
Self-deception Quotes

There are 646 quotes

"If you're cheating at solitaire, you're not actually playing the game."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When we're being unproductive and wasting our time, we like to tell ourselves that what's missing is motivation."
"Your number one concern in life should be curing yourself of self-deception. That's basically it. Almost nothing else matters."
"If you truly believe that billions of people around the world are self-deceived... you should be very concerned that your own mind is doing the same thing to you."
"Our greatest pain is from the lies we tell ourselves."
"The simplicity is, if you are prepared to lie to yourself, why not tell yourself a better lie?"
"They are the bullets of self-deception, the bullets that will pierce the heart of enlightenment if you let them."
"A strong delusion so strong, you can tell a lie so much even you believe it."
"The achiever starts to realize that self-deception is a thing."
"The problem with talking about simplicity and using simplicity as a guide is that it's very easy to fool yourself."
"What stops you back is the story, because the story stops you from getting honest."
"I think you should lie to yourself. Lie to your mind, cheat fear, and steal back the confidence you were born with."
"When we lie to ourselves, that too is about control because we're trying to protect ourselves or control a particular opinion that we have about ourselves."
"The nuance of harm is the illusion that you tell yourself to feel better about the horrible treatment that animals go through on factory farms."
"When you have an unfalsifiable belief like this, you quite literally begin to gaslight yourself."
"Self-deception is the biggest thing you need to be worried about in life."
"The gray are excuses, in my view, and we can rationalize and make stuff up all day long to make ourselves feel better."
"The progress paradox is this idea that if we think about something, or explain it, or visualise the outcome enough, then we fool ourselves."
"The first person you must not fool is yourself because you are the easiest person to fool."
"Ever think about how horrified the people we love would be if they found out who we truly are? So we just dig ourselves deeper into our lies every day, ultimately hurting the only people brave enough to love us. Wish I didn't do that, wish I was brave enough to love them back."
"No one lies to us more than we lie to ourselves. It's about understanding your own choices and learning to be honest with yourself."
"Sometimes we will use our virtues to gaslight ourselves."
"Ego operates through self-deception, subtlety, sneakiness, and counterintuitiveness."
"A lie is a lie, whether they're lying to everybody else or they're lying to themselves. Frankly, does it matter? It's just as likely that they knew exactly what they were doing as they were delusional idiots."
"Self-deception is going on in a multitude of ways. It's ingenious the degrees to which your mind can deceive itself."
"Communicating, coping, expressing your emotions, trying to change others, leaving - all these normally helpful strategies fail or make things worse if we're self-deceived."
"Denial, self-deception. It is so much more common than you think."
"The truth is we are scary good at lying to ourselves."
"Self-deception involves beliefs that are acquired/maintained in the face of strong counter-evidence."
"I think now seeing everything, I think I've been lying to myself."
"You might think, 'No, that's not me. I'm really good at spotting someone when they're lying.' Yeah, that just might be you engaging in self-deception."
"There are two ways to be fooled: one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true."
"The more you lie to yourself, the further you get from reality."
"We're trying to convince ourselves of things that we know they're not true."
"They're both deceived and deceiving, but there's a still small voice that tells them that this is not true."
"For having traffic with thyself alone, thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive."
"We love Jeff." "No we don't." "We're just in love with the idea of being loved."
"Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise."
"There's no cruelty in it... He's lying to himself and he's the one who put his identity on the table for discussion. I'm not going to lie to these people. I will tell them the frank truth and I'll tell it to their face. There is no other way."
"The level to which people will surrender to their own narrative bias."
"The lie I told myself for decades was: 'I'm not in pain, I'm empowered.'"
"Addiction does not necessarily make you a bad person, but it does very quickly make you an expert at lying to yourself and manipulating others."
"The grandiose narcissist is already living their fantasy, not the ultimate fantasy, but they're already kind of living a fantasy because of the high level of self-deception."
"It probably wasn't a good idea for me but I like to pretend like I'm doing just fine when I'm not."
"I just love that mentality. It's delusion, isn't it? Absolute delusion."
"Every evil and deluded person in history considered themselves rational and logical, using reasons to justify their actions."
"It's almost like a self-deception that's propagating across the world."
"Nothing is worse than when you lie to yourself."
"You are this powerful psychic being to the point where you tricked all of us, including probably yourself."
"Lying to yourself about how the war is going or lying to yourself about who's doing what isn't going to help your side in the long run."
"It's not my concern if you want to sit there and lie to yourself and have that veneer. My job is to treat you as the equal woman you are."
"It might just go back to that not wanting to admit you were just so obviously conned so you're just holding on to some sort of belief that there was some truth to what you were sold or what destroyed your life in a way."
"I've been unafraid now for a year all because I made something up."
"Love your body and watch as it loves you back in the most extraordinary impressive way."
"If you're willing to lie to yourself tell yourself a better lie I am hungry I do need to eat and I'm going to eat really healthy food because I love my body."
"Useful delusions: the power and paradox of the self-deceiving brain."
"The first principle of science is, you must not fool yourself. And you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
"That's a way of brainwashing themselves into working with a violent organization."
"You become married to your own narrative and you don't question anymore. It's very dangerous."
"The mind can literally concoct some alternative version of events and delude you into believing it."
"I think a bunch of my former partners said that does well like at the end of the day I was tricking myself and them this was a benevolent dictatorship that I tried to pretend was a democracy."
"If you are not dealing in truth with yourself and with other people you, it's a lost."
"Which of us is happier? If you're willing to engage in self-deception, you're unhappy with reality."
"Don't lie to yourself about the game you should play."
"The greatest damage done to you in life will never be lies other people tell you, it's the lies you tell yourself."
"People can really convince themselves of anything. They can justify anything if they want to."
"You don't have to live according to Romans 7. Well good luck because First John says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
"You can fool another person but you can't fool reality."
"The key is perspective... if you're lying to yourself then it's not going to matter."
"Peterson isn't just lying to the people who listen to him; he's also lying to himself, even though he doesn't want to."
"Boom, I thought for sure you'd be back here, you got played congratulations, you played yourself."
"Deceit and self-deception: fooling yourself the better to fool others."
"They've been lying to themselves for so long, and now they can't continue."
"Remember, when people cheat, they don't cheat on you, they cheat on themselves because the cheater always is the one living with regret."
"Just remember, if you lie, the only person you're lying to is yourself, and believe me, you will suffer."
"If we fool ourselves into believing that we're immune, we may go on to create so many crises of our own that we bring about the collapse of our own systems."
"Contradiction is so fascinating to me because it exposes the lie that you're telling yourself."
"Busyness is a form of laziness. You're keeping yourself busy so that you don't have to think."
"You can trick some people into thinking you're telling the truth but to yourself you'll always know you were a liar."
"How long do you get away with telling yourself the lie? I don't know, you tell me."
"Do not ignore the truth for your own comfort."
"The notion of believing something first to get evidence is irrational and leads to self-deception."
"There is a way that seems right to a man... but its end is the way of death."
"The validation it gives them is a complete facade."
"He embodied the narcissist's prayer: 'That didn't happen, and if it did, it wasn't that bad, and if it was, that's not a big deal, and if it is, that's not my fault, and if it was, I didn't mean it, and if I did, you deserved it.'"
"The problem with every demagogue in history is that they start to believe their own speeches."
"We all bought into this lie that you've got to feel ready in order to change."
"Wouldn't a crooked mind see the world in a crooked way and create problems for itself without knowing it?"
"Are you going to continue to birth this dust into existence and keep deluding yourself?"
"Radical honesty: to believe in the facade is to suffocate."
"Wishing on a Star is great when you have Neptune in the first house but wish fulfillment because you choose to believe someone who's deceiving you it's on you."
"Belief is an act of will to convince themselves of something that is not evidently true."
"Self-gaslighting delivers a sense of superiority to the narcissistic person."
"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
"Stay focused. Do not let your shadows play tricks on you."
"If you're trying to beat a record or just achieve something, just trick your brain into thinking that you failed and it'll all work out."
"Understanding the lies we tell ourselves and others based on hurt and lack of healing."
"Humanity's greatest strength is our ability to believe that we are immune to danger."
"You cannot run from your maker, you can pretend to, but the voice of God is screaming from every cell."
"Victim consciousness is brainwashing yourself."
"When you're a hearer but not a doer, you're a deceiver."
"You must always stay vigilant against self-deception."
"The sense is... they acutely feel the hazard that it puts them to psychologically comfortable lies perform."
"The most common form of lying is to yourself. It seems like an oxymoron to lie to yourself because you know what you're lying to yourself about, but to me, this proves something."
"You cannot sit here and tell yourself 'oh I'm okay everything's okay.' It's not. If you fool yourself, we can fool people for the rest of our lives. The most difficult person to fool is the man in the mirror."
"Delusion convinces them they're over it, but they're not."
"Stay true to yourself. Lie when you need to. Trust me, it creates bad habits."
"The lies are more comfortable than the truth and it's easier to live in what you've been taught rather than unpack why it may not be the truth at all."
"Excuses only sound good to the people who are giving them."
"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinion."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, especially when you pave the road yourself."
"They may better be able to fool you but they're not fooling me."
"Do you love with the paintbrush? Every time God shows you a red flag, you repaint it."
"You gotta trick yourself into believing you're doing what you're supposed to do."
"Their entire being is focused on pretending that those things, those feelings are not true."
"Feel free to lie to yourself if it helps you sleep better at night."
"All of these justifications and fantasies are not grounded in reality."
"People do things against their own best interest because they think they're special."
"This is wealth, this is luxury, this is the top echelons of wealth and they're challenged by their own duplicity."
"But it's also about them deceiving themselves and this is what the ending is this is what the healing is because we are moving away away from this situation that we had to have that we had to see."
"All excuse is a thin skin of fear stretched tightly over a bald-faced lie."
"What hurts us most in life is not the lies Judas tells us, but the lies we tell ourselves."
"He dismantles his grandiosity and rewrites his history."
"He creates fake memories to conform to the new negative information."
"It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him. And if the truth is undeniable, you create yourself."
"When you lie, you have to first lie to yourself a little bit before you can conveniently lie to others."
"One of the hallmarks of immaturity is thinking you can get away with untruth."
"Your mind is trying to trick you into doing nothing."
"They're gaslighting not only you but themselves at this point."
"Every habit we have, good and bad, is a lie because basically, they are illusions."
"There's a kind of self-deception going on with a lot of people... They pick and choose in ways that they don't even admit that they're picking and choosing."
"It's like they convinced everyone that they're doing okay."
"Your excuses are baloney - they're just fear."
"Making yourself like you're not, you're no longer playing yourself, you're no longer going to make things harder for yourself."
"Your shadow aspect is actually the one guiding you out of your trouble, your pain, and your own personal illusion that you have constructed."
"Confirmation quickly becomes cope formation."
"Pretending you can just not think about sex sets you up for failure."
"It's better to live in the truth than a lie if you've been putting false fronts to make money it's time to remove that mask."
"Deep down, these people know they're in the wrong but perform mental gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise."
"Your mind is your God, it shouldn't deceive you."
"Your conscience should you ignore the obvious and continue to live a lie."
"The greatest deception of men is from their own opinions."
"No one can delude themselves more than we can."
"Nobody is [ __ ]. You believe the [ __ ] you want to believe."
"From the outside people will think you're doing great and you could easily trick yourself into thinking you're doing great but actually you're becoming addicted to manipulation."
"Ironically he was keeping the information from himself."
"Once you successfully cheat people, your mind justifies it by making you believe that you are smart. That's absolutely correct."
"The only people you are deceiving are your own citizens, you're ultimately deceiving yourself."
"Love is the most beautiful thing God ever created, but the reason why a lot of people are suffering is because they have deceived themselves into thinking that they belong to a particular class, they belong to a particular direction."
"Sometimes we get lost in the chase. For ourselves, we're convinced that we're something we're not."
"If I'm not accepting the truth and what I'm actually going through I'm essentially just lying to myself and everyone around me."
"The mistake we made is that we sat there and said our tanks are better. We told lies to ourselves and to the Ukrainians about the superiority of Western technology. Western tanks burn every bit as much as Russian tanks."
"You lie to yourself that you're not going out tonight."
"Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving our own selves." - James 1:22
"Faith is very often believing, making believe something, or convincing yourself of something that is not true."
"Faith is just the ability to trick oneself for a purpose."
"I think you're gaslighting yourself. I think that there are some plain truths right in front of your nose and you are going to these extraordinary efforts to rationalize and justify."
"Believe you. Tell yourself a lie often enough, you're gonna start to believe it."
"The enemy convinced you it's better at the other table."
"Staring reality in the face is often difficult, but merely wishing reality away is not a path to improvement or change. It's sticking your head in the sand."
"She's just lying to herself... this system is patriarchal."
"Above all in science, you must not fool yourself, because you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
"Cheating is a complete gift of self; it's not a handshake."
"Arrogance gets you believing that you're going in the right direction when actually going the wrong direction."
"It's just like, they try to fool yourself, does your mind."
"We do lie to ourselves I do it you do it we all do it."
"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless."
"Many of us want to live a lie because it's convenient."
"The biggest scam we ever pull is convincing ourselves that we don't have power."
"The ego is trying to trick us to think that conflict is in the world, but it's a trick."
"If you're not concerned with your health and you're a bodybuilder using performance-enhancing drugs, then you're actually an idiot or you're just lying to yourself."
"We're allowing our own psychological delusion to be weaponized and projected onto others."
"The ego wants certainty so bad it's willing to ignore horrendous evils."
"If the girl likes you enough, you ain't never got to lie to her. She'll lie to herself."
"Each day is a challenge, an act to convince not just the world but myself of my false identity."
"If you sacrifice high quality just to put more weight on the bar... you've been sort of cheating the system."
"People lie to themselves all the time and then their lies become the reality."
"You can't tell yourself a lie over and over again even if you believe it."
"The narcissist says to himself, 'If I'm wearing a mask, this must be an external object because people wear masks only with external objects.'"
"Computers are really good at lying to themselves. I love it."
"You can't cheat yourself. You're not cheating anybody but yourself."
"Every single thing in life is the meaning we attach to it. We have the power to unlearn the lies we tell ourselves."
"Some of you are in the position you're in right now because you lied to yourself. You saw from the second or third date that homeboy was not the one God had for you, you ignored that, and you lied to yourself."
"We choose to stay in our stories because we get false benefits from them."
"Matt Powell is a liar and he's the worst kind of liar because not only is he willing to lie to everybody around him but he's more than happy to lie to himself as well."
"You get very good at lying to yourself the older that you get."
"It's the lies we tell ourselves that hurt us the most."
"Our greatest pain is caused by the lies we tell ourselves."
"The greatest weapon used against us is our own imagination."
"They believe they are fooling others, but they're not even fooling themselves."
"If you're not taking action towards the things that you say are important to you, then you're bullshitting yourself."
"The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves."
"Pride is a mask for self-loathing."
"We will all engage in self-deception, but if you have a different point of view and I'm willing to enter into genuine idea logos with you, you can help me correct mine and I can help you correct yours."
"The things that make you adaptive make you prone to self-deception."
"When you tell a lie and it's so convincing and you have the ability to believe the lie you told, it makes for a very dangerous person."
"The more you lie to yourself, the more there's pain."
"The best lies are lies we tell ourselves."
"You're a better liar, more generally, if you believe the lie that you're telling."
"At the end of the day, they're only lying to themselves, they're cheating themselves from getting the results that they want."