
Beliefs Quotes

There are 2722 quotes

"Holding all of your beliefs very loosely... being open-minded and allowing yourself to be surprised."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This paper basically addresses how our beliefs about the drugs we take impact how they affect us at a real level, not just at a subjective level but at a biological level."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Beliefs actually have their own rewarding quality; there's actually dopamine release associated with beliefs."
"I discovered that beliefs make the world in a very real way, that beliefs are the world in a more than metaphysical sense."
"Rather than just following orders, you start to lead by believing in the direction you want to go."
"The number one habit is actually not a habit at all. It is a belief that leads to a habit, and that belief is that the number one thing in your life is your rate of growth."
"Your beliefs dictate your destiny. It's not some quotable; it's the fact that it's at the core of behavioral psychology."
"If you want to live a greater life, it starts with your beliefs."
"I want to fail at something I believe in because failing at something I didn't believe in would suck more than any pain in my life."
"By transcending our own conditioning and limiting beliefs we accumulate personal power as an individual."
"It's not events that shape your life, but beliefs about them."
"Extreme beliefs can be negative because it can create... bigotry, but it can be also very positive because when you believe something with such intensity, this is when you really can use this powerhouse of atomic energy... to transform your life."
"God is not in that place when we're listening to that type of music."
"What you do matters, what you believe is really secondary."
"The glory of science is it can challenge things that we believed since we were three months old."
"A belief is not fact—it's simply just a belief. It's an opinion, right?"
"If your beliefs are not greeting you peace in the midst of chaos in the world, then it is certainly time to question them."
"Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers."
"They possess a set of strange customs, beliefs, and practices that have sent shivers down the spines of even the most daring explorers."
"It's very important that your beliefs are bringing you peace, especially in a time of chaos."
"I think, in many cases, these are societal norms... we have been conditioned to believe."
"The root of all evil, for the most part, is strong beliefs."
"We're born limitless; we have limiting beliefs put on us by our parents."
"We respect what you believe in; we respect your right to determine for yourself what's true."
"Your thoughts are powerful, your words are powerful, and what you believe is what you attract into your world."
"The right to express ourselves is God-given."
"The spirit lives on; that part of man is eternal because spirits can never die."
"God said that it's the spirit of man that's the candle of the Lord, which means that he will guide us through our spirits."
"Our beliefs have a profound impact on our body chemistry; this is why placebos can be so effective."
"What we believe about anything will determine our attitudes about it, create our feelings, direct our actions, and in each instance help us to succeed or fail."
"Our beliefs have a profound impact on our body chemistry."
"Eighty percent of your success is down to your beliefs."
"The purpose [of education] is to create cogent brains, not coddling people's particular beliefs."
"Beliefs are a filter, they’re a range of possibilities, whether you believe you can or you can’t – you’re right."
"Luxury beliefs are beliefs held by the upper classes that bestow status on them but incur costs on people of the lower class."
"Because a thought, if you repeat it again and again, especially you know every day, it becomes a belief."
"Most of us today will agree that persecuting a religion or its people simply for their beliefs is totally wrong."
"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."
"Success in relationship doesn't have anything to do with income or this or that... it's actually belief that your relationship is good."
"How people live their lives as a result of the story they believe about themselves."
"Their beliefs are part of who they are; their beliefs are part of their identity."
"Greatness is living what you believe and living up to your potential."
"I genuinely believe I'm a good person... I believe in what I believe, and I live to my own principles."
"The physicality of Egyptian resurrection or Egyptian afterlife beliefs is as much of a trap as it is a salvation."
"Understanding how our beliefs and thoughts affect our mind plays a crucial role in life."
"There are many beliefs that imprison us, and stop us experiencing the fullness of life."
"Recognizing that we are born free, and that the beliefs that imprison us can be challenged and replaced is the first step to freedom."
"I'm a control freak, and yet you believe in the dissolution of power systems. Isn't there, at the very heart of you as a man, a massive contradiction?"
"The beauty of science is it eventually has a technique that allows us to say, 'Yeah, but that belief was wrong.'"
"We question all our beliefs, except for those we truly believe and those we never think to question."
"The universe does not understand negatives and it doesn't attract negatives."
"You've got to get real careful about what you believe because from your beliefs is what you're asking for."
"A self-fulfilling prophecy... means that what we believed to be true oftentimes becomes true, just because we believe it."
"The only thing stopping you is your own belief."
"I have had friends who are, I guess, no longer friends because of my beliefs. Is it worth being fired or having my job prospects limited just to speak out about these issues? A lot of people are saying no, not really. I'll just keep my mouth shut."
"I think there's a kind of virtue in someone who's willing to defend ideas or people they believe in."
"Your health depends on your mindset and your way of seeing the world and your beliefs and your attitudes."
"Shoe on Head wants to be an advocate for what she believes in."
"Debate is healthy... Debate forces our gears to turn in new ways and allows us to learn more about our own beliefs just as much as it allows us to learn about the beliefs of others."
"Even when it seems like the world is set against you, you have to stand firm in your core beliefs and what's right."
"A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by."
"Luxury beliefs idea I define as ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while often inflicting costs on the lower social classes."
"Beliefs create your thoughts, your thoughts create your actions, your actions create your character, and your character creates your destiny."
"Beliefs are different than facts. Science is science."
"Beliefs are one of the most powerful components to creating the life we want because they dictate our thoughts, feelings, and behavior from a subconscious level."
"In the age of Aquarius, connecting with others will be based on mutual beliefs and ideologies rather than hierarchical structures."
"Changing a belief is trickier. People die for it. People kill for it."
"Mindset, which you believe and feel about yourself, becomes your experience."
"Ultimately, you're responsible for the actions that stem from the beliefs you encourage in your audience."
"It's this dense network, and the sets of beliefs that go along with it, that create the conformity, and that create the set of social rules that organize and run the society as a whole."
"If you guys really hold your ideas that true to your heart, you should be able to have them challenged. You should be able to go and discuss them."
"If you really want to make change in your life, the first thing you're going to have to do is recognize what those beliefs are, unwind them, and then you can begin to layer the new beliefs in."
"We will always behave in a way that is consistent with what we truly believe."
"Having the same beliefs and the same sort of values is important, not just in music, but in everything we do."
"Positions on especially important things like evolution or vaccinations or COVID-19 can become not just evaluations of truth but part of your identity."
"It's actions that need to be condemned, not beliefs."
"Your actions are a reflection of your belief system."
"Our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something, and frequently if we reevaluate the situation our belief about it will change."
"We all have ideas that are wrong, and the only way to find the right ones is to listen to people who will challenge what we believe."
"One of our biggest limiting beliefs is the belief of how limited we really are."
"The ancient Egyptians viewed the afterlife as a continuation of existence."
"What happens when we die? You most certainly have my opinion... I think there is an afterlife for all of us, and I think that afterlife is wonderful."
"Everybody loves to play the free speech game until it comes to speech that you disagree with, and then at that point, you see who actually really believes in free speech and who actually really doesn't."
"I don't think any group deserves any special rights or privileges, and I really do believe in treating people equally."
"To us, it means something else. It means... And that's fine, you can believe whatever you want."
"Humans are judgmental... when someone does something that doesn't go along with what you believe or what you think... it is very easy to cast judgment."
"Our reality is created through the decisions we make and through the beliefs that we hold."
"Beliefs change with the wind, you know. They're fads most of the time, ideological fads. But you don't fall into these fads when you have principles."
"Probability in many worlds is necessarily a statement about what we should believe and how we should act, not about how often things happen."
"Wearing a talisman against the evil eye...is making yourself aware that this dynamic is going on, and I do not want it to affect me."
"Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while inflicting costs on the lower classes."
"Prosperity theology...is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessings and physical well-being are always the will of God for them."
"The box is small, and the box is also unrealistic because the things you believe about yourself aren't always true."
"Self-deception involves beliefs that are acquired/maintained in the face of strong counter-evidence."
"Have you ever evaluated your life and asked yourself why you do what you do, why do you believe what you believe?"
"The future won't be what you want. It will be who you are and what you believe."
"I believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy personally."
"We need to speak up for the things we believe in."
"These preconceived notions are said to be just false idols; the truth is more profound and exponentially more intense."
"Beliefs that foster despair are biologically destructive; they cause the physical system to shut down."
"If you believe that the body is sinful, for example, you cannot expect to be happy and healthy."
"I don't believe in the glorification of murder; I do believe in the empowerment of women."
"A lot of people are very skeptical of demonic possessions because a lot of people don't believe in demons or in the idea that demons can potentially possess somebody and cause them to do things that oftentimes don't look humanly at all."
"The entertainment we consume shapes us and our beliefs."
"A man who held on to his beliefs and acted upon them with conviction, a rarity in this day and age."
"Luxury goods have become a noisier indicator of status, and as a result, luxury beliefs have arisen."
"The only way you can collapse a belief is to challenge the reasons you've accepted the proposition."
"We have to get over the sort of pettiness over fighting over beliefs, right? Beliefs are nothing in comparison to direct experience."
"Through mythology and the process of phylogenetics, we can trace the origins and evolution of myths, giving us insights into the religious beliefs of our ancestors."
"Mythology shows that beliefs traveled with human migrations, illustrating a change in cognitive behavior and the persistence of myths of creation and death that have traveled across time and space."
"Be happy being you, and believe in what you want to believe."
"Those thoughts will influence your belief system, and that belief system will then influence your actions."
"The traditional view of hell is that the wicked will be kept alive eternally in a state of torment, but that is not the biblical view."
"But what I do want to point out is that if a belief or opinion seems to make everyone around it a hypocrite, perhaps that belief itself is invalid."
"The real battle of our time is not between pluralists and zealots; it's between people who believe there are in fact eternal, transmitted truths and people who do not."
"Our very beliefs affect our biological systems in deep and very impactful ways."
"We are not saying talk only about... that includes offensive cartoons... this is all about respecting each other, respecting each other's beliefs, respecting each other's sentiments, and then talk responsibly."
"She believes in capitalism... You can't initiate force against other people."
"It takes work for us to look at why we think what we think and more importantly, how do we dismantle it."
"I do wish I lived in a world where people were [expletive] rational instead of saying they believe stuff without evidence. Yes, I do wish I lived in that world."
"If you're young and not left-wing, you don't have a heart; if you're old and not right-wing, you don't have a brain."
"My ideas are right, and then you build that sort of cognitive dissonance."
"We don't believe any of that today, but it was just a consensus that you'd be called an idiot for questioning a century ago."
"You don't need to feel like you have the definitively correct stance on everything."
"If you believe the lies that you espouse to be the truth, then you're not really lying, you're just misinformed."
"What is a society other than a set of accepted beliefs, relationships, and assumptions between us?"
"The more our beliefs are closer to reality, the better that is for the individual and also for society."
"The core goal of a PSYOP is to make us question the validity of our beliefs so we can understand why John Keel and Dr. Jac Vallée recognized absurdity as one of the most dangerous aspects of the phenomenon."
"That's who we are, that's what we stand for, that's what we believe."
"The cool dude that fights for what he believes in and doesn’t let anything stand in his way."
"I'm an open-minded person, I'd like to believe."
"I'm extremely skeptical of demonic possession because I personally don't believe that just because you do certain things, you're necessarily opening yourself up to demonic possession."
"Not all feminists believe the most ridiculous, outrageous, and lunatic things that certain feminists have said."
"He specifically wanted to be cremated so that people wouldn’t worship his body."
"We need to be asking ourselves right now some important questions: What do we believe in? What do we want our future to look like?"
"Your family needs to know that while you may have changed your views on things, including about whether or not there's a god, that's separate from your views about them."
"It's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
"Everyone has a right to believe the way they want to believe."
"Engaging in debate and conversation with evidence and intellect is crucial in demonstrating the superiority and truth of one's beliefs."
"Science and empirical evidence play a crucial role in shaping our beliefs."
"The plague doctor... designed to protect them from what was thought of as evil smells or bad air."
"The biggest thing that trips people up with the law of attraction is their unconscious limiting beliefs."
"People tend to stay in their groups that will confirm what they already want to believe or what they already think to be true."
"It was actually nice to kind of see them come out into the street and actually act out the things that they professed."
"If anyone says that sex in itself is bad, Christianity contradicts him at once."
"At the end of the day, if I go against how I was raised and what I actually believe in, then I'm a sellout."
"Freedom of speech, brother. People can say whatever they want; they can believe whatever they want."
"We're here to talk about what people believe and why."
"The world tells me this is no fun... but look what the scripture tells us."
"We get to make our own choices and what we believe in and how we practice our own beliefs."
"Our reality is a reflection of what we believe to be true."
"People can have whatever the beliefs they want, but they cannot shove those beliefs down people's throats."
"I think it's important that like people have this type of dialogue, why they think a certain way, why they hold certain beliefs."
"Obviously wrong-headed ideas are spreading like wildfire because people are effectively afraid to acknowledge that they don't agree."
"Everybody is allowed to have their religious beliefs and to cherish their beliefs, and nobody's religion should be stereotyped."
"Christianity is about a vision of the whole of life, not just a set of beliefs or moral codes."
"Our views are often shaped so they agree with the beliefs of the groups with which we most identify. The more challenged our views are, the more we defend them."
"You've got to believe in what you believe in. I guess I believe in the good."
"It's very important that we believe that there is an equality of value between men and women."
"Your attitude to money and property determines how much of salvation you have got in your life."
"If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you've received, let him be accursed."
"I don't expect everybody to agree with me. I'm resonating the message of Jesus Christ, who was crucified."
"What you believe about the future determines how you live today."
"Officially, we Britons have been Christian for more than 1500 years, but scratch the surface and you'll find our ancestors believed in far more than Christ and the cross."
"Don't hold back on speaking what you believe in."
"You are a link in a chain that goes way back to your ancestors, and those beliefs actually got you here."
"Never be bullied into ignoring or silencing your religious beliefs or your personal beliefs."
"Racism is a powerful, destructive form of prejudice, referring to the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another."
"Everyone is entitled to their opinions and their beliefs. The bigger person is being able to accept a person's belief or opinion and still be able to carry on a relationship or friendship with that person."
"Your beliefs of the past have created this moment and all the moments up to this moment. Pay attention to your thoughts and make sure you are dreaming in color."
"Your thoughts and your beliefs will create the next moment, day, month, or year. Dream big and practice the art of manifestation and Law of Attraction."
"If you have a belief or a great revelation that you want to put out there, no matter how important you think it is to spread this idea, don't hurt people to do it."
"There's almost as many ideas about a Christian God as there are Christians."
"If truth harms your beliefs, then your beliefs are not grounded in truth."
"Morally punishing people for beliefs seems grossly unethical."
"A religious belief ought to be a personal choice."
"Perhaps your most important job as a human being is to stand up for the things you believe in."
"The English believed in conscious spirits that inhabit trees."
"Remember to make arguments in favor of the things you believe because the things you believe are worth arguing for."
"We're raising them in the church, but we're always open to having conversations and telling them other people believe other things."
"For employers to say you are wrong about your own beliefs is both arrogant and discriminatory."
"We believe in the Trinity, we believe in the resurrection."
"Before you argue with an idea that you've been conditioned to believe..."
"People genuinely think and feel about their religion."
"This election is about more than who gets what. It is about who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for as Americans."
"Your beliefs give you a stake to a claim in a status hierarchy."
"We want to know why you believe what you believe. This is the only stream where you can do that."
"I truly am astounded by people who have the intellectual honesty and fortitude to question deeply held beliefs."
"I'm scared if that ever stops, I want to be 80 years old and still have beliefs."
"If you die fighting for what you believe to be right then you're basically guaranteed an entrance into heaven."
"Please don't believe your thoughts! You don't have to believe these beliefs! They are real but not true."
"What's our walk? What's our belief? And then what's our walk?"
"It's better to do what you believe in than compromise and end up with excuses."
"Don't ever date a man who hates the presence of God."
"Scientologists believe that Exchange in abundance is the only true condition of exchange that will guarantee success."
"The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant, we deal strictly in facts and evidence."
"I was exposed to what I can now call more magical thinking type practices."
"Doctrine is relational because right beliefs about God are beliefs about the God you have a relationship with."
"Focus on doing something you believe in and that is of quality; that's when you'll find true happiness and friendship."
"Everything we believe in in this country is on the line in this election."