
Personal Taste Quotes

There are 3566 quotes

"I try to make things-- all I've ever tried to make was something I like or something that I felt like was missing as a fan that I wanted, and nobody was making it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Art is subjective and each person's taste of art will be different from the next person's taste of art."
"I love it, it's perfect in this wall, it's perfect for what I was looking for."
"Every single day, um, it's in the liver king bar. I have some almond butter that's in the liver king bar, and I love how it tastes."
"It's like one of the worst things I've ever heard... It sucks so hard, I love it."
"I love the name Pepper for a girl. I love the name Pen for a boy. I love the name Poppy for a girl."
"Just make good content, man. Content that you like."
"I love these long form videos because that's personally how I enjoy watching the content."
"I love making. I love these long form videos because that's personally how I enjoy watching the content."
"I've never been able to do that because I can't put myself in the mind of other people. I only know what I enjoy. So every time I've written a story, I've always tried to write the sort of story that I myself would enjoy reading."
"Pumpkin is back, my friends, at Dunkin' Donut, and I don't even care how it makes me look. I like it. I enjoy the taste."
"I think there's something about genres of music so music is extremely personal."
"The importance of your sound... it's extremely important but it's more what you play is really what you're into."
"Believe in yourself. We all have our own tastes and you should be proud of yours, even if they are worse than mine."
"A beer that surprises you in a good way is always a win in my book."
"The choice will lie with you, whatever your personal taste is."
"The top I like but I'm not crazy about like the jeans."
"Decorate it slowly and get the pieces that you actually do want."
"Artwork is one of those things that either really speaks to you or it doesn't."
"Every year Spotify tells you, you know your top artist, your top genres, your top songs, and I live for that shit."
"It probably isn't for everyone, but it was perfectly suited to my tastes down to the littlest details. It was an elegant tapestry of tragedy, and I loved every second of it."
"I'm a man of taste...I do curls especially with chocolate. It's my favorite."
"I like competition, you know. I like quite wacky stuff. My collection is not the norm; it's a bit weird, yes, a little bit like yourself."
"You're gonna change your mind a million times when you decorate."
"I think it's exactly how I love my wreath: simple yet stunning."
"Honestly, I just really, really love the dark academia mystery bundle."
"I loved Control, even with all of the grandma interludes."
"If you like something, keep it. It doesn't really matter about the interior design trend."
"If you can find something that you really, really love that will last you for many years, I think that is a really, really great thing to do."
"Interior package with deviated thread. I'm a big deviated thread fan."
"Bush Sr. was a legit country music fan, once saying 'Country music gives us a window on the real world and when I want to feel a certain surge of patriotism or turn nostalgic or even when I need a little free advice about Saddam Hussein, I turn to country music.'"
"Design is not forever. It doesn't need to stay in your house if you don't like it. If you don't love it, you can try trends out just so that you get a feel of whether or not you like something."
"I absolutely love this vase. I love the tone of it; it's this nice taupey ceramic. It's matte. Love that."
"This is the one time of year I can go out and find some dark decor to freshen up my household."
"I thought it was super cute, love this because now I have a spooky copper mug instead of just a plain spooky mug."
"I love Filipino food; it's also because I like pork and I like a little bit of greasy food as well, so it's right up my alley."
"People are gonna find records in the album that they like."
"It's gross, it's like an open-toe sandal, it's like Crocs."
"It's peach it's vanilla it's orange it's Jasmine it is just amazing."
"I might be tempted by an exhaust pipe. I know the whole 'I don't want to get into whole loud pipe save lives thing' but it'd be cool to have like a sexy carbon python or something like that."
"I think it's important that houses are not generic, I like them to be very personal."
"I'm such a sucker for anything covered in fabric."
"Michael Bloomberg owns a fleet of private jets, meticulously selected to cater to his discerning taste."
"You can't deny people, like Parmesan on their fish."
"I don't eat food in just one way. I gotta find different ways to try it, eat it, and taste it."
"Don't buy to make money. Buy stuff that you like the same way you buy real art."
"If it's boring to someone, then they were never going to like it anyway."
"I like to do different stuff sometimes. They're really gross, sometimes they're not bad."
"I love it, it's giving me very much Glade vibes."
"The Shorty looks pretty nice, I like the look of the Shorty."
"It's not for you and it's not for me, but it's for someone, so who cares?"
"Building a deck should reflect what you love about Commander. Don't just build for the sake of completion; build decks that truly resonate with your playstyle."
"I'm a fan of this. I'd hang this up in my abode."
"It's like when you buy a pair of sneakers and you're like, 'Oh man, I wonder if I'm gonna really mess with these.' And then every time you put them on, you love them. Best feeling in the world."
"Ultimately, no two beings have to agree on what is beautiful or what constitutes art."
"I'm a big fan of diner breakfast, so Denny's."
"I love it, and then I also did the same on my feet."
"I'll take anything that I can consider good, and this definitely falls under that category."
"I kind of like it, it's a bit weird but I kind of like it."
"Nice white box, y'all know I like a nice white box."
"Find out what you like, read up on what's good, buy it, sit down, watch, make up your own mind."
"Honestly, I just-- there's certain kinds of trash that I like."
"There's nothing wrong with music taste; it's completely subjective."
"Asparagus, one of my most hated veggies growing up and now it's probably one of my top three."
"I just love these [__] movies man that's the only reason I'm way into it."
"Bacon on Pizza is so good, have you never tried it before?"
"The world is divided into two types of people, those who also don't like bitter gourd, and those who just don't know what it is yet."
"Remember, it's not like we are going to some Italian food competition where we have to make it exactly like their grandmother used to make it. We're going to make it the way we like it, and I promise you, you're gonna love it."
"Every time I revisit Saw 6 I remember why I like it so much."
"I guess so because people will be like, 'Oh, you listen to this?' I'm like, 'Yeah.'"
"Music is subjective. You just listen to it, either it feels great or it doesn't."
"I enjoyed the storyline up until that point."
"But I'm always gleeful when you rate things 0 always makes me happy hopefully it doesn't happen - it's so disrespectful it's subtle funny like like as part of what makes it that is that it's rare."
"He has different opinions and every has different tastes and that song gave something to somebody that it didn't give to me it's like you know that's all okay yes yeah."
"I'm Ron Swanson... Lagavulin 16, what can you say?"
"Cheese is my legit favorite food. Yes, it is. Cheese is wonderful, cheese is so good, man."
"Find something you like to eat and I hope you eat it and I hope you take a bite and you go 'ah yeah, man, yeah I love this food.'"
"Dark grim bleak content is actually right up my alley."
"I think it makes it cute I mean some people might not but I think it's adorable."
"I wanted art that reflected my lifestyle or something that was just fresh."
"The best rooms are created over time, finding new and vintage pieces you love, testing all the paint colors you're drawn to, moving decor pieces around over and over and over again until you create a room that feels like home."
"It's like flipped. It's like let's start with the stuff we have. It feels very free, just buying things I really like and putting them together."
"What if I just softened? I feel like they're too harsh, you know? I kind of want to soften the edge, not make it full on arch to where we're bringing and closing in the entrance but just cutting off this little part here like just curving it out."
"The only person who has to like the sound or sight of your system is you."
"My friend who doesn't really get movies loved Spencer."
"These are movies that I really resonated with, I really love them."
"Maybe you like the build-up and resolution to a K-pop chorus but can't wrap your head around how someone could possibly enjoy this."
"I love champagne with oysters, it's a great combo."
"Our style is pretty unique and eclectic but I seriously love it."
"I love cheese and apple sandwiches but my friend thinks it's weird."
"Art definitely is in the eye of the beholder."
"I'm such a Vince Vaughn guy that I'll watch Four Christmases any day of the week."
"My favorite songs range from Garth Brooks to Drake."
"Comedy, like horror, is and always will be subjective."
"I don't know what to tell people if you don't like this character you are lame."
"I want to like this more than I'm actually liking it."
"I have taste don't be mad at me cuz I have good [ __ ] taste I eat good food okay I listen to good music I watch good movies."
"I think that this palette is absolutely stunning."
"This is actually a really really pretty palette."
"I loved like Hendrix, the Eagles, Pink Floyd..."
"Ed Sheeran's more recent songs have not been my favorite."
"Harsh words a bit of a weird one but I actually like this one."
"Are you a fan of anything good? Fan of all the good things."
"That was good, I liked it. I like the beat and everything."
"You freaking love coffee so much. It's wild."
"Let's hope not, but I mean like for like in the future when people ask me the stupid q and a's what would the last meal be it would be that."
"Favorite Subway order? By the way, the cookies, oh my gosh, yes, absolutely, the rainbow cookies."
"I don't know why, but I just need it. I like shiny things."
"I just feel like it's an interesting twist, you know I like the old-school way."
"When I walk in that house, I think this is one... I love this era of home."
"I'm not a fan of that sound, but isn't it cool?"
"We grew up listening to black music and we love it."
"Technique is one thing; you can learn technique. But the more important thing to learn is what you like."
"Hopefully you can figure out if this is the right '90s cheese for your inner mouse."
"I want to do some of that cops and robbers mode, that one's my favorite."
"Honestly, that's so good. I love simplicity."
"Blues pills or Lucifer? Um, as much as I love Blues pills, Lucifer all the way, love those guys."
"I hate how often we take the next step and say therefore anyone who likes Twilight must have terrible taste."
"Everything down from the name to the style, I'm a big fan of."
"It's a little contrived, but kitschy and fun."
"I just really like the way he did with this shoe."
"This new aqua de parma perfume that I got... smells like mediterranean oranges, a hint of citrus, but it's got that like under note of that sweet warm caramel. Honestly, I did not even think that I would like this fragrance."
"As the old adage goes, 'The only thing that matters with regard to a wine is whether or not you like it.'"
"If you know that what you're listening to or watching is sucky but you enjoy it, fuck it."
"I can't believe people can listen to the same music loop over and over...it's like hell for me."
"I am so in love with the style of these sneakers."
"I can't not recommend this one because it's literally my favorite movie of all time."
"Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go wash what you called music out of my ears."
"It's so good. Just make sure you don't get the burritos with the coriander, that is disgusting."
"I love James Wan. I don't love all of his movies but I love him as a director and I think that he brings a lot of passion and personality to his films."
"Just the thought of playing something that doesn't involve a land kind of ruins it for me."
"Keeping in mind that you are not your whiskey preferences."
"I love it. I feel like it has such a high-end look."
"It's hot sauce, it's hot sauce, it's their thing."
"Something can be well-made and you just don't like it."
"It doesn't have to be good for you to like it, and you don't have to like it just because it's good."
"Crystal red, a pretty unique color, and you know I was a little bit skeptical of picking red cars for example when I think about buying a car on my own but this color I would always pick anytime no problem."
"The best gifts are gifts that people would really love and enjoy, but they wouldn't necessarily buy themselves."
"There's nothing worse than a cheap steak, period."
"But we're also really clever, like what you like, that's the main thing."
"I love tea so much and one of my favorites is lapsang it's so good for you and it's got an amazing smoky flavor."
"I'm digging the flat black fully functional in the center."
"I didn't think I would like it, I honestly wasn't sure, but not only did I end up liking the game I ended up loving the game adoring the game."
"Nobody wants to be like, 'Hey, your album was wack.' Yeah, they want to hear, 'Oh, it's not for me.'"
"Chances are if you put down a color and you're like 'actually this kind of slaps,' there's a reason it slaps."
"Man, their songs are awful. Break me off a piece of that funk, that's disgusting."
"But honestly, the set has kind of grown on me a little bit."
"Everyone should have a freaking special coffee."
"I knew from the beginning that it was going to be an instant masterpiece."
"This is a special ceiling; I knew I wanted to do a bold ceiling."
"To me, like honestly, this boot in particular kind of hits that sweet spot."
"Honestly, don't be embarrassed by that shit okay? Embrace the kinky shit that you like because I guarantee you I have read and enjoyed so much worse."
"Marco, of course. I love Shanks though, but I love Marco more." - RogersBase
"The imagery and just the bizarreness of this journey is perhaps not for everyone, but I did honestly really like it."
"You don't need it if you listen to this album and you like this album and you recognize that it's good that's the success that's it."
"Greens are my favorite, just because they're so utilitarian."
"I love the style, I love the look of this thing."
"This pops up in a lot of people's top five lists for Creed and I can see why."
"I think Connie is a beautiful woman, you feel me."
"I love the warmth that this room has... at the end of the day, this is really Tan and Rob's bathroom."
"I love the animation style, I can't get over it."
"Not that it would matter, yeah, just like so why are you asking exactly?"
"I don't make taste, you make taste. You create taste buds, you know what it tastes like."
"Franchise mode this year, it's much different than in the years past."
"The album's even better for me because I didn't grow up on tons of Dre."
"This is an absolute [__] Banger... the best most delicious looking hat I ever did see."
"That movie didn't quite click for me, though, to be honest with you."
"That bit of originality is the icing on the cake for me."
"For some people, it's classical music, and for other people, it's punk rock."
"I actually like it honestly which is a surprise to me because it's probably the first legendary I've liked since gen 3."
"I'd rather have a slightly flawed version of something that I love than an immaculate version of something I'm indifferent towards."
"Garlic bread is vastly superior. Maybe with pepperoni on the bottom."
"Texture is one of my favorite qualities in a piece of clothing."
"I love this one. It's like a real rainbow, and that's right for someone like me because I really love to paint all sorts of different things."
"A book for someone who loved Mexican Gothic and dark cottagecore... Uprooted by Naomi Novik."
"A boyfriend who loves Game of Thrones and Aragon... Brandon Sanderson's books."
"Scarlet Nexus... this is the type of game I enjoy."
"My favorite color has always been purple, but like royal, but like, I like bluish purples. I'm really into periwinkle these days."
"Whatever that clicks... Whatever I have a vibe with."
"I just like horror movies that get to me and tell interesting stories."
"This film encompassed I think my favorite kind of style for a movie."
"They like what they like because they like it, no need to impress anyone."
"Don't let some random guy on the internet tell you that you aren't allowed to like it."
"I just can't imagine where I would want to wear this to... I just think I'm gonna get rid of it."
"I probably wouldn't choose this one honestly but if I add some like hot dogs or something to add to it I think it could be pretty good."
"Comedy is a great thing because what's not funny to somebody is hilarious to somebody else."
"There's something so special about it, this red interior is so vibrant and just puts a smile on my face."
"It actually is pretty damn green and I like it."
"Ultra Light Beam versus Off the Grid. This is a classic battle of healing music and raging music."
"I don't know if the dress is meant to look stained or wet small watery fountain or patch or something a puddle maybe I don't know but I like it to a degree."
"The execution of Dr. Stone is pretty good, it's just not my type of manga."
"I just think it's so cool, I really love it."
"It's probably my least favorite on the album despite instrumentally being perhaps one of my favorites."
"I love a spiral ruffle like this it's like an exaggerated lettuce hem."
"I just really enjoy the undertones, I love the smaller pans, love it, it just really got to me, just really like this one."
"If you have a really great time with the book, that makes it a good book."
"These watches are just striking, they're fun, a lot of people do not like these but I think from a unisex perspective these can be enjoyed by both men and women."
"Sasuke is just, like, he fits my perfect character archetype."
"Yeah you know what I think this actually looks cool I like this."
"I want them to be beaten down and worn and have some scratches and stuff on them."