
Internet Impact Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"How do you feel about smartphones and the internet? It's both a giant gift for your creative process and an inhibitor."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to reserve some space for intimacy which is protected from the imaginary audience that we have on the internet."
"Teen depression is skyrocketing. Teens are upset, they are depressed because they're all on the internet and they're getting instant feedback all the time about themselves."
"It grabbed the internet by the balls and didn’t let go."
"The internet changes everything... it really changed the way that I think about the world."
"Aspirations are rising as never before because of access to the internet. Everyone knows how everyone else lives."
"The increase in secularism in the 21st century may have something to do with information being more readily available due to the internet."
"The stakes are incredibly high and revoking 230 could destroy the internet as we know it."
"The internet's kind of like Tolkien's the one ring, right? It's just this magnifier... it can magnify for the hobbits it magnifies their sort of, uh, diminutive sneakiness and they can become invisible, but for Sauron it magnifies his cruelty and his might."
"Thanks to the internet and how connected we are 24/7, it is totally possible to have a career that allows you to work remotely and design a life on your own terms."
"We have this astounding availability of sexual stimuli at the click of a button at any moment, and that seems to be demotivating people to actually seek out meaningful sexual relationships."
"Starting a blog and putting myself out there on the internet has completely changed my life."
"What society has done and what the internet has done is taken the art out of respect."
"It's beautiful how the internet allows us to every day make a bigger impact than we could the day before."
"A whopping 79 percent of Americans say the internet and social media have made Americans more politically divided."
"Then along came the internet, with low storage and distribution costs, servers could host everything. So now the public got to decide what was popular, revealing a surprising demand for niche categories."
"There's more speech now than ever before. It's not that you can't say; it's that when you say it, look, the internet has democratized criticism."
"So, obviously, like in the days of TV and so forth, internet did not kill or weaken the Hollywood system."
"The internet has kind of democratized the flow of information but that hasn't happened with money yet."
"This kind of stuff is a phenomenon that has arisen with the internet."
"You can laugh or cry, but getting upset about something that you saw on the internet isn't going to change the conditions in the world."
"Human trafficking is worse now than it's ever been in the history of our world. It's a world's problem, it's a U.S. problem, but it's a world problem caused, to a certain extent, by the Internet."
"Social contagion travels across the world because of the internet."
"I remember as a kid being brought in to use the internet and my mom saying, 'This is going to be important.'"
"The internet is breeding cultural ghettos, ideological and cultural ghettos of people who operate in a certain way."
"Education's value hasn't decreased, but the ability to produce it at scale has exploded with the internet."
"Nowadays, a lot of businesses are done on the internet, and the way business is done is changing. Media is the new backbone for every business."
"The internet to me, is doing to America and the rest of the world, what America did to other countries."
"Absolutely just wow though, like one of the rare cases where the internet and social media actually helped a case and helped further a case along rather than hurt it."
"I want you all to write in the comments one thing that the Internet has improved for you."
"Rural areas are becoming stronger, cities are weakening: 'The internet has decentralized how the economy works.'"
"The web has become the most ubiquitous application platform ever."
"The internet has brought right into everyone's homes the ability to gain information from outside sources that they never had encountered before."
"You're not invited to the wedding because of everything that's been done on the internet."
"The industry changed with the internet because it gave bands more power."
"The internet is the biggest revolution in the spread of information since the invention of the printing press."
"Once you are connected to the Internet, you are no longer trapped in your body. You can actually be anywhere at any time that any other person or any other device is getting sensory information."
"People who are born into a world in which the internet is the primary means by which we interact with one another has to be having some kind of an impact on our mental health."
"Only because of the internet and only because of social media platforms like YouTube can this kind of thing happen."
"This internet thing created way more opportunity for all of us, way more."
"Every single system that we operate under right now utilizing the internet is going to be changed by blockchain."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."
"This trial really demonstrates the power of the internet and how campaigns for public opinion can shape real world effects."
"Because of the internet, especially this whole idea of what we now call fake news alternative facts has gotten bigger and bigger."
"I can't remember what it was really before the internet."
"You can self-release on the internet. That's pretty powerful."
"You can't stop the internet now. It's too late." (Reiteration for emphasis)
"Diversity of voices is probably the most important part of how the Internet has affected journalism."
"That disregard for radio, that ability for artists to control their own narrative on the internet, combined with just like queer culture I think has resulted in a really incredible renaissance of subversion in a lot of modern pop music."
"Without the Internet, I could be with a person in a much more intense and personal way."
"With the rise of the internet, war and conflict will never be the same again."
"I didn't go and burn down the internet with the cameras and this because if I would have said it nobody would have believed me."
"The internet doesn't judge that it's easier you know why? Because the old white dude doesn't control it no more, the internet fixed racism."
"the internet's done a lot of bad things in human history. But it has made investing really easy."
"She's dealing with the mental toll of the internet."
"Every once in a while something breaks through to the masses because of the internet."
"Don't let nobody change who you are, man. Have your principles. What I'm saying is that the internet could destroy you if you don't get a hold of or be confident in who you are."
"The internet has not existed in a world that wasn't peaceful... it's less about how is the internet going to affect geopolitics, it's more about geopolitics is now saying hello to the internet."
"The internet reintroduced public discussion to the public."
"Indie gaming is huge and it wouldn't be possible without the internet."
"After 20 years Grateful Doe finally had a name, all thanks to Reddit."
"The Millennials grew up with the Internet, that's gonna be like a nuclear weapon politically."
"The internet is reshaping how we assign value to things."
"The internet has allowed targets to find each other and have their experiences validated."
"The internet provides access to things on steroids."
"It's not so much that it's creating a new type of authoritarianism, it's just authoritarianism that already existed is now taking advantage of the internet."
"YouTube really does a wonderful service to not just the internet but the world."
"The first cycle the internet has been a part of from the beginning."
"The internet destroys everything, but it also makes everything worth living."
"Clearly you have underestimated the internet here."
"We're all creating it and that's exactly what's happening with the advent of the internet."
"We don't have to be bound by the decades of global warming propaganda thanks to the internet."
"This game made a massive impact on the Internet."
"Distribution has been disrupted, which is fundamentally what the internet did to all industries."
"The beauty of the Internet is that there is no safety behind a closed door anymore."
"The Internet has changed everything from the way we work to the way we play to the way we live. It seems that there's a corner of the internet for everyone."
"I think the Internet is cool. It shows the power that we can have, spreading our message a lot farther than it used to be able to go."
"Innocence is rare these days with like the internet blind wired took my innocence when I was 9 years old."
"Twitter might have been the best thing that happened to the internet."
"The internet and NFTs are creating this second renaissance of art."
"People said, 'Why'd you put it on the internet?' Because if I didn't put it on the internet, it wouldn't have gotten the attention those females needed."
"The internet is so full of it... it's a great information out but a bad way to get a lot of bad information out."
"Beyoncé broke the internet after announcing the release of her seventh album 'Renaissance,' her first solo album since 'Lemonade' in 2016."
"Free is this magical thing that the internet has supercharged because what free earns you is trust and attention."
"Thank you, internet. You've ruined a lot of things, but you fixed that."
"Now just because it's more accessible doesn't mean it's easy but scaling and building a business is so much more accessible now because you can reach millions and billions of people around the globe thanks to the internet."
"Even without all of his newfound internet fame and glory, Chuck Norris was already a certified badass."
"The internet brought the room to new legions of fans."
"We're living during a great revolution. It's called the internet."
"The internet is gonna break the Fed because the Fed is dependent on at least fifty percent of Americans not understanding how money works."
"The power elite have always controlled the information, and today, because of the internet, the average citizen knows more than even most nations knew even 20 years ago."
"The Internet in general has democratized and given everyone a chance to thrive."
"The tale of Eric and Annie is uniquely tragic. It shows both the power of the internet and the harm of it at the very same time."
"I really hope the internet feels the same way and that this gets some nominations because it genuinely I think is like some of the best television I've seen."
"Thank God for the internet giving regular people a goddamn voice."
"The internet has attacked masculinity so hard everything is no homo."
"Thank you for being here. I hope that one day through the power of this internet, I can be there for you in whatever form that makes sense on the internet."
"The internet has really changed all of that, the Great Awakening, we're all seeing it for ourselves even the people that are unwittingly playing these historical roles."
"With zero marketing, Tesla is on the cusp of breaking the internet."
"If you love each other, let them know. Don't go to the internet because the internet just makes it worse."
"The internet is making us into a species that is unable to create an internet."
"The internet's constant onslaught of information means that by sheer weight of numbers, there are bound to be some apparent inconsistencies that can be seized upon and used as evidence against the mainstream narrative."
"It shows just shows the extent of how powerful the internet is how powerful red it is since the that reddit comment is there's been a domino in it in a series of events that have really hurt EA in general."
"The internet is the middle man and it doesn't care that your parents were drug addicts, and it doesn't care that you got Ds and Fs, and it doesn't care what your grand pappy did 40 years ago."
"Privacy concerns have grown exponentially since the advent of the internet."
"The breakdown of the American monoculture in the age of internet-driven atomization into smaller and smaller subcultures is a very real thing."
"So we've been talkin' about the Internet a lot and how you guys have been a band that's kinda spanned from before the Internet and then after and how that's changed music."
"This may sound crazy, but before having broadband internet and YouTube..."
"Thanks to the internet popularity the kid from the Success Kid meme made enough money to fund his dad's kidney transplant."
"Music changes everything, bro. It changes everything and the internet, but social media."
"As we become more interconnected through the internet, we can become more empathetic as a society."
"Ultimately what the case boiled down to was that the band was upset that their unfinished version of the song was on the internet."
"The internet is gonna be big, it's gonna change the way all knowledge organizations do their work."
"The internet is a powerful tool it's a powerful powerful tool and these hedge funds they didn't know how quickly this information would spread."
"It's crazy what the internet has done, but this is one of the things it's done."
"Every day I let algorithms decide how I'm feeling about the world that day, which is troubling for me."
"'But, honestly, I think the reason why this hasn't caught on earlier here in America is simply before the internet, we had no way watching the [bleep] live. But now you can pretty much follow any team in the world completely off of Instagram or TikTok.'"
"The internet first and then social media later have changed the basic fabric of society in ways that profoundly affect the operation of groups and societies."
"The Internet has allowed us to have the knowledge of the elites that we never had before. Amazing."
"I think now people are a lot more used to it given the internet and kids can just look stuff up on IMDb and they understand that people do multiple things."
"I wouldn't even recognize my life today without early internet exposure."
"The internet is a game changer, the information is available, it's in so many locations where all you have to do is reach out and touch it."
"The internet is making the world smaller, why is it making the separation and distance between people larger?"
"The world is more connected than ever before, especially thanks to the internet."
"We're in an epoch that we didn't foresee, that was introduced by the internet where everybody became a publisher."
"It has freed up information, it has allowed for this level of connectivity."
"The internet feels like it's taken whatever problems already existed and made them bigger and louder."
"I stopped. I got off the internet. It had such a devastating effect on my life, I was like, this is so unhealthy."
"There is a theory that the younger generation, those raised in an internet age, are able to take in more of what is going on."
"The wrestling figure market has gone through the roof, mainly thanks to the ease of finding information and fellow sellers and buyers on the internet."
"Our influences are so much more diverse no matter where we're from because of the internet."
"The internet is literally a game changer; it opens up doors."
"The world has changed with the internet and advancement in computers, but the thing about MACD is it works in all markets."
"The internet is the end of the gatekeepers."
"These modern conveniences through the internet have changed the way we live."
"Just because that's how we've always done it doesn't make it right, especially not now with the new context the internet presents."
"The Internet is a game-changer; it's the most massive mass medium ever created, connecting billions of people."
"What the internet did for information, we want to do for the transfer of value."
"The internet is the future of your money."
"The internet truly changed my life and put me in a much better headspace."
"The Internet is a gift and a curse; we get a chance to speak our voice, but some people use it in the wrong way."
"The internet has changed the world in a lot of ways, from how we interact with each other to how we form intimate relationships."
"The web is already transforming the way we work."
"The internet revolution and the new social media era have forever changed the way companies vocalize who they are."
"The internet has opened up Pandora's Box for anybody that is willing to do the work."