
Honesty Quotes

There are 36064 quotes

"If you're cheating at solitaire, you're not actually playing the game."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Lying in a relationship would only be doing a disservice to yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think in some ways, wrestling's more honest or legitimate, because we start with the idea that it's fixed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I try really hard to be nuanced and to have an honest approach with things."
"Journaling in full honesty with oneself is very powerful."
"I'm an American, and I can't lie to you guys."
"Nature with its simple but harsh presence does not deceive... nature is sincere, it's neither for nor against us."
"Awareness of one's thinking seems immensely powerful in this context."
"I never pretend to know all the answers. If you don't know the answer to a question, either go look it up or tell your client, 'I don't know, but I'm going to find out for you.'"
"Bring your life into balance, be honest with yourself, and focus on positive thoughts and energy as you're starting to manifest."
"The kids who said 'I don't cheat' versus the kids who said 'I am NOT a cheater'... those who adopted the idea that they were not a cheater actually cheated less."
"Be kind to yourself, have grace for yourself, and just be honest."
"The beautiful part about being honest is that you don't have to hide anything."
"To accurately assess the data and figure out what it's telling you, you have to be willing to stare nakedly at your own inadequacies."
"Tell people you love them if you really do. That's a wonderful antidote to falsehood."
"Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing."
"I've had to make so many new friends along the journey that I've learned to just say how I feel."
"He's an absolute pro, a great competitor, and he's brutally honest with himself."
"Being a human being means we lie, but you know what doesn't lie? Body language."
"Stop lying to yourselves. It's the single greatest mistake."
"Heart-centered radical honesty is direct, a little tough love, and a lot of heart."
"Radical truthfulness means that anybody can say what they really mean."
"I actually love the fact that I am willing to be completely honest... I really do think I am a truth-teller."
"It's better to be truthful than to be holy to be phony."
"If you make a mistake and you've hurt someone, say sorry and be honest."
"We sugarcoat a lot, but the truth is, it's not okay to keep making excuses for not making a change."
"Being honest with yourself is a key first step to healing and having a feeling or an experience within you doesn't make you disloyal."
"In the moment a lie happens, it's the fakest world; like, we are so strange how fake we're willing to be."
"It's better to know what you think, to say you know as much as you can honestly, so you don't get confused by your own lies, and just to be yourself."
"Don't use old pictures from 10 years ago if they don't represent how you currently look."
"That was inspiring to me. I felt like that was really honest."
"I do think they want someone who's communicative. I do think they want someone who's respectful. I do think they want someone who's honest."
"The best thing that you could be for somebody is [__] 100% honest."
"If I'm not going to lie in front of my God, then I truly don't care to lie in front of you."
"I think it's okay to always keep our eyes open and say, 'I could be wrong.' I think that's the most honest way of living."
"The only person that you have to be 100% honest with at all times is yourself."
"Always tell the truth to other people and to yourself."
"Focus on building relationships on strong foundations of honesty and communication."
"You can tell social media that you're happy all day every day, but at the end of the day, if you're not, who are you really fooling? Let's just be real; let's be honest."
"He's an omitter, and I feel like people who omit are actually more dangerous liars."
"Honesty is gonna be very, very big in February."
"Self-care has so many different faces and it's a practice of honesty."
"I see you guys living in your authentic truth and being able to be very open and honest."
"Speak your truth and encourage others to speak theirs."
"Good design is honest, good design is aesthetic, good design is as little design as possible."
"People have no problem with bias as long as you're honest about it."
"This person is gonna have a very strong personality and they're really going to really want to be honest, open, really get to the core of things, be authentic."
"I think being unapologetically honest with what you want...across the board."
"I'm a front stabber. If I don't like you, I tell you."
"Before you can even think about being open with another person, you have to make the decision to be open and honest with yourself."
"In any relationship, whether friendships, parenthood, or marriage, the ability to connect, be honest, open, feel safe to express yourself genuinely is critical."
"Truth and honesty are not merely things that you do for the benefit of others. Truth is important because truth is what everything is and the only thing that there is."
"I rather have a thousand haters shouting at my face than one snake that talks behind my back."
"We end up selling out on ourselves and even the people around us, and the price is high. What we don't realize is there's something beyond honesty... authenticity."
"Authenticity has nothing to do with logic; it's just about being perfectly truthful about what is, warts and all."
"We the people deserve a government that just tells the people the truth again, not just when it's easy, but when it's hard, sometimes it's ugly. That's when we need it the most."
"Stand up for yourself, say what you truly mean, and don't fear what others might think."
"If you have to lie to win, you don't deserve to win."
"If you really care about people, you tell them the truth."
"Just tell me the truth. I want to know the truth. I don't want to hear your fairy tales anymore."
"You taught me how important being honest is."
"It's about transparency, it's about being genuine and honest with your audience."
"Being a whole person means there are no lies, just transparent honesty."
"You can't nod yes and mean no; integrity is about aligning your actions with your words."
"Be honest and transparent because that's what people want from you."
"I have a responsibility to myself to grow up and embrace a more honest way of being."
"A real relationship is based off of honesty and based off of reality."
"Doesn't it feel just great to let it out and not keep any secrets?"
"The only way to stay alive and fully human in a moment like this is to resolve that you are going to tell the truth in every and all circumstance."
"This is a homicide investigation, and all we would ask you to do is to be truthful with us."
"An innocent person does not lie. They tell the truth because you know why? It's easy to remember the truth. It's hard to remember a lie."
"True love is to say the truth even if it will hurt someone's feelings."
"Admit the truth to yourself and act accordingly."
"You need to make sure that you are very honest with the description and the pictures, and then people will give you good reviews if the product is actually good."
"A man being able to be honest with a woman that won't judge him is one of the most healing experiences a man can have."
"Speaking your mind isn't always the same as telling the truth."
"If you can't say it to me in the room, in front of me, and not be embarrassed by what you're saying, then maybe that's something you can post."
"You must be willing to choose principles of truth, which is learning how to be honest, responsible, and humble."
"Honesty means to give your heart to God, never to play Him false in anything."
"God loves honest people, and only honest people are good people."
"As long as we practice God's word and pursue being honest people, we can gain God's approval."
"Integrity and honesty is something you have to practice; it's not something that you're just suddenly going to start doing later on in life when the stakes are much higher than they are at University."
"Accepting who you are means accepting that there are a lot of parts of you that are ugly and you hate yourself, but you've got to go back and just accept yourself for who you are."
"To win in life meant no more backing down, no more shortcuts, no more compromises, no more lies, and no more cons."
"Be honest with your players. Saying, 'I really want to run a dungeon delving game and I know you won't enjoy that, so instead of forcing yourself to join something you won't like, I think it's better if we wait for the next campaign for you to play.'"
"I sense that you're someone who's a great mediator and peacekeeper. You never take sides, you never fight, and you're very honest and genuine."
"Let's be transparent, let's be honest, life is hard right now."
"Notice when you lack intellectual integrity."
"Lying hurts people; that's why you shouldn't lie."
"As long as you're being truthful and as long as you're a decently good person, that will show in the long term."
"It's still honesty; it's just that that honesty is backed by empathy and compassion for the person on the other side."
"I think we owe it to the people in our lives we love and care about to let them be the first to hear the thing that has to be said, rather than the second or the last."
"Honesty at all costs. It costs to be honest, but it provides in the end."
"Honestly, at all costs. It costs to be honest, but it provides in the end."
"Remember God, serve others before you serve yourself, earn an honest living."
"By simply applying these four things to the way you communicate and the way that you speak, you will dramatically increase your odds of getting people to open up and just tell you the truth."
"The most important thing for me here is that we're honest with each other. I will be as transparent and open as I can with you and I would really appreciate the same from you."
"Radical honesty is not just helpful for limiting compulsive overconsumption but also at the core of a life well lived."
"Telling the truth is painful. We are wired from the earliest ages to lie, and we all do it, whether or not we care to admit it."
"Radical honesty, telling the truth about things large and small, is essential not just to recovery from addiction but for all of us trying to live a more balanced life."
"The antidote to the false self is the authentic self. Radical honesty is a way to get there."
"Honesty enhances awareness, creates more satisfying relationships, holds us accountable to a more authentic narrative, and strengthens our ability to delay gratification."
"We're going to give you our brutally honest opinion because we always pay for our cruises, so we will tell you like it is with no fluff around the edges."
"We're going to review everything as well and give you our brutally honest review."
"With the rise of body positivity and accepting your body and the rise of women empowerment and making womenly choices to do what you want with your body, you would think that people would stop lying about certain procedures."
"An honorable human relationship is one in which two people have the right to use the word 'love' – is the process of deepening the truths they can tell each other."
"Your ability to be aware of yourself and honest with yourself... that's sort of the whole point of the book."
"Everybody loves honesty when it's agreeable. Everyone believes honesty when it's a belief they already hold."
"The fundamental reason that I try to spit my honest answer to every question is I have a very good long track record of being right, and I want to continue that."
"Honesty, I like. Honesty is the best policy."
"That's the first time you ever admitted to something instead of trying to lie to get out of it."
"I'm always disappointed when liars' pants don't actually catch on fire."
"The comments, the feedback, which was so overwhelmingly positive, I think that was the start of the idea that brutal honesty has some sort of healing power to it."
"When you have brutal honesty, nobody can hurt you because you have nothing to hide."
"Integrity is doing what you say you're gonna do when you say you're gonna do it, when no one else is watching."
"When people tell you who they are, believe them."
"She's apologizing for being honest and outing a bully. It's sad."
"I really want this today to just be a super, super honest, raw, unfiltered sit-down conversation."
"One of the best things I ever did was be 100% truthful with my dad."
"It involves being honest and taking risks and, I don't know, maybe being wrong. That's my offering to you."
"Honesty in everybody is the most important thing that you can possibly look for."
"People should have conversations, yes, rather than cheat. Just end it."
"What stops you back is the story, because the story stops you from getting honest."
"If you cannot be real with yourself, you're not fit to be honest with no one else."
"Serving God is not about hype. If you cannot be brutally honest with your own self, you're not fit to be honest with anyone else."
"Humility is nothing more than honesty... the humble person will actually tell the truth."
"I get that they're a little bit bitter. I gotta be real with you."
"I think the best way you give people trust is to tell them the truth."
"You cannot lie to a twin flame; they know you inside out."
"You admire people who keep their word who are honest and reliable."
"Your content is really entertaining, high quality, and enjoyable, but there's a difference between saying some videos are pre-recorded and only admitting that in the ones that are exposed."
"A lying tongue hates those it wounds and crushes, and a flattering mouth works ruin."
"He valued honesty and those who lived simple lives 'cultivating their gardens,' as he famously put it in his satirical novel Candide."
"Your crappy say you're crappy. If you're amazing say you're amazing. Tell the truth."
"I will never respect the views of people who can't come out and simply say that slavery is immoral."
"The reason we have to be that honest about what we're talking about right now is because God can never heal what you will not reveal."
"Tell the truth, and let the chips fall where they will."
"I'm not going to pull my punches. I'm not going to be mean. I'm not going to be unkind, but I'm going to say the truth."
"We will end it on ownership because a lot of people lie about ownership. The reality is, we own the film."
"My entire mission is to tell you what I think and why, and to challenge what other people believe, and to do it as honestly and fairly as possible."
"Honesty and decency matter. Our great democracy depends on it."
"Whatever your politics, whichever party you vote for, honesty and integrity in leadership are non-negotiable."
"Being really deeply honest with myself is beauty, and I recognize that as beauty in everyone."
"Don't piss on my face and tell me it's raining."
"Life is short, and we should just tell people when we love them... Not speaking your truth is always way worse than what happens if you do."
"I committed to always saying what I meant and meaning what I said."
"Tell the truth because not telling the truth is more awful."
"If you do the right thing... if you're honest with a good heart... you get very far in life."
"If someone is telling you something that would make their life more difficult to tell you, then it's probably true."
"The person who loves you the most is the only one who's going to tell you the harsh thing."
"Expect positive outcomes to flow from your honesty and pure intentions."
"Loving yourself is honest. It's not shame, it's not self-ridicule, it's not hate, but it is honest."
"It's a hard, hard job, and anyone that tells you otherwise is either having an exceptional experience or they're not being honest."
"It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."
"You've got to be truthful, the truth hurts sometimes."
"The main thing that makes women mad at you is if you lied to them."
"Everybody does it is all the more reason to strive for honesty and transparency."
"I've never met an honest hard-working person who will be there at 9 AM like you asked him to be who completely fails in life."
"Be honest...that's the most important in any business."
"Our job here is to tell the truth about these products to the best of our ability."
"They wish that they could have treated you better, in the very least they wish they could have told you some sort of truth."
"Despite their analytical and often serious nature, architects are capable of deep, intellectual connections and loyalty, valuing honesty and straightforward communication in their relationships."
"Your best defense against anything that's trying to hijack your attention is something like honesty."
"Do you feel what you're doing right now, whatever that is - a project, a job, your life purpose, a relationship - you need to get honest with yourself."
"Trustworthiness, it's not any really any different than honesty. It's not really any different from telling the truth."
"This is a queer fantasy presented with honesty, and it works."
"It is the moral duty of leaders, real leaders, to face difficult truths, make the kind of decisions that need to be made, and for once be honest with their people."
"We gotta keep it real here. That's why I like to speak the truth, at least my truth."
"If you really want to help that person, you would tell them the [__] truth. You deal with that discomfort, they would deal with the discomfort, and then they'd get better, and then you guys would be better."
"Relationships you have to be real, not only with yourself but with your partner."
"Living at your edge is about being brutally honest with yourself."
"I get to do and learn and succeed at the things that I wish to succeed at so long as I'm willing to not lie to myself."
"What they showed us was very representative of the car they were testing, and that's something I kind of want to give them credit for because it hasn't been done historically."
"The truth is, it's not an issue of being positive; it's an issue of honesty."
"Be true to yourself and you cannot then be false to any man."
"The judge is literally telling Linette, 'You're a pathological liar. You habitually have lied in my courtroom. I know you're a liar.'"
"When you can actually tell someone a raw truth, even though they might criticize you, it's going to sow a seed inside of them."
"Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness." – Stendhal
"Just make sure that you are being honest about everything; that's all that matters."
"Honestly discuss your feelings with another."
"Being honest with yourself is the internal closure you will need to emotionally move forward."
"You will be a happier, more joyful person the more you speak the truth."
"Would you rather lie every time you're asked a question or tell the truth every time you're asked a question?"
"It is time for us to have a very honest conversation about getting over ourselves."
"What is the point in having a platform if you have to hide things?"
"The worst sin that you can commit against anyone, more importantly, yourself, is a lie."
"You don't even have to always tell the truth, just don't tell the lie."
"If you want to convince people, start with an open, honest conversation."
"I'm going to be as upfront with you as possible, honest with you at all times, sharing as much information as we're able to share, good or bad."
"It's about admitting it and being honest with it, having a conversation that's actually genuine, not scripted, trying to push an agenda over the truth."
"If you tell the truth, you get in trouble for it. Every kid knows that."
"If you are a person who does the right thing... is honest with a good heart, is genuinely polite to everyone he meets, you get very far in life."
"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real, the choice to be honest, the choice to let our true selves be seen."
"I would much prefer if I saw a cover letter that was like, 'Hey, I'm going to be honest, I don't have the experience needed for the role, but here are the reasons why I think you should hire me anyway.'"
"I can't always expect the truth from others, but I can expect it from myself."
"I would rather them be honest and loyal because even if they're disloyal, I can still learn stuff from you if you are honest with me."
"Honesty, transparency, and admitting that there's fallibility and flaws in all of us and we need systems that allow for individual fallibility."
"This book is very, very important... it does crystallize things. It is optimistic in its very nature, but at the same time, it's honest."
"We're not a fake but a real couple; we now tell each other how we feel, as to make up for the time we couldn't be honest with ourselves."
"I don't have any affiliate programs, nothing like that. I don't have any programs that I'm trying to pitch. I just like the service."