
Money Quotes

There are 5385 quotes

"How do you view money in relation to your work? Money is just another form of energy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Money fixes a whole lot, but it doesn't fix everything."
"I've never made decisions based on money. If I wanted to make money, I would have had a different career."
"Money won't save you. Money amplifies. If you're a nerd and you get rich, you become a mega nerd."
"Money is freedom. It's freedom to drive what you want, eat where you want, go where you want."
"Money's not everything... when I'm truly happy, money doesn't matter because I'm having a sense of fulfillment and I'm helping people."
"Money affects how we act, how we feel, and how we spend 80,000 hours of our working lives."
"Listen, don't get me wrong, money ain't bad. Money is really good. In fact, I often talk about making a lot of money and doing a lot of good with it. But money alone does not make you successful."
"Growing up in an immigrant family, you learn certain values about money. Some are good. Some are not good."
"Having money is not everything. Not having it is."
"Money can contribute to happiness for most people, but it is not the sole determinant."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it's a damn good down payment."
"The point of money was to be free. Don't trade your freedom for more."
"Not needing money gives you this power, this abundance mindset."
"Money does not buy you happiness. It looks good, but am I truly happy? No, I wasn't happy."
"Money is fuel. You can have a beautiful car, no fuel, [it] doesn't go."
"Money doesn't change somebody; it reveals who they really are."
"If you know what to buy, money absolutely can buy happiness."
"Money won't make you an extraordinary person and won't make you feel any differently about yourself."
"Money is an accelerator. Whatever you are, you will be more of that."
"Being paid a lot of money doesn't make problems go away. Being paid a lot of money makes it easier to deal with problems."
"Money will buy happiness if you make more money, assuming you're living in a first-world country... but it does fall off; it has a diminishing return."
"Money is sometimes a reward but it is not a decision maker in terms of whether I'm going to do something or not."
"Money is a store of value, a unit of account, a medium of exchange, and then there's a fourth characteristic that we don't talk about: it's a system of control."
"Money is not going to make me not agree with it."
"Our relationships with fame, money, things of that nature, and kind of taking a lighter approach to the kind of stuff that we deal with day to day that people wouldn't believe."
"Money is not for the purpose of flaunting, to show off to other people; it is not meant to fill any deficiencies or voids in your life. Instead, money is for the sole purpose of giving you two things: freedom and options."
"For the love of money is the root of all evil."
"I don't care if you make money, just don't let it corrupt you."
"Notice when you sell out or are tempted to sell out and swayed by money."
"Money follows attention. Whoever gets the most attention always wins the money game."
"What have you learned about money? That it makes people do some real foul, nasty shit, and it's overrated. Love is all that counts."
"Money itself is just a tool... it's a tool that you use to live the life that you want."
"Money doesn't have feelings; money is not emotional. This is just what the system is, and this is what is happening. So you can either understand it and learn from it, or you can choose to be oblivious from it."
"Abundance is a place where money takes on a different role for you."
"A person with no money and a lot of time is better off than a person with a lot of money and no time."
"Money changes people or it amplifies who they already are."
"I'm a very spiritual person. I don't care about money. I care about money because it helps me survive and exist, but I just want to trust in my soul."
"Money is an energy that it's a resource. Money is not good or bad; it's defined by how you use it. If your goal is to use money for a higher purpose and for a mission, it can be a beautiful thing."
"Money is a catalyst to open up thinking space."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, well, sort of. It buys happiness up to a certain point."
"Money is simply energy. You can attract it by saying, 'Money loves me, money clings to me, money comes to me all day every day.'"
"If you take the instrumentality of money and make it your intrinsic focus, you're destined for misery."
"Money is freedom and money is health and money is power."
"Understanding this behavior, both in the context of the relationship itself and in the context of how money factors into that relationship as a tool and a unspoken third person in the relationship, is something that a lot of us need to get a much better handle on."
"Money is power. Money is control. Money is admiration. Money is validation."
"Aim for happiness first, and if you're lucky, you may be rewarded with money."
"Money just magnifies who you really are; it don't change you, it just magnifies what's in you."
"Money does not bring happiness. What has the highest correlation is quality relationships."
"Life is not definitely all about money, but if you're smart enough, you will realize that money controls everything."
"Most of us don't know when we're going to die... That money represents all of the experiences that we didn't spend that money on."
"Money doesn't make you a better person; it just makes you more of what you already are."
"Money simply opens your options and broadens your horizons."
"When money is involved, then corruption within healthcare abounds and to a greater degree, when money is involved it corrupts all aspects of life."
"Money is not going to make anybody better; it's only going to fund the person that they already are."
"Money does not make you a good person, money does not make you a bad person; in fact, it really just amplifies who you are."
"See money as just a tool, it is an amplifier."
"I think that money buys freedom, and freedom buys happiness."
"No amount of money ever bought a second of time."
"Money is a tool for building abundance not just in your life but even in much bigger ways in the world."
"Money is just a very small portion of your abundance."
"Money comes after what you give out to the world; it's just a reward."
"Making more money doesn't give anybody the right to dominate in a relationship."
"Sure, making money is great, but it doesn't buy fulfillment, it doesn't buy happiness."
"Money is neither good nor bad, you know, the folk that said that money is the root of all evil or the love of money is the root of all evil, they just didn't have any."
"Money ain't gonna cure all your problems, but it does help."
"Money really means nothing in the pursuit of genuine happiness and purpose."
"Money is ultimately a tool. It's a tool to allow us to do the things that we want to do when we want to do them."
"When you make money, to me, money is just freedom. It's the freedom to either not work, to travel, or to be comfortable."
"Money's a tool, money extends the good you can do far beyond your own presence."
"Money is a tool. If you are a good person, money will give you the tool to do more good."
"Money relieves suffering in cases of true material need, but when money becomes an end in itself, it can bring misery."
"Money shouldn't be the meaning of life; it's just one side of our life."
"Language is the most obvious case, but there are others. How about money? Money is an institution; is it beneficial? I think, on balance, it is."
"Money is monetary energy. Money is energy at the end of the day, energy is conserved."
"Finding fame and money doesn't bring happiness at all."
"The more you chase money, the more it's going to run from you."
"Money is a tool. It's a tool to buy back freedom, to help you reach your higher self."
"Money is a defense. It will protect you from certain things."
"I don't think it's about money. I think it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with money because money is just a surrogate for status, for feeling like a valuable person in your culture."
"Money doesn't judge if it's good people or bad people; the money energy gets attracted to magnetic people."
"A million dollars is a life-changing amount of money, but she is a teenager; she'll likely blow it."
"There is this centripetal network effect with money, where we tend towards one. That's what the gold standard was."
"Money is fuel; it's a tool. It amplifies who you are."
"Money is just a medium for exchanging value. The only way to make money is to provide value."
"The first goal: Make money. The second goal: Keep the money. The third goal: Multiply money."
"Money does not make you a good person, money doesn't make you a bad person, money is just a tool."
"Money is just simply about value. It's what we value and then it's also how we value ourselves."
"Money shouldn't be the important topic, especially when first getting to know somebody because money can be made."
"Money doesn't fix your relationship problems."
"For women, we have shame if we don't have enough money, but we also have shame if we have 'too much.'"
"I think society was sort of designed so that we wouldn't talk about money."
"Money, like oxygen, when you got it, it means nothing, but when you don't have it, it's everything."
"Money can buy you a bed but it can’t buy you a good night’s sleep."
"If your life is about money, you do not have a life. Money is a byproduct of providing benefit to others."
"Money can buy you a bed but it can't buy you a good night's sleep; it can buy you books but it can't buy you brains."
"We believe completely to the core of our being that money meets our material needs, but it cannot fix the immaterial world that still accompanies those material needs."
"Money is the lifeblood of society. It is the fabric that holds society together right now."
"Money talks, but it don't sing and dance and it can't walk."
"Money helps with happiness... but does it buy total happiness? Absolutely not."
"I've always said, money doesn't buy happiness, but it's a damn good down payment."
"Money is just a tool, a resource; what we really want is the experiences and freedoms it provides."
"If you render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's... it seems to imply that God doesn't need your money."
"Money can't buy happiness—that's BS. That's absolutely not true. It certainly takes a lot of headaches away."
"A lot of people are...recognizing that money is less important to them than the relationships and their experiences."
"I love what I do, money isn't everything to me."
"Money has changed forever. Banking has changed forever."
"We're often told that money can't buy happiness."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys everything else."
"Money's not a bad thing. It's not a good thing. It just makes you more of who you are."
"Somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred from one perception to another, like magic."
"Money is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating this complex world."
"Money can buy many things, but nothing more valuable than your freedom."
"Money is not everything; there are some things way more important than money."
"Money shouldn't come between us. It's not about what I have or don't have, but who we are as people and how we treat each other."
"Money can never buy the lessons that you learned when you went through this rough patch in your life."
"Money is a creature of the state and as such, there is no financial constraint on government spending."
"Money is not everything. Money does not buy happiness, money does not buy peace of mind."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it's so much easier. Money just gives you options and freedom."
"We live in a reality that relies on money for everything. It's a tool. It is the tool of exchange. So why wouldn't you want enough to make it easy to live?"
"My new mantra ended up being 'Money flows to me easily and freely.'"
"You think money is a solution to a problem, but it's often a problem in itself."
"It's my goal to see money as something that we can celebrate and enjoy, but it's hard for me to get to that point because of how much it stresses me up."
"Money can make you happy up to a certain point... what truly makes you happy is purpose."
"Money is just a social construct, or an economic consensus mechanism."
"Money is simply a tool for expressing value across space and time."
"Inflation is a tax that we all pay for the fraud of money printing."
"Gold works as money, and with today's technology, gold will work even better as money in the future than it did in the past."
"Money means nothing. What it really means is your freedom. You sacrifice all this freedom in the past so that you could have freedom in the future when you retire."
"Money is not evil. It's just money. It's how you act with it that can be evil."
"I believe that money enriches lives and makes wonderful things happen."
"Don't think of money first, money comes later."
"Life is not also about having money; it's also having an impact on the other side of life."
"Money doesn't equal happiness. Money allows you to get things that could possibly make you happy, but money is not everything."
"Not only do I believe, but I absolutely know that you can manifest money very quickly."
"When you start in consciousness knowing what you want and getting excited as if you already have it, then money responds to that frequency and starts coming to you."
"Money doesn't solve problems... but it definitely makes [__] a lot easier."
"I'm just gonna pre-interrupt all the comments... Look at him talking so disrespectfully about money. Bro, I was like broke as fuck till I was 18, and I was just as happy then as I am now."
"The most successful fiction ever created is not any God. It's money. Money is also a fictional story that exists only in our imagination."
"Money doesn't buy happiness...more money, more problems is a real thing."
"You're offered fifty thousand dollars but if you accept it the person you hate the most in the entire world gets a hundred thousand dollars. Are you taking it? Yes, why wouldn't I? 150 thousand dollars."
"Money doesn't really mean much to me. It's important, but it doesn't drive my life."
"The way that money feels, the way that money acts is money wants to go to people that are adding value."
"Money is not real. You gotta realize it's something that we collectively give value to."
"Now that I'm older, I still view money as important, but now I also really value my time."
"Poor people trade their time for money... Rich people get other people results for money."
"I don't try to live my life thinking about money because money doesn't make me happy. Creating and making other people happy makes me happy."
"Money won't buy you happiness, but it can make problems go away that make you unhappy."
"Money doesn't solve everything, but without any, you'll solve nothing."
"Your attitude to money and property determines how much of salvation you have got in your life."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys you the freedom to find your own happiness."
"They say it can't buy happiness, but it can buy jelly beans, and that's almost the same thing."
"There is no choice here, one choice is money in this world and that's it."
"Their flag is green or gold. It's greenbacks or bars of gold."
"Every broke person thinks when they get money they'll be happy... and every rich person is like, 'Money is not the key to happiness.'"
"Money is a driving factor for a lot of people well I have to come to notice is that money it really doesn't make you happy doesn't matter how much you have."
"When it comes to money, we have an infatuation with money in this country."
"Money is gold and nothing else, though all the rest is credit."
"Money can't buy you love I learned that from the Beatles."
"Money is nothing but an amplifier. It will amplify everything about you."
"Whether you have a gift for or you get mentored by or you learn how to make a lot of money that should not determine happiness."
"Money is the number one tool society keeps its subjects enslaved with."
"Money offers real solutions to imaginary problems and imaginary solutions to real problems."
"Money doesn't corrupt the process, it's necessary for the process."
"Don't ever let money be the judge of anything we got going on."
"Money makes people do crazy things, right? Let's be real."
"People do things sometimes, especially with money. Money makes people do crazy things, right?"
"It's fascinating, human... Our relationship with money is fascinating."
"Money is a myth. It has no value in and of itself. It is a medium of exchange for goods, services, and ideas."
"Literally because when the money starts dropping, people won't be judging."
"Money does not like money has nothing to do with your happiness shame and money actually makes you a lot more miserable."
"You can buy experiences with money that can never be replicated."
"Money isn't everything, but it's also not to be trifled with."
"Money isn't real... what you're capturing and what you're tending to and what you're administrating isn't money, it's the energy that's attached to the money."
"Money is thicker than partisan politics, they might be blue and red on the outside but on the inside they're all green."
"Money isn't even real to these people... it's used to control you."
"It's not so much money that's the problem. It's the lack of any other values to put money and finances and anything else in context."
"At the end of the day, money is what ruins art capitalism is what ruins art."
"The only thing that has deeply affected me is when people say you're only doing this for money."
"Money does not buy happiness and money does not buy love."
"If you're having a conversation in America and you're not talking about money, you ain't having an American conversation. That's a fact."
"The money is just to facilitate the things I want to do; it's a means to an end."
"Money has historically been a sort of unspoken background character in these stories."
"Money itself is a neutral concept. Love of money describes your relationship to money." - Dr. Chris Martenson
"All the money. If you follow the money you will get your answers."
"There's no democratic argument for that whatsoever. That's literally just to say we want more money in politics."
"Seven million dollars gets you seven rounds."
"They're using their money to influence policies."
"Gold is real money, everything else is just an imitation of it."
"Money is not going to have value in my life because I didn't want it to."
"You see that money is a beautiful thing. You see that you can do beautiful things with money."
"The bottom line of bottom lines is not about accumulation of money, it's accumulation of control via the weapon of money."
"Control is overwhelmingly dictated by money."
"Money is a very universal stake that resonates all over the world in every different culture."
"The two things that this show hinges on are money and death, those two things are universally understandable."
"You can either make money or make a difference, you can't do both."
"Hey, all these bad guys want tons and tons of money in like two hours."
"Money feels good to go shopping and live free, but you're still a prisoner to that money."
"Money, I love money. More suffer means more money."
"Money is just a means of bridging the gaps between wants and needs."