
Criticism Quotes

There are 40382 quotes

"Every new thing that I've done, I've been told it's a terrible idea and it won't work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human brain is, in many ways, amazing and in many ways, really dumb."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our goalkeeper is man of the match for me again. So what does that say to you about Manchester United?"
"Give me a break. The American public is tired of being played for suckers."
"What you do need to do is change one, just one aspect of your health, and if you do it, I can practically guarantee your health and life will change in a matter of weeks or even days."
"You need a friend, or hopefully friends, who not only are nice to you but who can sometimes be critical and actually help you grow."
"Every institution from the hospitals to the pharmaceutical companies to Med schools... make more money when more people are sick."
"We agree that the divorce court system is dreadful."
"Flat Earth is the bottom of the barrel... it is a denial of literally all of science."
"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
"The biggest companies in the world are oftentimes the most immoral ones."
"I'm the captain of petty, but when you call me out, I will sit and think and do some self-reflection."
"I would much rather bail out individuals who made mistakes... than bail out Wall Street for its unsound financial practices."
"No one doing better than you will ever criticize you; they'll mentor you."
"It's so strange that a movement that is called body positivity is so quick to discredit other people and not let them join."
"We don't do enough for our veterans. It's disgusting the way we treat our veterans in this country."
"Ignore the criticism...if something is working for you and people don't agree with your approach, just ignore it."
"I'm okay with being called out if that means that I learn something from the process."
"If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else?"
"The pricing and monetization is without a doubt greedy and predatory."
"Greed is a hell of a drug, and Payday was knee-deep in it."
"It's hard to fathom just how many bad choices and questionable decisions that this game has made."
"The very reason and rationality that many atheists celebrate, in fact, points to God."
"We all need to be emotionally strong to deal with rejection, criticism, and personal and professional failure."
"Criticism will only lead to unhappiness. Love and accept each other as you are, and your relationship will magically transform."
"You cannot be hurt by criticism when you know that you are the master of your thoughts, reactions, and emotions."
"His response is a big barrel of butt cheeks."
"You killed a million people in Iraq. It's incredible that you have the brass neck to be sitting here now urging another Iraq war."
"Just because you call someone fat doesn't make you skinny. Just because you call someone stupid doesn't make you smart."
"Being hard on yourself is not motivating; it's demotivating."
"Sugar baby culture is toxic and it needs to go away."
"If I wouldn't ask for your advice, then I don't value your criticism."
"That is criminal, truly criminal. You cannot win titles conceding goals like that."
"You ain't got to respond to your haters. Let your work speak for you."
"The live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender adaptation is terrible. I know, shocking."
"It's a simple surface level nostalgic resurrection of Avatar: The Animated Series without actually adding to or building on top of what the original had to say."
"China's Belt and Road Initiative is rapidly becoming a trillion-dollar disaster."
"The worst thing that can happen in politics is mockery and ridicule, much worse than castigation."
"I'm motivated by my loathing of the people in charge. I'm just against incompetent, selfish, nasty, stupid people being in charge."
"I care about reviving pride in that nation because if we get in the habit of just bashing that country, what are we bashing? We're bashing the last best hope that man has for aspiring to those ideals."
"You can criticize an artist constructively and politely without coming off as a toxic person."
"Physics has sadly not produced any forward progress over the last 50 years."
"I think the media is a driver of misinformation much more than the media would like to admit that they are."
"You could have been a man who stood for something, but what have you done since Nassau failed? Oh, nothing but murder and mayhem."
"The American dream has just rocked people to sleep. It's actually an American nightmare."
"Many people, including me, all of us here, believe [Scientology] leads to brainwashing."
"Never criticize, condemn, or complain. Carnegie says any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do."
"There cannot be one set of rules if your last name is Biden and another set of rules for the rest of America."
"I rather have a thousand haters shouting at my face than one snake that talks behind my back."
"People would rather build platforms trying to tear down other people instead of actually trying to find something creative to talk about. It is absolutely mind-boggling to me."
"The community, we need to come together and stop being so judgmental, so critical in our own community, work together."
"Everybody knows international law is a joke, but you at least have to present the argument from the framework of international law."
"The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man."
"I've said for many years, social media is a net negative on our society."
"Haters are motivators; keep feeding us the motivation. We're hungry for it."
"I'll give Super a lot of flack for a lot of things, but at the very least when they're focusing on Goku, they're actually giving him some arcs."
"We're not saying the virus wasn't real...but the way it was handled and the profiteering that occurred around it raises significant concerns."
"Bill Gates is the most dangerous of the billionaires because...he was the one who more than anyone else pushed an experimental vaccine into billions of arms."
"To suggest that things could just pop into being uncaused out of nothing is to quit doing serious metaphysics and to resort to magic."
"The swing in our fan base is incredible, you know, one game everything's fine and rosy; we're gonna get 21, the next game this team is awful, get Ollie out."
"Restrictive eating, which could lead to eating disorders, should be condemned."
"The YouTube style of conversation...is, you know, my idea of fingernails on a chalkboard."
"Criticism is the price. If you can't get over being criticized, you will never fulfill your potential."
"This thinking is so basic. Just because someone has a successful Instagram page, it doesn't give anyone the right to comment on her body or single her out."
"No matter what you do, someone's going to make fun of you... That's why I do whatever I want."
"The days of trickle-down economics are over."
"When you criticize, you rob yourself of your future."
"It's a pretty smart business model to like create the problem and then be like sell people the solution."
"That just goes to show you that just because one person doesn't like your art... that doesn't mean that the art doesn't have value."
"There's way too many people on Youtube who assume that their opinions are, A: useful, and B: desired."
"Gacha seems less like a game genre and more like an addiction, a hobby offering danger, excitement, and cute collectible anime girls that can also bring ruin, pain, and suffering."
"Reality always wins; it may take a long time and it may drive you nuts because they're gaslighting you."
"We have to know what something is the answer for and what something is not the answer for."
"All comedy is critical. If you start saying, 'We mustn't criticize or offend them,' then humor's gone. With humor, there is a sense of proportion."
"The whole point about comedy, and believe you me, I've thought about this, is that all comedy is critical."
"It's extremely important for people to be open to criticism, reading it, learning from it, and just being like a little sponge taking it all in."
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
"I would absolutely cancel the sneaker culture. It's wild to me that people would spend that kind of money."
"Self-acceptance is so difficult. It seems like it would be easy, but it really isn't. We are always prone to want to take the negative opinions of others as sacrosanct."
"It's easy to point fingers at others, but when you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you."
"Angry Birds is going to be the next Sonic, and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible."
"These timelines are so confusing; that's just lazy writing."
"I hate that pride is a deadly sin. It makes me crazy."
"Say it with me, it's not dark humor. You're just an asshole."
"Humor is subjective, of course, but using subjectivity to claim so much more about a show than necessary is a problem."
"If you need a translator, that sounds like a skill issue."
"It's not that you don't run them democratically, it's that you run it like an autocracy."
"There's a rot in this industry and it needs to be fixed."
"If you're trying to put out the fires of conspiracy theories, you don't do it by chucking a load of gasoline onto the fire."
"I think it's absolutely disgusting that they had such a difficult time here, and that the press continued to hound Meghan."
"For decades, we've under-invested in the public health infrastructure of this nation."
"Indifference is the opposite of love... I'm criticizing it because I love it."
"There is a difference, a meaningful difference, between good and bad faith criticism, and that distinguishing between the two is necessary if you want to improve."
"Adjust where you're looking for that criticism based on what you can handle."
"When somebody accuses me of having a bunch of bad takes who's marketed themselves as the premier internet debater, then I know that they know that my takes aren't spite driven."
"When you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."
"Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create and die protecting it."
"We are against the Illuminati at our own detriment."
"You're focusing on yourself, spoiling yourself."
"I view reactors as parasites that extract value from creators."
"Football's gone so soft, right, and you bring in the blue card now, it does nothing but aggravate and exaggerate these sorts of scenarios."
"Stop ruining the goddamn game and start taking some goddamn accountability."
"Why fix something that's not broken? You're trying to add these things and ruin our game."
"Straight up hating something without genuine constructive criticism is boring and lazy."
"That doesn't delete the hundreds of thousands of shitty things that people have sent to me, said about me, thought about me, or the way in which it has jaded me."
"A year ago, I made a video compiling, discussing, and debunking most of these. However, with Hazbin Hotel having finally released and a bunch more drama happening, I thought it would be about time to make a sequel to my first video."
"The vast majority of Viv's controversies are complete nothing burgers. Several of them were so long ago that they don't matter, most were debunked, and only a couple are genuine criticisms."
"Criticism for the sake of criticism isn't helpful to anyone."
"The answer is that Trump has always had a burning desire to prove people wrong, sometimes they're people he loves like his father, but more often he's spurred on by the thought of shutting up his critics."
"I'm my own worst critic, but having read the criticism I get every day, that's clearly not the case."
"The problem with criticism is that it's very easy to actually give it, but it's very difficult to give it well."
"I could sit here for 20 minutes and make fun of a person's AI image for having six fingers, four eyeballs, and two dicks, but not only is that just pointing out the obvious, it also fails to consider how fast this stuff is evolving."
"I don't mind when people hate me. I'm completely okay with that."
"People are going to hate you regardless. You can be doing all the right things and they still gonna find something to pick."
"If you're selling success overnight in a $2,000 course, I've been ranting about what a scam this is for a long time."
"Out of context is the only way people seem to be able to get at me these days."
"You literally think a piece of paper matters more than fucking results."
"If you live for the approval of man, you'll die by their criticisms."
"I think one of the dangers of being a critic is that your theories start to control your feelings rather than the other way around."
"Part of being a critic is reading each of your emotions well enough to understand what triggers them."
"You have to make peace with the fact that if you're going to do anything new or innovative, you're going to get criticized."
"Why are you trying to change what God gave you? You don't need surgery."
"Your views aren't total garbage. What do you want, a trophy? Do your own learning. Google's free."
"The metaverse was designed for corporations as a way to monetize every aspect of our lives on the internet. I mean, seriously, virtual land? You mean to tell me that the internet now requires you to buy land? Give me a break."
"You can't make a well fleshed out adaptation of Dark Phoenix if your Jean Grey isn't a solid character."
"Fraudalona has been found out; that's what I call them, Scamalona."
"The boogeyman of gaming has finally been exposed, and unlike the fictional mythical creature adults use to scare kids, Sweet Baby Inc is real."
"Video game companies aren't trying to be diverse because they want to; they're doing it for monetary gain."
"If somebody calls you a dog, you look at your bottom to see if you've got a tail. If you haven't got a tail, you're not a dog, it is the end of the problem."
"I've learned to be able to take, well, I've been learning, to take self-constructive criticism, to accept bad reviews."
"I think it's a serious offense to weaponize the emotions of the oppressed."
"Steven Seagal has become one of action's biggest punchlines, if not the biggest."
"The game's frame rate runs as smooth as a rusty bike chain."
"Diversity for the sake of diversity is tokenism."
"The most reasonable concern was that the bill was just too broadly worded."
"The irony of those saying that fantasy should resemble the real world is that their fantasy depictions much less resemble the real world than the older iterations they criticize."
"It's a pretty good idea to take criticism seriously."
"The reason people don't like it... is because it's an authoritarian, quasi-religious movement that preaches at people and does not tolerate any kind of criticism or dissent."
"It's killing democracy in the name of saving democracy."
"We ought to be critical of highly concentrated forms of power wherever we find it because that kind of power is usually subject to chronic abuse."
"I will gladly receive all the criticism after I reveal everything."
"Calling anyone who criticizes their position racist, transphobic, sexist, misogynists, etc., these morally charged terms are essentially calling someone evil or immoral."
"The woke left have gone so nuts, I do not recognize what used to be the kind of leanings I had as a liberal. They're not liberals; they've actually become a bunch of fascists."
"Hollywood is not a real place. I feel like it's just...drama, literally it's make-believe."
"It's almost like picking and choosing, right? When Christianity benefits you. But I feel like that's all religion."
"My problem with Gabby is she just tries to rewrite history to fit narratives that she created."
"Gabby is the one who wanted to go on this like Taylor Swift reputation era tour where she like tore into all the people she felt wronged her."
"Megan claimed that female activists are often dismissed by critics who want them to feel small and be quiet."
"Any time a person uses the term 'wrongthink,' you know for a fact their views are indefensible."
"This year's ceremony and it honestly might have been a 10 out of 10 for me if it wasn't for Jimmy damn Kimmel."
"To be clear, I blame Larry Nassar and I also blame an entire system that enabled and perpetrated his abuse."
"The transportation community has failed the disability community over and over again."
"It's no secret that the Academy absolutely does not respect the medium of Animation."
"The show has turned into performative art, where the logic issues undercut the big culmination of feelings and honor."
"Make sure your own house is in perfect order before you criticize the world."
"Our government has no respect for our national sovereignty at all."
"While the Oscars show was certainly something to behold, the red carpet we could have done without."
"Taking an existing character and altering little else besides the way they look completely misses the point of diversity."
"I hate the kind of weakness that that mindset breeds."
"People died because of who Governor Cuomo is and has been allowed to be for many years."
"It's not right for people to talk about it's not right."
"I think there's got to be a line drawn where it's like, 'this is embarrassing now.'"
"Entrepreneurs in this world get no value to haters."
"Anytime you feel like criticizing somebody else, just try walking a mile in the shoes they've walked in. It gives you a kind of humility because it is a long and challenging process."
"We've lost our way as a football club. I think we've become soft."
"We are not a respected country anymore, we are laughed at all over the world."
"It is absolutely inappropriate for a then 23-year-old to say things like that about a 16-year-old."
"The show does very little to help anyone who appears on it and is designed primarily to make Caleb and his team as rich as possible, all at the expense of shaming every person who comes on the show looking for help."
"A little skepticism, a little criticism, is really good always for the community but not too much, like a little spice in the soup of progress."
"The slippery slope argument... when it comes to the concept of neutering the free mod scene in order to encourage developers to work through the Creation Club, doesn't make a lot of sense to me."
"Don't piss on my face and tell me it's raining."
"I think it's a big argument from ignorance and just creationism in a lab coat."
"The vocal minority has a very loud voice, but that's the whole problem with the internet as a whole."
"Xenophage, as a raid exotic, ought to be better against tough PvE enemies."
"The gun play inside of Destiny is second to none, the feel of the game is wonderful, but Airborne Effectiveness has messed with that."
"This is not regulation. This is strangulation of the world’s commerce."
"The protection of the rule of law is a very strong, in my opinion, argument against identity politics."
"As Judge Dennis Jacobs accurately stated in oral argument, the piece critiqued the objectification of the holy consumer product of sneakers to be a collectible, and that that is absurd and a sign of cultural crisis."
"Social justice is a power grab; that's all it is."
"The only way we improve is when people point out the things that are wrong in our work or enough time has passed that we can look back on our old work and critique it with fresh eyes."
"Having somebody critique your work can be like a shortcut to faster learning."
"We can criticize someone without taking away their agency, without coercing them or interfering without their consent."
"U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made it clear that the U.S. stands firmly with Israel, criticizing those who have not condemned Hamas's attack."
"I don't believe in spreading hate, but rather to try to critically analyze."
"Keynesian economics is just inflation apologia; it's just propaganda to justify inflationism."
"I think in my wrapping up thoughts of this, I think from the beginning I can agree that we live in a broken society."
"Nothing can long survive a persistent enough cynical critique. Not an individual, not a movement, not a piece of art, not a society... not anything. And critical theory can be applied to literally anything."
"Hate is not criticism. Learn the difference."
"Success is within reach. Don't overthink it, don't listen to all of the criticism from others."
"If we continue to keep our faith in it, despite the fact that it isn't working in obvious ways that we can see every day, there's going to be a revolution and we're not going to have any capitalism at all."
"The prosperity gospel is criticized for preying on those struggling financially."
"Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted."
"When the moistest of Jesuses is talking about you and my brother Moist Critical dropped the video, the evil company is starting to collapse."
"I think they would have really wanted Senen to go through with committing suicide. I think they absolutely would have preferred that... it's [expletive] horrible to even think about something that evil."
"The ukulele apology video is not even close to as bad as this one."
"Social justice has become scientifically illiterate, logically unsound, deeply bigoted, and openly supremacist."
"All prosperity preachers are false prophets."
"All prosperity preachers... every one of them, are sent by the devil."
"I think one of the biggest weaknesses in our society is that people beat themselves up at every, single second instead of looking at it in a year's worth, or a life's work, or at least a month's work."
"You're only going to go up when you hear these kinds of comments. You're going to get better; you're only going to grow and self-reflect."