
Universal Relevance Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Rick has an incredible ability to translate his understanding of the creative process in a way that is meaningful for anybody."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is the type of book that I think regardless of who you are, it will force you to reevaluate some things."
"You see how deep this is, the message to the churches is really a message to all of us."
"The power of the cross, I mean, it's everybody on the planet, no matter where you came from, your creed, your color, your mistake."
"Racism isn't a Southern thing, it's everywhere, belongs to everyone."
"The most valid scientist on planet Earth is called quantum physics."
"Personal branding is for everyone, not just for professionals."
"It's not about his family and my family it's about your family."
"The truth is there is no such thing as something that is not spiritual."
"The most important thing in the world to you and I and every other person on this planet is Humanity."
"Financial literacy is so important for us not even about being an athlete just for everybody in general."
"I think maybe an important narrative is what I call autonomy."
"Independence... I think that is so important for seniors but also for everyone."
"Success to me is not a part-time thing, is not a full-time thing, it is an all the time thing in any industry athlete business entrepreneurship doesn't matter."
"And it doesn't matter where you stand on the political spectrum, let yourself have emotions."
"The truth can go a long way and that's with anybody."
"Customer service is Paramount. I don't give a what it is, if you own a paint company, if you own a cleaners, whatever the case may be."
"The fact that it speaks at all levels is profound beyond description."
"Foundational drawing is foundational drawing, no matter what the style is."
"Money may be the only thing that has an addressable market that matches the number of humans on earth."
"It does not matter what your zodiac sign is. Absolutely anyone may resonate with this message."
"God's Word is applicable and available to every single person."
"I think that ethics matter in literally all things that everyone does."
"What do you have to do with this hukum? You have to learn to surrender to this hukum."
"Wins matter. Wins matter. I don't give a fuck who you are, I don't give a shit what line of work you're in. You're a competitor, wins matter."
"Nothing matters to anybody until it matters to everybody."
"No one has to have a brain injury to understand that brain health is so very important."
"Being the best you you could be is for everybody and surviving."
"Struggle is about how we contend with and for each other against oppression, in favor of bringing about the end of the world and the beginning of the new one."
"Wins and losses matter. Wins and losses matter to everybody."
"The point of Jesus was to make this information available to anyone and everyone."
"There are many who would find great value in this work."
"Thank you for bringing the message even to those who it may not be meant for."
"This case goes beyond the military, beyond the United States; it affects us all."
"Document management is a massive problem that touches every single company in the world."
"Winning is winning. Whether you're playing soccer or saving the world from total destruction."
"I think today's video will apply to absolutely everyone."
"It's something that transcends time right and maintains an appeal that's relatable to folks from all walks of life, ethnicities, tax brackets, so on and so forth."
"These conversations need to happen everywhere."
"Big History reaches into the lives of every person on this tiny speck of dust."
"Sleep is the key to life. It's before anything. And then not just for comedians, that goes for everybody listening."
"This is a Timeless reading, so whenever you're finding this, it's perfectly okay."
"It's very courageous of you to bring up this topic because it is a topic that touches on for everyone."
"We can't ever lose with positive education on subjects that involve all of us."
"It's very rare that I say a video I make will apply to everybody watching, but this is one of those few times."
"The gospel message has power, for salvation, because only it addresses the principal issues that all persons deal with."
"For me, it is important. For everyone."
"Any injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
"I'll leave you with one thought: it pertains to nations, it pertains to the individual."
"Self-help and self-awareness content really helps everywhere."