
Energy Quotes

There are 36695 quotes

"How do you view money in relation to your work? Money is just another form of energy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If most people focus more on hydration and movement, they would find they have two to four times more energy than if they focused on caloric energy and what to eat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise does indeed give you energy. It burns caloric energy, but it gives you neural energy by way of increasing epinephrine transmission."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain is an extraordinary organ that weighs maybe 2% of your body mass, yet it consumes anywhere between 25 to 30% of all of your energy and oxygen. And it gets transformed into a mind, and this mind changes the human condition. It transforms fear into courage, conformity into creativity, sadness into happiness. How the hell does that happen?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're going to talk about how to increase your energy, and improve and increase your immunity by leveraging the biology of cortisol and adrenaline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You need energy to be motivated; in order to be motivated, you need to be feeling good."
"Vitality... the state of being strong and active, energy."
Jess Carpenter
"Yin and the yang... twins and having the energy wrap around them."
Jess Carpenter
"I find immense energy, and all I want to do is write. I kind of tunnel into the process."
"It's really a three-in-one formula that can help boost energy, hit your weight loss goals, and provide clear thinking like nothing else can."
"It suggests that there's something about getting up and approaching that person, your body going here I come, that makes a person energized, feel more romantic, feel more chemistry is happening, and more likely to ask on a date."
"Where you place your attention is where you place your energy."
"The key factor in life is motivation, desire, the energy that you bring to it."
"You will discover your superpower, you will be motivated, you will find the energy."
"One of the worst things in life is when you've got no energy."
"This is a time of like a lot of really good energy in the air."
"The mitochondria are the power plants of your cells. They're in charge of producing all the energy your body needs to survive."
"The energy from this breakthrough formula comes without the crash you get from caffeine, sugar, or empty carbs."
"When you show your passion about something, people are attracted to energy that is passionate, that is grateful, that is fun, that is loving, that is expressive, that is creative, that is expansive."
"Nobody changes until they change their energy. And when you change your energy, you change your life."
"To truly manifest means that you feel good. Feeling good means your energy's free. You're inspired, you are receptive, and therefore attracting towards you what you desire."
"If there's been a period of stagnation...when you least expect it, when you're least looking, I feel like there is a new energy coming in for you."
"You are a magnetic energy. See yourself as being attractive, worthy, and energetically compelling."
"You're going to have more energy as you fast, not less energy. Think about it, if you have a lion who just ate, it's sort of sleepy, just wants to lie there and digest, but a hungry wolf is it sort of like falling over because it can't concentrate? No, the hunger is what makes it dangerous because it's dialed in, it's concentrated, and it's got energy to burn."
"See it in multitude, see all of that magical energy pushing itself out, healing, growing, manifesting in the future."
"Gratitude shifts your perspective, gratitude shifts your energy, and it raises your vibration."
"Dopamine is so powerful because it actually creates a reservoir of more energy, it's the desire to push on."
"The happy fairy of sunshine brings lots of life-giving energy. She reminds you to shine your light and to reveal anything in the shadows that need to be healed."
"Whatever is closest to Nature will give us the most energy."
"It's like second wind: suddenly you are powered up and ready to move forward."
"I think everybody would agree that they need a little bit more energy."
"Everything in our universe, when broken down into the smallest building blocks, is one thing, and that is energy."
"You are magnetic. There's something energetically different about the way that you conduct yourself."
"A good night's sleep, a diet, and some greens in your diet would give you energy."
"I am truly grateful for all your beautiful energy."
"You generate energy; you don't have happiness, you create it."
"Getting fit is a process. What I found was, suddenly, after about a month, I thought, 'I'm not tired in the afternoons anymore.'"
"You're going to be discovering new ways of filling up your energy to where you feel emotionally fulfilled."
"To me, X was like a big energy, bro. That's why I messed with him so much."
"We are all walking mirrors of the energy we put out."
"You have a very powerful energy... you're very unapologetic about it."
"You need to always be thinking of new, you need to always have energy, you can't do lazy half-ass streams."
"The universe is energy. Everything is energy. We're all vibrating at a certain level."
"Your energy, spirit, all of this forever, it's so contagious, infectious, inspiring."
"Wonder and optimism... how it only needs one in ten of us to show up in order to help fuel that energy in the world."
"Your energy is palpable. You're just full of life, you know. You're pumped to be around."
"When you're solid, when you're taking action working on yourself, your energy is strong and powerful."
"I think I'm emotional because she's next to me, and I finally said that in front of her."
"You've had your half, now let your spirit show you its half."
"The Empowered Light Holistic Expo is different from any other Expo because this is about centering your energy, centering your chakras."
"Einstein tells us that particles cannot be accelerated past the speed of light since that would require infinite energy, thus placing an apparent speed limit on communication."
"I'm here for the betterment of everybody that can vibrate on my wavelength or my energy."
"You're gonna feel quite inspired by this person, you're gonna feel quite inspired by this energy, and it's going to awaken and liven you up a lot."
"Nuclear fusion, I think, is also like quite amazing and I hope as a world, we can re-embrace that."
"You can add special ingredients to your light; the most powerful ingredient you can add is love."
"All life is the same energy of consciousness expressing in different ways."
"Einstein's e=mc²... tells us that energy and mass are equivalent."
"Each person comes into this life with a unique energetic signature."
"You really leveled up spiritually. People are saying that you're not how you used to be; you've raised your vibes."
"There's a level up in your overall energy. People just love your energy."
"You lift people's spirits just by being around. People crave your energy; they want you around because you raise the energy."
"Humility combined with a bit of wisdom from life experience but combined with an extraordinary amount of energy."
"Forgotten, hidden elements, positive and negative energy, representative of light and dark, the eternal struggle between good and evil."
"Yuki channels his energy and unleashes an insanely powerful blast."
"The universe is giving you this gift of love and energy and compassion, and it's just time for you guys to heal that heart."
"Whatever is not filling you up with life means it's depleting you."
"From that point forward, I made it my firm mission to always do things from a place of delight, curiosity, the things that give me energy."
"The words you speak are an invitation to life, a request to bring energy into a form. Choose your words carefully."
"Your thoughts determine your feelings and energy. Master the thoughts."
"Life is a manifestation of where you direct your energy."
"Opening your heart to give and receive is the highest energy of all."
"It's all about the togetherness, that original energy."
"Passion is simply energy. That's all that it is."
"Your purpose on earth is to figure out how to align your life so that you feel more energized and excited by it."
"Passion is the energy that you feel when you're excited, when you're expanded, when you're learning new things."
"Passion isn't something you find; it's not a person, it's not something you pursue. Passion is energy you feel."
"The only sensible way out of this really is going to be nuclear."
"The fact that these circles are all connected by the stone channels makes it very clear to any scientist who works with electricity or energy that the stone circle complex is a giant energy generating grid."
"Spirit is wanting to bring new love, new life, new energy, new friendships into your life to heal you from this sadness."
"Once you understand that the energy that you have is to be given away, you realize it's pretty abundant."
"Rest is productivity. Rest is what really helps us step into this powerful energy like the king of wands."
"Joy is the highest energy of all; it's a magical sense that everything is possible."
"Your energy is sacred, who you are is sacred."
"Not just a meeting of minds, but a meeting of energy... your divine counterpart coming in."
"Believe that it's just this darker energy must be faced and worked through."
"Friendship as a power source is both sustainable and renewable."
"Thank the universe, thank whoever's out there, but there is some sort of energy just bringing it together."
"Self-confidence opens you up to the energy required to carry you through each day at your very best."
"Your energy creates your reality. What I focus on is what I will manifest."
"The energy surrounding your manifestations is as far away from you as you are actively working your way towards it."
"Imagine a pure white light coming down from the cosmos... it works whether you feel it or not."
"Understand that there's balance and there's good and well...it's more about energy. Don't look at it as good and bad."
"We're going to look at actually looking at what is in your field, how do we start recoding your field so that you can actually be more in this world and do more in this world."
"This is a month for you where you do feel very... it's kind of like a buzz, like a very ecstatic, very electric energy."
"Perhaps when we die, we join the great beyond, the great significant energy of others."
"The emotions of human beings would be the only generator of energy capable of creating impressions on the observed reality."
"The law of attraction states that by focusing on positive or negative thought, you can bring positive or negative energies into your life."
"Your thoughts are real things. They go forth from you in all directions, combining with thoughts of like kind, opposing thoughts of a different character, forming combinations, going where they are attracted, flying away from thought centers opposing them."
"It's not set in stone; it's basically a way to read energy, to read opportunities in front of you."
"Your health can improve during that time, and you'd feel very enthusiastic and full of energy and driven."
"The heart is kicking off energy that we can't see... when we talk about people being in your space and you picking up people's energy, that stuff is very real."
"If you really want to bring India's power to bear, then you have to think about these things. Networks are energy. The moment you bring them together, it doesn't become 1 + 1 + 1; it becomes exponential."
"Energy is so important because everything's energy."
"I feel so alive, I feel so good, I feel so full of energy and so clear."
"Activism is straight voltage, and organizing is directed energy."
"It gave me a sense of purpose, an outlet for my energy and frustrations."
"This week, that energy at the press conference yesterday, best press conference I've ever been a part of. So, thank you all very much."
"I would start with the diet because the diet, the ketogenic diet, can have profound effects on mood and energy."
"It's it's medium-chain triglycerides... it gives you that great energy if you're trying to cut out sugars."
"Trying to gain power in a way that isn't right for them just seems so energetically costly."
"Where ever your attention goes, energy flows, and results show."
"With boundless energy, you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible."
"When you feel good, you are a super attractor."
"Think about the commitments that you make to the people that matter most to you, and would you break those commitments to those people? If you wouldn't break your commitment to those people, take that same energy and apply it to yourself."
"Fusion... literally water and helium come out of it."
"American energy has done more for human flourishing than any other sector. If you take away a country's ability to produce coal, natural gas, oil, you can look at the country of Sri Lanka... they didn't even have gas to cook on little stoves in their homes."
"You guys do have a gift that people are lured by; sometimes it's your energy that people are attracted to."
"When life is at its best, every aspect of your life is fun and enjoyable and gives you energy."
"Time and energy is what you mastered, but now you have to be aware of capacity."
"When we commit to something, we put all of our energy into that thing."
"Protect and honor your energy in a balanced way."
"The moment that you choose to walk away and focus on yourself, that is when so much energy and genuine happiness comes to you."
"Could we take inspiration from nature and use the Golden Ratio or golden angle to help wind turbines maximize the amount of energy from wind or water?"
"Heaven or hell is based upon how you create it, so the thoughts, words, and deeds that you create here, that's energy."
"If you really want to understand the universe, think in terms of vibration, energy, and frequency."
"To attract good energy, be kind to people because you never know what they're going through."
"All appearances are light, which are the dynamic energy of awareness."
"The opportunities now offer you to create life the way you want it to be, to create a new energy template through your way of being."
"You wake up feeling refreshed, more energized, and just like you had rock solid sleep."
"No matter what my energy level is today, I'm lighting my motivational furnace and burning with drive."
"There's no point in being horrible. I think it takes more energy to be unpleasant and it doesn't aid anybody."
"See yourself as free. As Stuart Wilde says, 'Once you raise your energy, you don't need to compete, and once you don't need to compete, you're no longer scared.'"
"You both bring energy equally and you have respect and honor for each other."
"This is a new chapter here, this is new energy."
"Money is simply energy. You can attract it by saying, 'Money loves me, money clings to me, money comes to me all day every day.'"
"This sunny spring day... the energy for the world is much better, much more progressive."
"Healing energy...you're really going to impact somebody's life in such a powerful way."
"You attract energy that's in harmony with you. You attract people that are in harmony with you."
"When you were a kid, you had tons of energy and rarely experienced digestive pain."
"Energy is everything. I think and I would argue that if there's one thing we want to improve more than anything else, it's energy."
"Caffeine's like a secret cheat code for feeling less tired."
"Your energy is more impactful when you walk into a room than your physical appearance."
"Every negative thought feeds it. Thought is energy."
"No person changes until they change their energy. And when you change your energy, you change your life."
"This is a total lunar eclipse which is more energetically powerful."
"Your energy will have the impact on priming your children for a better life."
"Bitcoin is a revolutionary tool that turns cheap electricity into a valuable asset, enabling the monetization of energy in remote locations."
"The way that a collective works is by all of us being present; the energy is stronger."
"Feel your energy is as light as a feather and as bright as a million suns."
"Truth is an energy, and everything that is not in truth is going to be shaken."
"Spirituality doesn't just exist in one part of the world or in one part of our lives; everything is spiritual because everything is energy."
"The will to do it gives you the ability to concentrate. Energy flows to and through you."
"The only thing that grows is the thing you give energy to."
"Nothing is created and destroyed, and that energy is just moving from one place to another."
"We human beings are made up of energy and we human beings are conscious, so therefore, in a sense, the energy that exists within our physical forms is in a sense conscious."
"Realizing the sacredness of your own energy, realizing the sacredness behind you and yourself."
"The message is simply saying that all there is is boundless energy, which doesn't need any influence to arise as something or wholeness."
"In meetings, the contracted energy of the separate 'me' seems to melt back into the boundless energy of what is."
"There is only boundless energy, and it doesn't run anything; boundless energy is wholeness, oneness."
"Free fall is just wildness, there's just energy, there's just what's happening; there's nobody in it."
"The truth of this connection is that there is mutual reciprocated energy here."
"When you're feeling gratitude and your heart is open, you're broadcasting energy into the field."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it drives energy to the brain."
"Protect your energy and protect yourself because the very same people who laugh and kiki and laugh and smile in your face make you seem like y'all cool are the very same people who are running their mouth about some [__] that you got going on."
"Things just grow around you; energy grows around you, people grow when they're around you."
"Vitality is the beaming force that gives energy and vigor to life."
"The energy that you put into something is the energy that you get out of something."
"Everything is energy, and our environment is our energy and impacts us as a whole."
"Passion is what you feel when you are energized and excited about what you're doing."
"What the energetic body eats, the physical body, the physical reality, the physical world becomes."
"Quantum mechanics you're always stuck by the fact that the energy of a light wave comes in these discrete packets."
"It's all about spreading love, it's all about positive energy."
"Gratitude does shift us vibrationally, energetically."
"Spirit moves inside out. We're transmitters as well as receivers."
"Your body is first and foremost made out of energies, just like everything else in this universe."
"Everything is energy. The money you want, the car you want, the house you want... it already exists."
"The law of vibration states that everything in the universe moves and vibrates; nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so are you."
"We are all connected at the lowest level, an energetic level called the unified field."
"Our thoughts can actually alter the physical properties of objects around us."
"I love the Wild Force theme song. It's very energetic, catchy, and it easily got me excited for the show."
"Electricity is fundamental and it is a humanist standpoint to say this is the critical form of energy that we crave as humans."
"Energy independence... is the most important thing."
"ESFPs are the people you want to have around if you want to have fun, 'cause they have nearly limitless energy and they can always brighten up a room."
"The fastest way out of absolute privation for the world's bottom billion people is through cheap energy."
"Everything's made up of energy. I am energy, you are energy, and my thoughts create this resonance between what I attract and what I don't."
"They're dreaming about you, they definitely pick up on your energy and your vibes."
"A wave can be thought of as a propagating disturbance that transports energy and information from one place to another without transferring matter."
"To love is towards energy. It's: 'I include you'. Fear is the exact opposite of the frequency of love: 'To dis-include you.'"
"Encouraging you to do something that feels good physically, that makes you feel energetic and strong."
"Self-confidence opens you to the energy required to carry you through each day at your very best."
"The sunlight that actually energizes life on our planet is fire that speeds up dead matter and animates it to the status of life."
"If you understood that it's the field that creates matter, not matter that emits the field, and if you could get to that place and change your energy with a clear intention and elevated emotion, your heart starts beating in this beautiful rhythm."
"Nothing changes in our life until we change, and when we change our energy, we change our life."
"By spinning objects in proportion to the ratio, you can use the energy of approaching infinity for various purposes."
"Charisma... that is an energy which, as you're interacting with others, makes them feel some kind of way."
"The energies and nature will teach you what we need to know."
"Understanding and altering energies is not just a tool for healing; it's a form of communication with the deeper aspects of existence, a dialogue with the very essence of life itself."
"Feminine energy is love, it is a relaxed state, it is free flow."
"It's so beautiful and so special, and the energy is all connected."
"God is all the energy in the universe... You can never be separated from God."