
Acceptance Quotes

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"The only way to play this game is you're going to lose, which is really, really lovely."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"It's okay to recognize everybody lost in this situation."
"What I needed to do is accept that the old Dan is gone and then start working on the new me, which has a future."
"The truth is slower to catch on but it's harder to get rid of."
"It's okay to be sad. It's so totally okay to be sad."
"The Jedi Master level of happiness is to say, 'Okay, it happened, and I have no choice to change it. There is nothing I can do to fix it, so can I accept it?'"
"Happiness is that calm and peacefulness you feel when you're okay with life as it is."
"When you are accepting and loving of people as where they're at, as an opportunity to serve, your motivation's different."
"There's a real lesson here that comes out of it is that is that I've gotten up this up Kilimanjaro not because I was fighting everything because I just accepted it and I said okay we're going to do this and there was a calmness to it versus a relationship of adversary."
"We really want to be the same person on the outside that we are on the inside and we want people to see us and accept us and love us for our truest selves."
"Accept compliments with a 'Thank you' without false modesty."
"It's a lot easier to just show up and make the goal to be seen rather than to be accepted because that's who you are and it's in your control."
"Your best bet is like arms open and welcoming, even though you know that invites in catastrophe now and then."
"There are also steps we could take to increase legitimate acceptance."
"Acceptance over denial, questions over advice, and self-compassion over self-brutalization."
"I think you should at least try to love the things that make you unique."
"Life moves only in one direction, and suffering comes from wishing that it didn't."
"Happiness is not the absence of anything negative or sad... Happiness is, in fact, the presence of all of it and the acceptance of all of it just the way it is."
"Some refugees have arrived in town, should we welcome them? Yeah, of course, let them in, let them in."
"Royal advisor, some refugees have arrived in town, should we welcome them? Yes, yes, of course."
"There's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have these crazy fears."
"When events happen, the most powerful part of acceptance happens if you accept it as it's happening."
"The biggest action verb in AA is 'letting go.' It doesn’t sound like an action verb, does it?"
"You have to allow yourself to feel sad...allow that to happen."
"I can't change what's already happened, so there's no value in wishing it were different."
"Releasing control, because we're really never in control."
"You don't need to fight them, you don't need to slay these big dragons...because every head you cut off a Hydra, a new one just comes up...but if you just accept these things, what will happen is that you'll just soften to them and then naturally these things will just melt away and fall apart."
"You are loved and worthy and enough, as you are. That's beautiful."
"I'm blessed, bro. I'm blessed for all the fuck-ups too."
"I know that I am loved, and when you really know that in your fiber and on a cellular level, then what people think about you is secondary."
"Home isn't perfect. It's the place that you accept in spite of its flaws."
"I never in a million years would have ever believed they would leave the church. But you know what, their love for me and the foundation that we built, they knew who I was, and I did not become a different person when I came out."
"Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong."
"Love yourself, love your height, be you to the fullest and love you while being you."
"Don't be sad it's gone, be happy it happened."
"Science advances because the old guard dies and the new people grow up just believing it to be self-evident."
"I just want to be welcomed and wanted in the same way that I love someone else."
"Love isn't, 'Well, my religion says this, so you do what I say.'"
"It's his life; he can do whatever he wants. 100% I agree."
"Acceptance, understanding, compassion, empathy, gentleness. Yes, accepting everyone."
"I always felt like I was faking, like I was being someone I didn't like in order to get a group of people who didn't want to see me succeed to like me."
"To be resilient, you have got to be able to accept what is. You've got to be able to accept reality."
"Nobody can go back in the past and change things; it's just in the now and the here."
"I don't knock anybody's journey. I don't judge, look down, or frown upon. I embrace them all."
"Inner peace... means to be at peace with your experiences, negative ones as well as positive ones."
"The body positivity movement is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of shape, size, and physical ability."
"Body positivity is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of shape, size, age, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities."
"One of the greatest lessons I learned was to accept reality exactly as it is."
"The best way to win the war against fat is to give up the fight."
"To love yourself is to hopefully finally... be okay with where you are right now. If you're not okay with where you are right now, it's very difficult to then love yourself."
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention. I feel like that's been my life."
"Body positivity is about saying, regardless of the size of your body, you're still worthy of acceptance and love."
"But as soon as I showed the world all of me, that’s when they started to fall in love with me."
"It's okay to lose weight in your own time. The right person will find you regardless."
"You just got to try... you could get on a bus and go 20 hours away, get where you're going, and then freak out, panic, and go right home, and that's okay."
"I wouldn't give a because it's like I love everybody."
"Criticism will only lead to unhappiness. Love and accept each other as you are, and your relationship will magically transform."
"You can love a person wholly, without having to love all of them."
"It's not embarrassing, it's not bad to be single. It's not bad to be 30 and single, it's not bad to be 40 and single. It's not bad to be anything and single."
"I think being unapologetically yourself then you know people like you for you no matter what."
"The more you blow up, the more opinions people have about you. And that's fine."
"The point being is, anybody can have flaws...but no matter what you are, there's somebody that likes you completely as you are."
"The highest form of compassion and empathy is to meet people where they already are rather than expecting them to change."
"You don't have to use my method. You asked me what I do, and I said no. But I like it because people can agree or disagree, but this is who I am, and I'm not going to change."
"Let go of everything you stored from the past and accept everything that's happening right now."
"You don't have to be normal to find a path. It's about leaning into the hand that life has dealt you."
"You've got to give people the chance. If all you ever give your friends is just the positive version of you, you're never going to give them a chance to accept you."
"Accepting that you deserve love, despite the fact that your life may not amount to anything, is so much harder."
"If you're okay with every outcome, you're free."
"This is my secret, I don't mind what happens."
"You're gonna really be able to be yourself...because you know that this person just loves you."
"Embrace the unknown, embrace the fact that we don't know what's going to happen."
"You're not going to be what everybody loves but you have to love yourself."
"Things are going to happen the way they happen, and you just have to take the moments as they come."
"We can't possibly do everything we want to do in this life... When our values become crystal clear, we're able to focus on those few things and be very okay with that."
"Everyone is beautiful no matter their size, and we should accept and celebrate all body types."
"Yoga is equanimity, tolerance, forbearance, and acceptance of things that can't be changed, things beyond your control."
"Instead of being overwhelmed, you'll be able to gracefully accept any sadness, loss, or grief that arises in your mind because those feelings won't seem so threatening anymore."
"Massive acceptance and radical presence are the foundation of what I do in everything now, especially in my roles as a caregiver."
"Taking responsibility and accepting the system leads you to harmony, well-being, and a stress-free existence via the shortest route."
"Life is not perfect. Life will never be perfect. How much we put into effort to be perfect, there is no perfect everything."
"All that the Father gives to Me will come to Me, and him that comes to Me I will not turn away."
"Mindfulness may help you accept things as they are, or in other words, suffering = resistance x pain."
"Disability is not fundamentally a tragedy that people have to fight to overcome, it just is."
"Acceptance, in my opinion, is the key to convert momentary happiness to enduring happiness. It helps you move from feeling happy to actually being happy."
"All people, regardless of who they are or where they come from, typically want three things: to be seen for who they are, to be valued for who they are, and to be accepted for who they are."
"Mindfulness is awareness of present experience with acceptance."
"Mindfulness is about a profound acceptance of the present moment as it is, including how much we can't change it."
"The best thing to say is, okay, look, whatever happened happened. I'm gonna take control of what I can, I'm gonna go forth and conquer."
"Your kids aren't gonna be who you want them to be; they're gonna be who they are."
"When humans stop being afraid of their darkness and realize that there's not an opposing force and that their darkness is not what they thought it was, then this planet will have made huge strides."
"We've got to stop with this...history is what it is, you learn from it."
"Most people don't lead their life, they accept their life."
"It's already written in the stars what's going to happen; I'm just going to follow my destiny."
"Trust more and know that everything worked out exactly as it was meant to."
"True love is unconditional, it is all-encompassing, it is embracing the whole for what it is in every moment and doing the best with what is there."
"You can only start to heal once you finally accept that you're not completely okay."
"Loving your past is accepting yourself even for your past, forgiving yourself for your past, loving the energy that's in you, loving the innocence that you have, but also growing into more maturity."
"Every time I step through the curtain, I'm fighting for every person who feels like they aren't accepted because of who they are, and I'm here to tell them they are."
"Emotional mastery isn't about controlling, avoiding, or suppressing your emotions right? It's about being able to accept the fluidity of your emotions and ability to be flexible with them."
"Sometimes, friendships weren't meant to last, and that's normal."
"Apologize with honesty, and if they don't accept your apology, accept it and move on as best you can."
"It's fine if you want to drive to the airport and pick someone up at 4 AM because you love them. That's perfectly okay."
"As with anyone, we take the good with the bad and we try to separate what we can."
"Life is not fair, and that's okay. Until we accept that reality, we'll always be shocked when something doesn't go our way."
"Amor Fati, not just to bear what is necessary, but to love it."
"Everything will come, I resist nothing, nor do I stick to anything, nor do I pursue anything. I enjoy it all as it comes and goes in deep serenity and peace."
"Is acceptance the first step to self-improvement?"
"The first step to improvement is acceptance."
"You will find acceptance; it just takes time for some people."
"When you come into acceptance, you come into your personal power."
"The way that you change yourself ironically is not through trying to change yourself; it's through accepting yourself. That's where change begins."
"The solution is not getting over it, because getting over implies I am bad and I need to transform into I am good. The solution is acceptance."
"Acceptance doesn't mean stopping any kind of forward momentum. In fact, in my life, most of the forward progress I made is through acceptance of my faults and saying like I can take action, right."
"Acceptance is laying back at the very beginning, stopping the cycle."
"Imagine that you never learned that butter was wrong. Imagine you learned that all bodies were equally deserving of affection."
"Life is not about min-maxing everything, life is about enjoying it, accepting it, being cool with it even when it's not perfect."
"Characters like Tien have our respect because of their internal growth and acceptance of position."
"A lot of folks can relate to that... wanting to be loved, wanting to belong, wanting to be touched, and not being accepted for who they are."
"I used to always be chasing happiness... but we're not meant to be happy at every moment of our lives."
"Asking for help is a sign of strength, as is accepting it as it is offered to you."
"Loving myself unconditionally means accepting what is. In loving myself, I help create a world where it is safe for us to love each other."
"Reality remains reality, no matter how hard you try to ignore it."
"Self-belief is not that everyone will like me, but self-belief is I'll be okay if they don't."
"The Triumph of the film is not defeating the bad guy... the true Victory is Nimona being fully seen and the society that vilified her being shifted and changed fundamentally."
"Rejection is a real issue... it can lead to using talents as a means for acceptance."
"Acceptance is key for healing. Acknowledge it over and over again, relax into it, find the okayness with it, find how it's perfect."
"Love yourself, accept yourself, and then offer that to others as a form of love."
"Happiness is actually within you, it's available within you in terms of meeting the moment with acceptance and not pushing it away."
"The more you accept and love and give kindness to the parts of yourself that you normally reject, the more they start to change into a feeling of like you're... it's like wealth, spiritual wealth within yourself."
"Happiness is not a bars a feel-good a high, it's about being with the moment with love and acceptance."
"It has to start with us... it needs to start with us like we're not gonna be accepting, we're not people aren't gonna accept us and we're not going to like have that loving relationship if we're not going to start and be able to give that to ourselves."
"Even if you're not what we wanted you to be, you don't need to be someone else."
"I'm thankful for their constant support and embracing me for who I am."
"I'm incredibly grateful for their acceptance, even though I might be a bit eccentric."
"Everybody deserves to be happy, not the way you think they should, but the way they naturally should be."
"Hope, love, and acceptance: Love is yours. Recognize your divine worth. Choose loving thoughts."
"If your parents don't love and accept you for who you are this Christmas, fuck them. I'm your parents now."
"You must truly allow it to be as it is without any expectation of it changing."
"When it's time to die, I want to be able to embrace death like I've been embracing life."
"Peace of mind is being happy with exactly what is."
"Amor fati... is saying yes to life, which is actually that there's a new Victor Frankel... The title to me is amazing, it's 'Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything.'"
"It's time to do a self-assessment and to have no shame in who and what you are and the path that you've walked on."
"Parenting is inherently imperfect, and no one will ever be a perfect parent."
"There's a sense of relief, but this was not the outcome I hoped for."
"These scars we have make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them."
"Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes you just have to let go."
"It is their imperfections that they accept encouraged among useless and Muriel would love each other regardless."
"Courage isn't perfect; he won't do much well, but he'll be loved anyway."
"People are different. We come in all different shapes and sizes, and that's what makes us beautiful."
"Feelings are never right or wrong. They're just a state of being."
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"I think life just surf waves; stop trying to control it."
"Gaming is becoming a more accepted form of media and it should be because it is a form of media. It is not a passing fad; games will not go away."
"Acceptance is what we want to avoid in authoritarian parenting style, which is actually not true. In fact, the opposite is right."
"I love myself more than ever. I no longer do things that harm my body to try to get people to like me."
"Whatever Allah subhanah wa ta'ala does is good; whatever He predestines is good."
"The only way you can screw it up is by fighting it. It's really about surrendering."
"Real character comes out when you're accepting fate."
"Sometimes, if a relationship does end, you have to be happy in knowing that it's come to an end."
"Do not be ashamed of where you come from. Do not be ashamed of the story and what you have been through."
"Real love isn't about honoring that which is personified in this particular elegant perfect way, real love is embracing all that which is equally imperfect."
"What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that seems to happen, all events, past, present, and to come, are gently planned by One whose only purpose is your good?"
"I can't make it go away; I can't control how other people feel, how they behave. So in any way, if I can't control the situation or change it for the better, I try to change its effect on me and others."
"The major sign of being such an old soul is acceptance of others."
"You were a complicated bundle of all kinds of stuff, some of it good and some of it bad, and I accept all of it."
"Confession feels good because you're accepting it, you're not hiding it, you're just being with it, and then it gets easier."
"What is for you will find you and what is not for you will not take you off your path."
"To be human is to be both. Wrestle with that, deal with it, live in the gray."
"I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may."
"I don't think there is a right or wrong way to parent, because kids are all very different, just like human beings are all very different."
"The ocean doesn't need to push away its waves or grab on to its waves; the ocean has no problem with its waves. Similarly, the mind doesn't need to have any problem with its thoughts and emotions if it learns just to accept."
"I surrender the way that I think my life should look, I surrender the way that I think my career should go, I surrender it all at your feet."
"You could be the most amazing, juicy, end-of-summer ripe peach, but if someone doesn't like peaches, you're not going to be a fit for that person."
"You were always unconditional. You didn't withdraw love because I didn't give it to you in the way that you were seeking."
"In a highly emotional scene, Finn, Simon, and Betty slowly accept their impending deaths."
"Don't change. I love you just the way you are."
"You need to be able to notice when you're in denial."
"Do not demonize negative emotions... Those emotions are the ones that bring the positive ones back down into our body so we can manifest."
"Sometimes, it's okay to just be sad, and that's it."
"You're going through a shift right now, and accept it, embrace it; it's a beautiful thing."
"The wise person is beyond that grief, could understand the nature of life and death, and in that understanding could let that nature be."
"This craving to be accepted, combined with a burning desire to never be poor again, would make for the perfect psychological combination for YouTube."
"When you start to accept it, see it for what it is, and flow through that challenge completely differently, it's far more positive."
"I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States."
"You can't force him to like something that he just doesn't care about."
"It's okay to not have all the answers and it's okay to fail, but it's not okay to stop trying."
"The only thing you can do that's not a work is belief. Trusting isn't something that you do; it's just something that you accept."
"Failure is always an option. In fact, it's often the easiest and most readily available option."
"Accepting the fact [that sometimes for no good reason we fail] is really the first big step in breaking through perfectionism."
"Our prayers and affirmations are for the purpose of bringing our own mind to the point where we can accept the gifts which were given to us from the foundation of time."
"Everybody loves honesty when it's agreeable. Everyone believes honesty when it's a belief they already hold."
"We need both radical self-honesty and radical self-acceptance."
"The only safety lies in letting it all in: the wild and the weak, fear, fantasies, failures and success."
"God gave it, and God has taken it away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
"You may not always understand why certain things happen, however, there's always a higher purpose to the events in your life."
"Notice when you are subtly avoiding a truth... feel it, say ah that's the trick, and then you're going to make the counterintuitive move to face the truth head-on."
"Sometimes, you just have to accept, 'It is what it is.'"
"With the end so near, it's better to be silent so that they may accept the end with as little pain as possible."