
Personal Strength Quotes

There are 2440 quotes

"The home is the safe place from which you can go out and be a warrior."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to help other people is to first get centered and strong in yourself."
"If I was going to break, I'd a broken a long time ago 'cause I've been to hell and back and I'm still here."
"You're finding that validation within yourself which is giving you strength."
"You can be empowered without Supernatural Powers."
"You start to realize that you're stronger now than you ever were before."
"Self-love is the ultimate strength and the ultimate power."
"No contact is like working out; the longer you go no contact, the stronger you get."
"Your natural gift and talent is your intelligence."
"Instead of being a disability, my ADHD was really my superpower."
"Do you want to be strong enough to break this chain of hurt, or are you gonna be a link in this chain and pass the hurt on to somebody else?"
"Forgiveness improves your biology; it makes you stronger."
"There's no way I could have gotten through all that I went through... if there wasn't a higher power something bigger than me."
"You're stepping into a much powerful, much more powerful position."
"Don't allow a certain situation or person to take control of you. Stand up for yourself and take back your power. You are stronger than you think."
"It's one level of discipline. I think this is a lot like discipline, and I would say consistent discipline has been one of those prodigy-like strengths that I had."
"Courage is the strength to stand up when it's easier to fall down."
"Your intuition and your psychic ability are just so beyond on point."
"What they like the most about you is that you will stand up for yourself and just don't back down."
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
"I genuinely feel so much stronger and just ready to take on this year because of what I went through and what I overcame."
"As a black woman, you get this muscle that you have learned to use over and over again because people say crazy things to you all your life."
"You're a lot tougher than you think you are."
"Don't let that bother you. You know who you are, so don't let anybody else tell you otherwise."
"You are one tough cookie. You have come to this lifetime with a lot of inner strength, thriving despite the obstacles."
"I'm looking my best when I'm under pressure. Some people aren't like that, but I'm like that."
"You're stronger than you think. Namaste everybody."
"Sometimes just standing up and saying no is victory enough."
"My faith is super important to me. My relationship with God is how I find my strength and peace in this crazy world."
"Donna Sue says she can't go to prison. She says she's seen what being behind bars for a year and a half has done to Charlie, and she's not strong enough to handle it."
"There's nothing you're going to face that's bigger than you. There's nothing that you're going to face that's stronger than you."
"The light is within; you are revealing a part of yourself that you didn't know you had."
"Strengthen yourself as individuals and to strengthen your own mind."
"Life is hard. That is just a truth. But you have a choice, all of us have a choice, whether we're going to be weak or we're going to be strong."
"Stay in your power; this is what Spirit is saying."
"Power without the willpower to use it is no power."
"The deepest darkest challenges can be the most transformative if you trust in your strength."
"They can't humiliate you if you don't let them."
"You are independent, you take care of yourself."
"I run to be strong and I run to prove I'm capable of doing stuff I didn't think possible."
"If someone leaves you and they don't want you, it's their loss."
"Hold on to hope if you got it. Don't let it go for nobody."
"Career satisfaction comes from doing what comes easily to you for and around people who value that skill."
"When you break my tough exterior, you'll find that I'm truly delicate."
"Our strength is in our ruins, and if we divide ourselves from our ruins, then we don't know our strength."
"Being honest and saying that you're not in love with something anymore is so powerful and so hard."
"When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm."
"Indomitable will. It's that something inside of us that is such a charge and such a force that's untouchable from anything else."
"Don't let the crisis overwhelm you, have its way with you, and do its work on you."
"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."
"When I found you in my DNA, I learned where my strength comes from."
"For what you've come through and sitting here and smiling and being as strong as you can be to show others that you can push through the pain is an inspiration."
"There's a power within you to help you overcome your most daunting challenges."
"I'm never going to be him, just taking it. No, you gotta fight back."
"You are bigger than this, you are better than this, you are smarter than this, you are stronger than this."
"It was when I was 16 years old... I realized how strong I was then... All I could remember was how good I felt. And that terrified me afterwards because, you know, I thought that what I was doing was wrong, but every single part of myself told me it wasn't."
"I have survived. I have become strong without you, despite you."
"It's only through resistance, it's only through suffering and struggling that you actually can become strong."
"Strong man... stand strong and do strong things."
"She has played all the games; now, she walks away."
"I think it takes a lot of strength to wear it."
"I realized I was stronger when I focused and zoned out everything else."
"You guys definitely are really talented in some area of your life; that's what makes you really attractive."
"Focus on where you're good, and you need to stick to it."
"You were born with a super gift, which is intuition."
"Gentleness creates bridges in relationships instead of destroying them."
"Compared to this innate power we're born with, no force on Earth is significant."
"The one thing that he can never take from you is your spirit."
"Girl, you're fit for fight. You are going to nail this in no time."
"Adam is the strongest person I've ever met in my life."
"Asking for help is not a weakness, it's a strength."
"Stand up for yourself. Never negate your ability to speak."
"This is a time of great personal strength for you."
"I have the courage and strength to navigate any situation."
"Forgiveness teaches patience and makes a person stronger."
"Own yourself, call your power back, own that power, own your strength."
"What didn't kill me should have tried harder."
"Strength not to be independent, not to be dependent on anybody or anything."
"Your life lived is the best weapon you have."
"The power of friendship versus acting alone."
"We need to become mentally tough so that whatever circumstance comes, we can stand." - JD
"A taste of praise gives me the strength to start."
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice."
"My greatest asset, I feel, is IPC skills, which is interpersonal communication skills."
"Every kid would suffer. My ADHD became my superpower."
"I love your poster. We are all stronger than we think, aren't we?"
"Courtney Hadwin is not just an artist, she's a force to be reckoned with."
"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
"God's place is to make sure you shine in the midst of your day whether it's smooth or not."
"You're stronger than that, you're more than that."
"Everything you've done has brought you something."
"It's not necessarily about how much weight you lift but how much weight you can lift relative to your own strength."
"What has happened to me... it's made me very strong."
"The discovery of the nobility that's within you constitutes a sufficient wellspring of strength."
"You're stronger than the fear; you're capable of doing this."
"Accentuate what makes you different; try to find ways to not feel like you have to lift everything up and do it all on your own."
"They believe in me, they believe in the United States Constitution, they believe in what I'm doing, and they give me strength."
"I really admire how you've turned your grief into a superpower."
"For Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses... for when I am weak, then I am strong."
"You're not weak and nothing, there's something to you."
"The last person who called me a coward didn't get a chance to say it the second time."
"I'm a strong person. I'm built out of titanium."
"Strength card, you're gonna be overcoming this challenge."
"Recognize the need for change in relationships; inner strength is key."
"People who can stand up even when they're shaking are really impressive."
"Nobody's going to tell me any different. Nothing's gonna happen to me. You can't do anything to me that I've already been through to make me do what you want."
"Trust your Vibes, you got what it takes to trust your Vibes."
"There is no challenge too difficult for you to handle."
"When you exert that sort of decisiveness and have the courage to leave somebody who you know is not right for you, then that actually builds a lot of strength within you."
"You're both learning to embrace who you really are, your true nature, your unique nature, and knowing it's your strength."
"I've known that my superpower of sorts is my ability to tell a story."
"Everybody's got strength, one way or another."
"She's Heaven's Angel, so strong even in struggle. When life comes like a storm from every angle, she rises above it all."
"You can strip somebody's resources from you, you can take away their health or take away all their money, you can take it, but you cannot take away somebody's capacity to love another, and that capacity to love is the source of happiness."
"You're more powerful than you're giving yourself credit for."
"I think that being a girl is a weakness... it was pounded into us at a very early age."
"You gotta find a why that makes you invincible."
"It's okay that you're different, because look... you can work with your brain in a different way."
"Because you are awesome, you're a total bad ass."
"Remember your roots. Stop playing small and know that you're a lot stronger than you think."
"Stay as strong as evergreen trees, this is also about your ability to be resilient even in the face of rejection or the face of being unaccepted or judged."
"Genuine ethical virtue is a source of resilience and strength."
"Declare with confidence: I trust in you, my beloved Father. I am ready to embrace the miracle destined for me."
"Even in your darkest hours, I will be your solace and strength."
"You're demonstrating that you have a backbone, that you have balls, that you have options, you have a life, and it doesn't revolve around her."
"You can take anything that life could throw at you."
"Life does not get easier, you just get stronger."
"Fasting shows you that you have more power in you than you think you do."
"Whatever strengthens my spirit weakens my flesh."
"There's a real resilience in the face of adversity here."
"Being high value is so prized by the world. If it's not tested, it's not worth it. Show me what happens when you get knocked down. How do you rise? Do you get stronger?"
"I put in my mind that I would never let them see me break."
"The parts of your life that demons don't control are stronger than the parts they do."
"You're not a threat if you're weak, lazy, or if testosterone is in the gutter."
"That's where my beauty is and that's where my power is."
"The mere fact that I exist because they persevered has given me strength."
"Stay strong, have patience... stay true to your heart, your soul, your aligned connection."
"Britney is strong and stands up for what she wants."
"At the end of the day, they persecuted Jesus, Martin, Malcolm, Paul, Peter... But the reality is, once you get that individual strength, you're no longer worried about the Tom, Dick, and Harry's."
"I refuse to sit in my own blood, I'm gonna rise above the trauma of what I went through."
"In the winter, your roots grow deeper, they find moisture deeper, they grow stronger."
"Start to imagine that you are capable, strong, and powerful."
"Be strong and don't be so critical on yourself."
"You better get some internal fortitude and something called a little bit of courage."
"If you can start to think that the right people will come to you, that you recognize your power and strength, then you don't have to overcompensate."
"I believe in you every step of the way. I can't wait for you to be a badass, be a strong badass."
"No matter what, anything has been thrown at you, you have been able to overcome."
"Your honesty is your power, your honesty is your strength."
"Vulnerability is strength. It's not a weakness."
"You're not crazy, you're not paranoid, you are perceptive and vigilant, and the world is going to need your strength in the times to come. Stay brave and keep on opposing fascism wherever the fuck you see it."
"Strengthen our spines, strengthen our spirits, and help us run. It's for your beautiful name I pray. Amen."
"It's never easy, but real strong people face the problem and either conquer it or suffer from it."
"You really do only have yourself to get through those situations. You can have loving people... but at the end of the day, you are literally the only person who can pull yourself through."
"Speak from the heart, speak with kindness and with strength, and you'll be your own superhero."
"I think you're more strong than you think you are."
"I see it as like you having the strength to do these things yourself."
"All courage ends in patience, and all strength must end in humility."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but it's acting while you're afraid despite it."
"That's the best power in the world to have really."
"He wanted me to understand at my very core that He has all power to lift me or anyone else, even the least."
"It is not the armor or weapons that make the warrior, it is the spirit."
"It's a real story of strength and determination."
"Prayer can move mountains because it is so powerful and so strong."
"You're completely yourself and can handle anything."
"I don't know if you can really truly be the person you are until you've been thrown up against the wall and it's do or die, you know, and then you know who you are and you have real strength."
"It's not easy to be vulnerable in your position with the career you have, in the way you have."
"Victory and love after struggles and strength."
"I could take a hit. I raised a child from 17. So let's trust ourselves."
"I would not be able to stay sober unless I had God. I have to, God is my strength."
"Ultimately, it is not your ability to beat the narcissist at his or her own game that frightens them."
"The hidden blessing of being with a narcissist: you are now certifiably strong."
"You're the type of person I'm here not afraid by Eminem."
"You want someone stronger than you? You found him."
"Your resilience, your ability to not only handle life around you but rise from the ashes of its turbulence and its misfortune, will never leave you if you don't let it."
"Prayer as a discipline gives us greater strength to deal with bigger issues in life."
"You're strong enough to withstand any obstacle."
"When life knocks you down, you'll jump up and say it's not over."
"Remember how powerful you are remember how intuitive you are remember that your soul knows the way."
"Realizing how strong you are within yourself like there's a lot of being proud of yourself."
"Strength is also in walking away... our reaction leads to a counter-reaction."
"Mitzi never gave up she didn't let this cruel world that had constantly dealt her bad cards keep her down."
"Home is the roots to me, and the roots are so important because that's where the tree gets its nourishment, its strength, and its grounding."
"Empowering belief system: Their belief system is a source of empowerment."
"Remember to be gentle with yourself because you are still gentle as powerful you are and as amazing you are you still are a nurturer a kind soul."
"But they may go one step further and they may say, 'Well, she's special, she's got a superpower. I'm not like her, she was able to overcome what she went through and come out the other side, she's stronger than me.'"
"I'm unbreakable... I got bent and tempered so badly that I've come full circle and I am now just an uncompressible ring of durability."
"We are not strangers to taking tough things."
"I do see you having courage and I do see you having strength."
"Unfortunately, you are 100 correct... you need a little tribe around you... so you can find your strength."
"Instead of promoting the victimhood mentality, if they were to promote bravery and encourage young kids to actually be stronger and fight back, never surrender."
"Hardship isn't the same thing as victimhood."
"You're not allowing anyone to dull your shine."
"I will never just be somebody's punching bag ever in life."
"It takes a strong person to swim against the media tide."
"Their biggest strength is their loyalty and commitment to you."
"Greater is the power of the quiet stream than the power of the whirlwind."
"Being a good, strong person ultimately comes down to moral courage."
"Choose self-focus, stand strong, be confident."
"Responsibility is a good thing because it makes you strong to bear up under it, makes you strong."
"You win over weaknesses by not letting them reign."