
Nature Quotes

There are 109109 quotes

"Takes your breath away, and we all have that when we see a dramatic sunset."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's like, oh, yeah, there are birds like this everywhere. I'm just not paying attention."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's all lies. Back to nature, the only truth."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting out of doors into nature can enhance various aspects of mental health, physical health, and thereby performance in different aspects of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We, unlike every animal, eat for the enjoyment of it, it doesn't happen in the wild."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nature is perfect, and it's the task of the scientist to discover in just what sense this is true."
"Have you ever looked out at a breathtaking sunset and wondered how you could keep that vivid image crisp and clear for the rest of your life?"
"Getting your hands in the dirt, you know? Literally grounding."
"It's the best! It's literally, it's a medicine."
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork."
"I would much rather you went for a walk in the cold every morning and reap the benefits contained therein, like getting out into nature, exercise, and the good stress of embracing a cold morning, rather than hand over your hard-earned money to a quack for some magic beans."
"To me, God is cold, you could say that. I think of the cold as a noble force, it's just helping me, it's training me, it's bringing me back to the inner nature the way it was meant to be."
"How does this view not put you in a good mood?"
"Nature can be merciless but righteous. Trust deeply and be confident that you have control over your mind."
"Just introducing plants, walks in nature, sunshine, and occasional biological stresses...transforms your biology."
"Modern society has disconnected us from our natural environment."
"Nature with its simple but harsh presence does not deceive... nature is sincere, it's neither for nor against us."
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
"Step outside and take a breath of fresh air."
"We need to come home to Nature and see that fractality to see that richness to be reminded of our origin."
"Transcendentalists... believed in the inherent goodness of nature and humanity."
"Spending time in or living close to natural green spaces is associated with a diverse and significant health benefits."
"Sometimes the best way to get better is not just to take a pill or a supplement, sometimes you actually just have to go outside and get nature's benefits."
"Whatever is closest to Nature will give us the most energy."
"A very beautiful piece of advice I could give you right now to improve your mental health: get back into nature consistently."
"Green thumb is like if you're good in the garden."
"It's actually kind of nice here, overnight challenge on the pond."
"Spending time in nature or viewing nature scenes can enhance your mood, alleviate stress, and promote a sense of well-being."
"The sweet musical notes, the two friends, the singing attracts a flock of nearby birds of all shapes and colors."
"I drink straight from the well, ice cooled, mineral-rich water from the well. It's awesome."
"Change your perception of reality, and you really look deep within nature...there is nothing that you're going through that cannot be reversed."
"Pleasure is visceral, happiness is ethereal."
"A powerful woman negotiator... is almost unstoppable."
"The Unified Field is as we'll see, not separate from ourselves. I'd like to argue that it is indistinguishable, that it is indeed our innermost self."
"I notice the beauty of nature every day, and it feeds my soul in delightful and delicious ways."
"Snowfall isn't like rainfall. Rain is passion. It's spontaneous and it's loud. Snowfall is like a secret. It's whispers and firelight."
"Scenery is breathtaking, and the cyclists rule."
"Spirituality is when I align myself with the energy in the earth... and also align myself with the energy in the universe."
"To have a house in Europe overlooking a river with all that land that you can farm and live off, for me, it's just the dream."
"I just can't really think of anything better to invest my money in than to have a sustainable living option next to a relaxing part of nature."
"This would easily be one of the biggest decisions of our lives, but the potential of building our dream home in one of our favorite nature spots is pretty hard to turn down."
"You are an earth angel who was born to protect, nurture, and teach about nature and the animals."
"Nature is medicine. Back to life. Mother Earth, she is all the medicine that we need."
"I love living with my amazing parents in the wild and learning a lot about animals."
"I feel like I need some fresh air...getting some fresh air always helps me."
"After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies."
"Nature understands this concept. Study the honeybee."
"Nature has kind of wisdom that exists beyond intelligence or above intelligence."
"Nature doesn't just provide answers to problems; it teaches us new ways to think about the problems themselves."
"Some beings seek to bend the power of these natural elements to their will. Druids, however, worship the protecting spirits of nature."
"Nature's equilibrium was thrown out of balance, leaving the world vulnerable to catastrophic events."
"Nature is an eternal dance between predator and prey."
"When that veil of words suddenly lifted, I experienced nature more directly, without words and sentences coming in the way."
"Science is the language of nature and learning about science and learning how to think like a scientist means you are learning how to systematically seek out truth in the world."
"The unconscious is pure nature, and like nature, pours out its gifts in profusion, but left to itself, and without the human response from consciousness, it can again, like nature, destroy its own gifts and sooner or later sweep them into annihilation."
"Nature wants us to be happy, healthy, and vibrant."
"The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the most visited national park in the country by a wide margin, is a testament to the rugged terrain that has played a significant role in shaping the culture of Tennessee."
"Wave belongs to the ocean, never the ocean to the wave."
"I've realized that there is no life without death; the two go hand-in-hand with one another. It's a proven fact of nature."
"The animals and the natural world at large have been my greatest spiritual teaching."
"What really moved me was this call back to nature and...it could help me come back to my own nature, which is true for all of us."
"Sunshine on my face, nature, animals, all of these things are priceless and they're for you, every moment."
"The golden ratio in particular is seen in the proportions of the Parthenon in Greece and the Great Pyramid of Giza, indicating that ancient architects might have employed these as sacred proportions to mirror the harmony found in nature."
"What do you feel when you look at these images? Refreshed and rejuvenated like you're drinking a cold, crisp, and bubbly soda."
"The harmonic balance of technology and nature represented the idea of this beautiful technological utopia that we could one day be living in."
"Inside the chrysalis, there's a war. The immune cells of the caterpillar fight to the death the cells that are responsible for turning it into a butterfly."
"Happiness is our nature, happiness is what we are."
"All animals communicate, that's just part of the nature of being an animal."
"It is the world's oldest and most massive singular living organism."
"It's not normal for human beings to have so much access to devices and technology... you need to go outside and see things that were here that are meant for you to see like trees and dogs and leaves and grass."
"Mushrooms which are so powerful that come up and sprout, then disappear in five days, some can feed you, some can kill you, some are medicinal that can heal you, and some can send you on a powerful journey."
"The human body is a picture of God in a frame, hung in a beautiful garden."
"Spread seeds of joy like a wildflower, and no doubt you will revel in the result."
"There is a melody to be heard in the deepest parts of the woods if only we listen."
"Nature evolves and Brahman or the Atman, you, shine forth. The evolution of nature... reveals the real self within more and more."
"Be like the woods: calm, soothing, mysterious, but full of life. It's the key to life, to wander about and be so entranced by everything that's going on around you."
"Remember, after each rainstorm, there will be clear skies."
"The language of the natural world is a frequency of love. This is my mother tongue."
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease."
"Healing is part of the nature of any organism, so it's certainly possible at any age, any stage of life."
"The things that are good or bad for us as human beings are there in the nature of things; they're there for us to discover, not to invent."
"I was standing on the pier watching the Moonlight jellies come into view, indulging in the sounds of musical perfection."
"I planted a tree this morning, and I am in love with my tree. Look how beautiful he is; he's absolutely perfect."
"Understanding the whole development of this flower makes me respect its beauty more, makes me value it more."
"You are not alone; all of nature goes through this... We transform as well, so this is all just a reflection of nature; you're in one of Nature's natural cycles."
"Nature always puts the cure to the illness right next to it."
"I swear I will not dishonor my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as an architect of peace."
"The sailing stones of Death Valley continue to mystify with their slow, unseen journeys."
"God's splendor is a tale that is told; His Testament is written in the stars."
"After every storm or rainfall, there shines a rainbow, and everything is refreshed and renewed."
"It's a testament to nature's raw power and resilience, a place of mystery and beauty, of ice and isolation."
"Nature is a beautiful thing, but humans have destroyed so much of it."
"Nature is very useful on many levels... if you're feeling stressed, all you have to do is walk somewhere where there is more oxygen or ions in the air and your whole brain has the possibility to relax and be more focused and more productive."
"Facing the raw power of nature, we are reminded of our vulnerability and the preciousness of life."
"The wilderness holds answers to questions we have not yet learned to ask."
"In the heart of nature's silence, one finds a deeper connection with oneself."
"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."
"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit."
"The call of the wild is often a whisper, guiding us to discover the strength within."
"Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees."
"Yellowstone wolves are the symbol of wilderness, a testament to Nature's Untamed Spirit."
"Picturesque Scotland, a land of mystery and rolling dewy fields, glens, and hills that have eyes."
"Who's the most tapped into nature? The plant itself, because it's the Earth."
"I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me in the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me and around me, and that I can call upon it for my slightest need."
"Escape digital at least once a day. People don't realize how cooped up they are."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
"When I was done shooting this gun the other day, I'm watching the sunset out there in the desert, and it's gorgeous."
"The tallest tree in the world is a sequoia redwood."
"The world was covered in a beautiful frost... everything so frosty and magical and just sparkling, it all looks like Narnia out there."
"They were undone, destroyed, after all of man's weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom had put upon this Earth."
"On nights where the Aurora is visible, it looks up towards the sky and begins to howl a beautiful song."
"One of the most fascinating aspects of their culture is their deep spiritual connection to nature."
"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance."
"They are wardens of forests, protectors of isolated villages... a sort of predator working their way through the untamed wilds of the world."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the expanse shows His handiwork."
"True social cohesion can only truly be sustained on the human scale globally, with our loyalties to each other, the habitat, and the natural laws of nature, a technical reality, not a poetic one."
"In the past, throughout nearly all of human history, the main threat to human survival is nature. Today, it's culture."
"There is nothing in nature more beautiful than the universe."
"Everything within nature is infinitely complex and it resists the type of simplicity that fascists and other shallow thinkers want to impose upon it."
"Even the smallest flower and the smallest insect has a purpose living on earth."
"I learned more from staring at nature than I ever learned from staring at man."
"Nature’s Way is harmonious because each of its components follows its own li, its way of harmonizing with other manifestations of Tao."
"Here where time seems to stand still, it is possible to admire a harsh and uncontaminated landscape."
"The sound of the sea, even though we live by the coast, it never gets boring. It's so calming, isn't it? Relaxing, romantic."
"Nature is pressing for biodiversity, and adaptation is its code."
"Everything can be accomplished at Nature's pace. Don't worry if things haven't happened before, don't worry if things seem slow at times, have patience, keep your focus, and keep going."
"Nature loves simplicity and unity, and often a single cause will produce many effects."
"Nature is complex and the more we study foods that were grown in soils or foods that were eaten by animals that were grown in soils, the more we find out that there are things we didn't ever even know about that are part of this orchestration."
"Did you know that even Nature has its own metronome? This river is an example of Nature's complexity, located at the foot of a rugged mountain near the town of Afton, Wyoming."
"Inspire others and let nature be your greatest teacher."
"Music: There is a Melody to be heard in the deepest parts of the woods if only we listen."
"This bizarre waterfall oozes from the face of the Taylor Glacier, with its deep blood-red liquid starkly contrasting the stark white icy landscape."
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin."
"Water is my soul, the earth my body, the air speaks my voice, and light sets free my fire."
"Why did we choose to build a house on top of a mountain? It'll look cool, duh, and the view is going to be crazy."
"Nature provides the ultimate medicine, offering healing through plants and elements that resonate with our bodies."
"Lockhart and Hannah continue on, embracing the sunrise with newfound wellness for life."
"Nature is simple, nature is aesthetic, nature works with a minimal number of variables to produce the maximum number of phenomena."
"You can only feel these feelings when you're camping and you're out in nature."
"Imagine living here, man, that'd be great with like this beautiful view."
"You don't have to spiral down the mountain; just hike it down and take in all the beauty that life has to offer."
"When nature gives us some very strong hints, it's a mistake to refuse to follow that evidence where it leads."
"I never thought just cardboard trees would make me so happy, but they have. I'm in a whimsical forest."
"Petrichor is the earthly scent produced when rain falls on dry soil."
"It's the peace and quiet. You know, you don't have to go anywhere to have peace and quiet."
"Just me enjoying some giant spruce trees way too much because I really like Spruce."
"Be inspired by this video everybody, to go out and challenge yourself, enjoy Mother Nature, find that happiness, and experience the things that you want to out of life."
"Nature sure is a beautiful thing, isn't it, boys?"
"Experience the pure essence of nature; visit rootworkstyle.com and make the switch to a healthier cultural choice."
"This incident underlines the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the power of nature, reminding us of the need to respect and understand the environments we explore."
"The religion strove towards encouraging harmony and focused primarily on the good aspects of nature."
"When you understand your oneness with nature and all else that surrounds, you stop being disturbed by all of the external sounds."
"There are two things that continue to fill me with wonder: the starry heavens above and the moral law within."
"Nature is the best source [of engineering inspiration] because it has a 4 billion year track record."
"Could we take inspiration from nature and use the Golden Ratio or golden angle to help wind turbines maximize the amount of energy from wind or water?"
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His hands as handiwork."
"For too long, humanity has existed within dysfunctional and polluted cities that ignore nature. Now, a revolution in civilization is taking place."
"Imagine a traditional city and consolidating its footprint, designing to protect and enhance nature."
"The world of dew, a world of dew it is indeed, and yet, and yet."
"We brought him out into the yard and laid him in the grass so that he could watch the chickens one last time."
"First light, the morning dew glistens across the boundless landscapes."
"Nature is a great open book in which everything can be found if we learn to draw from all its inspiration."
"To live in a cabin in the wilderness, it just doesn't get any better than this, in my opinion."
"I can't imagine being surrounded by this majesty every day. It's putting the whole thing in perspective and it's given me an absolute new respect for Dick Proenneke and what he chose to do with his life."
"Those messages of self-reliance, thrift, environmentalism, spending as much time in nature as possible, and protecting that nature are more important today than they were back in his time."
"Your guides want you to step out in nature, absorb the Sun. It will help your mental health, your physical health, your well-being."
"The fields, billions of acres of crops cover the land in waves of undulating leaves, the tamed wilderness was organized into rows, blocks, and circles, continuing on for hours and hours and days and days."
"I stopped the car. My journey had come to an abrupt halt. The road, barely discernible among the vegetation and barely wide enough for the car, had ended, stopped right in the middle of a field of corn."
"Could these enigmatic beings be Lei, a guardian spirit from Slavic mythology set to protect the very heart of the forests?"
"The forest keeps its secrets close, revealing only fragments of its enigmatic inhabitants."
"It's actually more moral or better, morally speaking, to not be good by nature but to choose to be good despite not being good by nature."
"You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather."
"It's the circle of life; it's just part of being a cute little vampire."
"Our interactions with the beauties of nature around us can produce some of the most inspiring and delightful experiences in life."
"The butterflies are about to fly around. We got to encounter dinosaurs."
"It is indeed an incredible fact that what the human mind at its deepest and most profound perceives as beautiful finds realization in external nature."
"It's the color of the water here that is incredible, it's like this teal and you can just see endlessly into the clear."
"There's a lot of nature... If you see an image that doesn't have any natural material in it, it feels very cold."
"What a beautiful day, the sun is shining, cats are roaming about, the birds are chirping. This is the perfect day to stay inside and watch a bunch of nostalgia."
"This is my piece of land, cute little fishing spot. Quite a pretty world, kind of reminds me of Granite Falls to be honest."
"With just a few minutes left of this challenge, I made my way up the metaphorical and literal mountain to one of the prettiest views I'm aware of."
"With lush greenery bursting through the brick and concrete, turning urban jungles into literal ones."
"Trash is an analog concept. There's no trash in a forest."
"Nature doesn't care about the words that we use or our need to categorize and define everything."
"McWay Falls is an 80-foot waterfall, also known as a tidal fall, as it falls directly into the ocean."
"It's actually a volcanic plug and it's connected to the mainland so you can walk all the way out to it if you're interested."
"Working with flowers opens your heart and brings blessings to others through your life purpose."
"Beneath its icy surface, Antarctica hides gambuts of mountains, a mountain range as grand as the Alps, entirely buried under miles of ice."
"The Door to Hell is a grim yet awe-inspiring testament to the unexpected turns of nature and the occasional miscalculations of human intervention."
"You have a strong bond with fairies and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature."
"Nature is always more clever than any of us."
"And sometimes it's more clever than all of us combined."
"We all have this wonderful nature, sometimes what we call our basic innate goodness, the original purity."
"I would run outside and just lay on the ground under the southern Milky Way; beautiful, right, up there. And I would just lay there like the snow angel and just kind of let my thoughts sort of pass through my brain."
"Every day after the winter solstice brought more light into the world."
"It looks so different when I left; these trees were very young but now they have grown well."
"Every rainbow is unique to every person who sees it."
"Photography and rain are very good friends; they make awesome photography."
"Seeing a comet... it's transformational; it goes from sort of one state to another as it gets closer to the light."
"Grounding via nature is bigger than it sounds. It's about our technological world takeoff being leveled through us being very earthed and grounded by nature herself."