching a lot of people in the world, helping them get closer to God, chase their dreams."
"Space has a near universal ability to capture our imagination unlike anything else, to energize dreamers and doers alike."
"Just imagine a city that housed all the knowledge of the world."
"You get to hang out with Leonardo Da Vinci and see these people actually existing."
"Judgmental people are lazy and have no imagination."
"You are able to do much more than my wildest imaginings according to your power at work in my life."
"Intuition and imagination are also vastly important... Imagination is actually how we go to meet the world and understand it."
"If we are not imaginatively engaged with the world, we just can't see a lot of things that are there."
"Some houses have a small storage closet underneath the stairs; it's like a little Harry Potter room."
"What we know now from looking at brains on the functional MRI, is that if I make an effort to notice what I imagine seeing and hearing and feeling, the part of my brain that processes vision is active."
"Luigi's Mansion 3 is one of the most imaginative adventure games I have ever played."
"People do not realize their own power. Fortunately for you, you are exactly where you must be to exercise your greatest gifts: your will and your imagination."
"The purest dreams, the purest fantasies about cars are the ones from childhood, before you even learn to drive."
"Forza Horizon 5 lets me inhabit for a moment the kid who would find a toy car in the mud, take it home, wash it off, and delude himself into thinking he had rescued it and given it a good home."
"Water towers can fly, burned in my brain from the early days of watching you."
"Spider donkey does whatever a spider donkey does."
"No, baby Nugy, I'm not sad because I'm hungry. Actually, in matter of fact, my stomach just growled. I am hungry. But anyways, now, baby nugget, I'm sad because you're not real. You're just an animated chicken nugget popped on my screen, and you are never real and never will be."
"Few people have the imagination for reality."
"I want a strawberry frosted donut, the strawberry frosted donut replies, 'Coming right up.'"
"Myths and dreams are the only ways we know what way we want to grow."
"Much like plants in a garden, humans need air, and we need to be able to grow towards the sun and our imaginations towards Asgard."
"Humans need to be able to use our imaginations and dream to be able to live."
"The more uninspiring your origins, the more likely you are to use your imagination and invent worlds where everything seems possible."
"Storytelling is almost as necessary as bread. We cannot imagine ourselves without it."
"Lucid dreaming is when you, not your dreaming self, your conscious self, controls the dream. You are literally a god; the universe is your playground."
"One can't believe impossible things," "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
"The impact I want to have on the world is to encourage, enhance, and enable pure physical play for every child. And, I qualify a child as anyone with imagination."
"The most common source of ongoing stress is your imagination. It's worrying."
"If you extend the idea of a thing to be co-equal to the thing, that means Narnia exists because I have a map of Narnia."
"In the imagination lab, prepare to be captivated by a visual spectacle, encounter mind-bending projections, optical marvels."
"It fortifies our imagination, awakening a primal lust for exploration and discovery."
"The freedom of the monster-filled adventures I dreamed of as a child a playable reality."
"You're limited to your imagination, you know what I'm saying? And there's no limits to that."
"Because we're playing Giant versus Tiny hide and seek."
"This music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles."
"A rich internal world...includes how they interpret situations and people, their imagination."
"If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses."
"Humans are the only animal that creates imaginary things and by imaginary things... like corporate entities and Nations."
"The command zone is an imagined thing... what constitutes what it is, it's something we created from nothing."
"For anything to happen in the real world, it first has to happen in the imaginary world."
"Identity and imagination are crucial for understanding oneself and others."
"We are imagination; we are one with the Creator, and the Creator is imagination."
"These days, kids have more imagination in their pinkies than most adults have in their whole bodies."
"Allah is describing that this is an experience unlike anything we can imagine in this world. This makes us understand what the prophet said, 'Heaven has never been imagined by a soul.'"
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - ALBERT EINSTEIN, On Science
"By imagination, we have the power to be anything we desire to be."
"Only as we live by imagination can we truly be said to live at all."
"Imagination is our redeemer, "the Lord from Heaven" born of man but not begotten of man."
"Imagining oneself into the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the means by which a new state is entered."
"All happiness depends on the active voluntary use of imagination to construct and inwardly affirm that we are what we want to be."
"It is possible to resolve every situation by the proper use of imagination."
"Imagine getting bit by a dog with a ponytail, bro."
"How about we build a pillow fort? That can protect us."
"Your imagination...it's where so many dreams and goals have been achieved."
"Reality is a million times richer than anything that we can imagine."
"God is infinite imagination, God is infinitely selfless, God is one and God contains the many."
"Once again, I dream of a globe beneath the filthy skin of the world. The light through the black wood, the pale door, the old man."
"No eye has seen it, and no ear has heard it; it's never even come to the wildest imagination of a person."
"Nothing stands between you and the fulfillment of your dreams but facts, and facts are the creations of imagining."
"If you change your imagining, you will change the facts."
"He who does not imagine in stronger and better liniments, and in stronger and better light than his perishing and mortal eye can see, does not imagine at all."
"The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which the mystic aspires."
"The imagination is the forerunner of created reality."
"What if there is a game where you and another person wore a helmet that's connected and you both go to sleep and you can have a dream battle with the other person and anything you make up becomes real?"
"Your imagination, agents, is one of the most important tools that you have."
"The imagination is so powerful, agent, and that's why it's one of the most important tools that you can use for good and for bad."
"Remember, agents, your imagination is one of the most important tools for you to do anything that you're doing in your life and, most especially, importantly, for you to love everyone around you."
"Don't just consume the products of other people's imaginations; use your imagination to do something incredible."
"Man is all imagination, and God is man, and exists in us and we in him."
"The eternal body of man is the imagination, and that is God Himself."
"The real power which is our imagination allows us to create our reality."
"You have all the power and the ability to create your entire world as far as your senses can reach based on your imagination."
"The power of God, which is called in Scripture Jesus Christ, is your own wonderful human imagination."
"Objective reality is solely produced through imagination."
"Everything here was first only imagined, and then it became an objective fact."
"It's an ecosystem filled with throbbing 100 billion microscopic jellyfish sparking electricity at each other, trying to approach each other, shaving down, pruning, branching, arborizing."
"The ability to think and imagine permeates our entire existence."
"Our thoughts and imaginations are the catalyst of our dreams, the doorway to shaping our intellect, and the ticket to our creativity or lack thereof."
"Imagination is the working stuff of creativity, and creativity is the bridge to innovation."
"Imagination can be better for you. You can be better Imagineers if you choose to be more imaginative, if you ask yourself for ideas and images, if you seek more ideas, and you put them into action because after all, ideas are meaningless if you don't put them into action."
"We're talking about a topic entitled 'Just My Imagination'. We're talking about the place where we are born, the place where we communicate, and how we can be more effective in finding the victories that can come to us in the place of our thoughts and our imaginations."
"Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation."
"There's nothing more important than developing your imagination to transform your life from the inside world of your thoughts and feelings to the outside world of your results and manifest."
"The power of God is your own wonderful human imagination. That's the power of God. That is Christ."
"All things are possible to God because God is man's imagination."
"The power that created and sustains the universe is resident in you as your own wonderful human imagination."
"The meek shall inherit the earth because they have learned to use their imagination."
"The creative power of God is man's imagination. That is actually Jesus Christ Himself."
"And yet when you do meet the personification of your own imagination, you see a man, and that man is infinite love."
"That power is your own wonderful human imagination. That's the power of God."
"Awareness is all that exists for you. All that you are aware of exists, and that is done in your imagination."
"The Sixth Sense, which is the imagination, allows you to tap into a concept called infinite intelligence."
"Infinite intelligence is found in the human imagination."
"To consciously and voluntarily use our imagination to inwardly hear and say only that which is in harmony with our ideal is actively bringing heaven to earth."
"Imagination is the way to the state desired; it is the truth of the state desired and the life of that state desired."
"Your imagination is yours and yours alone. You can place anything into your imagination that you want to place there."
"The imagination is not a state; it's the human existence himself, and God is actually within you as your own wonderful human imagination."
"Your imagination is the engine of your faith."
"Everything must be first imagined before it can become a fact."
"Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you."
"If you can imagine something, you can achieve it."
"Make your inner conversations conform to your imaginal act."
"Continue to imagine what you want until you have actually obtained it. You do nothing else to obtain your desire."
"If you gave Opie Sam and Vulcan a set of Legos, they would build an entirely new universe."
"Your dog and your cat are imaginary... How cool is it to have an imaginary cat, an imaginary dog?"
"As soon as man assumes the feeling of his wish fulfilled, his fourth-dimensional self finds ways for the attainment of this end, discovers methods for its realization."
"All things that exist in the imagination can be experienced in what we call reality."
"You've never done this before, have you?" "Yes, many times... in my head."
"One seed can become so much more than you could imagine."
"When I think of orange, I think of like for some reason ice cream and like sugar."
"You have such a beautiful imagination. I'm hearing that you guys are able to channel creativity from the Akashic records and create beautiful art."
"The Allure of the unknown continues to captivate us, fueling our curiosity and our imagination."
"Science inspires the imagination... science has become our wings, the wings that have taken us to see the world from the beginning of time to the end of time."
"I love imagining what it would look like if we had a galactic supernova right here in our own Milky Way."
"God can do anything, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request or dream in your wildest dreams!"
"Role-playing games are one of the best kinds of imaginary creative experiences you can have with friends."
"Dreams every day and you see they think so deep and big."
"Luffy might be able to turn any sort of matter into rubber, and he can bend it to his will."
"It's easier to imagine Armageddon than an end to capitalism."
"Welcome to Wonderland, your new home. Isn't it beautiful?"
"Visualizations, like imagining that I'm a gigantic sea monster or a dragon, it's just so great for me to go to bed."
"Not everything needs an explanation, you know. In fact, most things are better off left to the imagination."
"Power to me is the ability to close your eyes and imagine the world the way you wish it was, and then open your eyes and make that world come true."
"The joy of reading... is you're imagining, you're visualizing."
"Tomorrow, I want 50 of my favorite princesses."
"Our imagination and creativity are inspired and structured by ideas and stories we're exposed to, especially when we're young."
"Imagine hearing that...a terrifying chorus of voices that both sound extremely close by and yet so far away at the same time."
"It's like the amount that you can do is only limited by your imagination."
"Learning to take what comes at you, whether it's monsters or some sort of character drama and letting your imagination go free. It's such a vital skill, both in D&D and in life."
"Your imagination is the womb that will give birth to your future."
"Everyone deserves the fun of playing in those fields, of being the hero or the villain."
"If you cannot imagine, you'll be stuck where you are forever, because you've done nothing that didn't become a thought of your imagination first."
"If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"
"Inside my code, you always be; endless fun that we can do in a world I built for you."
"SCP-294 is a coffee machine that can dispense anything, including abstract concepts like musical talent or lethal nuclear waste… which is definitely a new one."
"The revelatory element to thought is the appearance of new information in the theater of your imagination."
"It's kind of like watching a rainbow xylophone be possessed by Satan."
"I'm going to have all the most epic gaming food like enchanted golden apples inside."
"Mathematics and computer science are the most imaginative art forms ever."
"Empathy...requires imagination. And that is how we obtain understanding."
"Stop with the incessant insistence on the naive scientific method; give yourself more room to imagine, more room to play, more room to be wrong."
"Imagine a world where the concept of a limit did not exist, a world where the power of the human mind and imagination could shape reality itself."
"Duality, viewing particles as sometimes like particles, sometimes like waves, is one of the biggest leaps of imagination that quantum mechanics made."
"Nothing is scarier than an attack from the sky. Imagine a giant pterodactyl that can take your whole house off its foundation."
"Imagination is about creating your own designs using all the knowledge you've cultivated."
"Imagination, when paired with scrutiny, is central to the discovery process."
"We defeated my daddy, the evil super villain. We're the best superheroes ever."
"It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism."
"If you can visualize how something is going to happen truly in your mind, you can simulate virtually anything and play out any scenario you want."
"Our lives are a product of our imagination. We can create the life that we want if we believe in it, if we visualize it."
"Isn't stuff you don't understand exciting? Even though you don't get it, it's kind of like superhero cosplayers or someone else's designs of alien life and stuff, right?"
"We can actually get infinite money and we can also put boats on the land, which is pretty cool."
"This hypersonic temple is way stronger than I ever imagined it would be."
"This is no longer about the state; this is about trying to create a new political imagination of what comes after the Islamic Republic."
"It's almost like you're becoming the unicorn, realizing your true potential."
"Books are uniquely portable magic because it takes you to another world."
"What people want is a story that captures their imagination. The neural system that governs the imagination is a different system than the one that governs linguistic content. It's more archaic, emotional, instinctual, less attuned to the moment, and adapted to immediacy."
"The future is going to be beyond anything we can imagine."
"Oh, look at that rainbow, I want to slide down."
"Playing is not simply a pastime; it is the primordial basis of imagination and creation."
"What happened 10 years ago, they can still suffer. What may happen day after tomorrow, they already suffer. They are not suffering life; they think they are suffering life. They are not suffering life; they are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that human beings alone have: a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination."
"Use your imagination, become more creative. Don't take everything so literal; don't think it's all about logic."
"When people have time to themselves with nothingness and just have time to their thoughts, that's when your imagination and creativity like explodes."
"If you don't have an imagination, we wouldn't be that creative. We won't get all that, you know."
"Vision is limited only by the boundaries of your imagination."
"Generative adversarial networks are a particular kind of generative model... they do that completely from scratch, analogous to human imagination."
"Imagine if you could predict and see what happens next on your path."
"When you're dreaming, you create a universe within your mind."
"It's surreal, almost dreamlike, like a scene from The Chronicles of Narnia."
"It's literally the ability to turn anything you want, well, I guess anything that your body is touching, so your spit or your mucus or whatever, into a bomb."
"Architects indulging in visionary reveries or science fiction authors exploring the depths of human truth within futuristic realms of fiction."
"Photographs, which cannot themselves explain anything, are inexhaustible invitations to deduction, speculation, and fantasy."
"We're just all making these things up and what is there in our psyche that wants to read about these sorts of imaginary stories?"
"There’s no end to your imagination. No limit to what you can create."
"Your imagination knows no bounds. And I’ll always be here waiting for you, and our next adventure together."
"It's a whole new world literally; your imagination is pretty much the only thing that's preventing you to do whatever you want to do."