
Consistency Quotes

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"The key is to figure out how much can you work each day consistently...while maintaining sleep, and mental health, and physical health, you're going to go a lot further."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every time you meditate, it's like making a deposit in a bank. It's always there, every time you do it, you're building a base."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best deeds are those done regularly, even if they are few."
"Remember, true health isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. Consistency is key."
"It's not about what we do once in a blue moon; it's about what becomes a pattern in our life."
Dr. Stig Ekberg
"Small simple steps. Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"Showing up every day and from the charts, reading the tape, that means studying how it behaves without putting a demo trade on, without putting a live trade on, without trying to pass a combine on a funded account."
"We can all lose our motivation. The question is, do we regain it? Do we show up when it really counts?"
"One thing that will never change is my morning coffee."
"How you do anything is how you do everything."
"Consistency is what pays off and I think it pays off for a different reason than we think. Sometimes we want to see the physical or the financial results right away but I think a big part of it is that you're training your nervous system."
"The overlying theme of consistency is: don't quit."
"It's not about perfection. It's about consistency."
"If you're not consistent with all of these things, then you're not going to get results."
"If you're persistent, you can attain it, but if you're consistent, you get to keep it."
"Consistency compounds. Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"If you can do this stuff consistently, you're going to be just fine."
"If you can do that, you will see many of the benefits of longer duration by simply getting more consistent."
"The biggest key to successful aging when it comes to exercise is not missing training. We can't miss training for big chunks of time because we're hurt. We have to stay active."
"Every test makes it stronger. So, that's how you believe it. The fact that Kraft or beef funded it is irrelevant. The issue is, everybody who's ever run the study after me shows the exactly same thing."
"It can take up to 254 consecutive days for a new habit to take root."
"Consistency is key. There's no secret formula."
"You have to reframe your mind. You have to change your mentality and think, 'Nope, I am someone who's on self-improvement for the rest of my life. I am the guy who meditates for the rest of my life. I am the guy who consistently goes to the gym for the rest of my life.'"
"It's all about consistency, and if you're consistent with your healthy habits, you will see a difference."
"A very beautiful piece of advice I could give you right now to improve your mental health: get back into nature consistently."
"If something is not consistent, it is meaningless."
"People aren't who they are on their best days neither are they who they are on their worst days; they are who they are on most days."
"Great people in business, no matter how much money, success, or fame they have, maintain the discipline of what got them there."
"The habit is more important than the intensity at first."
"You can't just post one video, even if it's the best video in the world, and then just say that's it. Consistency is key on YouTube."
"Keep calm and keto on...you just need to be consistent."
"Integrity is a verb; it's not a noun. You don't have it; you have to show it minute to minute."
"A good man is not a good man when he's only good when he's good."
"We haven't consistently played good football for 10 years."
"Being consistent is about work ethic. It's about tenacity."
"If you want to be a martial artist, consistency is key. Not doing it one day a week; it's about doing it every single day."
"The best way to get better at something is to do it every single day."
"Success is success. It's being consistent and people don't realize, you just have to keep going."
"It's about recognizing that it's not the amount of time, but the consistency of it."
"We are still a long way to go, but this family will get there. They just need to be consistent."
"Making your resolution a part of your routine so there's something consistent reminding you to keep it up can increase your chance of success."
"This is not about intensity; it's about consistency."
"Consistency compounds. Put consistency with intentionality and you've got a powerful combination."
"The key to succeeding with any of these [investment options] is really just consistently investing your money month after month."
"Melee, in comparison, has been the same game since it was released and has stayed eternally relevant."
"The best deeds are the ones that are most consistent, even if they're a little."
"Truly authentic people don't wear different faces for the different people in their lives."
"I am my authentic self in all circumstances."
"If murder is wrong, then it has to be wrong for everyone because murder would be a human action that would be consistent across all humanity."
"Assumptions harden into fact when it becomes consistent in your life."
"Follow this process consistently every single day and you should see improvements very quickly."
"Expressing [concerns] once does nothing. If we're not consistent, then they don't get it."
"If you show up over time, one of the most consistent things that happens is you form communities."
"You should be coding something every day, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, 10 to 15, since every little bit helps."
"Focus on the action day after day... generally speaking, your feeling about yourself will change."
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
"Innovation is not a big breakthrough invention every time. Innovation is a constant thing."
"It's like going to the gym, you know? You don't go work out at the gym one day for six hours and then don't work out for a month. It's like, you go every day for 40 minutes, 45 minutes, an hour, whatever, but you go consistently, and soon, you get ripped."
"There is no shortcut. You have to consistently put money in every week or month."
"Everything really felt like it was meshing together, and I was able to really string together a bunch of good shots in a row."
"You can't get the benefits of meditation by just meditating once or twice; you have to make this a habit."
"Motivation will get you nowhere; it's consistency and drive that's going to get you far."
"Consistency means doing the same thing or something similar again and again and again every day, every week, every month, every year. Consistency is not exciting, but it's super effective."
"The first key to constantly improving is consistency."
"The best way to achieve big success with almost anything is gradual, small, consistent improvement over time."
"We'll see you same time, same place next week. Stay safe until then."
"Thank you for watching, we love our subscribers. Met so many of you, and you guys tell us you watch every day, and we are so glad to hear that. And that's why we play every day, whether we want to or not."
"What is greatness for me? It's how consistent you're going to be throughout your career. That's greatness for me."
"We got to keep the same energy that we give to anybody with this type of [expletive] behavior."
"Penguin Zero has been uploading two videos every single day and has been doing that for like the past ten years."
"Investing is not a one-time thing; you got to keep investing your money consistently."
"We have a system, a way of playing, and you know what you're getting from Manchester United now."
"I posted every Monday on YouTube for like four years."
"True wealth building is always slow and steady."
"People need consistency. Like, if I need to buy my skincare product and it's something I gotta get online and I ordered it on time and it's not here with a product run out, and I need to use something daily, I'm gonna be mad."
"Consistency is something I tell people. They say, 'Louis, what's the secret to the success of the School of Greatness?'... I just show up consistently every day."
"Review your goal every single day like clockwork...it's always on the top of your mind."
"The secret to success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time."
"I always like to say that the secret to success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time."
"The strongest force in the human personality is the need to be consistent with how we define ourselves."
"A big goal of mine in 2023 is to do at least 30 minutes of consistent, consecutive movement every single day."
"It's every single day. Consistency is the key to success in life."
"It's the little details that count, that one little bit extra repeated time after time that extra hour, the extra reps, the extra little bit of effort that little extra, with consistency adds up to a massive difference."
"Consistency is the only pathway to greatness and ultimately it's the only pathway to trust."
"Consistency is the only pathway to greatness."
"As soon as you go to the gym, you can feel like you're the type of person who doesn't miss workouts."
"Commitment and consistency over time...when you do things consistently with the level of commitment to your vision, it starts to pay off."
"Trust therefore is built on a few things: number one, that yes, there's someone there for you in a way even when it's inconvenient, in a way that's consistent. But in addition to that, even if at times there may be a lapse, there's an accountability."
"If you're doing what you're saying, and you're staying consistent with that, then you're definitely going to build trust."
"The reward for becoming consistent is to experience consistency in your life."
"Consistency is the bridge between dream and reality."
"Consistency is the evidence of maturity and the pathway to mastery."
"Discipline and consistency is the hardest thing to do."
"It's about the longevity, man. It's about consistently being great."
"Get better every day just a little bit better in your habits."
"This quality that has the potential to impact your entire life is your consistency."
"It's not what we do occasionally that makes the difference, it's what we do consistently."
"Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally."
"Success is simply doing the same thing consistently over time."
"Success... is taking a small series of disciplines and doing them consistently over time."
"We all need to be consistent and condemn the violence all the time."
"When you are consistent to something, the universe works with you to begin to multiply the outcome that you're after."
"Consistency, dedication... slow motion is better than no motion. Slow progress is way better than not having nothing."
"You provide the same experience for your audience; it is a superpower that superpower could be described as a unique combination of insight and vulnerability."
"Consistency, dude. The fact that he's doing it every day, that kind of discipline is what shows in his improvements."
"The rhythm of consistency is developed first in the mind."
"Healing is a law of nature... It's going to keep doing that, no matter what. It's not optional, it's not going to do it sometimes, it's going to do it all the time, because that's what it does."
"We're frustrated by the inconsistency game to game, but it's in the same league and it impacts people in a very different way."
"Losing weight is not easy; it requires time and consistency."
"Work and consistency, that's how you get name recognition."
"Consistency is absolutely fundamental in high-level sport."
"True masters rely on discipline, not motivation."
"Success is all about how consistent you are and system performance is the output and efficiency of your system over a long period of time."
"Consistency is so important, and to really be consistent, you can never deviate. The number one reason for failure and inconsistency is forgetting the vision, mission, and goal."
"The thing you most need is to always, not spasmodically, be your best self."
"If you're struggling to stay consistent on social media, there's a really big chance that the reason for this is because of your workflow or lack thereof."
"Some of the basic things that make people happy are remarkably consistent across countries, across the world."
"If I miss a day, fuck it, I miss a day, but I'll never miss two days in a row."
"You have to master that piece of content that you feel comfortable and that you can consistently do all the time."
"Maintaining your pristine decision-making abilities 100% of the time through this cycle...is going to be your biggest edge."
"Achieving what you want or not achieving what you want is seldom about your low point or your high point; it's all about your midpoint."
"The crucial element, the key to really doing it successfully, is consistency."
"You will not outwork me. It's not about being the best motivational speaker in the world; it's about being the most consistent."
"Simple daily disciplines, little productive actions repeated consistently over time add up. The difference between failure and success with a slight edge, you could be a millionaire."
"Consistency in the right directions is insanely powerful."
"The same activities that would take us from failure to survival would also take us from survival to success if we would just keep doing them."
"Just thinking about it makes me want to be more consistent. You can anticipate that eventually you do end up getting to a place where you build routines and rhythms into your daily disciplines long enough, you stay in motion long enough, and things just happen."
"It's one level of discipline. I think this is a lot like discipline, and I would say consistent discipline has been one of those prodigy-like strengths that I had."
"Greatness is consistency, or greatness is longevity."
"You always have to be consistent on that because if you can't be, people slip in exceptions whenever it's convenient for them."
"What makes a shooter feel good? Consistency."
"But I am looking to find hopefully a little bit of maybe a combination of consistency and upside with this selection."
"Healing, growing, evolving mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, it all has to align and it all has to be consistent."
"There's incremental change that does happen to people who take a small amount of time at the gym on a regular basis."
"Being rational means being consistent with the facts of reality."
"Consistency, my reading, my learning, my workouts, my diet... if you start neglecting all of that, it's going to haunt you."
"If you're lost, the answer is education. If you're educated, the answer is action. If you are acting, the answer is consistency."
"If you're really thoroughly consistent, that's going to be the foundation for you helping disciple someone else."
"Success isn't about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."
"Success is a marathon of consistency walked out one day at a time."
"Bill Gates... has made the Forbes richest list every single year since 1986."
"Setting up those small daily promises is crucial because it's the consistency that heals and creates habits."
"The water flow has to be consistent, and the channel geometry's got to remain the same, or wherever that whirlpool, that eddy, or Kolk is going to move around."
"The people who actually make results and get gains are the guys who not only train hard and consistently, but those who can get a training style or a routine that they actually like."
"Find something you like doing, do it on a consistent basis, get good at it."
"To achieve these goals you must apply discipline and consistency every day."
"Consistency is the key if you want to grow in any profession."
"Parents should love you unconditionally all of the time."
"The more solid your grip foundation is, the more likely it is your dot is going to be right where you want it to be every single time."
"Binding of Isaac on YouTube has been a thing for over a decade now... something's kind of never change, and I think that's poetic."
"Consistency and effort, that is going to get you the gains over the long term."
"The greatest miracle isn't a quick win; the greatest miracle is consistency, showing up for yourself every single day."
"The power of consistency compounds over time."
"The only thing that it takes for you to get to your goal is just moving in the direction of your goal with the effort, consistently."
"You don't have to be in the mood to be consistent, you just have to be disciplined."
"How you do one thing is how you do everything."
"The consistency of benefits from different countries, different centers, different investigators, all without conflicts of interest, is truly remarkable."
"A large part of building up your fundamentals is consistency, and that extends to combos as well."
"The importance of sticking to that one pattern is paramount."
"Moderation on social media platforms is never going to be perfectly consistent."
"Lower your expectations on yourself. Don't try to be an Olympic trader. Just be consistent."
"Consistency is going to be key. If you can't see yourself consistently for let's say six months to a year doing something, then don't do it."
"Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that focuses on delivering near-perfect products and services consistently."
"Commitment and consistency is that once we make a decision and we head down a particular path of action, we feel the need to be consistent with that course of action."
"Don't look for perfection, look for steady gradual progress, consistency."
"We can only ask people for so much, and once they repeatedly show that they will not honor the boundary, that's where you have to say this is my boundary with myself."
"Stay consistent and don't look back, because you'll miss it and just keep going."
"In real life, the big gesture isn't enough. You need to be consistent, you need to be dependably good."
"If you can replicate fast consistent laps from practice in a race, that's good."
"There's too many people that are just inconsistent with the process but then always want the result... it doesn't work like that."
"I think this mindset and also actually being consistent and then actually putting effort into the work that you're going to be doing makes you happy."
"If you do something consistently for 21 days, it becomes a habit."
"One of the most impressive things about Eli Ellis is his ability to shoot the ball the same way every single time they pick the ball up."
"This is straight hard work, dedication, and consistency."
"Skill comes with consistency. How consistent can you put this skill?"
"It wouldn't be morally right for me to say, 'Well, this is wrong, and this is right.' There has to be some level of consistency."
"You've got to just plug away and make solid returns year after year and save and invest your money, and it does work."
"Consistency and precisely consistent, that's really the key here just like the real thing."
"Someone who goes to the gym every single day and works out for only 10 minutes will get to the line of automaticity much faster than someone who shows up half as much but works out for one, two, or even three hours at a time."
"The way you do anything is the way you do everything."
"The greatest gift a man can give a woman is consistency."
"It's really like three or four steps, and if you follow those steps, you'll be doing this perfectly every time."
"You got to do it consistently, that's the key, that's the way you get better."
"Developing the habit, getting up every morning at the same time so that your day is very consistent, helps make the spiritual life easier."
"Consistency over intensity. That is essential to getting to that long-term goal."
"It's not about the intensity; it's about consistent action."
"Consistency is more important than intensity in every area of your life."
"The handwriting in the Codex Gigas is unbelievably, almost impossibly uniform. One person wrote the whole thing."
"I have never been more consistent with a skincare product in my life."
"If you do a good job of being consistent for the next 10 years of lifting and building muscle, you're going to love what you notice."
"The correct answer is consistency. There has never been a show that has managed to become involved in major controversy as consistently as South Park."
"It's important to find the best method for you, but when you do, stick with it."
"Consistent practice over a period of time is what is essential for language learning."
"Learning English is all about making it part of your life, maybe 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day, as long as it's consistent."
"The location may change, but the wine never changes."
"Stick consistent... you can't just try it out for a month."
"It's far more important to go to the gym every day for 20 minutes than it would be to go to the gym once a month for three hours."
"All you need is three things: you need to eat less, move more, and be consistent."
"In terms of consistency, this guy is remarkable."
"If you're not gonna be anything else, be consistent."