
Creative Process Quotes

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"How do you deal with the soul-crushing, anti-creative aspects of the entertainment industry? I'm just focused on the work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being able to stay present in the work is probably the most important part of it." - Rick Rubin on the significance of presence in the creative process.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm interested in doing the next thing because I like the process of it so much."
"I guess I do this thing sometimes when I'm making a song, I'll sort of close my eyes and envision the music video or the place that it's sort of transporting me to."
"And now I'm going to come in with some brown and I'm going to dry brush on the white spray paint and can you believe it, look at this savings."
"At the 75% mark in every project that I do, I reach this point where I think I have no idea what I'm doing."
"Getting them out of my head onto the page so people can experience them is the thing that I love to do. It is what drives me every day."
"You end up making good stuff by making a bunch of bad stuff. That's literally the creative process."
"I love the way the creative process behind making the lore works for me."
"I think also you can actually enjoy the process a bit more when you take time with things."
"For this one, while the paint is still wet, I'm going to mix burnt umber with yellow ochre together and just spread it around randomly in some spots while the surface is still wet."
"Don't worry about how if you're an older person and you're starting art. You have to be comfortable with making bad, and it's going to take a lot of bad until you make good."
"Canva is a cheat code. Lightroom is a cheat code. And CapCut is a cheat code."
"You got to be willing to be wrong, I think, to do stuff that, you know, it makes the things that do connect even better."
"There's a magic to that creative process. And we, humans, are smart enough to notice the magic."
"No, computers are not taking journalists' jobs. They're allowing writers more time to write smarter pieces and more interesting stories."
"Hideo Kojima started the 800-page script for Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty in November 1998."
"The creative process that goes into a work of art is the most important thing; the work itself can be made of anything and can take any form."
"I enjoy the process of directing and writing, telling people what we're wanting to do and executing it in a fun way."
"The real clash is not between the characters, but between the author and the world."
"Filmmaking is very much a collaborative process."
"A concept is an idea that underpins your project."
"When you're disciplined in your systems, you'll be well equipped to ride those creative waves when they come, because the waves will come, they always come eventually."
"The moment that to me felt the closest to what these creators have done, it's literal horror."
"By the time you get this album out, like things might have changed... You're not getting this album out anytime soon."
"Write what you love, love what you write, love it enough to want to improve it. It doesn't have to upend the very foundations of storytelling to be creatively worthwhile."
"You have to make a lot of bad melodies to really understand how to make good melodies."
"This is what game development looks like: it starts looking pretty bad, you make it better and better, you hire better artists, and eventually, you should be able to produce something pretty cool."
"What makes me happiest is probably when I am in my office and it is 5 in the morning and my dog is there sleeping and I am writing."
"It's very rare to be involved in something where the only objective is to make this the best possible version of this story."
"Our goal is to keep adding more and more stuff forever, as long as we can think of cool things to add, we'll add more stuff to the game."
"I find that one of the most important things for creating a story that we don't talk a lot about is the non-writing time that your subconscious spends working on your story."
"Thank you for your patience. I'm sure you understand that when you factor in music production, art, research, writing, and visualizations of things, everything that goes into making a documentary can take a while."
"I record only when I want to. Recording is a step that I don't force because I see forcing it as a way to start resenting the work."
"It always works that way, so if you write something that is funny with just sound, you better believe that adding a visual is only gonna make it funnier."
"There's something about the collaborative storytelling that happens in this place and with the people that you guys bring together that is just... breathtaking."
"Releasing things, even if they fail, is great. I'm just going to use that as a measuring stick."
"We can always fix it later. That's what Pixar said."
"Ideas start from one mind, usually. Ideas come from one place or a minimal number of people, and I love seeing those go from creation to full product."
"A lot of my relationship with the audience is call and response. I make a song, people respond in the way that they do, and then I respond again with the next song."
"Getting back in the studio is such a safe place for me."
"I looked at what I liked to play, and then I copied it. That is my creative process."
"Through a process that I call releasing a game, I write the best thing that I can and put out there."
"When I make something I'm not proud of 100%, I drag my heels or I just don't release it outright."
"I'm Brent Black. I have a channel called brentalfloss where I add weird lyrics to video game tunes. I've been doing that since about 2008."
"Learning how to steal like an artist is an important part of any creative journey, but there comes a point when you need to take your influences and turn them into something that is distinctly yours."
"What I've learned in recent years is that what I used to call mistakes are what actually give the drawing its character."
"I think in order to make something good you have to love the thing that you're making, but you also have to kind of hate it. There needs to be a little bit of hate in there because what that hate gives you is it gives you a little bit of perspective."
"The joy of creating comes from the process itself, from seeing a simple idea evolve into something complex and beautiful."
"Great ideas often need time, patience, and sometimes they even need revision."
"You need to destroy in order to create sometimes."
"I've licensed ideas without even knowing how it was going to work because if there's interest then I'll go back and I'll build that prototype."
"We really are all co-creating these messages, readings, and videos."
"If you listen to the brief, the client's objectives, you listen to the story, and you make something that is purpose-built for that project, then the answer appears."
"It would be a great idea for a book, and that's where it came from really."
"For years, Groot has been in the comics, but somebody actually had to, before there was a James Gunn involved, one of the artists had to be like, 'What would Groot look like for real?'"
"The more you do this the more you'll kind of begin to intuitively feel shapes, is the best way I can really put it."
"I'm so happy with how this is looking but I have to stay focused and keep going."
"It's okay that your creative momentum stops every now and then and you might be burning things off that's just the process of growth."
"Avi revolutionizes your content creation process making it seamless and efficient."
"Start extremely simple, allow it to look terrible, repeat and iterate."
"AI generated art should be used as a tool within the art process, not as the final result itself."
"Feelings fuel the art. Emotion fuels the art, exactly."
"It's an anomaly. Trying to do the same thing in the same way, especially without the same advantages, could kill an entire GROUP of studios."
"Give them little areas of interest and just make sure they're working well with the less detailed parts."
"I find something even like really cool about that method because that's kind of the method."
"There's more that goes into it than just turning on a camera."
"Unfunny jokes and funny jokes start from the same place."
"When you have the engine, the talent, and the passion, that's how great influential video games are made."
"Will it make sense? Maybe not. Will it be satisfying? I've actually had fun building this."
"It's like a dance man like the choreography of the camera is like where's the camera going to be what am I going to be doing how can we do something interesting here."
"Writers have to be observers first, and you only get to a place where you can write about things when you studied it long enough."
"Short films aren't any more difficult to write than feature films."
"We're doing something we believe in, and the hard thing... there's gonna be fans of the first game that aren't gonna like the second game."
"And so when we had to come up with a new island, I'm like, 'I'm gonna build this island. I'm gonna build this snow island.'"
"It's not about the end product, it's about the process, the steps to get you there."
"Innovation is almost never just one guy in his basement."
"Writing a script forces you to think through everything about the issue, to have a much deeper understanding of it."
"Even the people whose work I like, their first draft sucks. That's just how it works."
"Writing is hard... There's a self-motivation guide."
"The development of a story... you got to be here for the beginning in the middle and the end."
"Adapting is an important part of the creative process, right?"
"Nobody is out to make a bad game, nobody at any point during the discussion."
"It's really hard every time I make a song to make a song and like the song might be like totally milquetoast and it was still really hard and that's like the funny thing about like actually creating anything."
"They just have a really good process, really high standards and they're very, very picky about what they think is going to be artistically excellent."
"Every time you create something, you're improving your skills. That's an achievement in itself."
"One thing a lot of people don't realize relative to their productivity, is how much progress, when it comes to creation, is impeded by clutter."
"Game design is an endless cycle of working out where we go from this to that to this to that."
"Feedback is hugely collaborative, and we try to push it to be as great as possible."
"That's the beauty of working on Xbox One X. It's visually stunning, but not only. So we were also able to make the gameplay evolve with the AI, the story, the quests, etcetera." - Ubisoft Creative Director
"When Stephen Richie added the word 'mortal' to the already written word 'combat,' they realized they got the perfect title for the game."
"This is the fun creative part of processing and really bringing this data to life."
"But if you're willing to put the work into it and think creatively about the editing process, you can come out with a really amazing video."
"Studio Orange is one of those Studios where you take as much time as you need to cook."
"Let's draw the head of the snake and the body."
"Sometimes you have to kill your darlings for the betterment of the whole."
"We just wanted to make sure that the content was always improving."
"Let's keep on designing though because I wanted to show you some other features."
"Creating is hard. The best we can do is sit down and create something, anything, and let the process organically unfold tolerating ambiguity, frustration, and changes in the grand plan."
"Trust your gut on all this if it doesn't feel right to you the story isn't right yet."
"Composer Basil Polidoris worked on the soundtrack for over six months generating themes for the film that were both dramatic, catchy, and vaguely military sounding."
"The process is still hugely rewarding to me, and I hope that the end product was able to give you some small amount of comfort in this terrible year."
"Graphic design does not have to be a scary process."
"It did really help push to drive the story forward."
"Striving to do something new and not leaning too heavy on nostalgia is a good thing."
"We have a song that'll be coming out before the end of the year that we're finishing up right now."
"We're gonna have a song out that we're finishing up right now that will be out before the end of the year."
"There's plenty for me to grab on to and to help use my imagination to try to build this character."
"Here we've got the golf balls right now for the extra part of the eyes."
"Gabe Newell: 'We're rethinking what it means to create a game or a gaming platform.'"
"My best work is when I didn't give a damn about the result."
"Most of my projects were taken from the very initial concept sketches all the way through to the opening day."
"I have a similar planning method where in my head I'll go like huh that's a cool idea."
"What serves the vision best? What serves the vision."
"Don't worry about overdoing it, it's okay if it starts off looking messy."
"Our job is to communicate the canvas, but we're too crazy to continue painting in the lines of that canvas unless we have people holding us accountable."
"I think there's a quite a good filter system and then when you had like this very sort of bare-bones short version of your story then you can add"
"Having a specific goal, doing research, and imagination."
"I just kind of let the vocals naturally write themselves in a way where I don't think too much."
"Your first work is always going to be very bad."
"Layer blending modes can really enhance your artwork, especially for shadows and lighting."
"And for the finishing touches you can already guess that I used some of the previous techniques to make it work."
"I feel like this is my process every single time I do anything: I'm like, ew, I hate it, and then I just keep working on it, and eventually it turns out okay."
"All the ideas that came to my head just happened to overlap with what Decked Out had."
"Unreal Engine 5 isn't just about making existing ways of doing things faster. It's about finding whole new approaches to transform the way content is made and experienced."
"This step is refinement... getting it to a place where I'm happy with it as a finished piece."
"Maybe that's exactly where they were inspired when they rewrote that."
"The first time you do it it might be crap. It will literally be the worst monster you've ever designed because it's the first. You'll get better every time you do it."
"It's best when it's collaborative, man, anything that you do."
"Don't ever do that. Just put it all in, you know? You're gonna have those horrendous days of like the ending where you're like just staring at each other thinking there's no way you're going to come up with anything and you do."
"In order to make anything good, you first need to make a lot of bad things."
"We made a game with really no thought of making a sequel or extending the story."
"Interpret and translate themes, not just illustrate scenes."
"Always trust the process, avoid rushing, and focus on concept."
"I genuinely want to know what really happened, especially because we spent so long writing and talking about all that nonsense that went on in that production."
"The most horrifying sight in the world is the blank page. All you can do is what makes the most sense to you."
"The goal of art is to have fun painting and enjoying it."
"Drake gives his best work in adversity... when he's mad at Kanye, he said 'that's when the [expletive] got into the beef with Pusha T...'"
"In terms of the premise, it was something that we had been holding on to for some time."
"An incredible amount of work... redraw and redraw and redraw."
"I think the care wouldn't be there to make work that you really think is incredible and then the success wouldn't be there so that pressure ultimately creates the success."
"This is the kind of game design that inspires."
"You have to give yourself permission to write badly."
"Writing a script is like putting together a puzzle."
"Now, part two, we're gonna get into my approach to vlogging and how I use story when I'm out crafting my videos."
"I also had the chance to design a few enrolled assets like vehicles, badges, and logos in collaboration with the character artist and environment artists."
"Yes, because I enjoy an editing process, and I think that editing is good."
"John Lasseter described the film early on as very, very clever and truly unlike anything you've ever seen yet it explained things you've seen."
"The film's creators also looked to their daughters and their friends for inspiration."
"Pete Docter has said the film story was one of the most challenging he'd ever had to put together because of the dual intertwining plots simultaneously following the emotions and Riley."
"From day one, I could tell when I pitched this idea, what if there's two friends, yes there was the, oh I had a troublemaker friend or oh I was a troublemaker."
"Imagining it is just the beginning, then you gotta write it down."
"The idea of the cabal feels analogous to Pixar's Brain Trust."
"The journey to becoming Iron Bat: A labor of love."
"This is an artist that doesn't just have one rendering style he actively decides between each project how he's going to render things."
"Musically, let the journey creatively take us there."
"It was very rewarding to see the totally different perspective than what you're used to."
"I think it's a little bit of the writers and the creators kind of hearing the fans' complaints, the fans' anticipation and impatience with the situation, and addressing it."
"We're the programmers, so it's like we're in the movie and also creating the movie at the same time."
"Creating this more original content has given him a better piece of mind."
"The closest I ever came to doing that would have been unintentionally maybe Nebraska during the Reagan years."
"Having some distance between the story and the feedback is very handy."
"So, it's not just about making sure the number of moons over a planet is correct. It's more about, you know, thematically, what are you going for and what's the best way to achieve that with Star Wars?"
"I have got to say I really what this one. I took my time and I enjoyed the process. I took all the time I needed, we worked on it for like two weeks."
"I think you should look at comedy as a process of discovery."
"Building a multi timeframe picture of the market is superior to drawing levels and punting."
"What have we learned today in this marathon? I mean, we just birthed an amazing video game."
"This whole thing is really an experiment, so I'm just splitting it, twisting it, and flattening it until I create the marbled effect that I'm going for."
"The moon's face was originally something I drew as a concept art sketch and it just so happened that I drew a face on the moon and Koizumi really liked it."
"This video that I just did took me a couple of days to script."
"There were six endings to the process... every step of finishing, there was this kind of saying goodbye."
"I just find making things by hand, the craft of it, it forces you to slow down and to think and to explore in different ways."
"In the silence of the man comes the courage to create."
"You try different things... eventually you come up with the one."
"Conceptually and creatively I loved the remix concept...it checked a lot of boxes...that spoke to the branding but also just made sense."
"With so many cooks in the kitchen, it's honestly shocking that anything ever gets made."
"The struggle when creating something fictional to create something real out of that which isn't real."
"The benefit of placing oneself in the thick of a screenplay is at the heart of writing is to take yourself to unknown places."
"Stand and Fight was one of the very first ideas we ever came up with."
"So now we have to create with unwrap a few areas of our mesh before we can drop the details on it."
"Creating your own content is a great thing, but just because you create something doesn't make it good."
"I want to make funny TV shows for kids and we definitely did that, but if I could go back I would get it done in different ways."
"I'm so excited to see what this turned out like... but yeah this is what I love doing."
"What makes great writing and storytelling is allowing yourself to throw yourself into the story."
"Chances are if you put down a color and you're like 'actually this kind of slaps,' there's a reason it slaps."
"Thank you for the trauma, I need it for my art."
"The end stages of character creation are extremely important."
"If you could find that person to really help you mold your sound and help you really mold your ideas, that just makes the music 10 times better."
"To create from a stance of not having to care about that, that's absolutely a luxury."
"Comics kind of know when we sit around and riff with each other, it's kind of our version of jamming."
"My favorite part of the process was showing my friends the work that I've done."
"Perhaps this doll's creator had wished for such a friend, albeit in vain."
"Curiosity is the most powerful thing you can do in storytelling."
"I was wondering, how it is different for you as an author, as a writer when you write things where you invent most of the characters and the setting from the ground up?"
"The Simpsons movie released in 2007 is one that went through a lot of changes and revisions in production."
"There's no right answers till you get to the final product."
"I honestly couldn't be happier with how this page turned out. I'm genuinely really proud of it."
"What distinguishes the great writers and storytellers is that they write and tell with a conscious effort to grab hold of tradition as if it were a piece of clay."
"Finding those related colors is just the first step."
"Like everything in Control, it shows a maturity - after Quantum Break, which had lots to love but felt muzzled by its weird TV show-game hybrid structure, this is Remedy back on form, and taking a bit of a hammer to that form in the process."