
Home Quotes

There are 18122 quotes

"The home is the safe place from which you can go out and be a warrior."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Create that feeling of checking into your favorite boutique hotel suite, but at home."
"Is home a place, or is home like a feeling? Because the closest thing I have to feeling like I'm at home now is when I feel like I'm at home, it doesn't really matter where it is."
"Home isn't perfect. It's the place that you accept in spite of its flaws."
"Are we homeless? Well, absolutely not. Our home is on wheels."
"Our spirits are hiding here; if this house disappears, our ancestors will disappear too, and they won't be able to do any more for us."
"You're going to feel more at home than you've ever felt before."
"I love concealing remote controls; I don't like to see them sitting out all over the house."
"It's time to go home, and they declare that they will be going where they belong."
"I want to... have my dad construct my dream home."
"The heart cannot function without blood; a car can't move without an engine; and so, a house can't be a home without the touch of a godly woman."
"It's very, very important to love where you live."
"Your home is like the one place where you should be able to feel relaxed and be your full self."
"It was for defense; it wasn't just a house, it was a home."
"Feels good to be back home, even though we don't necessarily have a fancy house, we got our pets and, uh, you know, we got our memories of being here."
"Home is rest. Just a place where my family can come, where I can come and exhale."
"My favorite house stories are when a home tells the story of the person who lives there."
"This valley is absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to call it home."
"I really feel like you guys are going to find out where your heart is, aka where your home is, and you're finally going to settle somewhere where your heart feels safe, where your heart feels at home."
"They are entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of their home, just as you are."
"You are about to get some genius ideas when you're hanging out in your home."
"You're going to be doing a lot of cleaning and organizing your home, which is going to be very good for your mental health."
"Home is where you got to be yourself. You can't just be something you're not."
"Our house should serve us in our current season of life...stuff is meant to make our life easier, not harder."
"Cherish the home for your soul and your body."
"The peace of my life... I love being at home."
"Imagine… a forest. Imagine it’s your home. It’s both your shelter and your source of sustenance."
"Hermit crab teaches us a powerful lesson: home is always inside of us. We can carry it everywhere and still be at home."
"May your presence have dominion in my home; may your will be done in my house, Lord."
"A home is not complete unless it is built on your word, unless it is built on your presence, on the foundation that is Jesus Christ."
"May the word of God have the final authority in my home; a peace that is beyond all understanding will rule my house."
"Growing up on a cattle ranch, I was always like I want to be constantly traveling and flying, going on trips. And then once I actually did do like a month and a half long straight of just traveling, I have never wanted to be back home so badly."
"Home sweet home, we finally have a place to live, I'm so excited."
"Simon has the only thing money can’t buy — a good home."
"I can't wait to get home. Oh my God, I can't wait to get home."
"You wake up, sleepiness fades as your eyes slowly open to a bright white light, and it feels warm and familiar, it feels like home, and your whole family is there to meet you."
"How was it possible that she could feel like a homecoming to a man who had never before had any sense of home?"
"We've been telling you for a while now that this was not our forever home."
"A home where you feel loved, where you feel that you're unconditionally accepted, where you're validated."
"Build for me a home really is to build a home for your soul, for your divine soul, for the best part of you."
"Most of us feel safe in our homes because we trust that they are purpose-built to withstand the different seasons."
"I want to have a nice, clean, clear home, but whatever those reasons are, make sure you're clear on those."
"Just seeing what a home can be changes my perspective on what I've perceived it to be my whole life."
"Home wasn't just a physical space; it was a symbol of success, stability, and a better future."
"The person that I learned tarot from actually reminded me that your house is not just a place that you live; it's a temple."
"You feel like the sweetest home I've never known."
"Every family's journey is unique, but the essence of a home remains constant: a sanctuary where love and dreams coalesce."
"That's why we RV, right? That's the reasons you can have; it's your little house behind you."
"Everybody wants a big house... but we always spend time developing the quality of the house, what about the quality of the lives of people living in them?"
"I love this house; I really love this house."
"Things don't work out; you can always come home."
"This is where I'm home; this is where I'm alive."
"The lights in my living room around my television automatically dim when I start watching a TV show or a film, giving me a really nice ambient cinema-like atmosphere."
"One of the most effective ways to immerse a player into a virtual world is to give them a place to call home."
"Domestic happiness, happiness at home, happiness where you live in your home with those people that are close to you."
"This is where I belong. This is home. Real dirt, in the sunlight again."
"When you look at the images, then you see what makes us who we are. I see love, I see happiness, I see freedom, and I see somewhere that I can call home."
"Winning at home is not about winning on stage; winning at home is about winning at home."
"You get to be a home because you are committed to creating a space of peace and tranquility, not just for somebody else but for yourself."
"From our home to yours, welcome. Come on, let's have some fun."
"I'm very happy. I'm going home to my kids, love going home to my family."
"One year from now, you will be in your dream home."
"Give yourself permission to know that you can live in a space and your home can evolve with you."
"There have been some big changes and smaller ones, but I love that our home still feels like us, just in a reimagined way."
"The living room is the focal point of a house, and if your living room looks off, it just throws the whole house off whack."
"My wife and I are just incredibly grateful for this house."
"Your home should be your ultimate place of peace. It's where you go to rejuvenate and to regenerate."
"Every time I come back home, I'm surrounded by mountains, and it's just [expletive] beautiful."
"Having a clean and calm space just makes me feel so much more relaxed when I'm in my home."
"You can call it what you want, but I call it home."
"The house obviously takes a hit, but it is more than worth it because, you know, you're making memories."
"Our house isn't a trophy; it's a starting point for adventures and a landing place when we get back."
"I really like it. We have a full kitchen that I know that we could entertain in and cook in."
"Always make the places you call home...it's your responsibility to take care of it, to make it what you want it to be."
"Home is where people notice when you're not there."
"Plenty of opportunities to risk bringing something attached to her into the once quiet home she lived in."
"The home physically speaking is a place of rest, it's a place of comfort, it's a place of shelter and safety."
"I want a big giant Kingdom that I can call home filled with animals."
"I think your home tells you so much about a person."
"Sometimes you've got to get your masculine energy from a candle."
"Any sort of idea of home for Palestinians is being compromised every single day and is shrinking every single day."
"I really wanted you to feel at home, so I built one for you."
"I've been thinking... since I have made a place perfect for you, would you stay with me?"
"Having your kitchen simplified and decluttered changes everything about your house and how you feel about yourself."
"Every single day I just continue to be so glad and so grateful for our simplified home."
"I remember the feeling I had as a kid of the safety, security, and peace of mind contained in one word: home."
"I moved into a beautiful home that rested within a quiet suburban community, the opposite of the neighborhood I grew up in."
"My home is a sacred space full of beauty, inspiration, and protection."
"Have your kids and build your family. You don't know how it feels coming back home and your food is right there, your kids are around you, hugging, telling you that welcome."
"Our fall front porch is done, and I am just thrilled with how it turned out. It just screams fall in the grandest possible way."
"My long-term goal is to buy a new house for my parents."
"Spend some time at home with your family. Checking up on your mom or hanging out with her if you haven't in a while can be especially meaningful."
"Your home is supposed to be your safe place."
"There's something about just coming home and knowing your person is there."
"You're their home, you're where they belong."
"This is my home. Are you crazy? I'll never feel pressure here."
"We want everyone who plays Minecraft to feel like they could build their home and feel like they're at home in Minecraft."
"It is such a joy to wake up to a clean, wonderful house."
"It's never punishment for me to have to stay home with my wife. It was actually quite glorious."
"I moved in in 2002 when the boys were 22 and 16. When I walked in for the first time, it was completely bare, but over the last 7 years, that has changed."
"What I wouldn't give to have a home out in the middle of the woods."
"A dance floor in their house... This is the coolest thing ever."
"I just wanted to go home. I needed to go back home no matter what because she's waiting for me. Mama is waiting for me at home."
"Craft a home that is practical and more importantly, craft a home that you love."
"We love it so much we're actually thinking about getting a second one for the second floor."
"With all the uncertainty in the world, feeling safe at home has never been more important."
"I find so much comfort in making my home cozy."
"Our house is our home, just like anyone else's home. You go home at the end of the day to feel comfortable and relax in your own skin."
"Finally, let us never forget, the world has many places, many dreams, and many roads, but in all of the world, there is no place like home."
"This place felt more like home than where I was living."
"My favorite thing about our home... it really feels cozy and personal."
"Home means to me where there is warmth and love... and where your loved ones are."
"Every room feels cozy and inviting... that to me is what home is."
"I really want our bedroom to feel like a space when we wake up we're excited for the day."
"We've spent the last few months settling in here and making this place our own."
"I like it. The size of this island, look at that thing. I do like that. Yeah, I like all the seating. I like this table set up. This is very, I like the way they decorated this."
"Family is where we love, laugh, shout, and cry."
"This is home, where I belong. I always say, like, this is where I live."
"I think this is my favorite spot in the house."
"Creating that home that you just can't leave."
"It's absolutely incredible, the new home. Hopefully we'll see some good times."
"There's nothing better than putting brand new sheets on your bed."
"I don't want the country to break up. It's my home, it's your home."
"The kitchen became the heart and center of the meaning of home."
"Home is the place where your soul feels like it belongs."
"I see freedom as being a part of this home... having access to what you need as you go along..."
"Home is the place that when you have to go there they have to take you in."
"She's brought me home in a way that I didn't think is possible."
"Thor decided to totally abandon his new home."
"The world is your home. What time will you be home for dinner?"
"Welcome to my kitchen, somebody's been cooking."
"They're only $14 for the room spray and there's even a diffuser set and candles."
"Coziness is like a multi-sensory experience."
"Everybody moves. Just about the time you think you have a forever home, you'll discover forever is not there."
"If you ever need a place to stay, you have the key to the house."
"I just feel so unbelievably blessed to have this place. I'm so excited to show you guys, thank you so much for all of your love and support and making this possible."
"I love this kitchen, it's really convenient, it's nice and cute."
"I think home is more than just a physical structure; it's a place to be, it's a place, it's a sense of belonging."
"Home is wherever or with whomever you'd like it to be."
"Your home seems to have legitimate paranormal activity."
"The Hernandez family saw something they can't explain captured by their home security cameras in Clovis."
"Whoever said the house is what holds the treasure?"
"Everybody finds their home, you know, there's a home for everybody out there."
"Remove any items from the home. Then you're going to pray aloud in every single room, inviting the Holy Spirit into your home."
"Happy now? Okay, now we can go home and wait."
"If you love what's in your home or love your home, then that makes it your home."
"We found a place that we could really call home."
"Y'all can always come back home just so y'all know."
"I already had my home, you know. I knew what I wanted out of life. I had already said, 'This is what I'm gonna do. This is what I'm gonna make happen for me.'"
"Adding a security system to your home might not be a bad idea."
"I see revivals breaking out in homes as they're listening."
"If you don't have a warrant, get the [__] out of my house!"
"This tree shall make a fine home for the Terence, job done."
"That's what I'm talking about! You're all on your home."
"That was my childhood home and I really loved it there so much."
"If you need a sanctuary, this house is your home."
"It feels like I entered like a home. Yeah, it's like I'm cozy there's [__] everywhere."
"Almost anything that needs to be done in your home is figure-out-able."
"You can have more than one home. Home doesn't have to be just one place, it can be whatever you want it to be."
"Home is where the heart is, absolutely. Hola familia, saludos."
"I've lived in nine houses in my life, this is my tenth, and it's by far the best."
"Your home is where you value yourself and spend time with loved ones."
"With Marie's help, I was taught how to befriend the gyus. Mint was now finally at home alongside Lucky."
"If you ain't got peace at home, you ain't got peace nowhere."
"They felt very at home with you, they found their true home in you."
"Spamton after such a long cruel lonely life has finally found a place he can call home."
"Consecrate your home and dedicate it to the Lord."
"Life is so good I can finally stop the house hunting Journey."
"I have a dream home in a dream location at a dream price."
"Good sheets are an essential part of life and a mandatory part of our bedroom."
"Heal every divided home. Remove lovelessness. Remove everything that keeps unity from becoming a reality."
"Our commonalities unite us, but the hundreds of tiny details that make our homes unique are what truly define our realities."
"What makes something feel like home in our worlds is like comfort food; it's in the details and the specificity of it."
"I really enjoyed seeing the patio and the living room because it just makes it seem like your living room is that big if you want it to be."
"I've really been enjoying cooking and experimenting in the kitchen with Home Chef."
"This is home. Yeah, I couldn't wait to get here."
"Feels amazing now my house is back to normal."
"It's that moment when you unlock the door, hit the garage door open or whatever it is and you come inside and it's like ah yes I'm home."
"Why didn't you just go home? That's your home. Are you too good for your home?"
"A good house is never finished, it just gets better with age."
"Having HelloFresh delivered to our door has really made incorporating emmy in the kitchen that much easier."
"Things are looking beautiful so that's fun, my house isn't but that's alright."
"This kitchen is open, it's amazing... did I say there's a lot of cabinet space?"
"Money can buy you a house, but it certainly can't buy you a home."
"England is our home, where we have our existence."
"This apartment means a lot to me; it's our safe haven."
"When you make someone feel safe, it's like when you give a girl a house, she'll give you a home."
"The potential here is for you to find a place where you feel at home, something where you feel safe to anchor."
"I've never felt completely safe in a home without doing a complete search before bed since."
"They want to feel like they have a stable home and foundation with you."
"It does look so much cleaner and it just feels so much better to come in here at the end of the day."
"Home sweet home, I guess. Considering everything that happened, it's impressive how ordinary it turned out."
"I actually love the way a clean fridge looks like."
"You never lock the door when you're taking a bath or shower... you want somebody to be able to get in there always."
"Go big or go home. No, go bigger. Never go home."
"I love my wood cook stove so much, her name's Martha by the way."
"Kansas is my home, and there's no place like home."
"Every other room in a house has a purpose... but a lounge room, that's where the fun happens."
"It's the most expressive room of the house, really."
"A new beginning in terms of home and family matters."