
Age Quotes

There are 5850 quotes

"I'm 55 years old, and I truly ride my skateboard as a career. That's nuts, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have seen thousands, yes thousands, of people dramatically improve their health even at age 50 and beyond."
"People still talk about Jamie Lee Curtis young... they choose to remember her in her 30s."
"Most people spend the first half of their life saying they're too young, and the second half saying they're too old."
"Being childlike has nothing to do with your age; it has to do with a mindset."
"I feel like it's going to take me until I'm 40 before I'm like, actually very comfortable with doing whatever I want to do."
"It's never too late to chase your dreams no matter what age you are."
"The more you change, the better you get at any age."
"When you get older, you'll understand not everything is so cut and dried."
"If David is still alive somewhere, he'd be 43 years old in March 2024."
"No matter what age you are, you still want that affirmation often from your parents or your parental figures in your life."
"Europe's oldest tree, in the heart of Europe, specifically in Italy, resides a remarkable natural wonder known as Italus."
"It's never ever too late to do what you want to do because age is just a number."
"On a wider level, the share of wealth owned by people under the age of 40 has shrunk from 13% to just under 7% over the past 3 decades."
"Rap's always been perceived to be a young man's game... It's interesting to see Hip-Hop get older and see more rappers that are over 40 have commercial and critical success."
"It's possible that you can teach an old dog new tricks. How many tricks, I don't know."
"Would I like him to be younger? Yes. But...we got decency and competency."
"The peak age for friends is age 29. After that, our friendships steeply decline."
"When you're 20, you're worried about what everyone's thinking about you. When you're 30, you stop caring what people think about you. When you're 40, you realize people were not thinking about you."
"Your grandma did a backflip, that's crazy. How did she even do that?"
"Harry Maguire's 31 in March, and Varan is 31 in April. So they're 31. I love it when people are so literal."
"After Chinese New Year, I'll turn 30, fittingly labeled as a leftover woman due to my age."
"LeBron made it his mission to show us that he's not exactly old, he's just chronologically gifted."
"Is there any way to determine whether or not we can truly have novel emotions past age 15, or are we really just returning to a feeling state that we have to recognize?"
"Most of the world hasn't even figured out what they want to be or who they want to be until they're thirty-plus."
"I also skipped ninth grade, so how old were you when you graduated? I didn't technically graduate high school because I was going back and forth between Canadian and American systems, but I finished my bachelor's when I was 20."
"The concept of being very aggressive in all stocks when you're young and more conservative when you get older makes target-date funds appealing to the masses."
"Do you think it's possible at my age to level up?"
"Women are often just more mature than men, especially at a younger age."
"I never actually felt like my own age or ever felt like I fit in until I went to college."
"You're never too old to benefit from exercise."
"We're more in an age of evolution rather than revolution, but that's still exciting."
"Why is my intelligence so low? Because of your age, man, you're like, you're forgetting. You've got dementia, remember?"
"I'm the happiest I've ever been now at 19 years old."
"When you're little and you pray, it's because you want something from the world that you don't know how to get, and when you're older, it's because the world wants something from you that you don't know how to give."
"We are living in a transitional age, a period and time of change."
"If you didn't know your age, how old would you be?"
"I was 31 when I had my first child, and the world frowned on me. Really, why? That's so weird."
"This is the greatest age of exploration. This is an age where you are all explorers with us."
"Like, the life of a fucking rock star at 30, man. Look at this shit."
"Happiness comes most easily after 40 by realizing that a great many years lie between 40 and 70."
"The danger zone is age 27 to 35 where women need to focus like a laser on the outcomes they want in their life."
"It's such a treat that I can do it, and I'm still at age 68, you can still go out and work and do it."
"It's never too late for you to achieve things. Don't let your age stop you."
"It's really funny because it's indicative of your mindset at that age."
"You're right in the age where you're gonna do the best stuff you're ever gonna do."
"You know you look kind of old to be a high schooler."
"Americans...are looking at the possibility of a Biden-Trump rematch and saying that is a lot of old people who are running for president of the United States with a lot of baggage."
"Bold predictions has reached chapter 20. Some of you are not even 20 years old and bold predictions is 20 tonight."
"I'm less certain about a whole host of things than I ever was when I was 20 years old."
"I think we will have 30-year-old pro players in five years."
"This course is really for someone of any age... you can start playing at any age."
"I may not be the youngest candidate in this race, but I will be the youngest woman president in the history of the United States."
"If you're young and not left-wing, you don't have a heart; if you're old and not right-wing, you don't have a brain."
"Age is not much you're too young to do, there's not much you're too old to do; in any case, why not try?"
"The more mature a woman gets, the more attractive she becomes."
"Tincture spends about as long as the number of years you are alive in minutes."
"We mourn the young who don't have a chance, but the elderly who have lived a full life... what more do you expect out of it?"
"I'm way too old to be worried about what people think of me."
"It's pretty incredible that the leader with 11 strikes and six in a row is 57 years old."
"One of the worst mass murders in American history has died at the age of 100. Let us all bow our heads for a moment of silence, not for him, of course."
"I never thought I'd say this, Dad, but you're too young to be the president of the USA."
"I am at peace with my age. Each age has its own special joys and experiences. I am always the perfect age for where I am in life."
"If you're 25, you can't pick up a guitar and be the next Jimi Hendrix or be the next Eddie Van Halen. Just, you're going to be 40 by the time you're great, and that's sort of too late to make it in a music career."
"You guys look younger than your age or you have had people tell you that."
"That Winston Churchill used to say that if you're not a liberal when you're 20, then you have no heart; if you're not a conservative when you're 40, you have no brain."
"The General Sherman Sequoia is estimated to be up to 2,700 years old and is recognized as the world's largest known living tree by volume."
"Learning to snowboard, I don't care how old you are, it's really, really tough."
"It is better to have a president who is a gifted old man than a stingy young man."
"Gravity... is the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age."
"Your age...doesn't reflect who you are on the inside."
"The things that you like when you're young are usually far different from the things that you like when you're old."
"I feel like society just thinks that a 23-year-old should have their whole life mapped out at this point, and I don't agree with that."
"Our souls, our spirits, are so infinitely older than we can understand."
"Maybe having kids later in life is actually a really good idea."
"A guy who's 35 is more attractive than a guy who's 25 to most women, on average."
"Some people add years to their life but don't add life to their years."
"Like an adult version of me, but much younger."
"It's not a Millen versus gen Z thing it's a stupid cringe thing and 30 is not even old that's the thing Millennials like they're not old they're really not the oldest age for Millennials are like 40 years old and really 40."
"Once you get past 22 years old, everything you do in life is going to be based on your reliability."
"You might meet the love of your life at 70. Some people do."
"I've been a rapper so a lot of people think I'm this old man 34 years old you know like oh my god I haven't even hit my prime yet right"
"You are not old. You are not getting old. You have so much life ahead of you."
"You can look sexy at any age but there is a difference between looking sexy and looking trashy."
"People who are over 65, there is a decent risk for people over 40, and the risk diminishes for people who are under 40."
"I put it out there so that people know because a lot of people feel like sometimes at this age people feel like 'oh, they're content.'"
"I mean, technically I am someone in their 30s who has a Life Alert."
"Being a 40-year-old GSP is nothing special. What if that 40-year-old GSP is better than ever?"
"Dreams can come true no matter how old you are."
"A 26-year-old Prospect to watch here in the bantamweight Division."
"I expect him to win, in fact, just noodle that a 40-year-old champion at a weight class this low, it is he is such a special talent."
"There is no fool like an old fool. A storm was coming but the winds were still, and in the wild woods of Broceliande before an oak so hollow huge and old, it looked a tower of ivy, Merlin's feet the wily Vivian lay."
"What about a lich that's a quarter of a million years old?"
"Let's talk about player retirements... retirement age closer to 40."
"I probably got in the best shape of my life at 52 years old."
"When it comes to talking comedy, the older you get, the more wisdom, the more knowledge, the more experience, so you truly do get better."
"Your best books are probably coming in your 80s."
"Tony's in his 50s still doing tricks that no one else has ever done."
"That you don't have to know those things. You don't have to be 40. Or however old they are."
"There comes a point in everyone's life when they realize that they're not old enough to reflect back on the things they loved as a child."
"Betty walked into prison with a life sentence for murder and at the age of around 70 years old she was walking out with a cane."
"Take advice from the oldest mentally sound person you know."
"If this current version of me turned up to me in my early 20s, I would just take one look at me and go, 'Is that what esports does?'"
"Her Majesty Queen Ramonda, daughter of La Mumba, ah, please. She looks so freaking good. Oh my God, look at the definition, look at the muscles, and she looking like that at 60, bro."
"He's barely above 35 years old, he is in fact exactly 38 years old today."
"She literally looks 20 years younger. She just looks amazing."
"My goals have changed drastically... from the time I was six years old to... sitting here at 37."
"Sit this year out if you're too old for games."
"Our bodies are made from billions of atoms which are all billions of years old."
"How old is the universe? 13.7 billion years old."
"Miss Robbie is 80 years old, guys, this ain't no damn spring chicken."
"No one's ever actually seen the crash of '29 unless they're like 92 years old."
"It's not how old you are, it's the twinkle in your eye."
"Everything that's important when I'm 20 probably isn't going to matter when I'm 26."
"That's probably like 400 years of experience back there."
"I'm too old to care what people think anymore."
"People take you less seriously when you are exercising adult agency or are attempting to be seen as an agent."
"When you're young and if you're not liberal you have no heart but if you're as you get older if you're not a conservative you have no brain."
"Absolutely insane, 31 years old and he's still killing it against the club he used to play for."
"Actual wisdom tends to come from older people."
"No matter how old you are, as long as your brain still works, you can do this."
"My 33 year old brain is better than my 11 year old brain."
"It's not their fault, and I don't want to say stereotypical, but I think it's fair to say that somebody who is 20 has typically more life experience than a 16-year-old."
"Younger does work in favors too, you know, I definitely see a lot of men spending and saying kind words when the woman's younger."
"We're taught to live our lives for how other people perceive us... Then you hit 35 and you're like, 'Well, I don't know who I am.'"
"I think the older you get the more you kind of discover from the issues that you have."
"It's easier when you're in your early 20s. You have some motivation to climb up the mountain."
"It's one of those trees where if you're walking in the woods you wouldn't imagine it to be 100 years old."
"There is no faster way to hide your age than wearing a pair of sunglasses."
"There is no morality then, is it subjective? Right, because is it immoral to marry an 80-year-old woman or an 8-year-old woman?"
"At my age, it's a pleasure to be anywhere." — Bob Dean
"I'm very young, I'm 23, so like most comedians don't peak until they're in their 30s."
"Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyes were not weak, nor his strength gone."
"But look what's 12 points higher Joe Biden's age and Fitness is for office nearly three out of four voters say that that is a major or moderate concern Joe."
"You're like 33, that's not a dis bro. I am 33."
"Generational wealth is a stretch, this man is 42 years old with a house that's worth a couple hundred grand and a Mercedes."
"Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable. Amen brother."
"I feel like I'm faster now than I was when I was younger."
"Tom Cruise tells me yes I can... 60 year old Tom Cruise, 60 yes you can."
"Mallet is 33 years old now but is not regressing"
"He's too old. Anakin will become a Jedi, I promise you."
"I'm like a little bit in a rut because I just I'm like what do I have to show for myself I'm 31 and I'm still doing the same."
"Age isn't an excuse but it plays a factor, it has to you because, you know, it's the reality of the situation but it's not an excuse."
"Do you think it's equally as easy to date for a woman at 35 versus 22?"
"I'm still a samurai warrior. I don't feel like the old guy that you just need me on the team for. They don't want it with me."
"I'm almost 30 years old. See, I feel so much better, I don't feel alone."
"It doesn't matter your age, a loss is a loss."
"If a 90 year old woman can do it, you can do it too."
"Don't retire, don't even think retire, refire."
"He was just burned out by the age of 42, he had just burned himself up."
"I'd much rather enter my 40s being a guy who has a talk show that talks about my life with my friends."
"I think this will be the toughest fight that he's had at 42."
"An Aldabra tortoise...died at 250 years old...age was unconcerned."
"Isn't it crazy... that Mikhail Bridges is older than Jalen Brown? Freaky to think about."
"It's important to have the ability to understand that people get smarter and more empathetic as they age and grow."
"Talk to old people, they'll tell it like it is."
"In my day, people in their 80s used to be retired. Sure Grandma, let's get you to Congress."
"Age is nothing but a number; it's all in your spirit." - Rick Wilson
"Being single in your 30s isn't bad luck, it's a global phenomenon."
"Age is just a number so long as they're both legal."
"Basic human decency shouldn't just expire at 18 years old for women."
"The true test of leadership is not determined by age."
"I'm a man 57 years of age and I like to promote the younger generation."
"It's just different to be 33 and to have... him leave."
"You'll always want to go back to being younger."
"It's not the number of years that you collect on the planet that makes you wise, it's your experiences."
"He's young, isn't he? He's a young guy in his 20s."
"He has to demonstrate that he is vigorous, that he is energetic, because the numerical age is a big number."
"Do what you want because that after you get too old to not see what you want."
"You could be a hundred years old and change it tomorrow."
"It's never too late to change. 27 years old, you know."
"She's not the same person that she was when she was 18 years old."
"As middle-aged women, we get to a point where we have to give Grace to that younger version of ourselves."
"Some people don't grow up, they just grow old."
"Nobody of that age should be talking to minors or trying to date them."
"He's putting the whole team on his back at 40 years old. He's like, 'Yo, I'm gonna do it.'"
"It takes you now basically until maybe your early to mid-30s to kind of start to feel financially secure."
"Granny Weaver likes to have paintings of creepy old ladies in her home well I'm an old man I'm gonna have paintings all around my house of old men."
"I think I have a 114-year-old great-grandmother... The main thing is we should respect women to the utmost."
"The Tundra is definitely the oldest truck in the segment."
"He'll be 31 by the time the last movie comes out."
"I love Matt Doherty, but he himself is only 18 months off 30."
"Because those sort of thing because I'm a good bit older than you when I hear a decade away am I you you will you'll experience you reach an age where you go a decade away oh probably not going to be around to see that."
"Betty Pariso is on a mission to prove that with hard work and dedication, age is truly just a number."
"Age when it comes to the soul has nothing to do with years."
"Late ah no no no no no no no, listen, I'm an OG, I've been around for a long time."
"You can find somebody probably that age or younger with more money."
"The optimal age for men is around 30 because by then a man is established, has a career, and can offer financial security."
"Technically it does become harder, but practically I've seen people who are 40, 50, and 60 change a lot."
"Mr. Claxton popularly known as Jawa is not your average Grandpa."
"Stop being depressed about it stop worrying you're not getting play in your 20s it's irrelevant dude that's when they have their powers."
"You got guys who are 26 years old... and they're virgins."
"Andre never wanted to be the old guy within hip-hop."
"Why laughing? Your age becomes the first person to perform a super summer in the piano."
"Gucci at 40 years old, man, is this something did you ever think you would make it to 40 and actually plan to be 40?"
"If a man can't find a wife and he turns to be 55 years old with no kids and he wants a beautiful woman, he got to pay, that's punitive."
"Respect seniors... it's the combination of both... finding the balance."
"Age is just a number, you are beautiful exactly as you are."
"It's funny seeing all the old OGs streaming as old guys."
"I have noticed as I've gotten older people buy things that they cannot afford."