
Aesthetics Quotes

There are 46903 quotes

"People exercise for three reasons: number one, you want to feel better; number two, you want to look a certain way; and then number three, you want to be able to do that for a long time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is useful for aesthetic changes, functionality, and for longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You never know when you might want a gate later, plus they look cool."
"Muscle enhances aesthetics. Whatever aesthetics you're going for, muscle can help you have the aesthetics you want."
"Natural beauty triumphs all forms of artificial beauty."
"I love concealing remote controls; I don't like to see them sitting out all over the house."
"This is gorgeous. I always love the spotlights; it gives that Apollo vibe."
"Cinematic like anything else, the art of it all is very beautiful and I appreciate it."
"This Empire prides itself on its intense loyalty, beautiful aesthetics, and thriving economy."
"Super Saiyan 3 just looks a lot cooler, so I know a lot of people would pick Super Saiyan 3 over blue just because of appearance alone."
"We bring peace, prosperity, and really pretty ships."
"The world itself is absolutely gorgeous and detailed and cool."
"I mean, First Impressions, this looks beautiful. Like, it really, really does."
"It's gorgeous. I mean, come on, it's just stupid how pretty it is."
"It's the best-looking headset that I've put on from that perspective."
"The Night Hold is a very cool looking raid and beautiful."
"I think it looks good. That looks really cool."
"Developing a taste for design and what looks pretty... is an absolute superpower in the world that we live in today."
"This is one of my favorites; it's definitely one of the prettiest color stories as well, if you ask me."
"A beautiful thing is not just beautiful; it's telling you something."
"Let's see how this is going to look... Whoa, wait, it actually looks sick!"
"A recent article from The Atlantic summarized the website in its prime as 'not just a blogging platform but a staging ground for an array of political movements, the birthplace of all manner of digital aesthetics, and the site of freaky in-groups.'"
"Absolutely love the colors on here, the blue and the purple."
"Appeal means characters that you animate should be somewhat pleasing to look at."
"Spiral turbines may be an interesting way to boost the efficiency of low-cost urban turbines and look pretty awesome while they do it."
"The pink looks brighter than I remember. Pink and brown, such a great color combination."
"I like lots of terrain because I think it looks cool whether I'm a shooting army or a close combat army."
"This is an absolutely beautiful arena. I love the colors, the black and gold. It's so nice."
"I love the white set, white cars with black wheels look fantastic."
"Look at that, look at the gold, gold wheels too, god I love the gold."
"The aesthetic of the dungeon is really cool. I really like the magically imbued nature element."
"I love the composition; the bride, in particular, looks great. Her profile looks really pretty."
"I love the orange they use here mixed with the tan; it just comes together really well."
"Dark academia is a social media aesthetic and subculture characterized by a love for learning, arts, and literature, and finding beauty in darkness."
"Art doesn't need to be pretty to make a statement."
"This art style is really cute. I love the Cave Story aesthetic."
"The visual style, soundscape, and sense of immersion are what really grabbed me here."
"The suits themselves: awesome. The helmet design does really well with their animals."
"All these are exactly the same; it's really an aesthetic choice."
"Hey, beautiful. Now we just have some trees around the place."
"There's so much really cool stuff; it's just a beautiful game, fantastic aesthetic, and just great mechanics."
"There is beauty in the simplicity of this design."
"Literature is literature because it is beautifully written."
"Harold Bloom argues that aesthetic appeal goes hand in hand with strangeness or a kind of newness."
"Our first sponsor is ROKA...They were actually designed for cycling and running and things of that sort, but they have a terrific aesthetic."
"I'm like the United States of Aesthetics. I don't stick to a certain aesthetic or genre; I like what I like, and it's a whole Mod Podge of things, and I like it like that."
"This is what I mean in terms of how the AI actually doesn't just generate the image itself, it also generates the entire aesthetic for the website."
"Design Aesthetics that I wouldn't even consider to include in a website but now that I see them, they're definitely some type of aesthetic that I would love to have."
"If you follow these rules, you can create a loop that functions well, performs well, and also looks amazing."
"This is a perfect example of how to blend aesthetics with symbolism."
"Obviously, a big factor will be how fun the levels are, but also since these are supposed to be the top 100 levels Mario Maker 2 has to offer, aesthetics, creativity, and theme are all major factors."
"Ethics is nothing other than aesthetics; an ethical act is a beautiful act."
"What defines baddie aesthetics the most is how confident you are in your own skin and those who are not afraid to express themselves through any form of art, including fashion and makeup."
"Satin bowerbirds' artistic courtship rituals emphasize the role of aesthetics and creativity in mate selection."
"Building an aesthetic that is strong and powerful."
"This symbol’s got everything. Really strong design, really strong symbolism."
"There's a lot of ways to work out, a lot of ways to exercise your body, but one of them is superior to all the others when it comes to making your body look the best. I'm talking about aesthetics, and that's strength training, lifting weights."
"Upgrading your baseboards makes a massive difference."
"Physicists are drawn by aesthetics to some degree."
"Courtney then made another TikTok... 'It's a different aesthetic and either you get it or you do not.'"
"The monsters look so cool. I just can't get over it."
"The general look of this vehicle, I gotta say, it is gorgeous."
"This game looks beautiful, though, like a great vibe and everything, and yeah, I know this experience is going to be insane."
"I think it's beautiful. I really like the Disney-style animation."
"The golden ratio is the aspect of a rectangle which the human eye finds the most pleasing."
"Volvos obviously have like a very similar design aesthetic. These look fantastic."
"A beautiful shoe, well proportioned, elegant, very classic."
"The industrialization of the 19th century separated the concept of practicality from the concept of the beautiful."
"Detroit: Become Human, because the graphics are incredibly beautiful, the characters are great, the theme of the story is great."
"So much new construction and jobs are created for each game, and if you can do it right, your city could get a beautiful, glamorous little makeover."
"If you're just looking for one of the best looking small crossovers in America, you should definitely be looking at the CX30."
"Beauty matters... being surrounded by a sense of beauty... affects one's own psyche and one's own appreciation of the world."
"The assumption that the industrialization of housing construction entails a decline in aesthetic values is erroneous."
"Night City is one of the most photogenic, lush cityscapes yet created in gaming."
"Design a building for a purpose...the beauty of the building will come through its purity of its function."
"It's an incredible looking bike with the performance to match."
"It's got the looks, it's got the performance, and yet it still offers a bit of old-school charm."
"It is absolutely gorgeous, so I kneaded it in."
"I'm excited to see some cool themes and aesthetics. I think since we're just coming out of Halloween, we can do a lot with that, and coming up to Christmas as well."
"Traditionalism isn't only about morality and gender norms, though; it's also expressed aesthetically through fashion."
"She wears light and shadow with equal grace."
"This is the best way to get that floor-to-ceiling look."
"I really like the flowers, I feel like they add so much extra something, like it would probably be pretty without it but with it, mwah, I love it."
"Actually, that's not bad. These look like really, really good in here, pops so well."
"These new Dominator Platinum RGB memory sticks... are so much more beautiful than pictures could ever represent."
"Smoking is bad for you, but as far as liveries go, this one does look pretty cool."
"You could make this thing look unbelievably wicked."
"Surround your life with beauty; life is too short not to."
"I absolutely adore green; it looks incredible."
"The incredible body curves on this car were so smooth you'd think the car gods themselves formed it from one giant piece of molten metal."
"There's an amazing aesthetic; they're accustomed to striving for excellence at all costs."
"The whole purpose of all of this is to help people look as young as they feel and bring that confidence and vibrance back to the surface."
"Durability, naturalness, don't look like you've had anything done, and to look like yourself."
"Not cluttered, we're talking about purposeful, intentional decor and furniture items that are in your space that really reflect you."
"Genshin Impact is a gorgeous game with one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard."
"It gives it almost like an intentional Adult Swim amateurish type of an appearance that once you feel the mechanics, the game actually feels pretty good to play."
"Incredible. That looks like a Greek god. It's just so beautiful and powerful."
"It may not make total sense to have such a verdant world, but it's pleasing to the eye and resonant with the spirit, and that's all an imaginative landscape really requires."
"If such a thing was ever built, it should be beautiful. It should be built as a monument, a monument to human collaboration, to human achievement."
"Now I'm really loving the contrast of the white with the rich color of the antique wax in these three pieces."
"And I just really think the metallic gold really makes this collection look amazing."
"Personally, I think Windows 11 looks way better than Windows 10."
"I think it's brilliant. I love the color match."
"I know these are 70 Bloxbux each, but I just want to add like these tall waterfalls everywhere."
"Beautiful cities have six qualities: they're orderly but not homogeneous, have visible life, are compact not sprawling, have orientation and mystery, have an appealing scale with an ideal building height of five stories, and they're uniquely local."
"Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is gorgeous. It looks stunning."
"It's a little plain, but I think it looks pretty clean."
"That looks awesome. I absolutely love this. That looks awesome."
"Something that I really enjoy is when I wear black and white... it feels really, really beautiful."
"The whole look of the world is fantastic. Yeah, they really did a great job."
"Everything on her dresser is thrifted, and I'm so proud of that, that we were able to be resourceful but everything also still just looks really beautiful."
"It's very dolly parton vibes, which you know is a large part of my personal aesthetic."
"People like to click on pretty things, and if your art's not super great, then you're already kind of sabotaging your trailer in advance."
"You can make yourself look really snazzy by choosing the armor styles and looks that you want."
"You can make it pretty. That's like the best problem to solve."
"You're better off playing whichever you like the most if you want to be ridiculously good looking."
"An aesthetic sensibility deepens the sanctity of life and, in so far as you deepen the sanctity of life, you create some potential of resistance against violence and cruelty and against tyranny."
"If you want to have a good, nice looking, well-sculpted physique, you got to have nice, broad, round shoulders. They're the pinnacle of your physique."
"It is beautiful. This looks awesome. Really cool. Looks so, so good."
"This gem, total 70s vibes, 80s... I don't even know. I'm not an interior designer, but this is Beauty and Grace."
"The thing I love about my R6 is just the color and the tones I get from it. In other words, the pictures I get look the way I want it to look."
"Make one room in your house as beautiful as possible."
"This design contrasts with its a counterpart by having the kabuki pattern over white cloth instead of black."
"Most people say this cake looks nice, but it also tastes wonderful."
"The main reason I chose to go air on this car is we have some spicy aesthetics coming."
"Consistency in your application of different visual element properties is crucial for a good-looking design."
"You have a really good sense for aesthetics and that shows."
"Everything about it has 'design' written all over it."
"Every frame of this music video looks like it could be a photo from a photo shoot that ends up in a magazine."
"I love cutting boards. I think they're beautiful, I think they're functional, I think they make a great gift."
"It sticks on so good, it doesn't budge, it doesn't move, and it's so cute."
"I think this one is one of my favorites today; I just love the wood tone with the distress."
"When looking for books, I always go for fun titles and then interesting things on the spine because this is always facing out."
"Dark academia channels the glamour of Oxbridge intellectuals mixed with a heavy dose of gothic mystery."
"Dark academia yearns for a less practical, more beautiful education, the kind that edifies your soul."
"Internet aesthetics are rapidly emerging as Gen Z's primary way of communicating what is valuable and beautiful to them."
"Dark academia is an internet aesthetic that is preoccupied with the romanticism of classic, particularly ancient Greek and Roman, literature and poetry, the pursuit of knowledge, and a style similar to that of the 19th and 20th century prep school uniforms."
"Hades is gorgeous in every respect; it's action-packed and heartfelt and epic."
"It's very cool looking. I just want to say it's very handsome."
"The characters look more like clay puppets with painted on accessories, and I absolutely adore the effect."
"Books...a nice beautiful bookshelf is great, assuming that you also read books."
"We're planning out what makes for a great looking and timeless paint job."
"Bendy and the Dark Revival is a beautiful game which takes advantage of what made the original art design so charming."
"I never realized how beautiful colorful Roblox is until the colors got taken away."
"I have yet to find someone or meet a patient that doesn't want whiter teeth."
"These are some of the best skins we will ever see."
"The super slender Aero pipe, which I don't know why more manufacturers don't do this, just make a nice thin pipe. It looks totally slick."
"Can we just talk about how sick some of the characters look?"
"It's so muted and classy... it's just classy, absolutely classy. I love it."
"It's realistic but also like it's it's nice to look at as well."
"Dragon Princes... are my favorite units in tabletop and lore. They're so badass looking; their aesthetic is amazing."
"Film noir is not merely a matter of tremendous lighting, omnipresent fog, and trench coats; it's a crime film shot like a horror film."
"It's going to take our simple lines, add a bit of dimension to them, and a little bit of sexiness."
"Look at the color combination, the flowers, the foliage, the texture, the different colors. It's amazing."
"It actually came out so pretty. Literally the perfect color."
"Look how sexy everybody looks. Are you drinking your Chemistry again? Yeah, God, that really looks... that's honestly, it's a cool cup."
"This one looks incredible, like look at that grill and these really sleek headlights."
"The fluidic design sculpture... brought sexy back to the family sedan in a space where everything was kind of just stale."
"Absolutely a fantastically attractive car, aging wonderfully over the years."
"I think this Jaguar F-Pace will be the most beautiful SUV on the market."
"Do not worry about min-maxing what the best kingdom is, just go with whichever one you like the aesthetic of, or the location of all their cities and all their castles."
"Ken said it sounds like he had some rather interesting insights like he wanted a specific number of SPU's because symmetry is beautiful."
"I am making this the prettiest iteration Jerry's tree the world has ever seen."
"Every Porsche 911 comes standard with the PASM. This option is just for the lowering, which is a cosmetic and a slight handling improvement but a noticeable decrease in ride."
"It isn't a supercar, so it shouldn't look like a supercar, and I think they've hit a nice balance here."
"It's not just about a look, it's also about the taste."
"The ideal room divider should serve its purpose effectively and look good doing it."
"A beautiful and mesmerizing Tetris experience."
"A really bad paint job can... level down the look of a room, and a quality paint job... really does level it up."
"They breed very easy, but they look fantastic as well."
"A linen tablecloth...really gives off this relaxed luxurious look and can instantly transform your dining table."
"I absolutely love this vase. I love the tone of it; it's this nice taupey ceramic. It's matte. Love that."
"The golden ratio describes the most beautiful relation between the long and the short, the wide and the narrow, the more and the less."
"I sort of like part of it to be right in the middle... and then to have other parts of it asymmetrical and not so balanced."
"Good designers know how to make many elements work together in a holistic fashion such that the entire thing does what you want it to do and it doesn't interfere with itself."
"This game looks absolutely amazing, very clean and crisp."
"The interior is a very, very different matter. It's absolutely stunning."
"The models do seem to have been pretty well received, I do think they look quite fun."
"It is mind-blowing how gorgeous the game looks and I can't recommend it enough to first-time players or longtime fans."
"Wow, look at the setup in here, you guys, it's so beautiful. God, I literally love sparkly stuff so much."
"Don't get me wrong, there's a lot I quickly loved about Barbie. I mean, just visually, it's a triumph."
"There's something about the yellowed page that is just so beautiful, feels so organic and real."
"I feel like your aesthetic is that every single thing should look nice," she expressed. "Like whether it's a sponge in your kitchen or if it's the scissors that you use."
"Good design is a good thing. It helps you communicate your ideas."
"For thousands of years, some of the smartest people in the world have been asking themselves versions of the same question: Why do we like what we like? Is there a formula for beauty, for popularity, for human affinity?"
"It looks so good. Look at it. I'm so excited."
"It looks so good. It is the cutest, awesomest car on the road."
"I think beautiful defenses have merit just in the way that they look."
"I love the combo with the bright green and the purple."
"Guys, look at the interior! Oh, nice, I like it."
"Batmod's title screen actually looks sick, this is actually really cool, I've never used this client before today but it looks pretty cool."
"The huge advantage is that these beautiful large feature windows then get an awesome view of the countryside."
"The spectacle of the food is almost as important as the way it tastes."
"The best part of this game is easily the art Direction it's so Minecraft."
"I like the one in the center, it just looks better."
"This game may not be too much of a looker, but this is a game that basically has infinite replay value if you enjoy tinkering."
"It looked really cool especially from far away."
"Far Cry 4's ending works for me because it's beautiful inside and out in every way."
"The gameplay and aesthetics are top 10. Full mobile game, and the gameplay is damn right addictive, yeah baby!"
"Counter-Strike's not always beautiful, but it sure is entertaining."