
Work-life Balance Quotes

There are 5478 quotes

"The key is to figure out how much can you work each day consistently...while maintaining sleep, and mental health, and physical health, you're going to go a lot further."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What's burning people out is they're now in this state where they're saying I'm spending most of my day talking about work... very little time is left to actually make progress on the work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think work-life balance is best learned the hard way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Genuinely, I work so much, and I don't want to die young because I actually found a person that I love."
"It's time to start realizing that you can create abundance and you don't have to break your back in the process."
"The four-hour workweek tells you how to heavily reduce your work hours so that you have more freedom."
"I am content. I know I can make 150 a year, but the amount of work that it's gonna take... I'm cool at 75."
"The first sign of an impending nervous breakdown is the belief that your work is terribly important."
"I would rather have less success and spend more time with them."
"I wish I hadn't spent so much time at work, and I wish I had spent more time with the people I care about."
"You could be out running the world, but if you come home and your home is hell, you're not going to have peace."
"Is it possible to achieve work-life balance? I certainly hope so."
"I just don't want to give up. I know there's more to life than working 9 to 5."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have or how good your financial system is if you don't have the time to actually enjoy your life."
"Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."
"The focus fallacy: so many women are focusing on making a living, they're forgetting to make a life."
"There is nothing wrong with being a mom and working."
"This is great, not having to put your kid in daycare and they get both parents for 2 years."
"Best case scenario, you wake up and you fast... then you do your work."
"By flipping the switch, by learning about who you are, understanding yourself on a deeper level... will make your life at work and everything so much easier."
"Resting when you need to rest is productive and it is something that you should be putting in your normal schedule because that is literally what allows you to continue on working towards whatever it is you're doing."
"It's okay to not be productive every day. You shouldn't be productive every day. You're a human being, not a robot."
"The bottleneck is energy... I could choose to approach my work in a way that made it much more energizing."
"It's work when we know it's productive, we should work, and when we know there's a brick wall, we should let go."
"Healthy productivity means not hustling, not doing too much, not spreading yourself too thin, and not taking pride in overworking yourself."
"It's better to have a healthy balanced productivity where you're still getting work done, you're still proud of yourself, but you're also happy and at peace, giving energy to other areas of your life."
"Productivity to me is living a life that has equal and balanced amounts of work, play, and rest."
"Cooking, he's at least like a billionaire and knows all loads of other billionaires. He was like, rich people are the dumbest people because they continue to work for this tool."
"You don't have to work so hard...everything gets a little bit easier."
"None of it feels like suffering. None of it feels like a grind. None of it feels like work."
"Nobody in the history of humanity has ever achieved work-life balance, whatever that might be."
"Your job should never come before your physical or mental health."
"My daughter is more important than any paycheck or promotion."
"If you truly loved yourself, you would not want to put yourself in a situation where you are working 80-hour weeks, doing grunt labor, and just chugging stuff out, killing yourself, your body, and your emotions in the process."
"You can have a very whole life and not sacrifice everything. You don't have to choose between family and career or personal life. You can have them all."
"In general, I'm a big supporter of things like universal basic income, job security, unionization, the four-day working week, flexi-working."
"Beyoncé told ELLE, 'It could be stressful balancing life as queen bae and mom.'"
"I work hard, I do this, but there's so much more to life than that."
"I started an online business because I was working at a job, and I was attending school full-time in University, and I just didn't have that much freedom."
"I was only taught to work as well as play. My life has been one long happy holiday, full of work, full of play, and I left the worry along the way."
"The argument that I'm making is that working longer tends to be good for you."
"If you live for the weekend your shit is broken."
"From what I've learned, you don't need to work yourself to death to succeed."
"I want time to hang out with my family; I want to go to the beach and not be on my phone working the entire time."
"My wake-up call was my daughter asking me if I was going home when I was actually leaving for work...that was like, oh my god."
"I think it's just really good for people to have more margin in your life."
"The problem with being an entrepreneur is that you start obsessed with something and it becomes kind of your life mission. Then, concepts like work-life balance, health, sanity, they go out the window."
"You can work, you can be a classic woman and work, you can be a classic woman and be at home."
"Most successful and happy people in their careers know how to balance work and rest."
"We need to focus on creating better conditions to work, live, learn, and play."
"I'm not going to sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry. My family's going to be my first priority."
"I don't want to compromise my balance, so I don't compromise the time with my wife or family."
"Increased working hours typically results in less productivity, which drops sharply above 50 weekly hours."
"Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."
"Find the balance between your work, rest, and playtime, and you will have more energy, harmony, and productivity in your life. Take a power nap."
"It's probably the best work of my life and also was probably the saddest I've ever been."
"Our jobs are literally killing us. We need to find balance and not just treat the symptoms."
"I don't enjoy work-life balance because I've found that most of my happiness comes from feeling like I'm growing."
"Don't worry so much about work, you're gonna be making progress."
"Use your paid time off; it's not like an arcade where you can't get a bigger stuffed bear by saving your tickets."
"20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids."
"Do not underestimate the power of a good day off."
"No one on their deathbed ever said, 'I wish I worked more.' Everyone always says, 'Where's my family?'"
"You don't want to see your life with your wife and child as something you need a vacation from every week."
"Having a balanced life, I am so much happier. No amount of money or fame is worth your mental health."
"Optimizing your life for hustling and grinding is like optimizing your life around going to the bathroom. No, it's something you have to do; it's not the goal."
"No one on their death bed looks back and says, 'Gosh, I wish I'd spent more time at the office or I wish I'd accumulated more riches for myself.'"
"Look, I don't need my personal life invading my professional life."
"We will not enter the workforce as imitators of men. We will not deny the fact that we have children, and yes, think about them during the day. We bring those values with us."
"Most people don't have careers, they have jobs... and they quite like spending time with their kids as well."
"France has actually had to specifically grant employees the right to ignore work emails after 6 p.m."
"You need a strong support system and a healthy life independent of the science you're working on."
"It was the first time that, at a certain point, we realized we're not gonna be able to work, and that's okay."
"We live in a system that requires people to desire to want more, and since the cost of living is so astronomically high, people work more hours for less pay."
"Work hard and go home. It's part of the company ethos that people do their best work when they're fully focused, and then after work, they need time to be with their families, to do other things."
"Your career is such a huge chunk of time until you retire... if I don't love it every single day, why would I want to spend such a huge chunk of my life doing it?"
"I don't want to work a 9 to 5 for the rest of my life."
"The solution is not working 12 hours a day; that's just a recipe for becoming burnt out, stressed, tired, and maybe even a little neurotic."
"Dead time is where you work for other people. You have no control over your time. It's not your own. It's their time. They possess you. You're almost literally their slave. And alive time is that your own. You're the master of it. You control it."
"Make sure you have a healthy work and emotional life balance."
"You can still have free time in a capitalist system."
"Let's talk about how to build a dream life while working a nine to five."
"There is a different way to achieve success, and you can do it with ease instead of exhausting yourself."
"Focusing really hard when I'm sitting down to study gives me the ability to be so free and happy when I'm not studying."
"Life is too short, and if your work doesn't energize you, it's not worth the time."
"Do we have to wait 40 years to reach retirement? It just seems like such a long time."
"The idea behind mini-retirements is you work for 6 months or a year or two years, and then you take a one-month sabbatical or two-month sabbatical and do whatever it is you want."
"Work-life balance doesn't necessarily exist, especially if you're running your own company...everything's on you, even when you're sick."
"The money's never going to be enough... but one thing you'll never be able to get back or buy back is family time."
"It turns out that life is shorter than people think. You know, I've worked in female-dominated industries my whole life, and what I've observed is among men and women alike, that it's a very rare person for whom career is the most important thing in their life."
"Success does not mean having money... Working 24/7 is not success. It's prison."
"A regular 9 to 5 job has been a great way for billions of people to safely exchange a predictable amount of their time for a predictable paycheck."
"I've always tried to see YouTube as more of a hobby that yes, it happens to make money, but I don't like treating it as my job."
"It is a dream to be able to earn a living doing the work that you really enjoy, but also turning your hobby into your full-time job can ruin everything."
"Never before have we expected so much from our partners and never before have we expected so much from our work."
"Prioritize your relationships over your work, like your work is for your relationships, not the other way around."
"When you wake up in the morning and you don't have to go to work, that's not a bad thing."
"We just gotta stop explaining ourselves. Like, 'Oh, I gotta leave early because I gotta take my kids to the basketball game.' You say you gotta go, you leave."
"The whole idea of passive income is where you can make money without having to physically go to work."
"Psychological detachment from work means you cut off work mentally, physically, and you fully engage in out-of-work activities."
"You spend one third of your life working, another third is spent sleeping, and your last third is your free time."
"You have to make time in your life for your significant other and your family, and it's very hard to do."
"For being completely honest, I'm not at a stage where I have to go this hard anymore. So, I guess that would be the one thing I'd love to see over the next five years is for us to have more life balance."
"We work so hard... if you're not having a good time along the way, it's all for naught."
"A balanced lifestyle with prioritization of loved ones provides greater happiness and a sense of fulfillment."
"To have your living be play is what could be better than that."
"Get away, balance your life. Take care of your family, your spirituality, and good friendships."
"If you are burned out, or if you're in an environment that expects this of you, then it's time to just say no."
"You're not really looking for the breaks... you want to be enjoying what you're doing more than not enjoying it."
"My work life balance, from a friends and family perspective, is much better."
"Working smart, not hard, can lead to smoother and more aligned processes in your work and health."
"If you're making money from doing a thing that you love, then you never have to work a day in your life."
"The more you love a job, the more careful you have to be about keeping boundaries."
"I grew up in a household in which my father worked and my mother stayed at home... I regarded both working and staying at home as means to take care of themselves, support their own interests and responsibilities."
"Quiet quitting... you're doing what you're paid for and not more. It's about setting boundaries around what you're willing to do."
"Work-life balance is crucial, but having a spouse who believes in and supports what you do makes finding that balance a lot easier."
"I think the norm should be a four-day work week."
"I don't get the same level of stress that I used to from work, and I think a big part of that was realizing that I don't have to work at all."
"Do I have the capacity to be able to work 50 hours a week or 60 hours a week and still care for my kids, care for my home, and really pour into my marriage and put God first in my life?"
"I think society pushes women to work with feminism. They say, go get your bag. It's like, but you know, I think it's unfair for women is that we're pushed to do both."
"Women can have it all. And I think this construct of you have to choose this career over having a family... I think you can have it all."
"Work is a dirty four-letter word. If you find something you love doing, you'll never work a day in your life."
"We know a lot of people are juggling work and home life these days, so being able to multitask has become essential."
"The 40-hour workweek has a simple elegance to it: it divides working days neatly into three, with eight hours to work, eight hours of recreation, and eight hours to sleep."
"I think everyone can sort of relate to that, to not wanting your job to consume your life."
"I work minimal. I work what I want. I work when I have to. But nobody controls my schedule."
"Retirement is a really weird concept. Personally, I hate the whole idea of traditional retirement, where you work from the age of 21 until 65 or 67, and then once you hit that age, then you can quit your job finally and then do nothing until you die."
"We are living to work instead of working to live."
"An essential part of doing your best work means taking the time to recharge."
"Information blurs the distinction between work and non-work, or what we used to call life. And it de-links work hours from wages."
"Because the argument was made in the discussion of those papers that the reason why happiness is lower when people are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s is because they're devoting more time to raising their children and devoting more time to work."
"Daily routine is wake up, make lunch for my daughter, go to work, skip my lunch by going to...just to drawing, work more, go home, play with my daughter, put her in bed, draw."
"I'm so excited to get up to play with my son and then to start work because I love what I do."
"Your happiness may come from balancing your work life with your romantic life."
"The day you found your passion, you will never work another day in your life."
"I want to work more, but I also have the mindset of true success is I can afford to work less."
"Hundreds of millions of Americans will now no longer be subject to the common tyranny of the workplace and will have a greater level of control over their life."
"Some of us may have wished that one day we won't have to go through hardships alone again, and yet once again, this is what's happening to us."
"I don't want to die from overwork. If I die, I want it to be when I'm having fun or when I'm drawing manga for fun."
"The Sabbathless world we've built, especially for working-class people, is not a good world... we squeezed out the liberty of the Sabbath for the liberty of the market."
"I either gave up business for personal, and when I didn't, I gave up personal for business, but in a wise enough way that the kids didn't lose their minds because they didn't have a dad."
"If something were to happen to you, and you were to pass away, your job posting would be listed before your obituary was out."
"Only take on work if you've got capacity for it."
"Our improvements in science and technology shouldn't be used as a justification to work more."
"When it's all said and done, the job's the job, the money's the money, but... the only thing that matters is relationships and family."
"You're going to end up spending more time at [work] than with your kids... you better figure out a way for work to have deeper meaning."
"The value isn't in how many hours you work, but where you focus your attention, awareness, and consciousness."
"This is about bringing more balance so that you are having time to have a lifestyle and not just a work style."
"Why would you spend all of your life working in order to have a little bit of freedom at the end of your life when, if you could learn to live efficiently, you could adventure on life now?"
"It's easy to be pen testing and just be five o'clock, you know, and you start at 8 and you haven't moved all day."
"Work to live, not live to work. Isn't that what life is, bitch?"
"Nursing school is the equivalent of having no life. But believe me, it is so worth it when you are working three days a week; you're going to have four days off to enjoy that with your friends and family."
"It's a lot of work, you know, so just do what you can handle and enjoy it, keep it enjoyable."
"I'm not interested in just having my job and going home to enjoy my money. I want to make sure it's equal for everyone."
"It ain't that much hustling in the world. Everybody don't think about money 24/7."
"We don't really get a weekend... I like every single aspect of every single day."
"Spend time with the family. It's a novel idea."
"The secret to not burning out is just to enjoy the stuff that you're doing."
"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do, is relax."
"Do you work to live or live to work? For many of us, our job is essential to our identity, whether we like it or not."
"Zoom out... take time with your family, take time doing the things that you love and really enjoy that."
"People don't have to spend an hour or two commuting every day and sitting in the car, it's only more productive."
"Our jobs are so full-on... it's hard to find a balance because you go from being overworked to having time off... I hate waking up without a goal."
"Don't be here for 16 or even 10 hours a day. Be here, get the work done that you need to get done, and then go home. Enjoy the other half of your life."
"I just want to show up to work, make awesome stuff, and go home to be with my family."
"Working 24/7 is not success, Dad. It's prison."
"Gen Z and millennials are unique when it comes to demanding a work-life balance. They don't just want flexible work hours and environments; they want to work for companies that align with their own personal beliefs and values."
"56 percent of Gen Z and 55 percent of millennials said they would quit a job if it interfered with their personal lives."
"Expecting contact everywhere, even in my personal life, became a distraction."
"We should be working the least amount we've ever worked if we were actually paid based on how much wealth we were producing."
"Focus on something you really enjoy, and that way, you're not really going to work; you're going to play, and you make money whilst you're doing it."
"When you get the maximum performance now, you can show up and give love and attention to everything in life that you want to give love and attention to."
"Love what you do, hopefully be a good person, but also take time for yourself."
"I have children, and I'm concerned about them. I want to be a good father to them, and I'm not going to let any office or role get in the way of being a good father."
"Working from home... people started saying to themselves, 'I can get up at five o'clock in the morning to commute an hour and a half each way? I hate this. I'm not going to do it anymore.'"
"Our lives shouldn't revolve around work. Both parents have to work in a two-family home, or if it's one parent, they're working multiple jobs. That's not a life."
"If it wasn't for unions, you also would not have the weekend."
"When you close the lid, you're done with it for a bit. Closure matters."
"One of the core demands in history of the labor movement has always been freedom from production. The eight-hour day was the galvanizing demand of the international labor movement."
"We love vlogging so much, but it is our job. There's so much stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we don't share, and it takes a toll."
"I think that my generation is certainly pretty passionate about changing things, certainly changing the way that they work and live."
"Spending time with our family, having a little free time for ourselves, being able to go outdoors and do recreational things, that's important to us."
"Don't be afraid to take time off or take vacation time."
"The goal is not 10 million or a hundred million. Given the goal is just profitable, having fun, helping people, I actually should be okay with making more time for myself."
"I recognize that I'm very lucky to be able to work during a pandemic; however, I still need to do what's best for my mental health."
"If you have the right to work, you have the right to rest. Sunday rest, Pope says."
"Quality work does not exist without quality rest."
"This has led to an even blurrier line between work and life, because both now occupy the same space."
"Please take breaks; don't work yourself into a pulp because at the end of the day, we are all human."
"It's one thing to slave away for eight hours a day to support yourself and your family; it's another thing to slave away for eight hours a day and not even be able to support yourself or support a family or even get a financially like financial leg up."
"You know, even when I'm on vacation, I'm not really on vacation as long as I have a Wi-Fi signal."
"As the pandemic started winding down, people all across the world have been thinking about what they're going to do as the world opens up. Spend more time with family, find a better work-life balance."
"By introducing system into all your transactions, doing one thing at a time, always meeting appointments with punctuality, you find leisure for pastime and recreation."
"The purpose of human life is not to toil endlessly. Living can be so much more."
"Much better lifestyle. People here actually use their vacation days."
"For the modern millennial family, often both parents have to be working. So free time for these parents isn't always easy."
"Most people will spend the majority of their life working a nine-to-five job... but I'm pro-happiness."
"The reality was you could live in a rural area, have open space, have reasonably priced land and property, but still have a job that paid reasonably well because Phoenix has a market that could sustain that."
"So glad I was able to catch the end of the Kingdom Hearts run. If I didn't need to go to work to get money to donate, I would have been watching this GDQ all week."
"I've neglected my friends and my family for years for this place."