
Self-respect Quotes

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"Lying in a relationship would only be doing a disservice to yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated."
"You don't have to please everybody; you please people on your terms, with your morals and your values."
"Self-respect isn't about feeling better; self-respect is about knowing your own value."
"Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive."
"You have to earn your self-respect every day."
"Your highest commitment in this life: paying respect to your own self, into your life, into the miracle of existence."
"Do you respect yourself and your life enough to set a clear standard and boundary that you will not allow your life to go to waste?"
"I honor my time and energy by making smart choices that leave me feeling good about myself."
"When you keep your promises to yourself, you build self-respect."
"If you can't look in the mirror and authentically see a human being that you respect, that you encourage, that you like, that you're cheering for...let's just go with: Can you accept yourself? Can you like yourself? Can you see a person that's worthy of support, worthy of your encouragement?"
"Only people who cannot take advantage of you anymore will hate you for stepping into your power."
"Treat it with respect the way you would any other creature that depended upon you, you'll live better within your body, and your body will help you live better too."
"Love yourself first. Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive."
"If you're showing them that you respect yourselves, that you honor yourselves, that you want the best for yourselves, they are going to respond to that and learn from that."
"Comfort creates self-care but discomfort creates self-respect."
"Listen to your gut and don't give people your time that don't deserve it."
"Create distance from the things that make you feel bad about yourself—aka boundaries."
"Receiving money is actually a sign of self-respect because you need the money to survive, you need it to thrive, you need to improve your life."
"Walking power is an internal state where you feel and believe that you will walk away from this relationship if it is not what you want."
"The most feminine thing a woman can do is to walk away from a dishonorable man."
"Feel the pain, be able to say moving forward, if a person treats me in a way that is similar to what I just experienced because I've allowed myself to feel the pain of how it actually feels on the inside, I'm going to draw a line and say it ends here."
"You should never be okay with being treated that badly. You should never be okay with being betrayed. You should never be okay with having someone you trusted so much turn around and treat you as if you never meant anything to them."
"You have to have pride in yourself. You have to have something about you, whether it's your last name, whether it's just the smallest thing, you have to be proud of yourself."
"Over the next year, is learning how to really respect yourself, heighten your standards."
"You got to do something, be who you respect, and get well known for doing that, and then you'll love yourself."
"When you are independent, when you thrive on the sweat of your own brows... then honor, dignity, self-respect, integrity... that's the coin of the realm."
"I think we need to start putting our foot down on Mom, on kids, on brother. You're nice, you have a big heart, don't let anyone take advantage of it."
"You have to protect your own self-respect in whatever process you choose."
"Believe in yourself. Get away from that person who ain't got no respect for you."
"Honoring yourself allows you to attract an honorable person who will not only respect you but has a lot of respect for themselves as well."
"I think there are plenty of kind people who still know how to say no to certain things and not be taken advantage of."
"Stop wasting your time on people who treat you good one day and then act like you don't exist the next day."
"Women need to learn how to respect themselves, love themselves, fall in love with themselves, and stop worrying about men."
"Raise your standards of value and respect for yourself."
"Self-assertiveness means the willingness to stand up for myself, to be who I am openly, to treat myself with respect in all human encounters."
"If you see red flags super early on, you can do better. Just leave."
"Self-respect...do you believe that you have value inherently as a human being as you are right now?"
"An excellent woman has self-love... Self-love is being able to look yourself in the mirror, dead in the eye, and genuinely like yourself."
"A high-value woman respects her time, her energy, her body, and her mind."
"Boxing teaches you first and foremost self-respect and respect for others."
"It's not about showing respect to others; it's actually more about showing respect to yourself."
"Think about the commitments that you make to the people that matter most to you, and would you break those commitments to those people? If you wouldn't break your commitment to those people, take that same energy and apply it to yourself."
"When a man starts the conversation, 'I'm not ready for a serious relationship,' then your response should be, 'Thank you, next.'"
"The moment they drop below those standards, especially in the dating scene, you can count on that setting the tone for what you could expect in a relationship, and they need to go."
"If somebody shouts you down or walks away or unfriends you, you don't need them."
"The inability to reject less than I deserve is an invitation to self-abuse."
"If you haven't done anything wrong, do not apologize."
"Transform into the person with respect for themselves and appreciation for the progress you're making."
"We have to protect our own boundaries and value ourselves and our limits enough to respect our boundaries for ourselves."
"A person with standards has no problem with leaving or being left."
"When there's something in it for you, you answer the phone. I'm not seeing that you're demonstrating that what I want out of this relationship is important at all."
"Boundaries are clear, and when you're enforcing your boundaries, you need to enforce it with a straight face like you actually take your own boundary seriously."
"A boundary is first and foremost a demonstration of self-respect and respect for others."
"Having clear boundaries means learning to say no."
"People will treat you accordingly... Raise your standard to the level of your value. People will respect what you respect."
"When you enforce boundaries, it weeds out the pretenders from the contenders."
"Persistence is self-discipline in action. The more consistently you practice your chosen disciplines, the more you will like and respect yourself."
"When we begin to abandon ourselves, that's when we're allowing behavior to happen that we know is blatant disrespect."
"Treat yourself with dignity and respect because I believe you can't give away what you don't have."
"Your relationship with your own boundaries is a reflection of your self-worth and your self-respect."
"If you're not setting boundaries, then you are really inviting people to ignore your needs."
"Setting boundaries and sticking to them is crucial for healthy interactions."
"When you respect yourself, you demand that the world respect you."
"Without fully embracing reality and declaring: 'I choose to stand up for my right to exist, to value myself and to treat myself with respect!' No one can ever truly live or find happiness."
"No one is going to respect you unless you start respecting yourself."
"You teach people how to treat you by what you tolerate."
"Self-respect is about who controls your happiness in life."
"At the end of the day, self-respect is about who controls your happiness in life."
"The price of self-respect is recognizing that this is not the way you deserve to be treated."
"The high five habit...will build the habit of self-empowerment, self-respect, self-worth, self-encouragement, self-love. This is powerful stuff."
"I'm not going to kiss your ass. Forget about it; if you want that, go and watch the fakes."
"If someone doesn't appreciate your presence, the best you can do is let them appreciate your absence."
"When you don't like the way someone behaves and your mindset is clearly healthier than theirs, it's okay to walk away."
"Responsibility, that's what gives life meaning. It's like, lift a load. Then you can tolerate yourself, right?"
"I feel completely comfortable with myself and accept myself with love, respect, and appreciation."
"Don't make yourself smaller to make other people feel better about themselves."
"Responsibility is what gives life meaning. Lift a load, then you can tolerate yourself."
"Respecting ourselves and respecting others leads to getting that respect back."
"I went from settling in relationships not getting the treatment I deserve... to now receiving princess treatment every single day."
"You have the balance between respect for yourself and care for others."
"The only way that you will begin to respect yourself is by going through hard stuff. There's no way around it."
"Saying no to something doesn't mean it's the end of your career or life; you're just showing that you respect yourself and your own intuition."
"I'm not going to settle for nothing less than me."
"One of my favorite boundaries is standing up for myself."
"We can only ask people for so much, and once they repeatedly show that they will not honor the boundary, that's where you have to say this is my boundary with myself."
"Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what."
"Dignity has nothing to do with money, it's everything to do with what you think of yourself and how you see yourself."
"Respect yourself before you respect anybody else."
"Compromising your soul is never the right strategy."
"The sweet spot is having enough proactivity to open the door to possibility in your love life but enough pride to notice when someone is not meeting you there."
"You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you."
"Why shouldn't you text your ex happy birthday? You're just reminding them that you don't give a [__] about yourself."
"Don't let the person you're with disrespect you or treat you badly."
"Valuing yourself, respecting yourself as a human being is actually one of the great crises in the world today."
"Self-worth, valuing yourself, respecting yourself as a human being is actually one of the great crises in the world today."
"You're not gonna wait around for them forever, you're not gonna be messed around by somebody because you have your boundaries."
"Don't let anyone ever laugh at your expense."
"It's better to empower people... You then have the self-respect of knowing that you did that. How awesome is that?"
"I have a one-strike and you're out policy. If someone treats me really badly once, they're out."
"Stand tall and maintain your dignity no matter what, and others will treat you with the respect that you deserve."
"Continually eating foods that don't love you back is like staying in a toxic relationship and wondering why you're still miserable."
"Just because I love you doesn't mean you deserve me."
"You don't have to give people a billion chances. You know how to treat others, and that's common sense."
"How to say no without apologizing... it's very very difficult. First and foremost it's accepting the reality that you're welcome to say no, you're allowed to say no."
"Stop choosing what isn't choosing you. It's not personal."
"A woman must never sell herself short, never sell her dignity."
"Life isn't worth wasting time on people who pretend to like you."
"I feel like you are going through this time of glowing up; you're going to have so much more self-respect, so much more self-value."
"Controlling the ego is all well, but you will face moments in your life where you have to make a stand for yourself, otherwise you will turn into a pushover."
"You can only take so many hits to your integrity."
"One of my favorite boundaries is standing up for myself. It is knowing who I am, knowing my worth, and valuing that over what people might think."
"Don't accept any bad talk from anybody else about yourself."
"Never ever settle for someone who treats you like a backup plan or a second choice."
"As a grown woman, self-respect is a non-negotiable, and you have to start feeling comfortable speaking up for yourself when you need to."
"A lot of you guys wonder why no one respects you. It's because you don't respect yourself enough to get out there and become somebody."
"I'm not gonna enforce the idea of wearing hijab on Hannah. I am, however, gonna teach her all about modesty and how to respect herself and her body."
"You shouldn't have to settle for anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or doesn't make you feel good."
"We teach men how to treat us with our standards and goals. That's how we get men to invest in us."
"I hope you're treating yourself with love and respect, my friend, because you deserve all the best things in life."
"How you treat yourself tells people how you expect to be treated."
"Setting and maintaining boundaries is a form of self-respect and an important aspect of self-care."
"I deserve the biggest apology to myself for putting up with stuff that I did not deserve."
"I will love myself because it sets the standard for how everybody's going to love me."
"You need to have integrity in your relationships, and you need to have integrity of yourself."
"I'm proud of the way I carry myself. I'm ladylike but at the same time, I'm not stuck up."
"We both have to love ourselves individually, personally enough in order to not take what we don't deserve."
"Stop screwing around and play a bigger game with your life so you can win where it matters and earn your own respect."
"Apologies are important when you need to apologize, but you also don't want to get into a mindset where you're constantly apologizing for how you feel and who you are."
"The way you talk to yourself and treat yourself is so important. I wouldn't tolerate somebody else being like, 'Shame on you,' so why would I shame myself?"
"You can keep your money then, and you can say goodbye, because I certainly don't need entitled, toxic people trying to ruin my life and my business over 20 bucks."
"They can't humiliate you if you don't let them."
"Be the example of how the rest of the world is supposed to treat you."
"A big part of self-respect is actively working on yourself and putting in effort."
"It is such a green flag when a girl respects herself and puts in the work that it takes to get to where she wants to go in life."
"What's more important is, I want me. I am good enough for myself. So, anyone else, if you don't think I'm good enough for you, bye. See ya."
"Don't excuse their behavior just because you are lonely. Holding yourself accountable is crucial."
"Never settle. Even if you're feeling upset and want to move on, don't lower your standards."
"I am never going to let an employer treat me that way again. I'm never going to be trapped because of financial constraints."
"Life is too short to stay in a relationship where you're not being treated like the princess or the prince that you are."
"Life is too short; don't ever allow yourself to be taken for granted."
"Choose people who choose you and let go of people who let go of you."
"Women are capable of respecting a man, but you have to respect yourself first and then her."
"Becoming someone else's doormat is the quickest way to rejection, loss of respect, friendzone, and losing the love that you seek."
"You have to be willing to walk away because only those really interested will come back."
"If someone's not choosing you fully right now, that gives you every right to be able to be like, okay, I'm gonna move on. I'm gonna find someone who wants to choose me totally and wants to choose this relationship totally."
"You teach a man how to treat you by what you accept."
"He's got the whole package; you don't forget why you don't settle, and you don't look back."
"Consider at what price you sell your integrity, but please, for God's sake, don't sell it cheap."
"Ahri's bathroom was so immaculate, and he takes pride in himself and pride in the bathroom."
"Actually, a woman should respect herself so highly that she only splits her soul with the best man. This is like real female empowerment."
"Never do anything against your conscience. Do not do anything that lowers your self-respect."
"I began to value myself more than just being like a one-night stand or a casual hookup for a guy."
"The people who hate your boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none at all."
"It's about having self-respect, about having confidence in who you are, in your opinions, and in what you like and dislike, and be able to make that clear but you expect the same from her."
"You icing them out is hard for them, but this is teaching them how to treat you and what you will and won't put up with."
"I care about myself and when I'm standing up to you I'm standing up for myself, for my own pride and dignity."
"You should be confident, you should respect yourself because only when you respect yourself, you could only then truly respect others."
"You deserve unconditional love, which starts from setting boundaries."
"It's not okay for somebody to shame you; it's not okay for somebody to bully you."
"You must treat you the way you wanna be treated by other people."
"You set the tone for how you allow people to treat you."
"Write down a short list of people that you respect. These are the only people whose opinions about you should influence how you feel about yourself."
"Have boundaries when you go into something, and do not negotiate on those boundaries. Be firm on them."
"Know your worth, with your friends, with your family, in your partnership, in your relationship. Don't sell yourself short in any area of your life."
"You're not an oppressor for refusing to accept an ideology that teaches people to hate you."
"You're ready to hold your own and hold those boundaries and create that respect for yourself."
"If you're honest and forthright with your intentions and you have nothing to hide, people will respect you, and eventually, you will learn to trust your instincts and most importantly, respect yourself."
"At some point in your life, you got to put your foot down and say I am not going to play the fool twice."
"Dignity and self-respect are something that you can have all your life."
"I deserve respect and my abilities command admiration."
"Tell your listeners, start treating yourself with greater respect and respect your own people and buy from them, and service them, and care for them, and protect them before you divide and service anybody else."
"Love yourself and to respect yourself and to find whatever it is that makes you happy."
"You should never be punished for having boundaries. For having self-respect, for knowing what it is that isn't okay with you. That is a beautiful thing."
"It's okay to carry yourself with respect. It's okay to set standards for yourself. It's okay to not let men, or whoever, just take advantage of you."
"You cannot allow yourself to be nobody's secret."
"I know that I deserve more and I know that I have a rich emotional life that as a human being I deserve the respect and it is an act of love to be received."
"I never make another man feel like he's greater than me."
"If someone else is playing games or wasting time, there is no reason for you to invest in that relationship. In fact, do the opposite."
"I'm not saying you should put up with it. If you have someone in your life that is treating you badly, you have every right to protect yourself."
"You're not going to settle for less, so these people approaching you, thinking you're going to settle for them, it's almost like a joke."
"Don't settle for less, and have self-respect."
"If you find out he's a player, or you even just get the red flag, then walk away. It's fine."
"Debt robs a man of his self-respect, and makes him almost despise himself."
"Respect your body, love yourself no matter your size."
"I spent five years being loyal to someone. I spent all my time, energy, effort, and if I find out someone cheated on me, I'm not going to stay with them."
"Treat your body like a temple, not a trash can."
"Create somebody within yourself where people can respect and keep it up that is your duty and your obligation to your very existence."
"Stop being an asshole to yourself, stop being judgmental, stop letting your emotions dictate your actions and look at everything critically and analytically."
"I'm not gonna let somebody... stay in my mind rent-free."
"Self-esteem and self-respect for yourself comes from when you carry your own load."
"Your creativity still matters and I want you to stand up for that and respect that."
"Never allow yourself to live with a man that makes you afraid."
"Never compromise your values and principles because you won't like yourself."
"A man will never respect a woman beyond the respect she has for herself."
"Always enforce limits; always have limits and boundaries."
"It's one thing for you to disrespect me, but it is another thing entirely for me to disrespect myself."
"You have to be nice to yourself and respect yourself...and you'll find that every time it comes up again, it's less intense."
"Love yourself. Next video's going to be about self-respect, delayed gratification, and why you shouldn't let everybody up inside your cookie jar."
"If somebody doesn't want you, they don't want you. Leave them the freak alone."